Witch it !

By plainandbeautiful

3.1K 127 72

Before I was 16 , I'm an ordinary girl . When I turned 16 , I'm not so ordinary . When things get rough , ju... More

The name's Karenina .
Chapter 2 : The 16th moon .
Chapter 3 : The 16th moon - Part 2
Chapter 4 : The 16th moon - Part 3
Chapter 5 : The truth .
Chapter 6 : The Awakening Ritual
Chapter 7 : The hangover .
Chapter 8 : Feels like home
Chapter 9 : Magic has some tricky stuff .
Chapter 10 : Neil , who ?
Chapter 11 : Italian dinner , classy .
Chapter 13 : More of Jeremy .
Chapter 14 : Fire & Lightning
Chapter 15 : She's my job !
Chapter 16 : Sleepover secrets
Chapter 17 : Family Dinner
Chapter 18 : The Young Gathering
Chapter 19 : Cover blown
Chapter 20 : Held Captive
Chapter 21: Clean slate
Chapter 22: Let's witch this !
Chapter 23: End on a good note.

Chapter 12 : Jeremy's POV

137 6 3
By plainandbeautiful

I was told that Lionel and Cara Abyss are unnecessarily kind until the other witches and warlocks can take advantage of them , but from what I have seen , they are kind but they are also just and fair . I am underground below the mansion , standing in the crowd seeing the other witches and warlocks express their concerns . One of the warlocks say , " I hear Xavier is getting stronger , and he has werewolves supporting him !" , and the other witch say , " We only have witches on our sides , and we could be outnumbered with the werewolves . We are not that strong , Lionel !" . Then all I can hear is noise babbling . Lionel just raise his hands , "Enough" , immediately the underground is nothing but silence . "I understand your concern but I'm not sure about the involvement of werewolves in his agenda . He does wants to take this coven down and persuade you one by one to join on his mission to rule the world . We know the consequences of that action , we have been one for so long but Xavier's greed has divided us , and it's natural if any of you want to follow his path . I won't stop you , but I will tell you what Luna has and Nebula doesn't . Unity , safety and inner strength . If we act as one and gather our magic , we can put Xavier's and his followers to dust and be part of the world , among the humans with peace . We will work on our defence , but not attack cause we are better than that" . He say with such confidence and gentleness combined , Xavier doesn't have that effect . His tone of voice is anger and persistent . "If we are done with this meeting , I suggest you all head home and educate your children for the future battle" . He steps down and went upstairs . Luna coven practices their magic through parenting , so each parent teaches their children magic so there is no school for these children , but the children are friends and occasionally hang out and they even have the annual dance , just for the young witches and warlocks to socialise . Suddenly , my head throbs with pain and a deep voice appear inside my mind , " we need to talk" . I've been summoned . 

I arrive to this dark cave , and passing through these big bulky guys . Have I set a trend among them ? Now , I feel famous . Then I come face to face with a tall guy wearing a casual sweater and pants sitting on a throne made out of branches and sticks , and a long septor in his hand . " Uncle Xavier" , I nod my head . "Nephew" , he smile at me and point at me , "So , what report do you have for me on this fine day ?" , "Nothing much . Just some rumours that you've been making a werewolf alliance to go against Luna ?" , I fold my arms expecting an answer . " The rumour seem to be true . The big guys you just pass through , is a couple of them" , he points to them . " What kind of bargain have you dealt now this time , uncle ?" . I got slightly furious because we do not need werewolves on our side , we have great darker power than can wipe the whole coven to pieces . " No bargain needed , I just have to chain the leader of the pack with a spell on it and somehow the wolves lose their imprint of the pack and become stray dogs looking for an owner and now I'm like Cruella Devil , but with werewolves instead" . " Don't we have enough magic to attack them , Uncle ? Your septor can even kill Lionel alone , and let us kill the rest of the coven ?" , then he slaps me . "Boy ! You do not even know how to take care of your mother and now you are telling me what to do ?" .

According to him , I killed my mother . My mother was the coven's Potion Caster , she's the one mixing ingredients in a big pot or a small test tube . One day , when I was 10 , I entered my mother's mixing chamber and she was working with different kinds of plants and I found a syringe filled with blue liquid , my favourite colour was blue so I decided to hold it and look at the blue bubbles inside the syringe . My mum saw me so she hit my hand and that syringe fell out from it and the landed on the table with the tip at the edge of it . "Don't play with that Jerrie , that's some dangerous stuff , okay ?" , I just nodded and she kissed my hand . Then she stood up and take a step backwards , and suddenly she opens her mouth and froze . I even saw a tear running down her face . "Mama !" , I called her but she quickly fell down to the floor . " Mama ! Mama ! Help ! Help !" , my tears were like waterfalls and last thing she said before closing her eyes was , "be happy , Jerrie" . In seconds , her eyes closed and I just sat there crying my eyeballs out . I just lost my mother . Then Sierra , my mother's closest friend walk in and saw what happened so she quickly take me out of there and called Xavier and other warlocks . I just held out my hand reaching for my mother , but I was taken away by Sierra . Since then , I was told by Xavier that the potion was meant for Lionel and my mother was dead because of me . So now my purpose in life is to finish my mum's works but since I do not know how to recreate the potion , I have to obliged to Xavier's orders .

"Is that all you have for me , nephew ? Just some gossip ?!" , he yelled at me . "How bout the girl ? You have any luck with the girl ?" . What he means is Karenina , that made me put a little smile on my face and whisper to myself , 'Tater Tots' . "Well ?" , he asks . "She's still learning to control her magic with her parents , I will get close to her . I will make her join us" , I say with all seriousness . " You better ! I'm only giving you orders just to make you redeem yourself towards Christine . If you are not my nephew , you even wouldn't be alive" . I put my head down and thinking how a dissapointment I have become , then Xavier says , " You better give me better news , ones that I can use against them ! Now go" . I immediately walk away and see this thin and scrawny guy pass me , and I thought to myself , " what are dudes with highlights these days ?" .

a/n : So how do you like Jeremy so far ? and can you guess what's gonna happen next ? Please drop a comment or vote if you like it . I'll keep this story posted , thank you loyal readers ! 

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