Harry Potter the next generat...

By YettoMcCheese

833 2 10

I wrote this when I was 13 it's so shit that it's funny, I am gracing the world with this monstrosity. Basica... More

a new hope
Titania Minerva Granger-Weasley(prologue)
platform 9 and ¾
Hogwarts Express
sorting ceremony
First night at Hogwarts
First day at Hogwarts
First flying lesson
Hogwarts Halloween
Suprise birthday party
Christmas holidays
Christmas Shopping
Christmas eve
Christmas day
Boxing day at the burrow
Photo shoot
new years day shopping with Draco
Gotta get back to Hogwarts
Unexpected news
The funeral
Valentines day
An amazing production

The room

13 0 0
By YettoMcCheese

"OW!" Al screeched, gripping on the the top of his head. Oh great what did he do now...
"Are you alright!?" I worried, putting my sketchbook down. Arr if I don't get this sketch for astronomy done, I might as well throw myself of the astronomy tower.
"Well considering a one tonne book just tried to knock me out, no, not really" Al mumbled, rubbing his head.
"Well if hopefully it's a book that'll tell me how to bloody draw!"
"I don't quite think it'll help you do that but it looks rather interesting" Scorpius wondered, ignoring Al's throbbing head.
"Wow cheers for the sympathy" Al gasped, pushing the large, heavy, dusty, ancient looking book into his hands
"In have feeling this book is supposed to be in the restricted area" Scorpius pondered, placing it on a desk whist frisking the bed of dust masking the front cover.
"Hogwarts: Secrets and rumors" Al read, tracing his finger along the crimson coloured, swirly writing calligraphed on. "We've really hit someone here" He laughed, beginning to flick through the pages.
"It's about time we did some exploring."
"Do we have to..." Scorpius sighed, trying to carry on with his homework.
"No one gets left behind! It'll be fine" Al nagged, slowly pulling Scorpius out his chair.
"Whoop, whoop let's all get on the procrastination train" Scorpius snuffed, sarcastically. "My dad's going to be disappointed if mess around this term" he warned.
"Oh my gosh, shut up, your dad is so chill. My mum will flip her wand if get a bad end of term report, not like she the minister of magic or anything!"
"Hahaha... I'm already a disappointment, so there's not a lot to lose" Al laughed, looking deeply into a page of the book. Wow Al has so much self confidence. "So it there anything interesting in there?" I asked leaning over Al's shoulder.
"Something about doors and maps and stuff, bit bor..." Al replied, going of into his own world.
"Wait! Don't turn over. Look it says: When one does need a place to hide, behind the walls secrets are inside, rooms and holes are shielded from the naked eye, these are for the sneaky and the sligh, find a point upon the map, then once, twice, thrice tap.
"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" Al and I squealed!
"We're gonna get in so much trouble..." Scorpius winced, rolling is eyes.
"Meet me in the common room at eleven pm!" I smiled sneaking out the library; trying to avoid being seen by the librarian, as I doubt I would be allowed to take this book out. Quickly, I headed back to my dorm room so I could plan what was to come this evening.
In the book on page 394 there's intricately inked map of the Hogwarts ground, on the map are three red blotches, i'm assuming they are the points the poem was talking about. one's next to the prefects bathroom; I think I'll give that a miss, weird stuff goes down in the prefects bathroom. The second one's on the over side of the school, and ain't nobody got time for that. The third one's on the corridor to the hall, so relatively near the Hufflepuff common room.
I have a feeling I'm getting excited over nothing, it's probably just going to be a dusty storage cupboard or just an empty room.
"Bow down to you lord chameleon..." Venus mumbled, bolting upwrite in her bed. Oh my gosh way to give someone a heart attack. Oh great it's eleven now, placing my bet neither Al or Scorpius are awake.
Quickly but quietly, I slipped out of the dorms into the common room. Ahh just me who would have guessed... To the boy's dorm it is...
In as much silence as possible, I crept through the annoyingly creaky wooden door that lead in to first year boys dorm.
"Al... Scorpius... Are you awake..." I whispered, edging slightly more into the room.
"You shouldn't be here, I shouldn't be here, keep your mouth closed and be on your way" frustratedly, muttered a seventh year Slytherin girl, swiftly closing the door on me. Well... Would have been useful if they reminded me they swapped dorms with the seventh years...
Continuing to attempt be silent, I traipsed down to the end of the the corridor till I reached Al and Scorpius's room. Hopefully...
"Get Up!" Al moaned, yanking Scorpius out his bed, much to Scorpius's disapproval. "Sorry I wasn't in common room, blondy here won't get up" He giggled.
"I hate you both" Scorpius mumbled, dragging his slowing hunching body out of the door.
"Try to keep quiet..." I whispered, leading them into to common room.
"Ti do you actually know where we're going" Scorpius yawn, trying to keep his eyes open.
"Yes! Now be please be quiet!" I warned, continuing down the corridors, till we reached the hall.
"This is stupid! We're going to get in so much trouble!" Scorpius warned, as he tugged on Al's arm.
"Yes, yes we will if you keep on making noise!"
"I'm gonna hold this on you If anything goes wrong" Scorpius scowled, reluctantly following me.
"Ok, ok, just be quiet." Silently, we managed to cross through the hall without being detected.
"HOLY DUMBLEDORE!" Al shouted, jumping out of his skin.
"What is it!" I squirmed putting my hand over Al's mouth.
"That..." Scorpius whispered, staring blankly down a bleak, unlit corridor that lead down to the Slytherin dormitories.
Slowly a small figure emerged from from the darkness...
"Keep your voices down! It's just me..." Louis whispered, staring us down. "You shouldn't be out this late and nor should I so don't do anything to stupid, I don't need more night petrels to be put out, it's hard enough to get around at night without them snooping about. Also Tristan only sits next to me in like two of my classes this half term, so I've got to see him as much can outside classes"
"Don't worry will be careful, won't we! goodnight" I whispered, swiftly venturing down the opposite corridor.
"Ugh this isn't worth all this..." Scorpius began to rant, dramatically turning on his heels turning on his heels.
"Stop!" I interrupted him. "We're here..." I whispered squinting at the map, which was now releasing a pulse around the point we had now reached.
"Look something about this doesn't seem right, we... We should go back..." Scorpius squeaked, cowering into Albus.
"If we never do anything, we will have lived for nothing" Al smiled, tugging on Scorpius's wist.
"You know I can't say no to your stupid little, beautiful quotes... Ok, then..." Scorpius agreed, letting a faint smile escape his ever frosty lips. I swear Al could get Scorpius to do anything, Scorpius would jump of a cliff for Al.
"It's gonna be fine, the worst that can happen is the room we'll be a bit dusty" Al comforted, placing in his hand against the bitterly chilly wall.
"Well it's now or never..." I shrugged, pulling my wand out the pockets silky pink pajamas. "find a point upon the map, then once, twice, thrice tap" I read, slowly bringing my arm to the wall; carefully, I caressed the stone surface three times... In a matter of seconds, the once plain wall distorted itself into a large looming door which appeared to have mystic runes scratched around it's frame. Unexpectedly, Scorpius barged in front me and grasped hold of the obnoxiously large mahogany door handle. "Now or never..." He muttered, tightly closing his eyes, as he yanked the door open.
"Oh this was really worth it!" Al growned, staring displeased into a derelict, duss ridden room with nothing but an ancient, dim lit oil lamp and large, slivered framed mirror.
"Oh no just a mirror, what shame... Well we've seen what wanted to let get back to bed" Scorpius twitched in a panicked manor. I know that look on him, something is not right.
"What's going on with you Scorpius your acting really sketchy tonight."
"I'm fine! I just... Don't feel right about this" Scorpius tensed, fiddling with his hair.
"It's just a mirror, what's really that bad" Al sighed stepping inside the room, dusting the mirror off with the back of his hand.
"It's not just any mirror! It's the mirror of erised it shows you what you most desire" Scorpius informed holding Al back from looking in the mirror. "That's great, I don't know why your so worried! Look we'll barely take a minute if your worried about getting caught or something" Al smiled.
"Scorpius, Al and I will go first and if we see anything bad we'll get straight out" I sighed patting him on the shoulder.
"Promise..." He pouted.
"Promise!" Al, I returned, buzzing with curiosity.

"I have a lovely little family and I'm in a nice house and now I'm acting my heart out on broad way and everything I just amazing!" Slightly self centered but what can say.
"That's cool, it's your turn now Scorpius!" Said Al
"Ok, I can do this" said Scorpius. He stood in front of the mirror, he stood there for a minute and then started to cry.
"Scorpius what is it!" Me and Albus immediately went to Scorpius to comfort him.
"Well I saw me and my family but my mum was no longer ill" said Scorpius.
"Well is that good..." Said Al, ahhh Al you idiot.
"WELL I KNOW IT'S NEVER GOING TO BE LIKE THAT, you think it's easy you don't know how it is!" Said Scorpius.
"What else did you see?" Said Al.
"I saw my family and you guys with me forever" Said Scorpius.
"The second part is already true and it will always be!" I said as me and Al gave him a hug.
"Thanks guys, I love you both" said Scorpius.
"Well tonight was interesting." Said Al.
"Al you goddam little...!"
"Don't worry about me guys, I just get a bit emotional sometimes" said Scorpius.
"We will worry about you Scorpius, you are our little brother and we love you!"
"Thanks Ti" He said hugging me.
"We should probably be going back now" said Al.
"Yeah" said Scorpius. So we walked back to our dorms.
"Well tonight was interesting!" Said Al.
"let's never speak of this again" said Scorpius.
"Yup!" Said Al.
"Night guys, love you both!"
"Night Ti" they both said.
That was deep I thought Al and Scorpius would just see something like a mountain of sweets. There was a lot hugging. I shouldn't think to deeply into this weird mirror, better go to sleep.

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