Big Hero 7(fanfic sequel to B...

By KatherineOzawa

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Skylar Miazaki always had a normal life: just an average teenage girl attending SFIT & living with her family... More

Chapter 1: Introducing Me
Chapter 2: Another day at SFIT
Chapter 4: Aunt Cass, The Cafe, The Tragedy, and Baymax.
Chapter 5: Skylar meets the crew.
Chapter 6: The Invention
Chapter 7: Music of the Night
Chapter 8: A Dangerous Encounter
Chapter 9: It's All My Fault
Chapter 10: Hiro and Skylar
Chapter 11: A Major Discovery
Chapter 12: The Dreams/Nightmares
Chapter 13: The Rise of the Shadow Man
Chapter 14: The Music Showcase
Chapter 15: Best Night Ever!
Chapter 16: The Second Charm and The Plan
Chapter 17: Search for the Enemy
Chapter 18: The Car Chase that nearly got us Killed and The 1st Special Power
Chapter 19: Retreat to the Mansion
Chapter 20: Reflections of the Past
Chapter 21: Welcome to the Team!
Chapter 22: Band Practice
Chapter 23: First Day at The School of Music and Some New Friends
Chapter 24: At the End of the Day
Chapter 25: Expect the Unexpected
Chapter 26: Tadashi's ALIVE?!
Chapter 27: Back to the Robotics Lab
Chapter 28: Dinner with my Best Friend's family and some Upgrades
Chapter 29: Training Session
Chapter 30: The MIC
Chapter 31: First Battle & Return of a long-forgotten Rival
Chapter 32: The Mysterious Figure and Being Decieved
Chapter 33: Getting Even and some Hamada Drama (plus important a/n)
BH6 one year anniversary!!!
Important A/N!!! Must read!!!
Its been a while....

Chapter 3: Meeting Hiro.

485 8 1
By KatherineOzawa

The next day, I got up, done my hygiene, and dressed in a beige and pink striped elbow-length tee, a matching camisole,light blue boot cut jeans, and peach colored Converse shoes. I pulled my hair into a half ponytail, half fishtail braid, and added in a light pink ribbon. I rushed downstairs for breakfast and saw my mom cooking eggs and bacon. I always recognized my mom with my same colored hair and hazel eyes, wearing her favorite, "I'm Half Japanese and I'm proud of it!" tee, dark capris and baby blue flip-flops. My typical mom. I went up to my mom, kissed her on the cheek and said in my usual chirpy voice,

"Mornin', mom!"

"Good morning, honey!" My mom said. She came to the table and carried my plate of fried eggs and bacon and toast. Just the scent of it made my mouth water. I started eating, and soon heard my sister running down the stairs.

"Hey mom! Hey sis!"

"Hi, honey!" My mom said.

"Hey sis!" I returned as she have me a hug. I loved my sister, who definitely resembles me in a way: same hair color, same eyes, except she's 4 years older than me. But for some weird reason, she's always been supportive of me and whatever I do, besides mom. Not to mention, since she knows I have a love for music, she's got a job to work at the hottest club in downtown SanFransokyo: The MIC. It's basically a karaoke bar/ restaurant. It opened up some months ago, and it's become widely popular! Actually, too popular. In fact, that they had to double everything: the place, the employees, the atmosphere, everything! For more popularity! But that's the way it is to them. And my sister is determined to get me in, to sing and show SanFransokyo who I really am.

"See ya!" Kagomi yelled from the doorway, as she grabbed her light green jacket, and Gave a wink behind her back to me and I smiled as she walked out the door. I finished my breakfast, placed my dishes in the sink, grabbed my stuff, and ran out the door while I yelled to my mom,

"Bye, mom!"

"Bye, sweetie! Have a good day!"

And as I stepped out into the street, I suddenly had a feeling that today would be a good day.


By the time I got on campus of SFIT, I had 10 minutes to get to class.
"Shoot!" I thought. "I better hurry!" I started to run to the building where my lab was while stuffing papers into my folder. But as soon as I rounded the corner of the building, someone crashed into me. I stumbled backwards, and my papers flew from my hands and scattered everywhere. I laid facedown on the pavement, then supported myself with my hands to get up, and saw the mess where my papers laid. I scrambled to my feet to pick them up as I heard a deep voice say to me,

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!"

"No, no, I'M sorry. I-I wasn't looking at where I was going..." I apologized as I picked up my papers. I reached for the one to my left and just as I got ahold of the piece of paper, the person's hand was on it as well. I stared at their hand then slowly, gazed up, staring right into a face. It looked like a boy of 14: he had light-colored skin, messy black hair, and huge brown eyes, but since I was close to him, like, VERY close, I saw specks of yellow I'm his eyes.
"Man, he looks cute!" I thought."Wait! What am I saying?! I only bumped into the guy! What the heck is wrong with me?!" We stared awkwardly at each other for quite a while, then I broke the silence.

"Uh..."I said and looked away." Th-thanks! For helping me pick up my papers!" I suddenly stood up and so did the boy.

"Hey! No problem!" He said to me and looked down to the ground, sheepishly and ran a hand through his messy hair. I got another good look at him, and saw that he was about my height, and was wearing a red t-shirt, a dark blue hoodie, khakis, and black high tops with dark yellow laces.

"Well, uh...thanks again!" I said as I looked at him.

"Anytime!" He replied. An awkward silence soon passed. Just as he was about to speak, I decided to Not wait around anymore.

"Bye!" And casually walked away. As soon as I was nearing my building, I broke out into a run. I heard the boy call out to me, but I didn't have time to turn back since I had 2 minutes to get to my lab before the teacher caught me red-handed. Luckily, I made it to my seat 30 seconds before the bell had time to go off. But all through class, I was only thinking about the boy I met recently.

"Who was that boy?" I thought eagerly as I unpacked my stuff. "(Sigh) I hope I see him again! No-wait! Why do I keep saying stuff like that?! There's NO WAY we'll meet again!...will we?"I shook off my thoughts about the boy and focused on my work, but a piece of my mind still remained on the boy.


After the long day of schoolwork, I raced home. (A/N: Too lazy, so time skip to the house). As soon as I ran the through the door, I ran up to my room and started on my homework. (More time skip) after what seemed like 2-3 hours of working on my hoverboard, I decided to stop for today and save the rest for another time. I got called down for dinner: udon noodles and sushi!
When I sat down at the table, me, my mom, and Kagomi started eating.

"My day at work went well!" Kagomi started a conversation. "You would not believe the people that came up to sing! I practically laughed when some dude got up and sang, "Don't Stop Believin'" with his friends and at the end, they dumped their drinks on the main guy!" She laughed to herself and popped a cucumber roll in her mouth. My mom then looked at me and asked,

"And how was your day, Skylar?" I suddenly looked at her, and stared down at my noodles, and said with a smile on my face,

"Well, I met this boy today-" I suddenly snapped back to reality, realizing what I just said, and covered my mouth, which held a mouthful of udon noodles, and a California roll, shocked at what I just said. Suddenly, Kagomi looked at me, with a "looks-like-somebody's-got-a-crush!!!" Look and whooped at the top of her lungs, And started singing, (a la Anaconda by Nicki Minaj)

"My sister met a boy! My sister met a boy! My sister met a boy whom she just met today, yea!" And danced like a maniac around the table. Oh My God! I had never been so embarrassed in my entire life! I suddenly buried my face in my arms as I looked up with one eye to my mom and gave her a "Will-you-please-make-my-sister-shut-up-now-before-I-punch-her-in-the-face?!"look, but I saw a tiny smirk on my moms face as she kept eating her salmon roll as if nothing we're going on. But my sister soon calmed down and eyed me from the side, and I managed to catch her with a tiny smirk on her face, before I whipped my head back to my bowl of noodles and scowled. After what seemed like a long period of time, I said,

"Well, technically, I accidentally bumped into him as I ran to class, and he helped me clean up my papers, and before he could say anything else, I...took off." I muttered.

"Whatever you say, miss IN LOVE!" Kagomi snickered as I socked her in the arm, but smiled at her witty ways.


I sat I'm my room, bored out of my mind as I used my powers to move thing everywhere since I had no other joy to enjoy tonight. I moved my lamp and a stack of books, glowing a golden aura of glitter around them, then my lava lamp and desk lamp with swifter ease. I suddenly heard voices outside my window and panicked and quickly placed the objects back to their rightful spots. I suddenly crept up the window and saw 2 dark figures under a street lamp, the light flickering on and off. I ducked down under the window and dropped in on their conversation.

"Dude, you comin'?" I heard the 1st guy say.

"To where?" His friend asked.

"The Bot Fight tournament!"

"Bot fight tournament? What's that?" I thought.

"Dude, this one kid...he's 14, but dude! He's got a robot that tops all the others by its actions! I mean, No one can survive from that kid and his bot!" I suddenly moved my eves to the window ledge and heard the rest of the guys. I hit the record button on my phone as soon as the conversation was finishing.

"Well. I'LL be the judge of that! Where's it at?"

"The corner of Kyoko Dr. And Yuki Rd. at 7:00! Be there!" And at the last part, the 2 guys parted ways. One went left, the other right. That's when I smiled to myself, and I decided to clear my mind and take a walk around SanFransokyo.

As fast as lightning, I pulled on my shoes and I grabbed my grey hoodie, and crept to the stairs. I heard Kagomi talking to her friends in her room.

"Well, are you sure she broke up with him?...OMG! Now HE broke up with HER? But they've been dating for 4 years!" Sometimes, I just don't understand my sister. I rolled my eyes and silently crept down the stairs. As I made my way to the door, I heard sobbing in the other room. I peeked around the corner, and saw my mom, with boxes of tissues, and a ginormous box of chocolates and sweets galore. She was watching her favorite comedy-romance story, As the Tide Turns. I then saw my mom sniffle and reach for a chocolate as the main male lead said his line to his lover,

"But...but Angelina, I...I love you!"

"LIAR!!!!" My mom shouted at the tv and threw a Krispy-Cream donut at the screen. It hit the bottom half of the screen, and slid down, leaving a trail of sticky glaze before landing at the bottom by the tv. I tried my hardest to stifle my laughing and ran out the door and closed it silently behind me. Once I made it to the bottom of the steps, I broke into a jog and ran to the botfight.


I found the corner of Kyoko Dr. and Yuki Rd when I heard shouts and cheers coming down from an alley. I walked backwards to where the sounds came from and smiled at myself and walked down the alley. Garbage cans were placed on different sides of the alley and one alley cat hissed at me. I jumped a bit, but then sent a cold state at it and gave a bigger hiss than it gave to me. It meowed quietly and ran off. I snickered to myself, where I saw a group of teenagers and adults circled under a street lamp and cheering like there's no tomorrow. I got closer and saw what was in the center of the circle: 2 competitors, one on either side of the circle, and 2 bots in the center fighting it out. The man, a burly looking thug, with a cobra tattoo coiling around this right arm, his bot threw out a chainsaw and sliced his opponent's bot in half. The opponent, a girl with neon green highlights in her hair, stared in shock at her bot, which now laid in a heaping pile of junk.

"Our winner!" The referee called, a young woman with her hair tied up in a high bun and decorative chopsticks pinned in it. "The reigning champion, by total-annihilations: Yama!" The burly man, wearing a dark blue jumpsuit stood up from where he sat and took the money out of the dish and stuffed it in his jacket.

"Anyone else dare to have the guts to face me and little Yama?!" He yelled triumphantly. For a while, no one stirred. Then, suddenly a small figure appeared from the crowd and said, "I'll go."

"Well, well, well, look who's finally returned from the dead: Zero!" The man laughed as the other sin the crowd did. And the figure sat down in his spot and placed his bot, a small black bot with a yellow smiling face, in the center of the ring and placed a wad of cash in the white porcelain dish. I looked over to see the boy pull off his hood and reveal himself to Yama. I gasped in shock.

"That's him!" I thought! "The boy who helped me pick up my papers at school today!" I suddenly watched the tough man place his cash in the dish and sat down to begin. Soon, before I knew what was happening, the referee yelled out,

"Two bots enter, one bot leaves. Fighters ready? FIGHT?!" And soon, the battle was on: people we're cheering as the two bots fought it out. Then I heard the boy say,

"Megabot...DESTROY!" And before I knew it, the black bot's face turned into a red angry face and charged at the bigger bot. The bigger bot tried to saw the little bot in half, but the smaller robot was quicker and dodged the blade faster than lightning. It separated into 3 pieces and climbed up to the torso of the bot and ripped off its arms and coiled like a snake to the head and popped that off. I watched with fascination as the heaping pile of junk that once was the robot collapse to the ground. I took 1 look at Yama's face and saw it was a mix of shock and confusion. Then, the boy took all the cast out of the dish and said to the man,

"No more little Yama." He smirked and walked away. As did the crowd.

"Well, that's that." I thought and walked away with the rest if the crowd. But then, a loud roar rang out and Yama charged at the boy. The crowd ran out of the way to the sidelines and into a large circle to witness the showdown. The man yelled at the boy,

"No one beats Yama!" And lifted the boy by the scruff of his shirt and was about to deliver a blow to the boy's face. The boy, quivering in fear, closed his eyes and waited for the punch to come. I stood in the crowd in utter shock at what was going to happen.

"I'm not letting that man bust a skull on my watch!" I thought. And soon, I shoved my way through the crowd and landed by the side of the ring but enough to be close by the beating area.

"Hey, Yama!" I yelled at the man, as he turned his steely gaze from the victim to me, his eyes laid hard on my cold hazel ones."Let. Him. Go. NOW!" I snarled at him. But all the fat lug did was laugh at me as did the crowd.

"Oh look! The boy's girlfriend will save the day! What'll YOU do, brat?" He retorted at me and laughed again. I suddenly felt my cheeks get hot and my eyes started to spew fire at Yama. I clenched my hands into fists very tightly and said to him,

"This!" And I drew all my strength into my hands. I raised them above my head and screamed,

"Sphere of Fire!" And hurled a bright orange ball in his direction. Yama's  eyes turned from mean to shock as the ball of fire hit him in the stomach. He flew backwards into a pile of black garbage bags and lost his grip on the boy. The boy landed on the pavement as I ran to him. I pulled him back with me, as we heard a shout from the pile.

"You idiots! Grab her!" And 3 men, ran to me, their arms reaching out to seize me.

"Stay back! This'll be a little wild!" I pushed the boy back into the crowd and turned my head to face the trio of henchmen.

"Bring it on!" I bragged As the 1st guy raced toward me.

"Sun Bolt!" I flung a yellow lightening bolt in his direction, and it hurled him to the ground.

"Plasma Sphere!" And a bright green ball of energy was shot out to the second guy and pushed him into a wall. The third guy looked at me with fear and started to run off, but I hurled one last spell in his direction.

"I don't think so! Venus Gobbler!" And a tall green plant grew out of the concrete and towered over the man before swallowing him whole. I turned my attention to the crowd and said,

"Anyone else?!" And a sphere of fire glowed in my hands as I smiled evilly into the crowd. And in 5 seconds flat, the crowd vanished onto the streets. I started to walk down the alley back to home when a hand reached out to grab mine. I stopped at what was going on as I spun around to face the boy.

"Hey! Uh...thanks! For saving me back there! I really owe you!" He said to me and stared at the ground.

"You're welcome! It was no big deal." And before I knew it, he looked up and smiled at me, then he looked at me with amazement and said to me,

"You! You're that girl I bumped into at school! I helped you pick up you're papers!" He stated and pointed a finger at me.

"Yea. That was me." I confessed.

"I was about to tell you my name when you just took off!" He said.

"I was gonna be late for class!" I explained." By the way, I'm Skylar. Skylar Miazaki." I said and stuck my hand out to him. He took it and replied back,

"I'm Hiro. Hiro Hamada." He smiled at me and shook my hand. After he let go, we smiled at each other and soon, an awkward silence filled the area. I decided to break the silence and said,

"Well, I'd better get home now. My mom's probably wondering where I am." And as I turned to leave, he stopped me and asked,

"W-wait! Do you think...I can walk you home?" He asked and looked at me. I stared back at him, lost in thought. Later, I said,

"Sure! Let's go!" I smiled at him as he walked on my right. As soon as we hit the street, he said to me,

"Well, since we already met, I might as well tell you all about me." He stated and I said, with a smile in my face,

"Go ahead, Hamada." And we walked, side by side into the dark night.

(A/N: sorry if this chapter was long! I promise I'll shorten the next one! And. If anyone loves my story so far, please like it or follow me for more story updates!)

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