Bad Intentions {TVD}

By SammyjVega

97.3K 1.8K 271

Alina Gilbert is one of those people that you can't tell is hurting, but her twin sister, Elena? She basks in... More

{Season 1}
I. The beginning
II. The Falls
III. Okay?
IV. Brother Salvatore
V. Young love
VI. Dinner parties suck.
VII. Football and Fights
VIII. Wrong
IX. Not afraid
X. Death
XI. Mistakes
XII. Okay
XIII. Ruin Me
XIV. All i can do is grieve
XV. Hear me
XVI. Adopted.
XVII. It'll be alright
XVIII. No rest for the wicked
XIX. What trickery
XX. The Bachelors
XXI. It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood
XXII. Open Doors
XXIII. Who is in control
XXIV. Pageant queens
XXV. Family
XXVI. The she-devil
XXVII.Founders Day
-- Season 2 --
XXVIII. Ding dong the bitch is back
XXIX. Survival of the fittest
XXX. A full moon
XXXI. All the good times
XXXII. Kill or Be Killed
XXXIII. Always have a backup
XXXIV. Hide and Seek
XXXV. A flower
XXXVI. The Evil Doppel-bitch
XXXVII. Till death do we part
XXXVIII. A Full Moon
XXXIX. And All Hell Broke Loose
XL. Daddy Issues
XLI. The Boy Who Cried Wolf
XLII. Family Dinner
XLIII. The Unwelcomed Guest
XLIV. Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer
XLV. A dance to remember
XLVI. Klaus
XLVII. Last Chance
XLVIII. A new dawn
XLIX. A new day
L. If i lay here
~Season 3~
LI. Blow out your candles
LII. The hybrid dick
LIII. The moral of the story
LIV. Temper tantrums
LV. And the truth comes out
LVI. Teenage dream
LVII. The other side
LVIII. Day to Daylife
LIX. Another Dance
LXI. This Town
LXII. Bonds will be broken
LXIII. The Living Dead
LXIV. Danger Comes in All Shapes and Sizes
LXV. The Mikaelsons
LXVI. 1912
LXVII. Come on in
LXVIII. Murder for one
LXIX. Jar of Hearts
LXX. Don't be so Soft
LXXI. And the Sun Sets
LXXII. Dearly Departed
-- Season 4 --
LXXIII. Out With the Old, in With the New
LXXIV. In Loving Memory
LXXV. Back from the Dead
LXXVI. The Brotherhood of the Five
LXXVII. Murder was the Case That They Gave Me
LXXVIII. As Crazy as the Mad Hatter
LXXIX. The Keeper of Keys
LXXX. New Orleans
LXXXI. Faith and Hope Suck
LXXXII. Detention
LXXXIII. Run, Run as Fast as You Can
LXXXIV. Murder's a common occurrence
LXXXV. Where the Wild Things Are
LXXXVI. Way down we go
LXXXVII. Please Stay
LXXXIX. Cheerleader
XC. Nightfall
XCI. A second chance
XCII. Photographs
XCIII. Humanity for the win
XCIV. A game of survival
XCV. Cap n' Gown
!!New Book!!

LX. Read the Fine Print

598 11 2
By SammyjVega

Stefan and i follow Bonnie silently as she makes her way to the Witch house. "Why are we doing this again?" I ask.

"Until Lili comes back, we need a witch." Stefan sighs, Lili went back to New York, she had a few loose ends that she needed to tie up and she said she'd be back by late next week, but Stefan being cautious said we should get Bonnie to help. I hum, nodding my head as we watch Bonnie walk up the porch, the two of us slowly following after.
We slowly step onto the porch and watch as she moves down to the basement. We speed down, hiding in the shadows for a second.

"Hello, Bonnie," Stefan says lowly as we step out. She spins around, gasping when she sees us.

"Stefan, Alina." She breathes out, she furrows her brows, looking between us. "You to followed me here?"

"Yeah, it wasn't too heard." Stefan shrugs. "You should probably be more careful." He suggests, walking a bit closer to her.

"What do you want with me?" She frowns, taking a step back.

"Relax, Bonnie." I sigh, "We just need your help." I smile.

"Why would i help you?" She scoffs. "Elena said you guys saved Klaus' life." She glares.

"Let me fill you in on a little secret about Klaus. He kept his family with him at all times, Daggered, stored in coffins." Stefan explains. "And now, we have them. And we need you to help keep them hidden."

"You two are out of your minds. You're just going to make him angrier." Bonnie points out, shaking her head.

"His family is his one weakness, Bonnie." I tell her, "And we have Lili helping us, we just need your help until we get her here. And as long as we have Lili and the coffins, we can ruin him." Bonnie's eyes widen slightly at the mention of Lili.

"I don't have enough power to hide four Originals. Why didn't you just ask Lili if she's on your side?" Bonnie huffs.

"One, You're a witch. You hate Klaus. I know you can figure out something." Stefan starts, "Two, Lili's Klaus' sister, when it comes down to it, she'll help him." Bonnie looks around for a moment. Before looking to us with a small frown.


'Stefan, Alina?' I frown, looking up to Stefan. He puts a finger to my lips, pulling me into the shadows with him. Bonnie must have told them we were here, no one else knows beside her.

'Come on, Stef. Olly Olly Oxen Free.' Damon calls out, my face furrows in confusion but a small smirk comes to my face when i hear Damon groan. His ring must not work in here.

"The witches won't let Damon in," Stefan whispers. I hum quietly, hearing a set of footsteps coming down the stairs. "Elena." We both whisper in annoyance.

"Stefan, Alina?"She calls out.

"Go away." Stefan groans, both of us walking out. She turns to us, wide-eyed, surprised we're actually here. "You shouldn't be here, Elena."

"I need your guys' help, Bonnie said you two would be here." She tells us.

"Well, Bonnie sucks at keeping secrets." I hum, crossing my arms and leaning up against the door.

"Listen, you need to give Klaus his family back," Elena demands.

Stefan tilts his head, letting out a little laugh, "Oh really? Is that what we need to do?" He says with a false pout.

"Alina, please, Klaus compelled Jeremy to stand in front of a speeding car." My face falls slightly and i see a look of hope in her eyes. I frown, looking down, Stefan staying silent, "Don't you two get it? He's not going to stop until he gets what he wants-"

"Is he okay?" I ask quickly, looking up.

She nods slowly and i sigh in relief, "But Ric jumped in front of him, he had his ring on. But you know it, Klaus isn't going to stop until he gets what he wants so please-"

"Elena, stop talking." Stefan snaps. "We're not giving Klaus anything."

Elena looks at him shocked, looking back to me, "Are you listening to this? He's going to kill Jeremy." She says shakily.

"Not really ou-"

"I'll deal with it, okay? I'll deal with Klaus." I say before Stefan can get his sentence out. "But Stefan's right, Klaus isn't getting shit." Elena's face falls as she starts to stalk over to me, Stefan quickly grabs her wrist giving her a look.

"I wouldn't push her if i were you, this isn't concern for you, it's for Jeremy." He tells her, pushing her away slightly. She glares at him raising her hand, slapping him.

"You can go to hell." She sneers, rushing upstairs, Stefan sighs, turning back to me.

"Hey, Hey, relax..." He tells me.

"He's not gonna hurt Jeremy, Stefan." I grit out, clenching my fists. "I-I-I won't let him."

"Hey, you need to breathe." He says quietly, putting a hand on the side of my face to make me look at him, "Vampires can still get panic attacks, and you don't need to have one." He smiles.


"We won't let him." He tells me slowly.

"We won't?" He shakes his head and i take a deep breath, calming myself down. A crashing sound makes us jump, pulling apart. I frown seeing Damon dive into the room, throwing himself on the floor.

"Wow." Stefan comments, pulling me behind him slightly, "That was impressive. But the, uh, the coffins aren't here, so you can go away now." Stefan smirks.

"I don't care about the coffins." Damon groans. "We need to talk." He pants. He screams out, stepping into the sunlight.

"Okay," Stefan shrugs, "Let's talk."

Damon sighs, looking between us, "Nothing's ever easy with you two, is it?" Stefan and i look to each other, shaking our heads. Damon lets out a low growl, tackling Stefan, pulling him around the house until they get outside. I follow boredly, watching as Damon kicked Stefan back, Stabbing Stefan in the stomach.

"Really? We're gonna do this now?" I groan, pulling Damon back, throwing him to the porch.

"That's for screwing with my plan." Damon grits out, standing up, "You two stopped me from killing Klaus, and you steal his family. Why? It doesn't make sense." I roll my eyes, pulling the branch out of Stefan's stomach making him groan in pain.
I feel Damon grab me, pushing me up against a tree. "Answer me!"

"Piece by piece Klaus took everything from us." I grit out, "Now we're taking everything from him."

"But i had him, Alina!" He glares, shoving me into the tree harder, i groan feeling some of the smaller branches stabbing into me, "Why'd you screw it up?" I stare at him with a glare, "Now you have nothing to say!"

"I did it to save you!" I let out, pushing him back.

"What?" He breathes out. "No, no way. You didn't do this for me."

"He was one step ahead of us, Damon. He always is." I glare, trying not to get emotional, "If Klaus died, his hybrids would have killed you."

"And when are you gonna get it through your head, stop saving me," he says, holding my face in his hands.

"Stefan go inside." I grit out, Stefan gives me a weird look and i turn my gaze to him. "Stefan, go inside!" He speeds away and Damon frowns. "You want me to let you die?" I grit out. "We said we'd never leave each other."

"You left me! For four months, you left me! And for the longest time, i had no idea if you were dead or not." He glares.

"I was always going to come back! I was going to come back to you."I choke out. "And you know what sucked is i had to hate you, when i was with him because if i loved you, Klaus would've killed me." I glare, "And when i came home, you were with Elena." I say, a tear falling down my face.


"I worried about you every single second of every single second i was gone for four months, and you couldn't even stop yourself for falling for Elena." I whisper, "So i am done making excuses for you, I am done worrying about you and when you're going to snap. And i am done letting you control my happiness!" I say pushing him away, " I hate you."


I sit downstairs, staring at the wall. Since my fight with Damon, I've been in a mood and i want to rip someone's throat. My jaw clenches when i hear him outside the house. "I'll deal with him," Stefan says, speeding outside. I listen in to their conversation, leaning my head against the wall.

'You know what i can't figure out? Why save me? Was it brotherly love, guilty conscience, is the switch on, is the switch off?' Damon rambles on.

'Do you have somewhere you need to be, Damon?' Stefan snaps.

'Ah, deflection. That's not going to work on me. I invented that.'

'We're done, can't you just go away? You've done enough.' I hear Stefan grit out.

'Not until you tell me why you two keep saving me." Damon demands. "You owe me that.'

"We don't owe you anything.'

'Fine. Next question, why did you two steal the coffins?'

'Because Klaus' family is one weakness we can use against him.' Stefan explains.

'Use against him to do what. You're not going to kill him, you know how i know this? Cause there was only one way to kill him, and you blew that to save me.'

'You're wrong, Damon. Klaus just doesn't get to live forever. There's another way.'

'Fair enough.' Damon hums, 'Whatver you're doing, i want in.' My eyes widen as i listen, i hope this isn't going where i think it is.

'We don't need your help. Alina doesn't need you watching after he, she's a big girl." Stefan tells him, i smirk slightly.

'Really? Cause last time i checked, you two were hiding out in a haunted house and i hear that she's a hell of a lot stronger than she should be and she can't control her emotions.' Damon shoots back, i frown, looking down to the floor.

'We have each other Damon, we're fine.'

'So did you replace me?'

'I didn't replace anyone.' Stefan sighs. 'You replaced her.'

'I could never replace her, and i would like to not have this conversation with you.' Damon snaps. I roll my eyes, leaning back into the wall. Their silence and i sigh, thinking he's gone. 'Does she have feelings for him?' I hear Damon ask quietly.

'No, she doesn't and before you ask, no she isn't sired either.' Stefan sighs, 'She still loves you, that's why she keeps saving you.' I frown, stopping myself from listening. All i gather next is that Damon's working with us now.
A few minutes later, Stefan walks down looking over to me.


"I heard everything," I say cutting him off.

He sighs, "Was i wrong?"

"Unfortunately not." I hear the floorboards creak and i frown, looking up and seeing Damon. "Well, have a look." I sigh.

"What? Klaus is allergic to dust?"

"Look again," I say boredly. Damon looks again, seeing the coffins, his eyes widening.

"Witch spirits hate Klaus as much as we do. They're using their powers to hide the coffins." Stefan explains.

"So if he comes in the house..."

"He won't be able to find them." Stefan nods. I look over to Damon, disappearing into the other room, sitting on the small cot.

There's a fine line between love and hate. It's like a contract where if you don't read the fine print, you don't really know what you're signing up for. When i started loving Damon Salvatore, i didn't it'd be epic in the beginning and that I'd start to hate myself at some point. That I'd start to hate him, but do i really hate him?


I sigh, staring out one of the windows in one of the rooms in the Salvatore house, now that Damon is working with Stefan and i, and that everyone knows we're in town, we're back in the Salvatore House. I sigh, feeling Damon's presence behind me.
"I compelled Jeremy to get out of town, Elena thought it was best," Damon says quietly.

"It is what's best." I nod, letting out a shaky breath. I hear Damon's steps moving closer to me and i feel him beside me.

"Do you really hate me?"

"There's a fine line between love and hate." I mumble, "I'd have to hate you at one point to love you, and love you at one point to hate you." I gulp, "I don't hate you." I say shaking my head.

"I have to tell you something.... and i think you will hate me." He says shakily. I frown, turning to face him. "Well, i have to tell you a few things." I nod and he sighs, "Elena gave Rebekah to Klaus to make sure Jeremy stays safe."

My eyes widen and i let out a little laugh, "Don't worry Damon, Rebekah won't kill her." I grit out.

"Elena and i were going to kiss tonight." He says quickly. My heart drops and i feel like the air's been taken out of me. I feel like my heart literally just broke. I take a deep breath nodding.

"How was it?" I choke out, turning to look back out the window.

Damon grabs my arm, turning me to face him but i keep looking out the window, Damon sighs, grabbing my chin, making me look at him. "I didn't kiss her."

"And is that supposed to make me feel better?" I ask, letting out a teary laugh, "Are you trying to hurt me?"

"No, no, no, listen." He says slowly, "I couldn't kiss her. I can't kiss anyone other than you. I am hopelessly and totally in love with you." I stand there, shocked. He leans down, kissing me. I take ahold of his hand, pulling myself closer to him.

I pull away slightly, "I love you."

"I love you."

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