Harry Potter the next generat...

Oleh YettoMcCheese

833 2 10

I wrote this when I was 13 it's so shit that it's funny, I am gracing the world with this monstrosity. Basica... Lebih Banyak

a new hope
Titania Minerva Granger-Weasley(prologue)
platform 9 and ¾
Hogwarts Express
sorting ceremony
First night at Hogwarts
First day at Hogwarts
First flying lesson
Hogwarts Halloween
The room
Suprise birthday party
Christmas Shopping
Christmas eve
Christmas day
Boxing day at the burrow
Photo shoot
new years day shopping with Draco
Gotta get back to Hogwarts
Unexpected news
The funeral
Valentines day
An amazing production

Christmas holidays

15 0 0
Oleh YettoMcCheese

A/N: Fuck me this chapter is genuinely painful

I think this term has gone quite well, a LOT better than Primary school, I had to go to a muggle primary schools, for infant school (reception, year 1 and year 2) I went to Appleson's CofE Pre-preparatory school, I went there with Al and Scorpius, I don't remember it that much but it wasn't that great as most people there weren't that nice and people thought we were weird and this one teacher Mrs.Que got suspicious and was always watching us, also as 4 to 7 year olds keeping the wizarding world a secret from a bunch of annoying kids was pretty hard. Even though that bad was nothing compared to st. millstone CofE all girls preparatory school, ALL GIRLS which meant NO Al or Scorpius just a school full of bratty pre-teen rich girls! All you'd hear all day was: hey Lucinda, yes Penelope, look at this bow with real diamonds on it that mother got me! Well Penelope look at this gold bracelet bracelet father got me! ALL DAY LONG. The only time they spoke to an "unpopular scum" like me was to say: hey fiz head look at this iphone9 my parents got me! I usually replied with something stupid like: Well....... i have..... a DIAMOND encrusted..... LEMON, HA Jacquetta.... I was always really tempted to say I live in a mansion and I have magical powers! I'd rather protect the wizarding community then impress some snotty brats! Al and Scorpius went to St. Allton all boys preparatory school, they say it wasn't amazing but not too bad. We missed each other loads and always visited each other a lot! Non muggle born children have the choice to either go to muggle primary school or be home tutored and go to tuition clubs. us three wanted to be home tutored but apparently we needed to learn "social skills."
Me and Al usually spend most Christmases at the Burrow while Scorpius and his parents spend Christmas day at there house then come over to the burrow on boxing day, this year me and Al are spending Christmas day at Scorpius's house, mainly to comfort him as his mother is spending Christmas in St. Mungo's they knew she had genetic magic disease but they didn't know it was that bad, a couple of months ago she had to start using a wheelchair as her health is deteriorating, they decided it would be best for her to stay in hospital.
"Sames!" Said me and Scorpius.
"Have you two packed up yet?!"
"Yeah, also my dad's picking us up from the station and we'll drive back to my place" said Scorpius.
"Can't wait!" Said Al.
"Shh for a second guys I think Mcgonagall's about to say something."
"Quiet down, quiet down. I want to say a few words before you all go, this term has gone very well and most of you passed your end of terms, 1st years have settled in nicely and have not caused too much trouble, remember to study and have a good time! If you're staying here stay seated, if you're going home start heading to the doors or the carriages" she said.
"Have you two definitely got EVERYTHING!"
"Yup!" They both said.
"Al can I stroke Wig-head!" Said Scorpius
"Yeah sure" said Al. Scorpius reached in the cage and before he could touch it, it bit his finger!
"OW!" He shouted.
"Oooo that looks painful!"
"Sorry Wig-head doesn't like many people" said Al.
"I don't think he was after Scorpius, he was after Sticky!"
"What did I tell you, frogs are friends NOT food!" Said Al to his owl.
"Come on guys we're going to miss the boats!" Said Phil helping Dan carry his luggage. We walked to doc and we boarded the boat, it began to move.
"It doesn't feel like like over 3 months since we came here, it's funny how fast time passes when you're having fun!" Said Al.
"I've never been more happy, I finally feel like I belong!" Said Dan.
"We love you Dan" said Phil hugging him.
"I love hogwarts, I love Hufflepuff and I love you guys sooo much" said Scorpius.
"Sames!" Said me and Al.
"Thanks for making me feel so welcome" said Dan.
"No problem, you are a lovely kid and deserve it!"
"Yeah!" Said Al and Scorpius.
"You mean a lot to me and don't think you're unwanted because we want you" said phil.
"Look guys we're almost there!" Said Al. When we got to the bank we got of the boat and started to walk to the train. When we got to train, we got on and walked to a carriage.
"Can we sit with you guys?" Said phil.
"Yeah sure!"
"Thanks!" Said Dan. We went into a carriage.
"So what are you guys doing over the holidays?"
"Not much" laughed Dan.
"What about you phil?"
"three words Netflix, couch, food!" Said Phil.
"Sames!" Said Dan.
"Scorpius's dad is taking us christmas shopping in diagon alley you two can come if you want!"Said Al.
"We'd love to!" Said Dan and Phil.
"We can meet outside Weasleys wizard Wheezes about 1:00."
"Sounds good!" Said Phil.
*Knock! Knock! Knock!* Must be the trolly witch. Phil reached out and opend the door
"Any things from the trolly dearies?" She said.
"Can I have a large packet of peppermint toads please?"
"That will be 2 gallons" she said.
"I'll have 1 meddium stick of Cinnamon apple candyfloss please" said Al.
"That will be 1 gallon" she said.
"Ummm, I'll have a small packet of popping cranberry chocolate chunks please" said Scorpius.
"That will be 2 gallons" she said.
"5 fizzing candycanes please" said Phil
"2 gallons, any thing for you dear" she said looking at Dan.
"Budget cuts" said Dan.
"Can you make my order double please" said Phil
"Yes and that will be 3 gallons' she said then left.
"You didn't need to do that, I feel greedy" said Dan blushing.
"Who said there for you... Don't worry just kidding! You deserve it" Said Phil.
"You guys are so cute!"
"EEEEEE!" Said me, Al and Scorpius looking at each other. We talked, ate, and joked around for most of the rest of journey.
"Guys we'll probably be there soon so get all your stuff!" We got all are stuff and train stopped about 5 minutes later.
"I'm going to miss you guys soooooo much" said Phil.
"Remember to write to me you two!"
"As much as I can
"I'll try" said Dan.
"Well guess me and Dan will see you when we go shopping" said Phil
"GROUP HUG!" Said Al. We all huddled up and embraced!
"Damn I'm going to miss you guys " said dan trying to not show he was wiping a tear of his face.
"We love you Dan and don't let the muggles get you down!"
"Ahh you all are just so flippin nice!" Said Dan
"Hurry along now children!" Said a teacher checking the train. After an emotional good bye we went are ways and got of the train.
"Look are over there!" Said Scorpius.
"Come here Albus honey!' Shouted Ginny.
"For flips sake mum I'm right next you, you don't need to shout" said Al
"Here are suitcases Ti, remember to clean your teeth, and change your underwear every day! Your clothes are in the back compartment, don't cause Mr.Malfoy any problems!" Said my parents giving me my stuff and kissing me.
"Albus don't get in any trouble, I love you" said Ginny.
"Please stop!" Said Al whiping a kiss of his face.
"Bye!" Said me and Al to our parents. We walked over to Draco and back to his car.
"OMG you have a chevrolet corvette 2017!" Said Al looking at Draco's cool black car.
"Put your suitcases into boot and hop in" said Draco. We got in and started to drive.
"What's for dinner dad?" Said Scorpius.
"We're going to make pizza" said Draco.
"Yassssssss!" We said in reply.
"I'm I right thinking that we're going shopping on Wednesday?"
"You are right indeed, also did Scorpius tell you about the photo shoot?"
"Yeah i'm totally up for it!"
"Same here!" Said Al. We drove for about and hour of so, we then drove down a narrow forest path until we reached Scorpius's house, a large, light colored, castle like building with dark turrets. It's a rather beautiful house. The car palled up outside the house.
"Take your stuff inside and i'll set up the bedroom, and you can play around for a bit" said Draco.
"Welcome to my humble abode!" Said Scorpius as he opened the door and walked in, even though his house looks old on the outside but has a couple modern features on the inside.
"I love your house, it's soooo cool!" Said Al.
"Yeah it's really nice."
"And your dad's actually cool" said Al
"Thanks guys, also do you want to watch a movie!" Said Scorpius.
"YES!" Said Al
"How bout the hunger games."
"Sounds good!" Said Al and Scorpius. We went into his home cinema and sat on the front seats together and played the movie.
"Rue's death is sooo sad!" Said Al, as we whipped a tear away from are faces.
"YAYYYYYYYYY!" We said running to the kitchen.
"I've pre-made the dough but you can put on the sauce and toppings on" said Draco. We got the dough and spread a load of tomato puree on top, it's quite satisfying, I then sprinkled on a LOT of cheese on it, then put on olives, tuna, prawns, crab and gherkins, I have a mature taste in food! Al put every meat in the house on the pizza and Scorpius put on salami and and olives on his pizza.
"Looks like you've finished your pizzas, watch the rest of the movie while they're cooking" said Draco. Walked back and watched the movie, about 20 minutes later the pizzas were ready.
"Dinners ready!" He said.
"FOOOOOOOOD!" Shouted Al, as we ran to dining room. Draco had set up the table, and put out lemonade, dough balls, garlic bread and mayo.
"Looks lovely!"
"Your pizza isn't Ti, why do you put such gross stuff on it!" Said Al.
"You don't know it's gross until you try it!" I said waving a Gherkin in his face.
"You two, stop" said Scorpius.
"Shhh this entertaining" said Draco eating some popcorn.
"IT SMELLS!" Said Al.
"Yeah it smells, LIKE YOOOU!" I threw the gherkin at Al's face, but before it him he dodged and it hit Scorpius's face!
"FOR GOD SAKE!" Said Scorpius.
"HaHAHAHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa!"We all laughed.
"You've got your food everywhere but your mouths!" Said Draco. We begin to feast on the pizzas.
"Mmm did you make this garlic bread"
"No I brought it from Tesco's" said Draco.
"Oh!" I laughed.
"FINISHED!" Triumphed Al.
"Once you guys have finished you can go up to Scorpius's room, I've left a couple treats up there" said Draco. We rushed up to Scorpius's room.
"I love you room it's huge and cool and just generally awesome" said Al, Scorpius's room is huge electric blue room, with constellations painted on the walls and ceiling, his bed, placed in the middle of the room, has matching blue duvet, he has a 100-100 inch flat screen T.V on his wall, at the back of his room he has 2 bookshelves on either sides and it you pull out a certain book out on the right shelf it reveals his hidden swimming pool, yes he has a hidden swimming pool! If you do it on the one on the left it reveals his en-suite, round his room he has a couple of shelves with photos on and above his bed a Hufflepuff poster and banner and a couple quidditch posters. His dad had set out a bed for me and Al.
"Look under the bed!" Said Scorpius.
"SWEETS!" Said Al.
"LET'S FEAST!" We said. We indulged sweets while having a hunger games marathon, at about 12:00 all of us dozed off to sleep. I think this will be an amazing Christmas!

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