The Villainess is Too Cute!

By shark_exorcism

114K 4.6K 1.8K

Being reincarnated into the heroine from an otome game isn't as great as it sounds. Especially if you hate th... More

Prologue {0}
Chapter {1}
Chapter {2}
Chapter {3}
Chapter {5}
chapter {12}


4.5K 248 96
By shark_exorcism

My name is Lillian Snow, and I am the first and only daughter of the Snow family. To preserve my family name I must be the best and have the best, and I'm willing to do anything to not disappoint my elders. That being said I've never wanted to disobey my parents more than ever right now.

I'm currently being sent off to meet my potential fiance Prince Edward Alern, the second Prince of the kingdom. Even if he's the crown Prince there is still no way I want to marry someone I've never met! Maybe if I throw a big enough tantrum they'll let me out of this...

...however I'm supposed to fight for the best.

I sigh out loud, drumming my fingers along my velvet seat. The dirt road below us makes the carriage to sway back and forth, giving me some minor motion sickness.

This isn't going to be easy is it? I've managed to get away with destroying my chances of marriage with any other candidate so far. But it's not going to be so easy this time considering this is "the best" my parents told me to strive for. It doesn't help that all the complaining I've done in recent years has utterly ruined my reputation as a lady. I doubt there's anyone out there still willing to give me a shot. Maybe if I'm fast enough I can run into the surrounding forest and hide it out. I haven't seen any dangerous wild animals around here so it should be fine.

The carriage came to an abrupt halt. The sound of hooves no longer filling my ears.

This is odd, we're no where near our destination. The city is still quite far from here. I should go and check with the knights.

Just as my hand touched the door handle I could hear the voice of a man barking orders. It's not a voice I recognise from our family knights. They can't be... how many of them are there? If they were able to take down a group of well trained men, who knows how good they are...

Whether they're well trained or they just have an advantage in numbers, it's within my best interest to stay in the carriage. Hopefully they just leave me be.

More yelling? I wish I could make out what hey were saying.

Suddenly the carriage took off again, throwing me against the floor. Wobbling onto my feet I grabbed hold of the curtains. We're going much faster than we were before, this clearly isn't the work of one of our men. Their first priority was my safety, there's no way they would risk it by speeding this fast. Wait, is that smoke!? Oh god I'm so screwed, if I can't get out of here I'll be burning alive before I know it.


Is someone trying to get my attention, how are they outside the carriage?

Risking it I peeked through the curtains. However what I saw was unexpected. A child around my age was riding along side my carriage. They seem distracted, but this looks like my only option.

Taking a deep breath I flung open the carriage door before throwing myself out of it, arms first. I resisted the urge to close my eyes from fear and instead reached for the hand of the child. I felt myself make contact and before I could register what was happening I found myself on the horse, sitting in front of my saviour.

I going to cry, that was way too scary...

Watching the carriage ride away, I couldn't help but feel a little sad,
"The horses..." I muttered under my breath, not realising the person behind me had heard.

In a confident voice they replied, "I'll go looking for them later, my first priority is to get you back safe."

The way they conducted themself surprised me. Acting like a true knight, risking their life to save a fair maiden- wait, what am i thinking!? Aah, this is embarrassing, I hope whoever this is can't read my mind... hey you, if you can read my mind say something.


Ok now I'm just being silly.

Tilting my head back to get my first proper look at my saviour, I saw what was clearly the face of a little girl. Well, either a boyish girl or a girlish boy. Either way it doesn't matter.

"Thank you" I said. I can't forget my manners just because of a near death expirience, how rude would that be? Besides, for some reason I only want this girl to see he best of me. Hmm, I must just want to be a good representative of our family name. That sounds about right.

The girl grinned down at me, dazzling me. I quickly returned my face to the road in front of me, my cheeks heating up.

What the heck!? Why is she so pretty? Uh, what no, I mean! Agh, get yourself together Lillian. This isn't a big deal, you're just sitting on a horse with a gentlemanly stranger behind you. Nothing more, nothing less. So what if the stranger is really cool, super pretty and extraordinary in every way- No wait, stop it Lillian, bad Lillian!

Ok breathe, this is fine. I'll ask for their name, then I will be able to see them again. It's only natural right? I must reward them for their good deed. It's only a formality, nothing personal. Any second now I'm going to to it...

Without realising it my internal struggle had lasted the whole way back to the city. I didn't even say a word to her! She probably things I'm really ungreatful or disrespectful. This is bad! I can still turn this around if I ask now and give her a proper reward.

We made it all the way back to the guards better I could ask, "May I know to name of my saviour?"

Yes! I did it! My heart is beating to fast from all this stress...

She gave me another grin, even more spectacular than the last one. I swear I felt my heart stop for a moment, I've got to get that checked out. My heart may have a problem...

"May Rosewell." She replied, putting her hands behind her back, leaning on the backs of her heels.

Fighting down the violent blush forming on my face, I bowed my head slightly to hide it. "Thank you again, miss Rosewell." I must really be sick if I'm acting this way...

She quickly returned to the horse, my tongue too tied to stop her.

"I better get going then." As she mounted the horse her motions were fluid, as if it were reflex.

"Where are you off to?"

Oops I sounded a little too desperate there, hopefully she didn't notice anything.

She turned back to me from the top of her horse. The wind blowing the hood off from her head, unleashing an untamed mess of chocolate waves. A mescheivious glint appeared in her golden eyes as she smirked down at me, full of confidence.

"I told you I'd find those horses, didn't I?"

Then she rode away, without giving me a second glance.

Not bothering to fight it any more my whole face erupted into flames. I covered my cheeks in an attempt to hide some of it, but at this point it was pointless.

What was that? Why is she so cool!? I guess there's no point in denying it anymore, I'm falling hard.

Wait, lets think rationally. What if this is just my body coming down from some sort of adrenaline high. Yes, that seems more likely. Whatever the reason is I still have to see her again. No, not because I want to! In my flustered state I momentarily forgot about her reward. It would only be right to give it to her in person as well right? And.... maybe when I'm there I can het to know her a bit more. As a friend obviously! That doesn't mean I don't already have friends, because of course I do. After all I'm the first daughter of the Snow family...

The guards led me towards the castle, right in the centre of the city. After all that stress all I want to do is have a nap, drink some tea or somehow figure out a way to do both at once.

We arrived at the castle without me realising it. That's the second time that has happened today, I must be tired. Arriving, I was greeted with a gathering of frenzied servants. Making sure I was alright, settling me down, then desperately attempting to contact my parents. But of course I don't get off that easily. They sent the two prince's to keep me company.

At least it isn't only one of them. They can talk all they like and ignore me. Unfortunately for me, Prince Edward is the talkative type. He has an constant smile on his face that blinds me with its radiance. Had this been any other day I probably would be absolutely swooning over him right now, however May's smile is still fresh in my mind. A smile ten times more powerful that his. In fact, now that I'm looking past the glow I can see that's it's strictly a professional look, no feelings of sincerity in sight. Oh well, at least that means I can't hurt his feelings in anyway.

He stops talking for a moment, before starting up again,
"Are you not having a pleasant time my lady?"

"My lady?," I asked "your highness there is no need for some one of your status to call me so formally. Please just call me miss Snow."

A look of realisation came across his face, as his brother piped up for the first time this whole conversation,
"Snow, as in L-Lillian Snow?"

Wait, had I not introduced myself when they first came in? Oh dear, my my mind is all over the place today.

"I apologise my princes. I haven't been thinking straight since earlier. I had a brief run in with some bandits in the woods." I'm I'm polite I can same my own skin here.

Prince Edward waved his hand dismissively,
"So I'd heard. I'm sure that was quite the shock."

"It wasn't anything someone of the Snow family lineage couldn't handle. Besides a girl came to my rescue."

The prince's glanced at each other. A worried look on their faces. We're they concerned about me, there's really nothing to frett about any longer.

Prince William stood up from his seat, grabbing his brothers sleeve,
"C-could you excuse us f-for one m-moment please."

"We'll be right back so just wait here." Prince Edward added hastily.

What's got them all freaked out. They left the room, not quite closing the door all the way. I caught small parts of their conversation.

"You don't think......that girl........what an idiot.....I'm going to kill......stupid May."

May? As in May Rosewell? How would they know that she was the one who saved me? Hmm, maybe I'm just jumping to conclusions, there could be many Mays in this area.

They both returned a short moment later, Prince Edwards smile looking much more strained, Prince William looking somehow more nervous.

"Did you perhaps catch the name of your saviour miss Snow?" His eyebrow was twitching.

"She told me her name was May Rosewell-."

Prince Edward slammed his fist onto the coffee table in front of us, Prince William, in contrast, looked like he was moments away from bursting into tears. The sound of Prince Edward grinding his teeth together made me cringe

Seconds later, as if nothing had happened, Prince Edward returned to his regular passive smile. I would've thought I'd imagined it all if Prince William wasn't still tugging at his hair with tears in his eyes.

"Ah I see, May Rosewell. I must ask you to pardon my previous behaviour." He began irritably bouncing his leg. "You see May is a close friend of ours and she is constantly doing stupid and reckless things for no reason what so ever." If someone looked up "suppressed rage" in the dictionary I have a feeling the prince's face would be right next to the definition.

But how does May know the princes? She really is amazing...

"How did you two meet miss Rosewell." I asked, unable to keep my curiosity at bay.

Prince Edward sighed putting his head in his hands, "Don't call her miss Rosewell, that's giving her more respect than she deserves." He had a strained look on his face, seemingly remembering something stressful.

Prince William, calmer than he was before, joined the conversation again, "E-Ed met her w-while on a 'routine check up' of all the n-noble houses in the area."

Why is this guy so nervous? I'm the one in the scary situation... if I do this right, these two could be my way to meet May once again and give her a proper reward.

"Hey, what's with the sarcastic tone, will?"

Well now is as good a time as any to ask...

"Do you think you can help me meet with her once again?" I thought I may as well give
it a go.

"Hm, oh sure. I think she'd be eternally greatful if I did."

Huh, what's am that supposed to mean?

Noticing my confused expression, Prince Edward panicked for a moment before sighing in relief when the butler arrived at the door.

"A knight from the Snow family has arrived to send the young miss home."

The prince's moved frantically, guiding me towards the hallway.

"G-good, thank y-you for d-dropping by. W-we hope to s-saw you a-again." Prince William said, flustered. He gently pushed me out the door leaving me in the hallway with their butler. If I listened carefully I could hear a muffled argument on the other side of the door.

Sighing, I dragged my feet through the halls behind the butler. Of course it was too much to ask for my parents to show up. They must be busy with work after all. You can't be the best if you don't work hard.

Riding through the woods once again in  different carriage this time, I thought over my talk with the princes. What did they mean when they said "eternally grateful"? Hmm, oh well I'm sure it's nothing. Probably just a slip of the tongue.

Pulling up to the house,  tethered to the front gates, i saw the two horses that were pulling my carriage. She actually went and did it. I was expecting her to just forget about it. Smiling I got out of the carriage and pet the horse, closing my eyes.

I really should think about what to give her as a reward, I has to be something super special since she saved my life and all. It has to be really good if I want to see her smile that way again. Even if she hates it I don't care, as long as I can see her again...

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