Primalcraft: Sins of Bygone d...

By Nefersita91

41K 3.3K 548

Blake and Jaxon is ready to take on the new year together but their peace is interrupted by dangerous games p... More

Information about the release
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Rituals in the Dark, Chapter 1
Rituals in the Dark, Chapter 2
Rituals in the Dark, Chapter 3
Rituals in the Dark, Chapter 4
Rituals in the Dark, Chapter 5
Rituals in the Dark, Chapter 6
Rituals in the Dark, Chapter 7
Rituals in the Dark, Chapter 8

Chapter 19

1.1K 94 19
By Nefersita91

The snow had melted away as blossoms had started to sprout on the trees. The birds had come back and were eager to reclaim their home while the moist grass attracted newly born bugs. Blake tried to avoid the grass as the morning dew made the dirt into mud and he had no interest in dirtying himself in the yard.

He tried to find a bench that was not drenched which turned out to be a difficult task as it had rained during the night. Blake yawned and rubbed his eyes as the sun blinded him. Why did it always feel like the sun was at it's brightest during the mornings? He let out a shudder as the cold morning air hit his face. He should have worn a thicker jacket.

He soon came to a halt when he saw a familiar redhead on the apparently only dry bench. Dale Hawker slouched in his seat not noticing Blake approaching. He looked better. The bruises seemed to be gone and he wasn't as pale though Blake could still see the traces of earlier horrors in his eyes as they were still filled with melancholy.

"Good morning, Dale!" Blake said gently not to frighten him. A failed effort as Dale winced at the sound of his name and looked up at him with disbelieving eyes that soon turned down to the ground again as he refused to meet Blake's eyes.

Blake decided to sit down by Dale's side without acknowledging Dale's sour expression.

"You look better."

"I look impeccable," Dale huffed in false bravado. "Why are you here?"

"I'm awaiting the result of the trial. It's going down today."

"I'm exiled from the pack, not daft. I know that the trial is today," Dale snorted before frowning at Blake." Shouldn't you be there?"

"No, Elliott refused to take me there. It was dangerous. If they decided to pin Fingal Keir's crimes on me then I would be safer here. The pack will protect me if the witches come to arrest me," said Blake with a shrug.

"Pin his crimes on you? They can do that?"

"Apparently so."

"Bloody hell. I thought I had problems."

"Yeah, apparently they want to punish me with the Rite of Animus."

Dale shuddered at the word, much to Blake's surprise. "You know what it is?"

"Not entirely, but I have seen the result. I went to the hospital taking care of one who had experienced it. The poor fellow had his brain fried. He was a vegetable who could only groan and drool. Not a fate I would give to my worst enemy," Dale muttered.

"And I am your worst enemy?" Blake asked with a smile.

"Please, at most you hold an honorable mention on the list," Dale snorted and Blake chuckled.

"Why did you even go to a hospital holding such a man? It must be a special hospital."

"Yeah, they held a lot of cursed people there," Dale replied.

"That is not an answer to my question."

"Fine, most shifters go to one of the asylums after they get chosen by a wolf. Most of the time there is no other way to determine what rank the wolf is until you get searched with a Noscere spell."

"What is that?"

"The Noscere Arts are used to examine a person's soul. In shifters case, it determines their wolf's rank. It can also be used to detect Dark magic on a soul. Frankly, I am surprised you don't know it as it also is used to search criminals' souls for the guild. If you are guilty of the crimes you are accused of it can be determined immediately," said Dale.

"So that's how they always know if someone has used Dark magic," Blake thought before sighing. "I'm guessing that they did not want to risk it if they wanted to pin the crime on me."

"True, but that proves that they know that you are innocent. Cold-hearted bastards. And worse, they did not care," Dale muttered. "Still I'm surprised that no one has used it in your defense. After all. If the other party refused to allow you to be Noscered then that is rather solid evidence that you are innocent."

"Yeah, that occurred to me as well," said Blake grimly.

"Pity, I had just started to think you were alright."

"Are you going to cry by my bed when I become a vegetable?"

"I might even bring a napkin."

Both chuckled as they both knew that would never happen.


Elliott sighed and rubbed his temples. Owen just looked grimly at the court. They had both gone to the trial but also soon regretted it as it was a farce. The representative of the coven, which was already a joke as it should have been a druid, made claims after claims. Throwing out lies after lies. All without evidence and no one seemed to care. Even the Harwens were quiet even though they clearly did not like it.

Idris Nemain was trying to bring order out of chaos but was constantly pressured by his peers coming all the way from his own coven to accept the "truth" and if he didn't they accused him of being impartial and threaten to have him dismissed.

This was no trial and the result was already written on the wall. Fortunately, Nemain had kept his promise and announced that Blake claimed to be innocent. Worked out of that angle. It was now time for Leon Graycrest to be questioned as he was a key witness to the incident last year and to Blake's character.

Elliott could only pray that Leon had not been forced to lie in order to save himself. It was clear from Scarlett Graycrest's contented expression that she fully expected him to do so.

"So you know Blake Oakley well?" Nemain asked.

"He is my friend and a student of mine. I am teaching him fire elementalism," Leon replied without changing his expression.

"Close enough that you might lie to protect him?"

Elliott frowned before he realized what Nemain was after. It sounds like damning question but it also means that he wasn't a reliable witness which would get him dismissed. If he said no, that means that he wasn't close enough to be of use and if he said yes, he was compromised. Leon had gotten way out of this situation.

Leon seemingly understood as well and opened his mouth to seal the deal.

"Objection, Justicar! You are twisting the question to dismiss him. Do you take me for a fool?" Scarlett yelled out loudly and Elliott grimaced at the old hag.

"Stop screaming in the An Ciorcal like it is some common whorehouse. This is the sacred court of the Circle. Do not speak out of turn," an old woman said among the circle members. Elliott recognized her as the leader of the Harwens.

"Quite so, lady Harwen," Nemain said with a bow to the old woman. He seemed to hesitate for a while before continuing.

"Please answer the question, Leon."

"He is one of my closest friends," Leon said without hesitation. Nemain frowned and Elliott mirrored his expression. That wasn't really an answer... At least one that they can use. Leon's mother seemed pleased and sat down.

"Enough that you would lie for him?" Nemain repeated the question.

"Please, proceed Justicar. He has already answered the question," Scarlett chippered and got a glare from the Matriarch of the Harwens. She merely ignored it as she was fully contented again.

Nemain had no other choice but to continue and Elliott was puzzled by the development.

"Calm yourself. Look at the lad," Owen mumbled to him and Elliott looked at Leon who looked determined. This was...

"What do you say about the accusations towards Blake Oakley. Are they accurate?"

"They are ridiculous. Blake is a kind boy despite experience the worst in people he is still gentle and defends those he cares about. Mind you, that all these testimonies do not even scratch the surface on that boy. A recent incident can tell you that. He went to defend a boy who had been abuse despite the boy had bullied him. He wanted to ensure that I was alright even though I have betrayed him as a friend. That boy isn't morally capable of hurting anyone-"

"Leon!" Scarlett rose from her seat with a stormy look in her eyes.

"Which we all would know if we used a Noscere spell on him which is the custom. Not to mention that he has just has discovered the magical world-"

"So he claims!"

"The whole trial is built on claims. Your claims are little more than slanders and still, you treat it as the truth. We know that Fingal Keir casts the spell. We have documents in his handwriting on how he created the plan. We know why because of diaries. But still, you dismiss proof because of random theories. What are you doing? Have you no shame?" Leon blurted out and had risen from his seat as well. He was about to leave the room when his mother shouted at him.

"If you leave here you will abandon your position as heir!"

Leon snorted at his mother. "Please, mother. The entire coven knows that you have intended to replace me with a female heir as soon as possible. You have made it widely known that you do not think that men can lead and despite having only a son. So don't even dare pull that ridiculous card here. It is pitiful."

Leon turned and left without another word as the court fell into chaos. Elliott left the room as well and caught up to Leon who was standing just outside leaning against the wall with a tired expression.

"Leon, are you okay?" Elliott asked.

"Hardly, but does that matter at the moment?"

"A student's welfare is always important to the principal."

Leon chuckled bitterly. "Then I'm still a student even though I missed so many classes?"

"Always... And Leon?"


"You are my best student. Please don't abandon me with the fools."

Elliott left Leon behind to sort his thoughts while he went back to the trial who seemed to wrap up. All stood on end while waiting at the judgment of the Justicar.

"Blake Oakley is innocent. So is Fingal Keir because of inconclusive evidence. Both are freed of all charges."

Nemain's voiced echoed in the room and none dared to speak against the judgment. The result had been as Nemain had warned them about. Elliott still preferred this one over the alternative. He nodded to his father who did the same. Scarlett Graycrest seemed furious. The Harwens seemed displeased as well as this would strain the bonds with the shifters.

Elliott must wonder if anyone actually came out from the trial with a victory.


Blake laid himself down on the bed closing his eyes. Coney lied quietly for once in his arms and only moved occasionally to get into a better position. The day had gone by as the sun sets. Alex had gone over to Hadrien to sleep. he had done so quite often this term. The result of the trial had been as expected but Blake could not help but to feel restless. Guilty.

Like this was all his fault.

He felt a warm breath on his face and opened his eyes to stare into two fiery eyes just inches away from his face. Ahriman gave him one of his mischievous smiles that most people seem to find sexy. Blake only found them annoying.

"Do you have to lay on the same bed as me?"

"Feeling shy?"

"I'm feeling cramped."

"You are not the one risking falling off the bed," Ahriman pointed out and Blake held back the impulse to kick him off. Blake's eyes instead followed Ahriman's features. He had heard from the others what had transpired in the church after he had turned. The burned that covered his body. They were now gone. Not even a trace of them could be found.

"Why do you hide them?" Blake asked and touched Ahriman's face. He wondered if this had been how Ahriman looked like before he was burned or if this was just a made-up face. He had always assumed that it was so since it reminded Blake of his own face. Not all though but some features resembled his own. He had never considered the possibility but if this was just a face Ahriman created then maybe he used Blake's face a template. To inspire familiarity.

"Because they are hideous. I would not want to scare you the first time we met."

"Does the burns still hurt?"

"Yes, since they are recreated everyday."

"What?" Blake frowned.

"Haven't you wondered where I go after I vanish? Where I stay when I'm not summoned?" Ahriman asked casually.

"Yes...Well, not really," Blake said honestly and Ahriman chuckled.

"I was born along with my brother but we were opposite of each other and he hated me. He saw me as an enemy. Someone who would destroy all of his good work."

"Was he wrong?" Blake cocked an eyebrow at Ahriman who snorted.

"Not really, but my brother's mission to destroy me was never realized. Well, until recently when he found out my greatest weakness."


"Something very important. That defined who I am. What I am. He threatens it so I conceded."

"Was it that important?" Blake asked.

"It became the very reason that I existed."

"Does he burn you?"

"Not directly. But he created a prison with acid rain and locked me inside. He comes every day and asks the location for my treasure. Every day I refuse him and have to stay one more day in that hellish place. Well, I did until you summoned me."

Blake stared at him," If I had known I would have made sure that you stayed with me all the time."

Ahriman laughed but just closed his eyes as if he had waited for those words. He smiled as he opened them. "No, that would drain your magic. Besides, my brother might track me down and kill you if I don't go back."

"Though, I really want to help you. I am very grateful that I don't have to fight a god."

"Yeah, for being the benevolent god. He sure likes to kill a lot of people," Ahriman muttered. "I saw you earlier looking through the grimoire. What did you study?"

"Nothing in particular. I just tried to find a way to create a new World Tree. With everything that has happened. I forgot about the acorn. I still haven't figured out what to do with it," Blake sighed and held up his hand showing the golden acorn. The last seed of the World Tree that sacrificed itself to save Blake.

Ahriman just smiled at him and Blake glared. "You already know what to do, don't you?"

"OF course, I am the evil twin brother of God."

"What kind of magic-"

Ahriman clicked his tung and waved his finger. "Not magic. You simply have to bury the acorn in the right place for it to take root and become a new World Tree."

"Then where?"

"You already know. You just haven't figured it out. Well, your previous experiences might be to blame for that. You will need to search your memories for the answer."

"That is of no help."

"Of course it is of help. I am very helpful. You just missed the point of the help I offered," Ahriman sighed and Blake grumbled as Ahriman petted his head like he was a dog.

"Carrot cake!"

Damnit, Coney!

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