Bad Intentions {TVD}

By SammyjVega

101K 1.9K 271

Alina Gilbert is one of those people that you can't tell is hurting, but her twin sister, Elena? She basks in... More

{Season 1}
I. The beginning
II. The Falls
III. Okay?
IV. Brother Salvatore
V. Young love
VI. Dinner parties suck.
VII. Football and Fights
VIII. Wrong
IX. Not afraid
X. Death
XI. Mistakes
XII. Okay
XIII. Ruin Me
XIV. All i can do is grieve
XV. Hear me
XVI. Adopted.
XVII. It'll be alright
XVIII. No rest for the wicked
XIX. What trickery
XX. The Bachelors
XXI. It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood
XXII. Open Doors
XXIII. Who is in control
XXIV. Pageant queens
XXV. Family
XXVI. The she-devil
XXVII.Founders Day
-- Season 2 --
XXVIII. Ding dong the bitch is back
XXIX. Survival of the fittest
XXX. A full moon
XXXI. All the good times
XXXII. Kill or Be Killed
XXXIII. Always have a backup
XXXIV. Hide and Seek
XXXV. A flower
XXXVI. The Evil Doppel-bitch
XXXVII. Till death do we part
XXXVIII. A Full Moon
XXXIX. And All Hell Broke Loose
XL. Daddy Issues
XLI. The Boy Who Cried Wolf
XLII. Family Dinner
XLIII. The Unwelcomed Guest
XLIV. Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer
XLV. A dance to remember
XLVI. Klaus
XLVII. Last Chance
XLVIII. A new dawn
XLIX. A new day
L. If i lay here
~Season 3~
LI. Blow out your candles
LII. The hybrid dick
LIII. The moral of the story
LIV. Temper tantrums
LV. And the truth comes out
LVI. Teenage dream
LVII. The other side
LVIII. Day to Daylife
LIX. Another Dance
LX. Read the Fine Print
LXI. This Town
LXII. Bonds will be broken
LXIV. Danger Comes in All Shapes and Sizes
LXV. The Mikaelsons
LXVI. 1912
LXVII. Come on in
LXVIII. Murder for one
LXIX. Jar of Hearts
LXX. Don't be so Soft
LXXI. And the Sun Sets
LXXII. Dearly Departed
-- Season 4 --
LXXIII. Out With the Old, in With the New
LXXIV. In Loving Memory
LXXV. Back from the Dead
LXXVI. The Brotherhood of the Five
LXXVII. Murder was the Case That They Gave Me
LXXVIII. As Crazy as the Mad Hatter
LXXIX. The Keeper of Keys
LXXX. New Orleans
LXXXI. Faith and Hope Suck
LXXXII. Detention
LXXXIII. Run, Run as Fast as You Can
LXXXIV. Murder's a common occurrence
LXXXV. Where the Wild Things Are
LXXXVI. Way down we go
LXXXVII. Please Stay
LXXXIX. Cheerleader
XC. Nightfall
XCI. A second chance
XCII. Photographs
XCIII. Humanity for the win
XCIV. A game of survival
XCV. Cap n' Gown
!!New Book!!

LXIII. The Living Dead

635 11 5
By SammyjVega

I sigh, taking another shot. I motion for the bartender to bring me another as i answer my phone, "Lilianna, how nice to hear from you." I slur out. The bartender places another round in front of me and i take another shock.

"You're drunk." She sighs. "What happened?"

"Well, on your week-long trip to where ever the hell you went, i was cheated on, again," I grumble. It's silent for a second and i sigh.

"Where are you?" She asks.

"The grill." I sigh.

"Elijah and i will be there soon." She says before the dial tone clicks.


"So that's why Klaus is a dick." I finish off, taking another shot. Lili and Elijah give each other a worried glance, Lili pulling the tray of shots away.

"Well, I'm shocked you barely learned that." Lili chuckles. I hum, reaching over for another, Elijah quickly grabbing my hand.

"That's enough." Elijah says with a small smile, "But, you've forgotten to mention how close you and Niklaus have gotten." Elijah states.

"I hate him." I state, "He got what he wanted and he did whatever it did to happen. He ruined my relationship, just like he wanted." I grumble.

"He does have a knack for that." Elijah frowns. "But, in this case, we've learned he did that out of jealously."

I give him a strange look, shaking my head, "Am i completely wasted, or did i hear you right?"

"You heard correctly." Lili nods, "He was jealous of you and the Salvatore brother. It made him... annoyed." She shrugs.

"Damon and i weren't together, together at that time." I frown.

"But you did get back together briefly?" Elijah nods.

"But how the hell was he supposed to know that?" I frown. She shrugs and Elijah checks his watch, frowning. "What?"

"We have to go meet Damon right now, I'd ask you to join us but..."

"Say no more," I say cutting him off. Lili chuckles looking around, seeing the only waitress here, she waves her over and i frown.

"Don't serve her anything unless it's food or water." She compels, her and Elijah starting to walk away.

"You guys suck."


"You seem better." Stefan frowns as i walk alongside him in the tunnels, Bonnie and Abby, Bonnie's mom, trailing behind us. We're taking them to the locked coffin, apparently, Abby's the key to opening it.

"Don't let appearances fool you," I mumble, i see Stefan nod his head out of the corner of my eye.

"Slow down!" Abby groans, her and Bonnie having a hard time keeping up.

"Keep up, we don't have much time." Stefan snaps, he's still not happy with Bonnie for telling Klaus about the coffins and where to find them.

"Sorry Stefan, but i didn't have a choice." Bonnie apologizes again.

"There's always a choice Bonnie." I tell her, "You made it, and now we have to live with it. You told satan where the coffins were and he took them, all except one." I say shining my light on the coffin a few feet in front of me. Stefan, Damon and I aren't able to get to it since it's in the Story Cave and it's vampire proof now.

"That's the one that's sealed?" Abby asks, looking over at it. Stefan hums in conformation, Bonnie and Abby walking in, "Aren't you two coming in?"

"Vampires can't get in," I state.

"Damon had to compel a couple of the Lockwood gardeners to bring the coffin in," Stefan adds.

"This is a bad idea..." Abby sighs.

"Look, if you're really the key to opening up that coffin, I think it's a pretty safe bet you're on Klaus' hit list," Stefan explains. "So, i suggest you hide out here and figure out a way to open the damn thing." Stefan glares.

"I told you tow i don't have any powers." She huffs.

"And we don't believe you," I say in the same tone. "Times ticking. It won't be long before Klaus calls his Hybrids to find the coffin and kill us all. So dig deep, Abby Bennett. Scrape out whatever magic you have left." I demand, she stays silent and i turn around going to follow Stefan, but the feeling of Bonnie's hand on my wrist makes me stop.

"Hey, how are you?" She asks with a frown, i quirk a brow and she sighs, "I want you to know I'm here for you, okay?"

I stand there in silence for a second before i nod, "Just get the coffin open." I speed over to Stefan, my face falling when i see Elena. Stefan holds his hand out in front of me, frowning at Elena.

"What are you doing here?" He asks.

"Bonnie told me that you guys would be here." She sighs, "We need to talk."

"Well, there's nothing to talk about." Stefan states, "We're just focused on getting this coffin open." Stefan pulls me towards the exit.

"Did one of you kill the medical examiner? Or both of you?" Elena questions.

I turn to look at her, shaking my head. "Why would you think we did that?"

"Maybe because i have no clue what you two are capable of anymore." She frowns.

"Believe what you want, Elena." Stefan scoffs, pulling me to start walking again.

"I don't want to believe any of it, Stefan." She frowns.

"But you had to ask us anyways." He snaps.

"Stefan, Alina..." She frowns.

"Did you ask Damon if he killed anybody lately?" I ask, my voice cracking slightly, "Oh wait, you two just spend every second together, so..." I trail off. Stefan puts a hand on the small of my back, leading me out of the tunnel.

"Come on, let's go."


I walk back into Stefan's room, seeing Damon. "Alina."

"Why are you in here?" I glare.

"I was looking for you and Stefan," He states, Stefan, walks out of the bathroom and he sighs, "There you are, come on, you two, get ready, we're going out."

"Yeah, how about not." I sass, pushing past him and sitting on top of Stefan's desk.

"Yeah, sorry, not interested." Stefan agrees.

"I didn't ask. Elijah, Lili, and i scheduled a very old-fashioned sit-down with you two and Klaus." He explains. "I say go with the black, oh, Alina, you have this little black dress that's ver-" He gets cut off by Stefan holding him against the wall, a hand wrapped around his throat. I smirk, in amusement.

"Stefan." I sigh, he let's go of Damon, Damon letting out a cough, standing up straighter.

"Klaus won't make a deal, Damon," Stefan states, pulling the shirt from Damon.

"He doesn't have to, all we're doing is buying a little time to give out wicked witches a chance to pop the top of the coffin." Stefan rolls his eyes, moving over to the closet, shuffling through clothes.

"So that's your, uh, your plan? Stall Klaus." He pulls out one of my black dresses and i furrow my brows.

"Well, if Alina hadn't gone postal on his hybrids, then maybe I'd have some options," Damon complains as Stefan motions for me to take the dress. I give him a small glare before getting up and grabbing the dress from Stefan walking into the bathroom.

"So you unleash an Original to help him out." I scoff from the bathroom, slipping my clothes off.

"Undaggering Elijah was smart, Alina. I thought you'd be happy, you love Elijah." Damon huffs.

"I do, you're just an idiot," I tell him, slipping the dress on. "Stefan, zip." I hear Stefan sigh as he walks over to the bathroom, zipping up my dress.

"Are you kidding me? After what Klaus did to him, he's in vengeance mode, it's perfect." Damon huffs as we walk back out.

"There's nothing smart about trusting Elijah, Damon." Stefan sighs. I stare at myself in the mirror, it's the same black dress Klaus bought me... i frown, running my hand over my dress. "He screwed us over the last time he promised to help us kill Klaus."

"But you'll trust Lili?"

"She's a woman, and there's nothing more dangerous than a nasty woman," I smirk. Damon frowns watching me.

"Now i see where you're getting it from. And you know, with the way you two have been acting, I'd trust him about as much as i trust you two." He glares.

Stefan hums, shrugging, "Well, guess that goes both ways, doesn't it?"

"Oh, yes. This is about me kissing Elena." Damon sighs. I clench my jaw, looking into the mirror at him. "Just remember, if it wasn't for Klaus, you two wouldn't have become such dicks and that kiss would never have happened."

"Or maybe you could've kept it in your pants." I shoot back. Damon turns to me, frown.

"Get ready and get happy. We're going to negotiate a fake truce, and i don't want your attitudes screwing it up, especially you." He says pointing at me. He walks out of the room and i roll my eyes. I turn to Stefan, about to tell him I'm not going but he gives me a look.

"I'm going, you're going."


I stand there beside Stefan as Damon knocks on the door, Elijah opening it a few seconds later. "Niklaus, our gests have arrived." Elijah gestures for us to walk in, Damon walking in first, "You look quite lovely tonight, Alina."

I give a small smile to Elijah, smiling at Lili when she comes into view. My face falls when i see Klaus, "Damon, Stefan, Alina. Elijah tells me you seek an audience. Very bold." He smirks, "Let's disgust the terms of our agreement like civilized people, shall we?" He asks, gesturing to the table.

I shoot a look to Lili and she sighs, "It's best to indulge him." She suggests.

"We didn't, uh, come here to eat, Klaus."Stefan says, walking forward, "In fact, Alina and i didn't want to come here at all. But we were told we had to, cause you would hear us out."

Klaus hums, nodding, "Well, we can sit and eat, or i can reach down your throats and pull out your insides. The choice is yours." Klaus smirks as he sits at the head of the table.

"Your threats are getting boring," I state, crossing my arms.

"It's not an empty threat, Sweetheart," Klaus states, resting his elbows on the table.

"You're not going to kill me," I smirk.

"What about Damon? Do you not care if he dies?" I shake my head and he frowns. Stefan grabs my arm and i look over to him, "What about Stefan?" He smirks. My face falls and he lets out a little laugh. Stefan guides me over to the table, pulling out my chair next to him. Damon and Lili sitting on the other side, Elijah at the other head of the table.
Klaus snaps his fingers, the women coming over and putting plates in front of us and serving us wine.

"Thank you, love." Damon sighs, watching a waitress walk away. Stefan and i just sit there as everyone else starts to eat.

"You two have lost your appetite." Klaus hums.

"Eat." Damon commands, "I thought we agreed to leave the grouches at home." My eyes slowly drift over to Damon as i glare at him. I pick up my fork, stabbing it into some of the food, putting it in my mouth.

"That's the spirit, Darling." Klaus smiles, "Isn't this nice? The six of us dining together. Such a treat." Klaus smirks. "Is this what you had in mind when you called my sister back into town? Or when you pulled the dagger out of my brother?"

"Calling Lili back wasn't my idea." Damon sighs, "Well, i know what he felt about you, so i figured the more... the merrier, Lili's just an added treat." Damon smirks.

"Well, the three of us have had our share of quarrels over the centuries, but we always make it through." Klaus smiles, looking between Lili and Elijah who give them tight smiles.

"Kind of like, uh, you and Rebekah, right?" Stefan adds. Klaus turns to glare at Stefan but i let out a little laugh. "Where is she, by the way? Last i checked, she was still daggered because you were afraid to face her."

"If you're referring to the fact that Rebekah knows i killed our mother... I've already come clean." Klaus shrugs.

"Hey, Stef, remember when you killed dad?" Damon questions, "Might want to dial down the judgment till dessert." I sigh, picking up my wine glass.

"We're here to make a deal Damon, not kiss ass. But you wouldn't know what that means." I hum, taking a drink. Stefan and Lili choke back a laugh.

"All I'm saying is, we have a long evening ahead of us, pace yourselves." Damon sighs.

"Stefan, where is the lovely Elena tonight?" Elijah asks. i narrow my eyes at Elijah, Lili giving me a look telling me to calm down.

"I don't know. Ask Damon." Stefan shoots back.

Klaus laughs, shaking his head. "I'm sorry, you missed so much. Ah, trouble in paradise, on both islands."

"One more word about Elena and this stupid dinner is over," I state.

"Hey, you know what, probably best to keep her in the do not discuss pile." Damon sighs.

"You're probably right, right brother?" Lili questions, looking to Klaus.

"Of course," Klaus smirks. "It's just the allure of the Petrova Doppelganger is still so strong," Klaus states, staring right at me. "What do you say, brother? Shall we tell them about Tatia?"

"Niklaus." Lili grits out.

"Now why should we discuss matters long since resolved?"

"Well given their shared affection for both Elena, Katerine, and Alina, i think our guests might be curious to learn about the originator of the Petrova line. Don't you want to learn about your history, Darling?"

I stay silent, Damon sighing, "Well, we're not going anywhere, Elijah. Please, do tell." Damon hums, taking another drink of his wine.

Elijah sighed, glancing at Lili, "When our family first settled here, there was a girl named Tatia. She was an exquisite beauty, she and her closest friend were a truly beautiful sight." He said, smiling at Lili, she was Tatia's best friend... "Every boy their age desired to be their suitors. Even though Tatia had a child by another man."

"Who didn't love her." Lili cut in. "But none loved her more than Niklaus." She smirked. I look over to Klaus with a small frown.

"Oh, i think there was one person who loved her just as much," Klaus smirked, Lili's face fell slightly and i frowned.

"You two loved the same girl?" I frown.

"My love for another outshined though," Elijah states, a small smile coming on Lili's face. "Our mother was a very powerful witch, she sought to end our feud over Tatia although it had been long over, and so she took her. We all would later learn that it was Tatia's blood that we consumed in the wine the night where our mother preformed the spell which turned us into vampires."

"Tatia couldn't make a decision between them for the longest time." Lili chuckled slightly, "For a time she drove them against each other until Elijah started to see differently and she ended up choosing Niklaus. Esther tried to get me to get rid of Tatia, but i couldn't. But in the end... It was family above all."

"Family above all." Klaus smiles, the three of them clinked their glasses together and i watched skeptically.
Seconds later, the waitresses came back, picking up our plates.

"So, why don't we move this evening along and discuss the terms of this proposal?" Elijah suggests.

"Well, it's very simple. Klaus gets him coffin back. In exchange, he, and the original extended family, leave Mystic Falls forever." I grasp the knife on the napkin, Stefan quickly grabbing my hand and pulling it down at our side. "Me, Alina, Stefan, and Elena live happily ever after," i let out a laugh, shaking my head. "No grudges."

"Deal sounds fair, brother," Lili states, looking over to Klaus.

"I don't think you understand. I can't do that because Elena's doppelganger blood," Of course it's about Elena, "It ensures that i will always have more hybrids to fight those that oppose me. I will never leave her behind." Klas states lowly. I clench my fists, glaring at the table. "Let's say i do leave her here, under your protection. What then? How long before Alina decides she hates her sister so much that she kills her? Alina's stronger than you two when she wants to be and can't control her emotions. Or how long before one of you turns her into a vampire? Or worse, how long before she dies, caught between your feuding?"

Stefan and Damon stay quiet and i frown, "You see, each one of you Salvatores truly believes that you're the one that can protect her. And that is simply a delusion. Gentlemen... the worst thing for either Gilbert twin is... the two of you." I look up to Klaus and he's staring right at me.

"I need some air," I say, quickly getting up and rushing outside. I lean up against the wall, taking a deep breath. The door opens, and i turn my head seeing Lili.

"How are you feeling?" She frowns, i give her a look, laughing slightly but the laughs soon turn into strangled sobs. She frowns, pulling me into a hug. "I know it hurts, trust me, i know." She says softly, "But you are so strong, and it will get better. You don't see it, but three of those boys in there truly do care for you."

"But they just care for Elena more..." I frown.

"What is it? With Elena i mean, why do you envy her?"

"She's always been the one, that everyone picks for everything. And no matter how hard i try, I'll always be in her shadow." I whisper.

"It's not a competition. The best roses are the ones left untouched and unbothered." She smiles, "You'll be the one is better, because you don't need a couple of silly boys to save you, you'll save yourself." I smile and suddenly we hear a crash from inside.
Lili and i both share a confused look, rushing inside. My eyes widen when i see Elijah holding Damon up against the wall, and Klaus holding Stefan by the fire.

"What are you doing?" Damon chokes out.

"Stop!" I call out. Klaus looks up to me with a smirk.

"Now bring me my coffin before i burn him alive." Klaus threatens.

"I'll get it." Damon tells him. "Alina, stay here."

"Lili, Elijah, go with him." Klaus orders. Lili gives me a small smile, heading out with Elijah and Damon. "Keep him honest and when you return, I will make good on my promise to you and i will hand over our family." Elijah fully leaves as i glare at Klaus.

He lets Stefan go and walks over to me slowly, "Where's the Alina i used to know? My perfect little monster?" He smirks.

"She died when she say that picture," I growl.

"I made you stronger! Your love for Damon blinded you, it made you weak, and i fixed you." He insists.

"No, you did it because you were jealous." I glare, thinking about what Lili told me earlier. "You hated the fact that i loved him." He glares at me for a second before looking past me.

"Elijah? Why haven't you left yet?" Klaus frowns.

"Well, where are your manners, brother?" Elijah asks, "You forgot dessert." Elijah pulls the top off a silver platter, revealing two daggers. My eyes widen as Stefan grabs my hand, pulling me away from Klaus.

"What have you done?" Klaus whispers terrified.

"No, Niklaus, what have you done?" Lili asks, "See, we've learned not to trust your vulgar promises." She smirks.

"We're doing this on my own terms now," Elijah states seriously. My eyes widen when i see a guy walk out behind Elijah, he's kind of hot.

"Kol..." Klaus says, backing up.

"Long time, brother," Kol smirks.

Klaus tries to speed away but a guy with long hair appears in front of him, "Finn, don't." He pleads. Finn digs the dagger into Klaus' palm, Klaus crying out in pain. He spins around, turning to run but i smirk seeing Rebekah. "Rebekah!" She stabs him and i fall back into Stefan.

"This is for our mother."

This starts to seem a little too personal and i start to pull Stefan to the door. "You're free to go," Elijah tells us. I nod, pulling Stefan and Damon as Kol and everyone move towards Klaus.

"This is family business."


I sit in my room at the Salvatore house, the window wide open as i watch Stefan and Damon outside arguing. I stand there silently, afraid of what i might hear. I sigh, finally listening in, i have an eavesdropping problem.

'You would have had them all to yourself.' It's silent for a second and i frown.

'I didn't do that on your account. I did it for her.'

'I love her, Damon.' Stefan sighs, of course, he loves Elena.

'So do i.' Damon whispers. I move sligthly, both of them looking up at me. I frown, closing my window and sitting on the bed. A few minutes later Stefan walks in.

"Hey." He says quietly.


"Damon went to check on Bonnie and Abby." I nod and Stefan walks over sitting on the bed. I move over, laying my head on his chest.

"Can you stay? The nightmares are back..."

"Yeah, I'll stay." He nods, wrapping an arm around me.

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