Harry Potter the next generat...

By YettoMcCheese

840 2 10

I wrote this when I was 13 it's so shit that it's funny, I am gracing the world with this monstrosity. Basica... More

a new hope
Titania Minerva Granger-Weasley(prologue)
platform 9 and ¾
Hogwarts Express
sorting ceremony
First night at Hogwarts
First flying lesson
Hogwarts Halloween
The room
Suprise birthday party
Christmas holidays
Christmas Shopping
Christmas eve
Christmas day
Boxing day at the burrow
Photo shoot
new years day shopping with Draco
Gotta get back to Hogwarts
Unexpected news
The funeral
Valentines day
An amazing production

First day at Hogwarts

23 0 0
By YettoMcCheese

I slept well last night, it's so peaceful here. As I got up the sunlight seeped through the short windows, leaving sun spots across the room. I stood up to see a neatly folded Hufflepuff robe, which is black with yellow insides with a Hufflepuff logo (a yellow crest with a small badger on it), a yellow and black checked skirt, a pair of grey trousers with a yellow belt, a white polo shirt, a yellow and black Hufflepuff tie, a yellow and black Hufflepuff scarf, a pair of yellow, just above the ankle, socks with the Hufflepuff logo on it. A knee length pair and an ankle length pair without the logo on it, but with a black lining on the top and finally a grey jumper with yellow stripes at the bottom and on the collar with a hufflepuff logo on the right hand side.
I got changed into polo shirt, the skirt, jumper, the knee length socks, the tie, scarf and robe.
"Morning!" Meredith waved, coming into the dorm, from the bathrooms, with her toothbrush and shower bag.
"Morning!" Me and Venus smiled in reply.
Once we were all dressed and ready we went into the quietly stirring common room.
"Us two are going to the hall now for breakfast do you wanna come with?" Ve asked.
"I'm going to wait for Al and Scorpius to get up. Thanks though."
"See you in a bit." Ve waved. Slowly, left the room leaving me to my own devices. I sat down on one of the large, cosy armchairs and began to look around closer observing the things I hadn't noticed the night before, as I turned my head around I noticed a couple of dusty gold framed portraits, the first of which was of the founder of Hufflepuff, Helga Hufflepuff in the picture she looked about 60 years old with dark auburn hair, brown eyes and holding the cup of Hufflepuff (a golden goblet with twisted roots and a badger on it) next to it is two other portraits of people whom I was not to sure on who they were. One was of a boy; who looked about the age of seventeen he's quite good looking with brown wavy hair, light grey eyes and rosy cheeks, wearing a Hufflepuff uniform, underneath the painting is a small golden plaque saying "Cedric Diggory a brave, kind and humble son, friend, student and triwizard champion who died before his years." The the other portrait is of a woman who looks around twenty seven with short messy pink hair, blue eyes and is wearing a old leather jacket and loose black choker, as I looked closer I noticed her face had a weird resemblance to Teddy's. Underneath on the golden plaque it said "Nymphadora Tonks a loyal, hardworking mother, wife, daughter and student who died fighting side by side with her husband." I sat down for about two minutes, pondering about life, but my attention span got the better of me, so I grabbed a book from my bag and started to read it, it's one by John Green. Finally, after ten minutes, Al and Scorpius burst through the boy's dormitory door with scruffy hair and crinkly uniforms.
"Tardy much!"
"We overslept, I forgot to put an alarm spell on mine and Scorpius's Gandalf clocks" Al yawned/
"Come over here! Let me fix your uniform!" fatigued they dragged themselves over. Swiftly, I straightened up their ties and got them to tuck their shirts in then I pulled a brush out my bag and made their hair look reasonable, well made there hair not look like I was dragged through a bush.
"There you go! We must be off to breakfast now!"
As we walk into the hall Scorpius's stomach lets out a gurgle of deep rumbles.
"Looks like someone's hungry!" Al Laughed.
"Hope there's eggy bread" Scorpius Dreamed. We walked through the corridor into the great hall; the tables already were filled with food and drinks. As I passed the Slytherin table I said hello to Paris and the girl next to her Sophie Williamson an average height girl with shoulder length ginger, blonde blonde hair and a cream coloured beanie on her head, as I went by the Gryffindor table Alisa and Kamil waved at me, so I waved back. As I walked past the Ravenclaw table Carre said hi. Also two other girls on the table waved to me, one of them is called Trisha Newman an average height girl with white wavy bobbed hair and brown blue eyes, then next to her was Anastasia Malory, she has long dark crimson hair and brown eyes. So I smiled and waved back. I went to the Hufflepuff table and sat next to Ricky and Zack and sat opposite to Valen and Garrett. I got some cheese melts and filled my cup with a thick peach smoothie.
"I can't wait to start today!"
"Same!" Valen Replied, sipping a cut of milky tea. Overcome of what was to come, we hastily ate up our breakfasts and about half an hour later...
"Ok first year Hufflepuffs and Slytherins follow me to you first lesson!" Mary called. nervously, we raised out our seats and began to following her. Ahhhh what if do something stupid or trip over or just do something something that'll just make a general fool of myself! I have about as much balance as a disabled penguin. Calm yourself down! Slowly, she lead us through the hall, into the gardens and into the greenhouses; where we saw Professor Longbottom. I need to remember not to call him uncle Nevy!
"Come in! Come in" he called opening the door to the greenhouse.
Once everyone filed themselves in he announced... "Hello students, welcome to Hogwarts, you're all lucky enough to have me first today, in my class the only rule is be nice to others and don't break stuff, well try not too. First things first is today you will be learning how to grow the magical plant of enchanted cress!"
"BORING!" Sighed a boy called Kato from the back of the room. He's quite short, with very short black curly hair, dark eyes and chocolatey toned skin.
"I know right! It's annoying I wanted to teach you how to make fire breathing bug traps but, apparently following a curriculum is important" sighed Neville. Ok he is actually amazing!
"Who cares about the curriculum, let's do something fun" Kato shouted.
"As much as I would like to do that you guys do need to learn a bit of basics, once you know how to do this you'll be able to do the cool stuff, so make sure you've got all the right stuff and let's get to planting" replied Neville.
"Woo gardening..." Paris, hollard sarcastically.
"Thank you Paris. Ok First of all you pour seeds in the green packet into the dirt in the pot, then the exciting bit is if you want your cress to have a salt and pepper flavor you add a sprinkle of pickle berry Rhine and to get a hummus flavoring you squeeze the sap from the stork of a snap pansy pears. Simples!" Professor Longbottem chuffed, sounding rather proud with himself.
I reached for the seeds and sprinkled them into the pots. Ok there are very limited ways for me to completely mess this up, I think I'll be alright. Just gardening right.
"Hey P how are things going for you."
"All good, all good, last night was decent" she said sprinkling stuff into her pot, elegantly.
We began to make the hummus cress and as I went to squeeze the sapp out of the pansy pears I...
"ACHOO!" Great just great, It's on my face isn't it, yes I did just manage to make a fool of myself in my first lesson, you know I jinx myself right. Let's be honest it was destiny.
"A HA HA!" Paris laughed, not concealing her it in any way. Great everyone's looking, such fun...
"Looks like you have a little something on your face!" Laughed a person from the side of the room. Wow, really I didn't notice, thank you for your useful input. Life changing...
"HEY BACK OF!" Paris sarnled.
"We could call Sneezachu because your electric" chuckled someone else; ok that is actually painstakingly cringy. You know what I might as well just self-implode
Before I could say anything in return, Al stands in front of me.
"Well thank you very much!" Al winked.
"Nice one Al" said Paris, patting on the back.
"Ok calm down everyone, let's not make a big deal of it" said Neville. Don't worry it's not a big deal I'm just internally dying now.
"Dumbledore's knee can I please have tissue."
"Purgatio" Scorpius cast. As he said that my face cleared up.
"Thanks!" I sighed, as I gave him a hug making him go slightly red.
"well done Scorpius, five points to Hufflepuff!" Professor Longbottem awarded.
Still embraced, I carried on with the hummus cress plant thingy like nothing went wrong and I presume I got it right. Hopefully...
"Now students to make your plant grow you simply cast, incrementum and we'll see if you've done it right" said Professor.
"incrementum!" People cast from around the room. PLEASE WORK. Once I said that a green grass like plant sprouted out the soil; cautiously, I pulled a bit of the green grassy stuff out and tried it and it...Dam it actually worked!
Suddenly, from across the table Zach's plant exploded!
"Well done zach..." Paris snickered, giving a slow clap to him.
"Al, Scorpius, Valen, Rett did yours work? It looks like it did."
"Well we can only taste and see!" Said Rett.
"Bottoms up!" They said hitting their plant pots together.
"EWWWWWW IT TASTES DISGUSTING!" Shouted Rett violently trying to scrape the taste out of his mouth.
"Exactly how much pickle berry rine did you add" professor Longbottem asked.
"Um about a hand full..." Rett squeaked.
"I said a sprinkle... But never mind have this, it should get rid of the taste." Said Professor throwing a sherbet lemon to him.
"Wow thanks Sir!" Smiled Rett
"Mine worked!" Scorpius chuffed.
"Sames!" Al shone.
"It is now the end of the lesson class if you wish you may take you plants with you and Mary should be coming to escort you to your next lesson: charms"
Soon Mary came to collect us and we went to charms, where were greeted by professor Winston a very tall, old, chinese man, with a crippled back and short grey, white hair. Despite his boring attire, he cracked up jokes throughout the lesson; and was very sarcastic. We learnt how to do basic spell formations.
After charms we went to break for half an hour; then it was history of magic where we had professor Farrland an average height middle age woman with large, dark hair and dark tone skin; she taught us some History about the houses apparently Slytherin house didn't use to accept you if you were muggle born! They must have updated the sorting system.
after that I had transfiguration, with professor Patil, a tall well aged woman, with olive toned skin; she gave us a lesson of transfiguration basics and safety. She's very kind
then lunch (I had veggie wrap) it was 1 hour and a half, my final lesson was defense against the dark arts.
According to my all my family D.A.D.A is the best, it sounds so interesting.
"Ok I am hyped to D.A.D.A!" Al smiled, Speed walking to class room to get there first, and first he was, first to see...
"DAD! WHAT ON EARTH! WAY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!" Shouted Al. Oh. My. Gosh... Are you actually serious... Well isn't this marvelous...
"SUP! Albus, Ti, Scorps!" He swagged, pointing finger guns and pulling the biggest, cheesy smile his face could hold.
"Oh my gosh... I actually can't believe you..." Al sighed, rolling his eyes. Although we weren't particularly pleased about Harry. I can't say the same for the rest of the class!
"IT'S HARRY POTTER! IT'S ACTUALLY HIM!" Squealed someone making a gaggle around Harry.
"Ain't he that one who killed that snake dude or somthin'!" Said another.
"Clam down class, I know i'm simply amazing but i'm here teach you how to defend yourself from people like Voldypants and I know i'm Al's dad but I'm not any Dad I'm a cool Dad!" Harry winked, bigging himself up.
"Kill me... Please..." Al cringed, clinging with emaracement and slightly dying in side.
As the class went on Harry made a bunch of really bad puns and taught us how to do a disarming spell. In all honesty he's not too bad teaching, he just needs to tone down his cringe factor...
After D.A.D.A it was time for dinner.
"I hope you know this it your fault!" J.S scowled, coming over from the Gryffindor table with Fred.
"Please, J.S, explain how Harry being our teacher Al's fault in the slightest."
"Because, Mum and Dad know you'll do something stupid" J.S sighed, picking a chicken wing up of Al's plait.
"You were the one who got fifty five detentions last year, James" Al snickered, putting another wing back on his plate.
"Well, I heard mum and dad say the other day that they want to keep a close eye on you, to make sure your staying in shape and not hanging around with bad influences too much, Albus" he shrugged, scooping two of the chicken wings of All plate and started to walk back to his tabel.
"Well that's reassuring to know..." Al sighed, pushing his plate away.
"Al, don't worry about your brother, please don't stop eating your food, you look fine." Al can get really sensitive about eat, J.S really do any good by saying that, Al is just going be self conscious.
"Don't listen to him Al and I don't care if your parents think I'm bad influence I will stick to you weather you like it or not!" Scorpius giggled.
Through dinner Scorpius and I managed to get Al to eat some stuff, but Al still felt very uneasy so we went to bed and soon as dinner ended.
On the whole was good, I feel so at home here, I hope that this feeling lasts and I really hope that Al and Scorpius will stay with me. I know that sounds cliché and cheesy but they're so special me and I couldn't live without them. I know I can be a bit "overprotective" but Al and Scorpius need it and I need them.

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