Town Witch

By Tasergirl

212K 6.5K 4.2K

Bonnie Bennett: Daughter, High school student, best friend, and last but definitely not least Town Witch. Aft... More

The Begining
The Invitation
The Ball
The Unexpected Meeting
Arguments and Broken Furniture
Lines In The Sand
Dreams and Destinations
New Orleans Part 2
New Orleans Part 3
Best friends
Always And Forever
Catch up
She's Stronger Than Us All
Homecoming Part 1
Homecoming Part 2
Wreak Havoc
She Dreamed Of Paradise
Making Plans
Making It Work
Hanging On
Find Me
Believe Me
Dinner With The King
Draw Your Swords
Maybe More
What To Do
War Zone
Soul Bonds
Never Be Free

New Orleans Part 1

9.1K 276 124
By Tasergirl

Bonnie POV:
Getting on a private plane with half of the original family was a surreal experience.

First of all I had never been on a private plane, hell this was my first time on any plane. Grams was always scared of them so we took road trips instead.

Sitting down next to the window I look out. Rebekah is fixing herself a drink before we take off, Elijah is talking to the pilot and Klaus is off somewhere doing who knows what. Kol and Finn opted to stay with Esther in Mystic Falls. Finn to make sure Esther is okay and Kol apparently doesn't have a very pleasant memory of his last time in New Orleans.

I had just gotten off the phone with Caroline after telling her about everything that happened with Stefan this morning and to promise to give her updates on what was happening with me in New Orleans.

I know I'm going to have to do damage control when I get back. She's probably freaking out over me leaving with the Mikaelsons. Strangely though being with them doesn't feel strange, hell as long as everything goes as it should we may even have fun in New Orleans. Then again I've never been so lucky.

As I think of how this is going to go I feel a weight settle next to me. I turn expecting to see Rebekah but to see the blue eyes of the worlds first hybrid. He smirks at me, looking a bit happy if I'm being honest. It's a different look on him. It's a good one.

"Well love in a couple hours we touch down in NOLA, have you ever been?" He asks and I nod. Memories of my Grams filling my head suddenly.

"Yea, Grams took me to spend time with family for a summer. It was before I found out I was a witch" I tell him and he nods smiling. He takes a sip of a drink I didn't even realize was in his hand.

"Well now you can see what New Orleans has to offer a witch of your caliber" he tells me. I smile at him softly and nod. He looks me over, giving me a calculating look.

"What?" I ask and he raises an eyebrow.

"What is on your mind?" He asks and my eyebrows raise in surprise before I shake my head at him.

"Nothing" I say though the look on his face lets me know it was unconvincing.

"You are a terrible liar Bonnie" he says and I chuckle shrugging a shoulder.

"Just some trouble with the Salvatore brothers" I say, unsure of why I'm letting him know.

Maybe it was the promise of Always and Forever. Well at least as long as that could be for me. They've already done more than any of my so called friends' had done, well with Caroline and Matt excluded. He just nods at me softly.

"Well, you no longer have to concern yourself with that riff raff, you've 'upgraded' as the kids tend to say now" he says and I can't help but laugh at him and nod softly. He gives me a dimpled smile.

"Besides you were wasted on those imbeciles" he says and I raise an eyebrow my defenses coming up.

"You mean my power?" I ask and he chuckles at me confusing me.

"Well I'd be lying if I didn't say that isn't a draw but I was talking about you as a person" he says and I'm shocked. "You're beautiful, brave, loyal and yes very powerful Bonnie, you deserve more than just some shit town, you deserve the world" he says grabbing a flute of champagne from a passing attendant. I look away as a warm feeling blossoms in my chest.

Elijah sits down on a rather large couch a little away from us, giving me a small smile as I look up when he passes. I smile back lightly and look out of the window as we start to head off.

As the plane starts to take off I grip my seat in fear, unused to the feeling of flying. I close my eyes tightly waiting for us to even out. I feel a hand cover mine and my eyes snap open. Looking down I realize Klaus's hand is over mine, soon enough he's lifting my hand and putting it in his own. Looking up at him I see he's raised an eyebrow at me.

"Unused to flying love?" He asks lowly and I shake my head slightly. He just nods at me as he continues to hold my hand in his. I sit back and let out a breath as I look out the window. I can't help but stare wide eyed at the sight. As we begin to level out in the sky, I see endless clouds. Endless clouds and the most beautiful sunset I've ever seen. I can't help but let out another breath.

"It's beautiful" I whisper without meaning to. Wincing as I realize I'd said it out loud. I close my eyes and lean back. Not letting go of Klaus hand the whole time.

After Rebekah wakes me up, we leave the airport arriving to another mansion.

As we walk in I look around wide eyed. Rebekah smiles at me, a bit smugly. I roll my eyes at the princess as I set my bag down.

"It's our family home" she says as she looks around. I see a reminiscent look in her eyes and can't help but wonder what memories she's stuck in. I can only imagine everything that's happened to them in their long lives. Before I can ask Klaus and Elijah walk in, a paper in Klaus hands. He looks at us and smirks holding up the paper.

"We have our destination" he says and I smile at him softly as I nod. It's still strange to think after everything they'd help me. Crazy how this supernatural life can be.

After putting out bags in our rooms I decide to change. It's much too hot to be in New Orleans in a sweater and tights. Instead I change into a short colorful sundress and some heels.

Looking on my bed I see Klaus jacket. I stare at it for a moment before grabbing it. I hold it in my hands, remembering how it felt on me that night, before I walk to his room.

It's not far from mine at all, barely 2 doors down. As I get there I see he's staring at something while he sits on the bed. I notice it's a small wooden horse. He has a soft reminiscent smile on his face and I feel my own face soften. I knock on the door and he looks at me, as if he didn't hear me walking.

"What's that?" I ask softly and he shrugs, holding it out for me to see. I walk in and grab it, sitting beside him.

"I made it for Rebekah when we were children" he says and my eyebrows raise. "It was her favorite toy" I smile at the thought that something so small and simple had once brought them so much joy.

"It's very cute" I say softly and he chuckles softly, nodding.

"Yes because I strive to be cute" he says sarcastically. I roll my eyes at him but the smile stays on my face. We look into each other eyes for a moment before he sees the jacket in my lap. "What's that" he asks me. In return and I hold it out to the hybrid.

"Your jacket, I never gave it back that night" I say softly and he nods taking it. He looks at it for a long moment before looking at me. As he continues to stare I begin to grow self conscious, not understanding why he's staring at me like that. I start to get up and nod awkwardly.

"Um I'm gonna go, I forgot to grab a cardigan before I left my room" I say pointing towards the door. I turn and begin to walk towards it.

"Wait" he says and I do, stopping halfway towards the door. I turn around to see him standing, jacket in hand. He walks over to me, just standing for a moment. I open my mouth to ask what he wanted but he drapes the jacket over my shoulders again. I can only blink at him in confusion. He gives me a small smirk when he sees my reaction.

"Keep it, seems you need it more than I do" he says and I open my mouth to protest but he shakes his head at me. Smirking he leans down to whisper in my ear.

"Besides, I like seeing you in my things" he whispers in my ear before swiftly walking out of the room. My eyes widen at the implication of his words and I swallow a groan of frustration. What the hell am I supposed to do with these men.

As I leave his room I run into Rebekah, seeing what I have draped over my shoulders her eyes widen. She points an accusing finger to me in shock.

"You didn't!" She exclaims an I throw my hands in the air, making the universal surrender pose.

"I didn't" I yell back. She gives me a dubious look but I roll my eyes. "I really didn't, I was cold the other day and he gave it to me and when I tried to give it back he said it was okay" I say my voice getting softer towards the end. I look down as she inspects my face. She rolls her eyes before she begins walking down the stairs.

"Remember you said I was your favorite" she calls to me and I just laugh at her. I follow down the stairs, putting my arms through the sleeves as I do so.

Elijah had left to see another witch, apparently things felt different in the French quarter. More tense than they remembered. So it was just me, Rebekah and Klaus looking for Jane-Anne Devereux.

We walked into a bar, Rousseau's. The bar not packed considering it was mid-day. The only person in there leaving with a bag as we enter. As soon as I entered I felt the presence of another witch. As we look at each other I assume she felt mine as well. Klaus looks at me, question in his eyes and I nod.

As we walk up to her I notice her tense. She probably knows who and what they are. She can at least can feel how powerful they are. She gives a tense nod as we sit.

"What can I get for you" she asks. Klaus tilts his head.

"Scotch, neat" he says leaning on the bar.

"Nothing for me love"Rebekah says in a bored, disinterested tone.

"Water with a lemon" I say giving her what I hoped was a reassuring smile. After she hands me and Klaus our drinks, she picks up a dry rag and begins to dry glasses.

"So, to what do I owe this visit?" She asks and Klaus gives her a smirk. One he used to give me all the time. One that says he wants something. I try not to roll my eyes, remembering how much it would infuriate me.

"We need a favor" he says and she raises an eyebrow. As she continues to dry the cup she looks at me, probably wondering why I couldn't do the favor myself if it was something witch related.

"What kind of favor" she asks, her body going even more tense than before. I feel sorry for the girl. Rolling my eyes at Klaus's antics, he loves making people squirm, I put a hand on the table.

"It's for me" I say and I can see her relax even if only by a bit. I give her another reassuring smile as Klaus rolls his eyes. "The thing is I was attacked, I need help with the memory to see if there was something I missed" I tell her and her eyes raise for a moment before she nods in understanding. She looks at me for a moment before shaking her head, ruefully.

"Look I would like to help you" she says emphasizing you as she looks at me. "But I can't" she says and I see Klaus tense beside me. Before I can stop him he's behind the bar, in front of Jane-Anne.

"I don't believe you know who I am love, you don't just say no to me" he says and I roll my eyes at the act. He's such an ass. I go to say something but Rebekah puts a hand on my arm. As I look at her I see her shake her head lightly.

Klaus grabs the witch by her neck, baring his fangs at her and I stand, my eyes wide. Rebekah stays seated looking at her nails, without a care in the world.

"I think you've mistaken this as a friendly request" Klaus says menacingly. His face close to hers. "It was an order"

Suddenly he's thrown against the wall, being held there by Jane-Anne. My eyes widen as Rebekah stands to go after the witch, ready to attack. Jane-Anne throws her against a wall as well.
I glare at her, holding up a hand before she screams, letting them both go. As they get up they move to stand beside me. I continue to make her feel like her bones are breaking. The spell makes it feel like her bones are breaking without actually breaking anything.

"Let's get one thing straight" I tell her as she continues to scream. "They are mine, you do not touch them" I say angrily before letting her go. She drops to her knees, clutching her throat.

"Look I would help but I can't, Marcel has a rule about doing unsanctioned magic" she says as she gets her breath and immediately I feel both originals tense. "I'm sure you have other witches in your harem that would love to help, no offense" she says and I shake my head, shrugging.

"Oh I'm not part of that harem" I say making a face. I see her look between us all then. Must be wondering what we were doing here together if that was the case. Klaus holds up a finger.

"Did you say Marcel" he asks her his voice low. I knit my eyebrows together in confusion. Turning to Rebekah I see her face had gone white. I grab a hold of her hand, although it seems to do nothing. She doesn't even notice. Who the hell was this guy and why is he having so much of an effect on them?

After Jane-Anne tells us about how Marcel, so called king of New Orleans, was forbidding witches from doing magic and killing those who do, we leave. Jane-Anne also tells us we can find him there later, seeing as he never misses a karaoke night.

As soon as we get to the compound Klaus and Rebekah go to their respective rooms. All alone, I decide I'm hungry. Taking off my shoes I head into the kitchen starving, I begin to make baked Mac and cheese along with some fried chicken and a small side salad. Grams used to make me a big dinner whenever I'd feel down. I can't exactly cheer them up with good food, but cooking helps me think.

The chicken is frying on the stove while I pop the Mac and cheese into the oven. As I begin to start the salad, Elijah walks in.

"I haven't smelled a home cooked meal in years" he says and I give him a soft smile.

"Well I made enough for everybody, even if you guys don't eat it'd still feel weird for me to be the only one eating" I say and he chuckles nodding at me.

"Your grandmother used to make this" he says before knitting his eyebrows, looking at me softly. I look down and repress a sigh. "Did something happen?" He asks and I look at him wide eyed before shrugging.

"Not to me, no" I say as I begin to cut tomatoes. "You should check on Klaus and Rebekah though" I say and he nods thoughtfully before sighing himself.

"So they know about Marcel?" He asks sitting down. I nod at his question.

"Who is this guy? I've never seen them act like that" I ask Elijah who looks at me softly. I suppose the worry in my voice is obvious, if the way he's looking at me is any indicator.

"Marcel was once a slave in New Orleans" Elijah starts and I sit down beside him, eyebrows raised. I put the tomato's in the bowl and start cutting cucumbers.

"He was being flogged when we found him, when he saw Marcellus fighting back, Niklaus decided to adopt him as his own" he says and I stop my cutting looking at him in surprise. Klaus saved him?

"Klaus loved Marcel as if he was his own flesh and blood. He named and raised the boy. Taught him everything he knew, but he didn't want him to be like us. Klaus never wanted Marcel to become a vampire"

"So what happened?" I ask him as my curiosity is peeled.

"One day Marcellus free'd around 30 slaves, he was shot for his efforts by his own father. On the verge of death he asked Niklaus to turn him and so for fear of losing his son he did" he says and I nod before looking at him in confusion. This still doesn't explain their reactions earlier. If everything was okay I'd think there reactions would have been more happy.

"We lived here for many years Bonnie, in a way New Orleans will be more of a home to us than Mystic Falls could ever be. One day Mikael found us, he set about massacring vampires left and right. The last time we saw Marcel he was a brutally beaten and crucified by our father and no matter what we tried, none of us could get to him"he says softly eyes off in the distance as if he could see the horrible memories replaying.

If it was as horrible as I imagine I am not surprised. My heart goes out to Klaus, knowing he was hurting. I can't imagine everything he must be going through at this moment.

"I see" I say softly and he nods slowly. As I get up I hear the front door open and close. Seems like Klaus is done waiting. "Maybe you should go with him" I tell Elijah who shakes his head. I get up and take the chicken out of the pan, putting them on a large plate.

"It's better he does this alone" he says and I nod.

After we eat I go to check on Rebekah. When I find out she isn't on her room I look around the compound to see she isn't anywhere here.

Sighing I put some sandals on, grab Klaus's jacket and leave. If I'm here I may as well look around. I haven't seen the French quarter in years, might as well.

As I walk the streets I smile. Musicians play on about every street corner I pass. Putting a dollar on a violinist case as she plays jazz, I continue to walk down. The energy in New Orleans is electric and you can feel the magic pumping through the air around you. Smiling softly I stop. Before I can stop myself I walk into an antique shop.

Walking in I see a million little trinkets. Some lined up neatly on shelves and large ones on the floor. Towards the back I see an older man behind the counter. He looks up and gives me a friendly smile.

"Hello miss" he says and I smile at him.

"Hello" I say giving a small wave.

"Looking for anything in particular" he asks and I shake my head. As my eyes look around, and I wonder what drew me in.

"No sir, I'm just looking" I say softly as I walk further in. Knitting my eyebrows together in confusion. It doesn't seem like there's anything too special on here. Maybe my Magic's going out of wack. I shake my head and begin to walk out but something stops me.

I breath and turn around again, walking towards the back where the man was standing over a jewelry case. As I look closer I miss him giving me a strange look.  Looking inside I see a golden bracelet. It almost seems to glow in the light.

I stare at it for a moment knowing what I'm being drawn to. This is what I stopped in here for. Before I can even say anything the man is taking the bracelet out. I give him a confused look before he smiles at me.

"Legend has it that this was a gift from the Egyptian god Horus, to keep Hathor in the land of the living, so she would no longer be chained to the underworld and come and go as she pleased" he says as he shows the bracelet to me. I give him a dry look.

"This bracelet" I ask him dubiously. He chuckles softly at the unbelieving look on my face.

"Maybe this bracelet, maybe another. It was so long ago who knows" he says chuckling and I smile at him.

"Would you like to try it on?" He asks gesturing towards me with it. Normally I would say no, bid him goodbye and walk out. This time something made me pause. I look into his wise old eyes and find myself nodding.

As he puts the cuff on my wrist the jewels seem shine even brighter than before. Must be a trick of the light. As I wear it I feel magic coming from it. Powerful ancient magic. I look at him wide eyed as it's magic intermingles with mine, feeling like it should have always been with me. He just gives me a knowing smile.

"How much do you want for it?" I ask him, my voice barely above a whisper. He smiles at me softly before shaking his head.

"No charge" he says and this time I shake my head at the old man.

"No, you can feel it's power too, I know you can. I have to give you something" I tell him and he sighs softly at me. Walking around from behind the case he puts a hand on my back, leading me towards the door.

"Just promise me, that when you remember, you will come back and see me" he says softly but firmly as if this was all he wanted. I look at him in disbelief. He just smiles at me though, a soft all knowing smile.

"I have waited for you for a long time" he says softly as we near the door. He lightly pushes me out and looks around. "Now go, go home or find the hybrid. They're coming and I can't protect you" he says and I look at him in confusion.

"What are you-"

"There's no time now go!" He yells at me and I find myself doing so. Walking fast, practically running to the mansion. As I do I feel a chill go up my spine. Automatically on the defense I stiffen, ready for an attack. I turn the corner to find a woman stopped in middle of the street, staring at me.

"Hello" her accented voice calls out to me, a smirk on her lips. I stop as I come across her. Everything inside of me screaming danger. I lift my chin in defiance as I narrow my eyes at the woman.

"Who the hell are you?" I ask and her smirk just widens. Sign of a psychopath if I've ever seen one.

"My you are beautiful" she says walking towards me. I lift my hand forming a barrier to stop her on her place. She raises her eyebrows in surprise before giving me an impresses look.

"And so powerful already" she says and my eyes narrow at her.

"Who are you?" I ask and she shrugs a shoulder at me.

"Who I am is not important, it's what I want that is" she says raising a finger up and I narrow my eyes at her even more.

"And what is that" I ask keeping my defense up as she walks.

"You" I hear behind me and before I can turn I'm flung into a building. I groan as I shake my head, trying to focus. As someone nears me I hold my hand up.

"Incendia" I whisper and a ring of fire forms around me, stopping the women in their advances. I shake my head again and get up looking at them in anger.

"I am Bonnie fucking Bennett" I yell. I look at Jane-Anne shocked as I see she's the one that snuck up on me. I glare at her, before sending her flying away. Her body flung through the air like a rag doll. I hear a car alarm go off as she smashes into the side. While I hold the other woman against the wall in front of me.

"You don't scare me" I say as I break her hand with my magic. The wrist bending backwards unnaturally. "Who are you?!" I yell the question as she screams in pain. I snap her index finger next as her screams get louder. "I asked a question" I say as her screams subside.

"Meela"she says angrily her dark eyes filled with hate. I look at her angrily with my eyes narrowed.

"Last name" I yell at her and break her middle finger next. She yells out in pain before glaring at me. Oh boy if looks could kill.

"Naires" she spits out. I just smirk at her as my power swirls around us, making the air crackle. An unfriendly smirk, one that makes me question myself but I continue. Now was not the time to show weakness.

"What the hell do you want with me?" I ask but she looks at me defiantly before spitting blood at my feet. I chuckle darkly as I break her other wrist while simultaneously breaking all her other fingers causing her to cry out in pain, tears streaming down her face now.

Before I can do or ask anything else, I'm screaming on the floor in pain. My body feeling as if it's burning from the inside. Clutching my head as I cry out, I can't see a thing at this point. There's chanting all around me. Multiple voices chanting. I feel my magic trying to lash out and witches scream in pain from my efforts but there are too many.

Until suddenly I hear screams of terror and my pain subsides. Turning to my side I suck in a deep breath. I try to calm myself and stand but can't. Looking around I see vampires decapitating witches and warlocks around me. I turn to see Meela Nais limping away, she smirks at me before disappearing into a puff of black smoke.

I glare at the spot she disappeared from, angry the bitch got away. Looking around I see all the witches are dead and I'm surrounded by vampires.

"Bonnie" I hear. Looking around I see a bloodied Klaus. The sight shouldn't fill me with relief but it does.

"Klaus" I breath out. Relief floods me as he bends down to my level, biting his wrist and offering me the blood. I barely take a second to think before I wrap my lips around the wound, drinking his blood.

The effect is immediate, I feel life flow into me healing my wounds. He looks at me worriedly as he helps me up. Looking around I see a handsome black man approach us, a smirk on his face.

I lean on Klaus as I stand, taking comfort in his presence as the vampire looks at us up and down. Surprise coloring his features.

"You must be Marcel" I say my voice still a bit breathy but much stronger. He raises an eyebrow at me and smiles.

"I am, you must be Miss Bonnie Bennett" he says and I look at Klaus. Smirking slightly at the hybrid.

"You told him about me" I ask sarcastically trying to lighten the mood. He gives me a smirk, it's tense, but it's something nonetheless.

"Actually one of my men heard you while you were kicking ass, never seen my sire move so damned fast before, I just knew we had to help him out" he says holding up his arms and I nod.

"Thank you" I say softly and he nods back, his face softening for a second. Before long his playful demeanor is back.

"Anything for such a beautiful and powerful witch, a Bennett in my city" he says and I feel Klaus tense beside me.

"It feels like I'm talking to the queen" he says as he bows to me. I knew my Bennett ancestors were powerful witches, the name must've been something that held weight, but I didn't expect all that. I raise an eyebrow as I try to stand on my own. Klaus of course doesn't let me, holding me in place beside him.

"Besides like I told my sire, what's mine is his. My army is his, when he went after you so did we" he says as he grabs a piece of vine hanging for a tree. I look at Klaus.

"We should be going" the hybrid says and I nod, ready to go home. Marcel shakes his head at us though.

"And miss the show?" He asks and I knit my eyebrows together at him. He gestures for us to follow with his head. I look at Klaus, caution making me pause but he nods at me.

"Come one love" he says as we follow his adopted son. Marcel whistles and soon enough more vampires come out of nowhere. I hold onto Klaus's hand and he responds my draping his arm over my shoulder pulling me into his side. With his jacket on and his arm wrapped around me he's all I can smell. It shouldn't be reassuring but at the moment it's the only thing giving me assurance.

As we get to a crossroads Marcel begins to walk back and forth, arms up. He reminds me of the wrestlers I used to watch as a kid, hyping up the crowd for dramatic effect. I guess it's a Mikaelaon thing. I feel myself tense as the vampires surrounding us are yelling, hooting and hollering for their leader.

"It seems the witches are back at it" Marcel calls out so all of the vampires hear. I look at Klaus worries but his eyes are stuck on Marcel.
"And once again they are attacking one of their own" he continues this time I detect actual anger in his voice, I can only look on in confusion. Once again?

As he continues going back and forth I'm unsure if what he wants is to make his adoptive father proud, or if he was trying to prove a point. By how stiff he is, Klaus seems to think it's the latter. I wrap an arm around his waist and feel him relax ever so slightly.

Marcel whistles once more and I see Jane-Anne struggling as she's brought before him. Her hands are tied and there are 2 vampires holding onto her.

"Jane-Anne Devereux, you have been accused of witchcraft, not sanctioned by the rules put into place, and enforced by me" he says and she glares at him still struggling against her chains. While she attacked me I can't help the sympathy I feel for her. She was the show.

"You have not only attacked a friend of my sire but you have also performed another spell" he says playing with the vine in his hand. She looks at the vampire in defiance, her face hard as she glares at him. Seems like they have history.

"I did no other spell" she says her voice hard as she looks at him. His eyes harden but his smile stays in place.

"Jane-Anne if you tell me what you did I'll grant you leniency" he tells her. I look up at Klaus but he has his eyes glued on what's in front of him. Jane-Anne looks at me then.

"Look I'm sorry I attacked you but I had to do it, they said they'd help me get my daughter back" she says and I knit my eyebrows together in confusion. Her eyes are wide, begging me to believe her.

"Your daughter is gone Jane" Marcel says quietly, his voice hard. Almost emotionless. It's hard to put together what I see in front of me with the man Elijah said freed 30 slaves. Jane-Anne looks at him angrily. "Tell me what the spell was" he says all playfulness from before gone.

"I didn't do any spell" she tells him angrily and he laughs before walking around again.

"Yes you did, I know you did. You know that I know and it pisses you off that I know whenever any witch in the quarter does a spell" he says and I look at him in confused. How the hell is that possible. I look up at Klaus who seems to have the same question.

"So tell me Jane-Anne, tell me and I will grant you leniency. I am, after all, a merciful man" he says stopping in front of her. I feel myself tense at the burning hatred in her eyes.

"Rot in hell monster" she says and I know those will probably be her last words. He looks at her for a moment before he points.

"I'll tell you what, I'll give you one more chance" he says as he walks away. A part of me is surprised at his merciful nature. Suddenly he swings back around, slitting her throat with the vine in his hand.

I feel Klaus shift in surprise by the sudden move. My eyes widen as she struggles to breath for a moment, clutching her throat uselessly. Before she falls, dead.

"Or not" Marcel says walking away. He's met with applause as he walks past us into his vampire friends. I look down at Jane's body as she lay on the ground.

After the display Klaus takes me home. As he leads me in the house I sigh, finally feeling safe. Never a feeling I would've thought to associate with Niklaus Mikaelson or any of his siblings, let alone in their home.

He hasn't let me go since he found me. Not once. He helps me up the stairs and into my room. He sits me on the bed and stands, leaving my side for the first time since he found me. As I take off my shoes I look up and realize he's looking at me.

"What" I ask as he stares at me.

"You realize you could have died tonight" he says and I look at him tiredly.

"No, they didn't want me to die" I say and he shakes his head.

"How do you know?" He asks as he starts pacing the room. I stop myself from rolling my eyes at his antics because I know it'll start something.

"They said it" I tell him and he stops to look at me. His face a mixture of worry and pride? I have to stop myself from shaking my head because that can't be right.

"You interrogated them as they attacked you?" He asks and I nod looking down.

"Yes, I found out that the woman's name was Meela Nais and they want me, I just don't know for what. Meela was very tight lipped. It was Jane-Anne that said they wanted me" I tell him and he nods. I sigh thinking of her face as she bled to death in the street.

"Your not used to death" he says softly and I look up at him. There doesn't seem to be any hint of amusement in his voice, just sadness. Like he doesn't want me to see that side of the world. I can only nod.

"I've seen vampires die, I've even had to kill a few myself but it was always in battle, that felt more like..." I say but begin to trail off.

"An execution" he finishes and I nod slowly. He sits next to me and sighs. "There will be more death Bonnie, whoever is coming after you will not stop until they have you" he says and I sigh.
"There will be witches, warlocks and whoever else they have on their payroll"

"I know" I say softly looking down. He looks at me before nodding. I look around and begin to take off the jacket. Draping it over a chair in the room.

"Not that I'm complaining but are you going to completely undress in front of me" Klaus says and I roll my eyes at him.

"I'm just getting comfortable" I say as I grab sweatpants and put them on over my dress. Looking at him I grimace. "Turn around" I say doing the turning motion with my finger. He chuckles but does as I ask. I grab the first sports bra I feel and put it on.

As I put it, I feel a bit self conscious but try to get over it. Rebekah was right I need to be more comfortable with my sexuality. I make a face but walk around to stand in front of him. He looks at me and smiles softly.

"Thank you" I say softly as I sit beside him.

"For what?" He asks and I smile.

"For saving me" After I say the words he looks at me for a long moment.

"I will always save you"he says and I smile softly at him. "I will always be there when you need me" He takes my hand and I smile. We stay like that for a moment before I lay back. With my back against the headboard I still have a hold on his hand, making him scoot forward a bit. The small smile on his face tells me he doesn't mind though.

"Tell me a story" I say softly raising an eyebrow at him in challenge and he gives me a playful smirk.

"I'll have to get comfortable" he says playfully. I give a small chuckle and scoot over making room for him. He looks at me in surprise, as if he couldn't believe I'd actually let him in my bed.

"No shoes on my bed" I tell him sternly. He laughs lowly at me but takes off his shoes. He gets up to take his jacket off and laughs at me as I whistle at him. I scoot over a bit more for him as he lays down, still staying close to him though.

"Once there was a goddess. She was known by many names..."

We lay there talking as he tells me stories about mythology. Getting comfortable as we lay on our side's facing each other, playing with each other's hands.

No one POV:
In Lafayette cemetery, in a tomb, Meela Nais meets with a man. The witches broken hand wrapped in bandages.

"I'm going to make that bitch pay" she growls out. Thinking of all the ways she could torture the witch. The man looks at her, a smirk on his face.

"We need her" he says. Though he's enjoying the sight of her so angry. Meela looks up at him with narrowed eyes.

"I don't see why, she may be powerful but she's nothing special. She's a regular witch" she says angrily as she looks at the man. He takes out a candle.

"She is so much more than that" he says as he lights it, he looks at Meela holding out a hand to the witch. She stands, huffing as she walks and grabs hold of his hand. Without talking further they begin to chant together.

At the Mikaelson compound Bonnie awakens her eyes white. Inside her own head she screams, but it's as if someone else was controlling her body.
Let go little one, I shall guide you

Hellooo lovely's I missed this story so much I've been working on some extra chapters and I'll probably post more within a couple days
1. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU FOR ALL THE LOVE it really means a lot and keeps me writing I love it so much❤️
2. I will reveal little by little what's going on with Bonnie and you guys will probably figure it out easily
I love you guys be safe I will be responding to everything soon it's just a lot of comments with a couple different stories and I wanna make sure I remember everything
Thank you guys so much again

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