๐€๐ƒ๐ƒ๐ˆ๐‚๐“๐„๐ƒ, chicago pd ยน

By queensassy20

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8.5K 181 36
By queensassy20

chapter seven. conventions.

Riley, Willow and Erin ride the escalator down at the airport to leave, after had visiting their sister aurora in Seattle for her fiancés funeral. Erin yawns then looks over at her sister who is on the phone with Justin, who says, "I love you more baby.....okay, bye" then she hangs up her phone, sliding it into her back pocket.

"you guys are so in love. It's gross" Erin jokes.

"Really gross, Denny and I aren't even like that. He hasn't even told me he loved me yet" Willow jokes. Riley nudges her sister and says, "shut up!"

As they get off the escalator to leave, a lady bumps into them, knocking Erin's suitcase open, spilling her clothes everywhere. "Hey!"

As Riley and Willow help their sister put her clothes back into her suitcase, they hear someone say, "Erin?"

The Lindsay sisters look up to see someone they never thought Erin would see again once high school ended.

"Hey. Stephanie" Erin sighs.

"It's Lancaster now" Stephanie says, making both girls roll their eyes.


"You know we were all just talking about you."

"Yeah, I bet" Riley sasses. She knew that Stephanie and her clique always made it their mission to make Erin feel like she was an outsider up until the day they graduated, once they had found out her secret. Erin would always put up a good front, that it didn't bother her. But Riley always saw through it.

"We didn't see your name on the reunion page on Facebook."

"Uh, yeah, you know. I saw that but I have a thing to get to. So..." Erin says, zipping up her suitcase.

"So you working? What, what are you up to?"

"Uh, I'm a cop" Erin answers, as she, Willow and Riley stand up from the ground.

"Seriously" Stephanie says in disbelief. Riley looks at Erin and says, "seriously. She's a cop"

The red head starts laughing and says, "I would've thought you'd be running from them."

Erin shrugs and says, "nope"

"Well, come to the reunion. And don't worry, there are plenty of girls, who are still single, who RSVP'd. I think a big group of them are renting a stretch hummer or something. Oh, and plus, you might meet someone"

"Hey, Susan.." Riley says.

"It's Stephanie"

"Yeah, whatever. How about you start moving your tree like legs away from us"

The red head gives Riley a tight lip smile and walks away, "hope to see you there, Erin"

Riley puts her arm around her sister's shoulder and says, "don't let her get to you. Forget about her. You're a badass detective and she's a Lancaster now" making them both laugh as they leave the airport.


Riley has just finished putting her dirty clothes in the hamper and her clean ones away in her drawer when she hears a knock at her door.

Riley looks through the peephole and smiles, then unlocks the door to see Justin and before she could get a word out, Justin pushes her against the wall, kicking the door shut with his foot and he attacks her lips with his.

Riley hums and pushes Justin back on his chest and says, "a hello would be nice"

"I'm sorry. Hello beautiful" He smiles. Riley chuckles and says, "that's all I wanted"

"Can I kiss you now?" Justin asks, making the detective nod her head.

Justin quickly attaches his lips back onto the love of his life and grabs onto her legs, making her jump, wrapping her legs around his waist and he brings them into her bedroom.


Jake walks into the district, giving an officer a fist bump then says, "morning, Sarg"

Trudy nods her head then sees Erin and smiles, "Erin. Good morning"

Erin just waves at the desk sergeant, following her partner up the stairs to get to the unit and Jake says, "have you noticed that Platt, like, loves you for some reason?"

"Do you own a suit?"

"Yeah. Why?"

Erin puts her hand on the palm scanner and says, "you're going with me to my high school reunion." then when the caged door buzzed for her to enter, she opens it and says, "also, we're engaged" then she continues up to the unit. Jake gives his partner a blank stare and says, "wait" following her up the stairs.

Riley locks her car and heads inside the roll up, drinking a Red Bull, where Jay catches up with his partner and says, "Hey smiley"

Riley goes to look at her partner, her smile still visible on her face and says, "hey"

"Why are you so smiley?"

Riley shrugs and says, "no reason"

Jay raises an eyebrow and says, "uh-huh" before they head up the stairs to the unit.


"Media's calling him the riverwalk killer." Voight explains to his team, where he and Dawson stand in front of the whiteboard where pictures and a birds eye view of the riverwalk are posted, "Mayor is flipping out on the superintendent, who's flipping out on the Chief. None of that matters to me. Two young women are dead and we're out through something so horrific...it ain't gonna happen again."

"There's no witnesses. Area central searched every crime scene and came up blank on physical evidence." Dawson explains.

"Pods?" Adam asks.


"Detectives from special victims unit in New York are en route right now to help out." Hank says.

"They also had two victims killed in their city two days apart. And traffic cameras picked up a male, white, 5'10, wearing a hoodie, following both victims. But they couldn't get a clear visual on his face" Erin says, sitting at her desk, where Riley is standing behind her, leaning on the windowsill.

"What about registered sex offenders?" Jay asks.

"Nothing pops. Plus no DNA yet, off any of the victims" Jin says.

"Hey. We're not waiting around for that. We get proactive. Boots on the ground. I want everyone working the river, looking for suspicious behavior. Dress the part" Hank orders.


After finding a suspect at the river walk, Adam slams him against the car as Jin and Voight approach the others on the sidewalk and Jay says, "Theo Mitchell. And I don't think he's our guy"

"Based on?" Hank asks. Jay holds up a few evidence bags and says, "found four wallets and three watches on him. He's a pickpocket, a purse snatcher. Four arrests in the last ten years along those lines."

"And nothing violent. No rape, no murder. Not even sexual assault" Riley explains.

"What!" The man exclaims.

"What do you think?" Hank asks Antonio.

"Let's bring him in"


Riley closes her locker, then jumps when she sees her sister standing there, "Jesus, E"

"Sorry" she groans, sitting on the bench.


"I asked Jake to come to the reunion with me. Well, more like demanded"

"Wait.." The older Lindsay says, sitting in front of her sister, "you demanded your partner of four months to go to your high school reunion with you" making the younger Lindsay nod her head, "why are you even going? You know what they did to you?"

Erin shrugs and says, "I don't know. I just want them to want to regret what they did to me"

"E, look at me" Riley says, "you are a smart, successful police officer for the city of Chicago. Sandy and her clique should be kissing your feet for putting your life at risk for this city"

Erin sighs and says, "Stephanie and you're right"

Riley smiles and says, "I know. Anything else you want to get off your chest?"

"I, um.." Erin clears her throat, "kinda told him we're we're engaged too"



"Hey" Hank says, walking over to the two detectives from New York who are walking up the stairs with Burgess, "appreciate you coming"

"Of course" Rollins says, giving the man a handshake.

"Hank Voight" he tells Fin, giving him a handshake.

Once everyone says hi and exchanges names, Fin says, "You guys are nice. What's up with that battle ax downstairs?" making everyone chuckle.

"There isn't enough time in the day" Al says.

Once everyone gets settled in, Fin and Rollins stand at the whiteboard to get ready to discuss the case and Fin says, "start looking for patterns, obviously. Why New York and now Chicago? Is this guy a salesman, and this just happens to be his route? Maybe an interstate trucker"

"Yeah. The only commonality that we could find that might be worth pursuing is, there was a manufacturing trade show convention in New York, at the time of our rape murders. Now, that convention is now here in town, at the Rettendon center?" Amanda says.

"Rittenhouse. Yeah" Voight says, going to grab the file from the blonde to give to, "Jin"

"On it" Jim says, taking the file and leaving the bullpen. Riley crosses her arms and asks, "so who is this guy? What are we looking for?"

"This perp has been elevated to serial killer status. I mean, in terms of the rape murder, there are five different profile psyches. I think we're looking at an anger retaliatory rapist." Rollins explains.

"Why the ear?" Adam asks, "I mean, I get that he's a sadistic son of a bitch and everything, but was he trying to establish some sort of cred? Or..."

"Usually as a souvenir, or a trophy. Sometimes they even make shrines." Fin states.


"How long we have you guys for?" Hank asks.

"As long as you need" Rollins says.


After Theo Mitchell ids a suspect from a list Jin got. Riley and Jay head over to the hotel to talk to him.

While they wait for conference to be over, Riley sits next to her partner on the bench and Jay looks over at her and says, "can you please tell me why you're so smiley"


"Because I'm your partner"




"Please. You might as well tell me because I'm gonna keep begging"

Riley notices the doors opening and she stands up, waiting for their suspect and she points to a tall, blonde male and says, "there"

"Jeffrey Baker" Riley says, as they approach the male.


"Detectives Lindsay and Halstead. Chicago PD" Riley says, showing her badge.

"Apparently, There's been some damage to your hotel room. Housekeeping made a complaint. Would you mind coming with us to talk about it?" Jay says. Baker scoffs and says, "I didn't do any damage to my hotel room"

"Great. You can clear all that up, down at the district" Jay says, standing aside, making a clear path for the taller man to walk past him, "after you"


"How long have you been in town?" Riley asks, as she and Jay sit and talk with Jeffrey Baker in interrogation.

"Five days" he answers.

"Hmm. From Saint Louis." Riley says, unscrewing the cap of a water bottle to pour into a plastic cup.

"That's right"

"Have you been to the riverwalk at all, Jeffrey?" Jay asks.

"What does that have to do with my hotel room?"

"I'll ask you again, you been to the riverwalk?"

"I have"


Jeffrey laughs and says, "forgive me. But I get the sneaking suspicion that I'm not here about a hotel room."

"Why else would we bring you in?" Riley asks, taking a sip of the water.

"I haven't the foggiest"

"Oh. Would you like some water?" Riley asks, passing the blonde man a bottle and a cup.

"No, thank you"

"What days and times were you at the riverwalk?" Jay asks.

"Do you get the internet here?" Baker asks, making Jay raise an eyebrow, "cause there's this great video, on YouTube, by this law school professor. And he's very articulate, and he makes a very compelling and convincing argument. It's called, 'don't talk to cops'. No offense"

Jay quickly gets up from his chair and gets into Baker's face and says, "you're not in Saint Louis, Jeffrey. We've had two rape murders here in the last few days, where the women were mutilated. Now, you're gonna answer some questions about that." making the blonde man grin, "wipe that stupid smile off your face"

"I will remove the smile, as requested and tell you, very seriously, that you have the wrong guy"

Riley leans forward, sliding a pad and pen towards the suspect and says, "we want the time and dates you were at the riverwalk"

Antonio opens the door and peeks his head in and nods for them to come out. As the detectives get up to leave, Riley points to the notepad and says, "get writing"

Riley closes the door behind them, meeting Antonio in the hall who says, "There's been another rape down at the riverwalk. Victim survived. She's at Chicago med"


"Hey, you wanted to see me?" Riley asks, walking into Hanks office. Hank sits up in his chair and says, "Yeah. Just wanted to make sure you were doing okay"

"Yeah, I'm fine"

"You'd tell me if you weren't"

Riley shrugs and says, "yeah, of course"


"Okay, so if the perp was rational, I mean, he'd leave town, knowing that the heat is on." Rollins says, leaning on the corner of Jules' old desk, "but there's a good chance he's not. So, most likely, he's angrier. He's more fixated because his needs went unmet."

"He probably has a good idea that he left DNA under the victims fingernails. And it's only a matter of time before he gets ID'd. So he's gonna need to strike soon, while he has a chance" Fin says.

"Alright. Hospitals and clinics. Check with foot patrol down at the riverwalk. Beat the bushes on this guy" Hank says.

"Hey. Where's Burgess?" Antonio asks Jay and Riley, who are talking at their desks. They both shrug and Jay says, "haven't seen her"


After some excellent police work by Burgess, the intelligence unit does a stake out at the hotel fauntleroy.

"Halstead and Lindsay" Dawson says over his walkie, where he sits in the car with Voight in the front of the hotel.

"Parked. We got eyes in the back" Jay says.

"Parker and Lindsay"

"Parked on the side where the emergency exit is" Erin states.

"O and Ruzek?"

"Lobby. Vance is not in his room" Al says.

"Stay put" Hank says.

Riley rolls her eyes and says, "Jay, I'm warning you. Keep it up"

"Just tell me and I'll stop bugging you"

Riley sighs and says, "fine. It's Justin"

"Voight's kid?"

"Yeah. He makes me happy" Riley smiles and when Jay sees how happy Justin makes her, a wave of sadness splashes across his face then disappears before she could see it, "We've known each other since we were teenagers." Then she looks over at her partner, "you ever get that feeling, butterfly's I mean, and they won't go away even if you try"

Jay gives a tight lip smile and says, "yeah"

"That's how I've always felt about him. Every time I see him, too. I just-I'm sorry, I probably shouldn't be getting so personal"

"No, it's okay. I'm your partner. I'm glad you are" Jay says, glad his partner is talking to him, opening up to him, just not happy about the whole other man making her happy, but if she's happy then so is he.


"Mackinaw island" Erin says to her partner.

"What?" Jake asks.

"That's where we met. I was at a leadership conference, and you were picking out property for a summer retreat."

"Of course I was"

"It all went down at the grand hotel, fireworks, candlelight."

"This is good. This tells me a lot about you" Jake jokes.

"I am adding color to our story. It's just like undercover. The details sell it."

"Yeah. Just like going undercover"


Jake laughs and says, "it's ridiculous"

"You have no idea what kind of bitches these girls can be"

"Jeffrey Baker just walked into the lobby" Adam says over his walkie.

"Take him" Hank says.

A couple minutes later, Als voice appears over the walkie, "suspects exiting out the front door"

Hank starts the engine and takes off, going to block in the blonde male who is running from Al.

Dawson gets out and asks, "what are you doing here, Jeffrey?"

"Just out for a stroll" he answers. Dawson starts to pat him down when Adam runs out and says, "lady at the front desk said he was asking what room Neil Vance was staying in"

"Where's Vance?" Voight asks as Antonio cuffs him.

"I want a lawyer"


"Bakers from Saint Louis, Vance is from Shreveport. Not sure how they would have met" Antonio says, as everyone is gathered around the whiteboard.

"Some deviant chat rooms, most likely" Fin states.

"Baker travels for his conventions. Maybe Vance meets him there. Bakers the lookout, while Vance does the crime." Jake says.

"It's a dyad" Rollins says, then looks around at the others, "when both partners plan and commit the crime together. But there's usually a dominant-submissive relationship."

"Like the Columbine killers, the DC snipers, the menendez brothers, those two yahoos who blew up the Boston marathon." Fin says.

"Yeah. The dominant force is psychopathic and/or sadistic. The submissive partner is depressed. He's dependent. And the leader is gonna be charismatic, you know, enthusiastic. He's looking for a follower to manipulate. While the subordinated, he's vulnerable, he feels lost, he needs someone to lead him."

"Bakers the dominant one. Guaranteed" Riley states.

"Where's Baker right now?" Fin asks.

"He's in the interview room. All lawyered up" Adam states.

"Not for long. Put him in the cage." Hank says, walking away. Fin furrows his eyebrows and leans in closer to Riley and asks, "what's the cage?"

Riley raises an eyebrow and the detective immediately stops asking.


Riley sighs, hanging up her phone again after trying to call Justin and slides it into her back pocket when Adam walks in and says, "Hey"


"You okay?" The officer asks, opening his locker. Riley nods her head and says, "Yeah" then walks away. 


After Hank gets Baker to tell him where Vance is. The intelligence team heads to the navy pier and gather around Voight who says, "spread out"

After what seems like forever, searching through the crowd for Vance. Ruzek calls through the walkie that he spots him, who then starts running and grabs a woman, and pointing a knife at her.

While Ruzek talks Vance down, Al and Jay set up on a two tier bus a sniper rifle.

"al, if you have the shot. Take it" Hank says. And a minute later, that's what Al does.


"Hey Justin. It's me again. Just calling to see if you were still coming over as planned. Call me back" Riley sighs then hangs up, tossing her phone onto her coffee table, then there was a knock at the door.

Riley stood up and says, "finally" then walks over to open the door to find a panicked Justin, "Hey"

"Hey" Justin says, walking inside the apartment.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Riley asks, closing her door and following after her boyfriend. Justin starts breathing heavily and says, "it's just, um...I just...it just...um, I didn't want to do it, you know. I just...I had too"

Riley looks down at her boyfriend's hands to see them covered in mostly dried blood, then looks up at him in worry and asks, "J, baby. What the hell did you do?"


3 things...
1. Riley and Erin have the best sister/sister relationship💓
2. Riley and Justin are just...🥵
3. Riley and Jay are definitely a bropt 🥰

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