Harry Potter the next generat...

By YettoMcCheese

833 2 10

I wrote this when I was 13 it's so shit that it's funny, I am gracing the world with this monstrosity. Basica... More

a new hope
Titania Minerva Granger-Weasley(prologue)
platform 9 and ¾
Hogwarts Express
sorting ceremony
First night at Hogwarts
First day at Hogwarts
First flying lesson
Hogwarts Halloween
The room
Suprise birthday party
Christmas holidays
Christmas Shopping
Christmas eve
Christmas day
Boxing day at the burrow
Photo shoot
new years day shopping with Draco
Gotta get back to Hogwarts
Unexpected news
The funeral
An amazing production

Valentines day

11 0 0
By YettoMcCheese

Gosh has it been nice to have a little brake from Al and Scorpius, as much as I love them, they are a handful. Gosh that makes me sound like some overworked mum.
It's also been nice to spend some more time with Ve, I really feel like we connect; she's really helped me recently. (Also don't worry about Meredith she spends most her time with the Ravenclaws).
"Morning" said Ve.
"To you to" I yawned.
"Looking adorable as ever" she smiled.
"As do you."
"Where's Meredith" asked Ve.
"Sleep over with the Claws again."
"What a surprise" giggled Ve. "Do you remember what day it is?" Asked Ve.
"Of course I do, it Valentines day. But it's not much worth celebrating for me, as I'm as single as an isolated Penguin"
"I too am a single pringle" she replied.
"Oh my gosh are you serious, you're like bloody stunning!"
"I've never kissed or dated anyone" she said.
"Has any one ever asked you out?"
"Yes many, I declined them all" replied Ve.
"They were all grimy boys who only liked me because I look nice" she answered.
"You deserve better than them"
"Yeah, well we better get going down to breakfast, I'm just going to do my hair first I'll meet you down there" she smiled. Ve is beyond nice. I walked out the room and into the common room.
Maybe I should write Ve a Valentines card, You know as friends, yeah I think she'll like that, because you know we're getting very close and most friends send each other valentines. About five minuets later Ve came to the door and went over to Al and Scorpius, who were heading out.
"Hey boys" she waved.
"Heyyy" blushed Scorpius.
"Do you know were Titania is" she asked.
"Oh she's just over there" replied Scorpius pointing over at me.
"Thank you" she smiled.
"By the way, I wouldn't called her Titania, she will FLIP out" warned Al.
"Noted" she giggled. "Hello Titania" she said walking over.
"Hello Venus"
"Well what are you waiting for" Ve giggled.
"Hold your horses, Miss I need to do my hair." Ve and I pondered out the common room and began to walk into the hall. "I swear, every other person we walk past is in a relationship."
"We'll find someone eventually" she replied.
"Hopefully" I yawned.
"Looks like someones tired" said Ve.
"Yeah, we probably shouldn't go to to bed and half 3 in the morning" I laughed. We proceeded into the hall; as it was Valentines day it was decorated in hearts and confetti. The room had a rather sweet smell of vanilla and candy floss. Those are my favorite smells actually.
"the hall looks beautiful, it smells delightful" gazed Ve, sitting down at the Hufflepuff table.
"Yeah, like candy floss and Vanilla."
"That's odd I smell, cinnamon and caramel" replied Ve.
"OOO, heart shaped pancakes!"
"Let feast" she announced piled her plate with the syrupy goodness. I swear everything tastes, ten times better with a touch of magic. Muggle food can be so manky.
"Ahhh, take my heart" I said dramatically pretending to rip my heart from chest and presenting her a little chocolate from the little pile of the table.
"Nooo, don't sacrifice yourself!" She giggled.
"Blehhhhh!" I blubbered; pretending to die.
"Nooo. Rest in pancakes!" She projected.
"You two are so dramatic" laughed Al and Scorpius.
"You two are so married" smirked Ve.
"Wha... We.. NO!" They stuttered in reply.
"If you say so" she smiled.
"I'm so glad we don't have to go to classes today"
"Ditto that! What do you wanna do today" she asked.
"The lake looks nice."
"I wouldn't mind a little sit by there today" she smiled. So we promptly finished of breakfast and took a leisurely stroll to the lake. I find my self in my element when I rest by the lake, it's so tranquil, it's calm aura and it's pure serenity makes me feel at peace; one with my surroundings you could say.
"The air is crisp like a newly printed book" exclaimed Ve, sitting down frisking the dewy grass with her palm.
"I see my soul as these ripples and waves, so divinely placed upon this loch, coming and going along with wind and seemingly traveling aimlessly, but always going somewhere."
"Like you they are calming and I can stair at them for ages" replied Ve.
"And as that ripple I'd stair right back."
"To be one of these tree which look over this lake would be great pleasure" she sighed.
"To spend the hours watching people pass by, to see them grow, giggle, morn; to gaze upon friends and lovers"
"Although the air is bitter; the love around us it strong" she said.
"Close your eyes and let the wind travel along your face" I whispered. We layed our heads on the ground and allowed the air to caress our faces. For a while we simply layed in silence, just feeling the comfort of our closeness.
"Your presents make the silent loneliness so much less lonely" she smiled.
"Venus Macchio. Hmm. It has a very nice ring to it. Soft and beautiful."
"Titania. Queen by name, queen by nature" said Ve. "I need love" sighed Ve.
"I want a relationship for the cute hugs, the warmth of each other, the little forehead kisses, the deep conversations"
"Have you got a date for the Valentines disco tonight" asked Ve.
"Me neither" replied Ve.
"Maybe we should go together, as friends."
"Yeah as friends" she responded.
"Oh, I forgot it writ you this." I said handing her the friendship valentine's card.
"Dear Ve. Thank you for supporting me though this difficult period in my life, you have helped me so much. Your smile is enough to make even the saddest days bright again. Your name means the goddess of beauty and even with out it you are truly the fairest of them all. Being in your company makes me feel whole. You are wish come true and too pure for this world. Happy Valentines day love from Ti" read Ve.
"Apologies, I'm undeniably cringy" I blushed.
"No don't be sorry; this is so nice, so many people never actually complement me on things that really matter, like how I am on inside, I never get appreciated for well, me. Yeah I know this makes me sounds like oh gosh i'm pretty girl who gets lot of attention from boys ugh I hate boys, if I didn't look nice no one would give one about me" she sighed.
"Don't get your self down, you have beautiful personality, your an unbelievably nice person and if people don't like you for who you are, they don't deserve you."
"I baked some valentines day cakes" she smiled.
"Of course you did."
"Accio cakes!" She cased, causing a large, red, heart shaped tin with a little red ribbon tied round it to appear on the crispy grass.
"They look so good." I smiled, opening the tin to reveal an assortment of iced cup cakes.
"Well don't just stair at them, come on eat up" giggled Ve, handing the tin to me.
"This one looks nice" I smiled, picking out cake with deep red icing, red velvet sponge and miniature baby pink heart sprinkles neatly assorted around the icing.
"Do you like it?" she asked.
"I love it, it tastes like Candy floss, vanilla and cherry."
"I know you love those flavors" said Ve.
"What's this!?" I wondered, holding a little plastic capsule which fell out the center of the cake.
"Open it!" insisted Ve.
"You know who's amazing, read the first word" I said, reading of a little strip paper which came from inside the capsule. "You are beyond sweet!"
"That's coming from you" she grinned. We situated our selves by lake for the rest of the day, spilling our soles to each other and philosophizing about the most random things.
"Oh gosh what's the time!?"
"Almost four" she replied.
"The ball starts at half five!"
"Well let's ruuuun to the dorm and get ready" she giggled, grabbing me by the wist; pulling me up as we began to run like fools back to the school. Briskly, Ve and I stumbled through the side entrance and past the kitchen; trying to avoid seeing the hall, to make it more of a surprise.
"Cuddles and coffee" glowed Ve, casting the password so we could enter the common room.
"Accio cloths" we cast in sync.
"Do you wanna get changed in the toilets or the dorm" she asked.
"I'll go get ready in the loos, I'll meet you out here once we're changed."
I cupped my neatly folded dress and headed into a larger cubical in the toilets.
For the ball my aunt Fleur hand tailored dresses and suits for me and all my cousins. My dress is a crimson shade with a lacy torso and lacy sleeves, the skirt is just above knee height and made from a collection of petty-coats.
To match the dress I put on a pair of Dorothy like ruby slippers and a silver necklace with a small rose on it. For my hair, I took it out the plats I had it in all day, which left it rather curly so I simply swept it all over my right shoulder. Makeup wise I just put on a bit of cherry toned lip stick, rosy blush and mascara. After I got my self ready I scurried back to the common room and perched my self upon a comfy sofa, in wait of Ve.
"I'm ready!" Announced Ve, flouncing through the door in a most beautiful dress, it has a diamante covered, silky, purple torso and high low hem, silky, purple skirt. On her neck she has a glimmering, gem stone flower necklace, which layed it's upon and around her collar bone. Her lips are patterned with a crimson toned lipstick, making her lips looks so plump and divine, her lips always look so smooth. Her hair is down, it's so long, it's in large ringlets. To finish her look of she has a small golden tiara upon her head.
"W... Wow, you look... You look stunning!"
"That coming from you, pretty" she giggled.
"Evening Ladies" Swagged Zach, strolling into the common room shortly followed by Al and Scorpius.
"Evening, why aren't you dressed up Zach?" Ve and I asked.
"I'm not really into the whole love thing, now good evening to you all, I am off to obsess over Brendon Urie and pretend I'm Jughead Jones in the dorm till three AM" he announced, scrambling back to the dorm.
"Were are Rett and Valen?"
"They went down ages ago" replied Al.
"Who did they go with" giggled Ve.
"I'm not sure, who are you two going with" asked Scorpius.
"Each other, but, as... friends... Um what about you?" we stutted.
"Yeah, we are also going as... Friends" They replied.
"WITH BENEFITS!" Shouted a boy, bursting out from the toilets. He looks about seventh year, he's wearing a worn out leather jacket and has Danny Zuko like hair.
"Oh leave them be, remember when we were like them" chuckled another boy, trailing the other boy out the bathroom. He looks about the same age as the other. This boy is tall and lanky, with fluffy dirty blonde hair. He's wearing a wore out, over sized jumper.
"Remember when we were, just friends" Laughed the first Boy.
"Yes, I did enjoy our Friendship kisses" replied the other.
"Well let's be off pretty boy" He smiled, pecking the other boy on the lips, as they departed towards the hall.
"That was interesting."
"Yup" laughed Albus Nervously.
"Let's be off." I announced, intertwining my arm with Ve's.
"I love how your suits go together!" Smiled Ve.
"Yeah, Al's/Ti's aunt made suits and dresses for me and the rest of the cousins" said Scorpius. Al and Scorpius have corresponding suits. Al has blue suit with a black under top and Scorpius has a black suit with a blue under shirt. Also Al has a red bow tie with black stripes and Scorpius, has a black bow tie with red striped. Aunt Fleur is very creative.
"Are you related, to Al and Ti!" asked Ve, rather shocked.
"Oh my gosh, no. Our families are just close" explained Scorpius.
"Phew, I got a bit worried for a second" laughed Ve.
"I hope there's food there" sighed Al.
"You hope there's food every were" mocked Scorpius, Jokingly.
"Not every one is a wizard Vogue model" posed Al.
"Yeah, my dad and I have done it for ages, we do a lot of modeling for Rachel Skeeter" said Scorpius.
"Oh my god, I saw the wizard Vogue Christmas edition and the photo shoot you did was stunning, Ti you looked so pretty in it" smiled Ve.
"I tonnes of photo shoots with Rachel, I sure she'd love to put you in one, I'll let you know when my next one is, if your interested" informed Scorpius.
"If Ti's doing it, I'd love to do it" Ve beamed.
"Well let's stop nattering and go in" sighed Al, walking into the hall.
"Welcome, do have a lovely evening" said two prefects in short pink dresses, standing by the entrance as the others and I walked through to the hall. The walls of the room are draped in pink and red material and little pink hearts are scatted every were. There's a large dancing space in the middle of the room.
"Cakes!" Gleamed Al, dragging Scorpius towards a table full of heart themed cup cakes. Leaving me and Ve to our selves.
"I forgot to give you this in the common room" said Ve, placing a tiara (matching her's) upon my head.
"Aw, this it so nice, you didn't have too!"
"No, you deserve it, you are a queen!" She insisted. I took a glance across the room, to see if I could spot any of my cousins. In the corner I spotted Vicky and Ted doing the music. Vicky's wearing a simple, layered turquoise dress; which matches Teds hair. I wish they were closer in age to me, so they could be at Hogwarts the same time as me; next year they won't even be here on work experience, as they plan to go traveling with some friends. I looked to the over side of the room to see a deformed toad Dom in a tea-height, puffy, baby pink dress. Near to her was Lucy and Louis, Lucy's is in a long, tight, layered, black dress with a sort of torn affect and Louis is a light salmon colored tux. My aunt definitely went all out on these.
"Honestly you are too pure for this world." sighed Ve.
"Right back at you beautiful." Then in the corner of the room I spotted Ted smirk cheekily at Vicky as he changed the music from a cheesy, Disney channel like, pop song, to a slow, romantic, classical song.
"Well, you know this means" she smirked, taking me by the wist, right into the dance floor.
"Someones excited."
"Can you blame me" She smiled, taking me by the waste and swaying me side to side along to the hum of the music. "Don't be nervous, your heart is beating so fast" she comforted.
"Who can blame for being nervous when I'm around true beauty"
"Well you must get nervous when ever you look in a mirror; also are you wearing that perfume I like" she smirked.
"It's cinnamon dream, your favorite!"
As the music got slower we got closer and closer strengthening the bond between us. Why is her hair so perfectly smooth, why do her eyes shine in such a way, why is her heart and face tender as a spring Lamb, why do I deserve her. Why do I deserve Venus Macchio. "Venus is your name, a name which means goddess of beauty and yet with with any other name you'd still be just as sweet"
"Your name is Titania, a name which means fairy queen and yet with any other name you'd still be royalty to me." Venus blushed, gazing longingly into my eyes, skimming her palm along my jaw and holding me tight. Then, before we could get any closer the music changed back to the jumpy pop song.
For bit Ve and I pondered around the hall making small talk and eating chocolate, until people started leaving to go back to their dorms.
"Well it certainly has been quite the evening! It has been a great pleasure to be in the company of you tonight, now may I escort one back to her dorm."
"Yes you may" she giggled. I took my her by the arm and had a most leisurely journey back to our room.
"I'm very tiiiierd" I yawned.
"Couldn't agree more!" she replied, flopping on to her bed.
"Buenas noches mi amor, dulces suenos" she beamed, turning the lights of.

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