By LoveARsindu

1.3M 70.4K 3.8K

" Say that you don't love me looking into my eyes..... Anu." He yelled at her. " I don't love you." She said... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71

Chapter 60

13.2K 817 110
By LoveARsindu

Her heart didn't feel empty anymore.

She felt a hurricane of emotions within her.

Something has changed but she doesn't know what it is.

She started smiling, blushing and there was a shine in her eyes.

She couldn't believe that all these have changed only because of one person whom she had met only once.


His name itself brings goosebumps in her body.

She felt an instant connection with him like she had known him for years.

But she was stuck at one point......what if he was from her past which she doesn't remember.

When she went to Neha's house to give her the gift, she talked to her about Siddharth and their encounter. She saw how stunned was Neha and she saw something else too maybe recognition, she couldn't pinpoint.

But the point was Neha was happy listening to this and said to her that she has given her the best birthday gift. Anu was confused and when she asked her for explanation.....Neha just smirked at her wiggling her eyebrows at her.

What was that even supposed to mean?

On the other hand, Neha told everything about this to Dr. Ramesh and Raj. Doctor said that it is a good sign that Anu didn't faint or she didn't react when she met him like she did when she met her parents and friends. Currently they are in the hospital's parking lot discussing about what they should do.

" I have an idea!" Neha exclaims loudly making Doctor jump in his place and Raj groan loudly.

" What?" Dr. Ramesh asks her.

" We should lock them both in a room." Neha says grinning at them.

Doctor looked at her wide eyed as if she had grown two heads while Raj face palmed himself.

" What?" She asks them exasperated.

They don't reply.

" If you are worrying about food and all then don't because we can keep sending something or the other for them to eat through windows and gaps between the doors." Neha said nonchalantly.

" Was she always like this?" Doctor asked Raj still in shock.

" Yes." Raj sighed shaking his hand.

" Shut up! You guys have any better idea?" She asked raising her brows.

" It's better if we leave it to fate." Doctor said thinking deeply.

" If I am not mistaken, the way and the place they met yesterday was exactly how they met for the first time." Raj said to them who looked shocked at them.

" How didn't I know about this?" Neha yelled grabbing attention.

" I have asked her once......she told me how they met and how their love story started." Raj said to her shrugging.

" What?" Raj asked scared looking at the evil grin forming on Neha's face.

" She is upto something........ I am not going to be a part of it as I am a doctor and I have a reputation to keep." Doctor said adjusting his spects.

Neha rolled her eyes at him and turned her full attention towards Raj who looked at her with wide eyes.

" My dear Raj, how they met the second time?" Neha asked sweetly battling her eyelashes.

" Don't do that!" Raj said and sighed loudly.

" So?" She asked him excited.

" They had met outside her college but they didn't not talk. They had just acknowledged each other from afar as she was in a hurry to go to college and he was in his car." He said.

" Oh" She looked down disappointed and Raj sighed in relief.

" And the next meeting?" Her face lit up again making him sigh again.

" In a cafe......but I think its better if we leave it to fate like doctor said." Raj said.

" What? If we wait for the fate then they both will grow old just like this Dr. Ramesh and his old ideas." Neha snorted making Raj chuckle.

" Hey! Who are you calling old you silly girl? I don't even have a single grey hair on my head." Doctor said offended by her comment.

" I am not silly you old man." She hissed at him.

" Yes maybe because you are an annoying brat." He said taking his coat.

" Well see and learn what this annoying brat is going to do?" She smirked at him.

" Raj I am leaving.....I have had enough of her craziness. You handle her and one more thing....." He paused and leaned close to Raj.

" Keep an eye on her and what she is going to do." He whispered and went away.

" What did he say?" She asked Raj narrowing her eyes at him.

" Nothing....." He shrugged and walked to his car.

" Hey! I am still here, stop ignoring me like I am not even present here." Neha yelled running behind him and jumped on his back like a monkey.

" Oh god! Neha get down." He shouted balancing her on his back.

" Not until you help me with the plan." She said in his ear.

" Of course I will help as I also want them to be together." He said and she got down.

" Have I ever told you how much I love you?" She said squealing and hugged him making him chuckle.

" But I am afraid if something happens to Anu." Raj said to her.

" Nothing will happen to her.....trust me they need some help and push so that they can be together. If we don't help them then who will?" She asks him with tears.

" Why are you crying Neha?" He asks concerned.

" I miss them both so much.....I want them back again." She says wiping her tears.

" It's not easy Neha but we will try." He promised her and she smiles at him.


Next day, Anu is waiting in the cafe waiting for Neha who told her to meet up. She liked this place as it was very cozy and warm filled with smell of caffeine.

Just then she saw everyone looking at something or rather someone. She followed their gaze and saw a very hot and sexy man coming out of a big car.

Hot and Sexy?

She was baffled at her own words.

She recognised him and her mouth opened wide in shock.

It was Siddharth whom she met at the mall.

He was wearing a simple blue shirt & jeans and his eyes were covered with shades.....and blue looks good on him. He is looking so breathtakingly handsome and no wonder all the people here at staring at him in awe.

She looked around and saw how all the girls are swooning over his looks. Something burned inside her and she doesn't know what it was.

He didn't notice anyone or simply he didn't care any stares maybe because he is used to all this attention. He just went to an empty table and was furiously typing on his phone sitting there.

She tried to call Neha but her phone is out of coverage area and thought she would order something until Neha comes.

She ordered a cappuccino for her and took out a book to read. Though it looked like she was reading but her eyes would eventually fall on Siddharth from time to time.

What's happening to me?

She scolds herself and turned herself away from him to avoid staring at him. She looked around and saw every girl in the cafe including waitress is gawking at him who is talking angrily on his phone now. She was angry on all these girls for gawking at him shamelessly and she doesn't even know why.

She wants to run away from all this because she doesn't trust herself anymore, she might do something that she may regret later. She drank her coffee looking into the book stealing glances at him now and then.

She sighed in relief as she finished the coffee successfully without throwing it at those girls who are still shamelessly checking him out.

She wants to take a last look at him and leave but what she saw made her blood boil. That stupid shameless waitress is flirting with Siddharth who didn't paid any attention to her.

Unknowingly she kept the coffee cup with a thud on the table in anger which made everyone look at her. She smiled sheepishly at them and stood upto leave but stood rooted in her place when she saw Siddharth standing in front of her in all his glory.

She saw him frowning at her thinking deeply and she admired his face in the meantime.

" Hey."

She heard him and snapped out of her daze.

" Hi." She said softly.

" You came alone?" He asked her.

" I came to meet my friend but she ditched me." She said to him.

He looked confused at her.

" And you?" She asked him.

" Yeah me too." He said thinking deeply.

" What? You also got ditched by your friend?" She exclaimed.

" Yeah....." He said chuckling.

" Strange." She whispered looking down.

" I know." He said while controlling his anger.

" I will leave now." She said taking her bag.

" What? So soon." He asked her and she felt tug in her heart at his words.

He wants her to stay.

" I already had a coffee while waiting for my friend." She said to him.

" But I didn't had anything.....can you accompany me while I have my coffee?" He asked her with a sweet smile and who can ever deny that.

" Okay...." She said shyly and sat down along with him.

She looked around for a waitress but instead she saw every girl is looking at her enviously. She was confused at first but when she understood that they were all jealous because a Greek god is sitting with her.

She smirked at them who are glaring at her and looked at Siddharth who was already looking at her with raised eyebrows and she shook her head saying nothing.

" Excuse me......" He called the waitress who was flirting with him a while ago. Her face lit up and she came to him happily.

" I want a black coffee and a chocolate icecream with choco chips on it for her." He said pointing at me and that waitress went away disappointed.

" It's my favourite.....how do you know?" She asked him surprised.

She frowned at him when he was taken aback for a moment by her question.

" I just guessed it." He said casually and she nodded her head.

Their orders came and she started eating icecream like a kid which made him smile. Even though she lost her memory, her tastes and habits didn't change.

Will she ever remember him?

And at that his smile dropped.

" What happened Siddharth?" She asked concerned looking at his sad face.

" Nothing....." He said smiling.

" You eat like a kid." He laughed and wiped her cheek with a tissue where she got her icecream smeared.

She blushed at his act and looked away to hide her blush but she saw all the girls glaring at her. She stuck her tongue out at them who are looking at her with open mouths and she rolled her eyes at them who don't have any other work other than to gawk at them.

She turned and saw Siddharth smirking at her.


" What was that?" He asked leaning on the table.

" What was what?" She asked him copying his action.

" I saw you glaring at them and now I saw how you showed your tongue at them childishly." He said looking amused at her who turned red in embarrassment.

" I was just......" She trailed off.

" You were just what?" He asked her curiously.

" Then what should I do? From the time you came here, they are just gawking at you shamelessly." She blurted out and huffed crossing her arms.

Siddharth felt warmth seeing her jealousy. She was the same Anu.....his Anu.

" Are you jealous?" He asked smirking at her.

" N.no....." She stuttered.

" But it clearly looked like that." He laughed.

" Hey! I am not jealous okay.......I just don't like such girls." She said looking here and there.

" Yeah sure." He smirked enjoying her discomfort.

He was happy......its like everything is repeating in their life.......again.

They talked for sometime and they had to go home now.

" It was nice meeting you Ananya." He said forwarding his hand.

" Me too Siddharth.....and just call me Anu, my friends call me Anu." She said holding his hand.

Her touch made him feel alive and the feeling couldn't be described for what Anu felt at his touch.

" Okay.....I will call you Anu only if you call me as Sidd....Sid." He said composing himself.

He wanted to ask her to call her Siddu but he didn't want to remind her anything which effects her health. His name might remind her of something but he couldn't take risk.

" Okay......" She said smiling.

They went in opposite directions but Anu stopped to look at him. She doesn't know what's happening to her but she doesn't want to leave him and her heart aches walking away from him.

All these meetings with him feels as if it has happened before also but she couldn't remember anything. She wanted to think about it deeply but she didn't as whenever she does that it ends her up in the hospital. That day when they met in the mall, she had felt it has happened before also but when she tried to remember it her head started aching badly.

So she stopped thinking about all this and decided to live in the present.

He was walking slowly as he doesn't want to leave her. He missed her so much. He wants to hug her, kiss her and never let her go away from him but he couldn't. His heart ached in pain and he clutched his chest tightly clenching his jaw.

He can feel her intense stare at his back and he just wants to go and embrace her in his arms.

But he has to control himself....for her safety.

He sighed and walked to his car to open the door.

" Siddu!"

He froze hearing that.

He swiftly turned towards her.

She was smiling at him.

" I didn't like the nickname you told me to call you.....Can I call you Siddu?" She asked him with hope.

His eyes burned with tears as it had been months he heard her call that. He thought even though everything is repeating in their lives, everything is not the same but he was wrong.

Everything is same.

She is same and he is same.

She is his Anu and he is her Siddu.

He couldn't control himself anymore and swiftly took three long strides towards her. Before she could ask him what happened, he engulfed her in a tight hug.

She stood stunned.

He was hugging her and her heart felt warmth. It was as if her heart and body are craving for his touch. She hugged him back unknowingly and she felt alive in his embrace.

His touch felt too familiar.

" You can call me Siddu and only you have that right." He said and hugged her tightly afraid to lose her.

Her heart skipped a beat but she snapped out when she heard his voice crack.

" Siddu." She called him and he snapped out of his trance.

He immediately released her and she didn't like it as she lost his warmth.

She felt loss of words when she saw tears in his eyes and that tugged her heart.

Did she say something wrong?

" What happened?" She asked him concerned and confused at his behaviour.

He didn't know what to tell and he got angry on himself for acting impulsively which can risk her health.

" Nothing.....I have to go." He said avoiding eye contact with her and left from there quickly in his car leaving her all confused and concerned because normal friends doesn't behave like this with whom they have just met.

And just like that one question got stuck in her mind.

Who is he?


To be Continued...........

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Stay Tuned.............

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