The fruits of the fertility s...

By Fluna98

1.6K 36 18

15 years pass after the girls graduate from Luna Nova, Diana is the director of Luna Nova, Akko is the teache... More

Leave me alone!
Surprise party
Gabriella Morris
Charlotte's Birthday
Gabriella's memories
The truth behind everything
Gabriella's past
I love you
Visiting Gabriella
Charlotte's Day
The Cavendish family
Laura's past
Ann Project
Playing God
The summer holidays
Going to the beach
Samurai Kagari
The spirit of Mako Kagari
Luna Nova
The peace of cousins
I love you Wendoline
Let's free Gabriella!
Ann Cavendish
Against all odds to beat Margareth
Your new family Ann
Have you seen Margareth?
Let's go find Margareth
Mako's proposal
Elle Williams
Christmas part 1
Christmas part 2
Victoria McLaren
The strange staff
The Scroll
Marianne's dream
An unexpected encounter
Marianne the fertility witch

The love stone

15 1 0
By Fluna98

- I eventually discovered that the second Diana Cavendish produced a version of the fertility stone that eliminates the need of true love and can be used with everyone.

Says Marianne.

- And where are you going with all this Mary?

Says Gabriella.

- When I graduate I'll probably be able to develop a fertility stone of this kind, but I thought I'd do it another way instead of using all those relics I'll do using fertility stones of the same kind Victoria did.

Says Marianne.

- But how will you make sure it works?

Says Gabriella.

- The fertility stone that the second Diana made is the kind that breaks into four fragments, me and Wendy came from one that comes out only one, the difference can only be in color, if this is confirmed I will start selling and spreading to all the witches.

Says Marianne.

- Now I understand the point you're making it, Mary, I'm with you, if you like, and I even offer to be the first person to test this fertility stone.

Says Gabriella.

- But it's too risky, Gabriella, witches have died trying to create the fertility stone.

Says Marianne.

- You are all standing, so it is a sign that the fertility stone you intend to create will work.

Says Gabriella.

Gabriella holds Marianne's hand.

- Don't worry Mary, I believe you'll make it, I intend to give many daughters to Wendoline.

Says Gabriella.

- Okay, I will, but be careful Gabriella, we will do our best to make sure that nothing bad happens to you, I will also test, but that isn't gonna be a true test it is a fertility stone that will come from the love stone of mine and Charlie I believe that there are no risks.

Says Marianne.

- And how do you intend to make these fertility stones without using the relics?

Says Gabriella.

- I will do as the second Diana did and I will fuse one fertility stone with the other, when they fuse two the fertility stone gets stronger, I will still use the most important relics, but I will only need to collect many love stones with Charlie.

Says Marianne.

Charlotte reaches into Marianne's ear and says something that makes her blush instantly.

- Charlie!

Says Marianne blushing.

- Sorry love, but that's the way I found to make more love stones, if we do the good naked thing in the love stone cave we should be able to create a hundreds of love stones.

Says Charlotte.

- And where did you see this?

Says Marianne.

- In the book telling about the origin of this love stone cave, there are other ways to create love stones besides the traditional kissing.

Says Charlotte.

- I'll think about it, Charlie, but we aren't gonna do with the girls with us.

Says Marianne.

- The book says we can make a hundred love stones at once with this method, why don't? We are girls we have the same things. What is the problem to them see us? They did the good naked thing too.

Says Charlotte.

- Charlotte! Oh gosh, because this is way too private to do.

Says Marianne blushed.

- We're thinking about going to the love stone cave tomorrow.

Says Gabriella.

- We can go with you, but we'll just create one.

Says Marianne.

- All right, baby, another day we can make that hundreds.

Says Charlotte.

The next day, Wendoline and Gabriella get out of bed and go into the kitchen for breakfast.

- Good morning, girls.

Says Hannah.

- Good morning, Mrs. Hannah.

Says Gabriella.

- We're going out in search of the love stone.

Says Wendoline.

- Are you guys sure about your love yet?

Says Hannah.

- I won't even question it, love. You know how those never stop.

Says Barbara.

- I know, but love isn't just that, it's got a lot more around it.

Says Hannah.

- These two have enough to make Gabriella live here with us.

Says Barbara.

- And you're going alone?

Says Hannah.

- Mary and Charlie are going with us too.

Says Wendoline.

- Then you're free, but be careful.

Says Barbara.

Wendoline and Gabriella fly towards the Cavendish residence and meet Charlotte and Marianne already in the air and then the four of them start flying towards the love stone cave, sometime later they arrive and land on the small island.

- So this is the place?

Says Marianne.

- Looks like a normal cave.

Says Charlotte.

- No one would notice that this is the cave of the love stone that is why the fertility stone is so rare.

Says Marianne.

- Or is it because of true love that it's so hard to get?

Says Gabriella.

- That's also it.

Says Marianne.

The four of them enter the cave of the love stone and are enchanted by the beauty of the place.

- This place is beautiful.

Says Charlotte.

- Your presence here makes that place more beautiful.

Says Marianne.

- Yours too, my love.

Says Charlotte.

- All Diana Cavendish spoke the same thing to her beloved, I just wanted to keep the tradition.

Says Marianne.

- But you aren't a Diana Cavendish?

Says Charlotte.

- I know love, but I want to keep the family tradition.

Says Marianne.

- What a cute tradition of always praising your beloved.

Says Charlotte.

- And we are going to keep that tradition.

Says Marianne gluing her body to Charlotte's.

- That way we'll end up making millions of love stones.

Says Charlotte.

- We've got the love stone, girls, it's your turn.

Says Wendoline nudging Marianne.

- Huh? But already? So fast.

Says Marianne.

- We took two love stones, the two of you who were about to get caught up here.

Says Wendoline.

Marianne and Charlotte go to the puddle of water and start kissing, a very strong glow emanates above the two, the love stone falls on Marianne's head, but the glow continues to emanate where the two were kissing, Charlotte and Marianne walk backwards with the love stone and stand looking at the glow that stops emanating and then go with everything towards Marianne who feels a slight poke in her chest.

- What's that?

Says Marianne.

- I think it was something related to the love stone.

Says Charlotte.

- But I love you, Charlie. I felt a little painful.

Says Marianne.

- I don't know love, let's find out at home. At least we got Mary too!

Says Charlotte with the love stone in her hand.

- Very strange what happened now, but it must mean something. I'll talk to my mother about it.

Says Marianne.

- Or could be a signal for us doing the good naked thing here, the water is so warm and nice here, reminds me of that time we did on the hot spring in Japan, you're so good at with her tongue...

Says Charlotte before Marianne interrupts her putting her hand in Charlotte's mouth.

- Charlotte! Girls you didn't hear that right?

Says Marianne blushed.

Wendoline and Gabriella were laughing at that situation and then they go back to their houses.

See you, Love Stone...

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