My Life as a rockstar

By Suns2008

304 67 0

7th grader, Juliet Goodyear can't wait for school to start! New friends, new teachers, voice lessons, and a w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 17

9 3 0
By Suns2008

You might be thinking that fame is the best thing in the world. I did too. Until I actually experienced it.



I woke up Thursday morning to feel the sun on my face (I have really bad curtains).

The whole day was.....EXHAUSTING!

I had dance practice, a fitting, a quick lunch, press meeting, and more. 

It was only 2 more days until.......THE TOUR!

When I got home, I was exhausted. I ate a quick dinner, had a shower, and hopped into bed. It took me about 3 seconds to fall asleep.



I woke up. I was supposed to have school today, but Allie told my mom I couldn't go because I had such a big schedule.

I had everything on Friday. It was basically my Tuesday and Thursday put together. I had to wake up at 5:00am and I got home at 12:00am.

I had a fitting, a voice lesson (with a new teacher named Susan), dance practice, a makeup session, a quick lunch, press meeting, and soundcheck.

I got home and ate an apple. That was my dinner. I didn't even bother having a shower. I just brushed my teeth and climbed into bed. 

I fell asleep in 2 seconds that night.



Saturday was a lot more fun. I got to see my tour bus (it was AWESOME!), I got to bring Brandon and Annie to everything, I got to have a decent lunch, and I got home at 4:00pm!

It was so much better!

I did have quite a bit of things though. Well because.....TOMORROW IS THE TOUR!

Agh! I know, right? I was so excited! Our first stop was at Miami, Florida!

Mom and I were picking Brandon and Annie up at 4:30am tomorrow!

I got home and finished my schoolwork from Thursday and Friday. Then I had a good dinner and watched TV. 

I had a shower and climbed into bed. I read my fav book until mom told me to turn out the lights.

I turned it out and lay there. It took me about 1 hour to fall asleep this time. I was too excited to fall asleep. Tomorrow I would have the most exciting day of my life!



Mom woke me up at 3:30am on Sunday morning. I moaned until I realized why.

I jumped outta bed and ran into the bathroom. Mom and I had packed all my stuff the night before. I was ready.

Mom made me a quick to-go breakfast while I took a shower. Then I got out and dressed in summer clothes (Miami is hot).

I ran downstairs and mom handed me my breakfast while I jumped into the car. Then off we went.

First we drove to Brandon's house because it was closer than Annie's. I rang the doorbell and Brandon answered it. He kissed me and said goodbye to his parents. 

He got in the car and we drove to Annie's. On the way, Brandon asked me all sorts of questions. I smiled at each one.

We pulled up to Annie's house and I got out to ring the bell.

Ding Dong

Annie opened the door and squealed in excitement. She hugged me and I hugged her back. Then she said goodbye to her family and we drove off.

It took us an hour to get to the private jet (yes I just said private jet!). When we got there Allie was waiting for us. These guys took our luggage and we climbed onto the plane.

My whole crew was on there. They all waved at me and I went to hug Ocean, Macy, and Elliot. They said "Hi" and then I went back to my seat.

"You wanna play 'Uno'?" asked Annie.

I smiled and nodded. Just as Annie was dealing out cards, Allie came over to me and told me I needed to come to the back of the plane to talk to Mike about tonight.

"Oh. Okay." I said, "Sorry Ans, can we play later?" I asked.

Annie frowned. But then she smiled.

"Sure. Can we come with you?" she asked.

I smiled and nodded. She and Brandon followed Allie and I to the back of the plane.

Mike and I hugged and then I introduced him to Annie and Brandon.

"Well, you have a very talented friend and girlfriend." he said.

I blushed and Brandon smiled.

 " how much money is she getting paid? Better be a lot! She's valuable ya know." snapped Annie.

I elbowed her and she said "Ow" like nothing even happened!

Mike laughed. Then smiled and said:

"That is classified information miss. But I like your attitude." he said, laughing.

Annie frowned, but then smiled at the compliment. I was about to tell them about the tour when the pilot came on the speakers:

"We will be landing in approximately 10 minutes. Please fasten your seatbelts and get ready for landing."

I gasped with excitement. Annie scrambled to her seat and Brandon took my hand and led me back to my seat. We fastened our seatbelts just as the plane hit the ground.

Everything went flying everywhere. It was so awesome! I had to hold onto my water bottle and Brandon went flying into the air! It was so funny!

We finally slowed down and eventually stopped. Then a ding came on the speaker and everyone started getting up. Brandon looked frazzled. His hair was messy and he was rubbing his back from his big "lift up".

Annie looked airsick and I handed her some airsick pills I had in my suitcase. She thanked me and started walking off the plane.

I got out with Brandon and showed mom to the car (I could tell she was a little dizzy from landing)

We all got in the car and headed to the stadium! And guess what?! We went in a LIMOUSINE!

IT WAS SO COOL! I was really happy. 

Now all we had to do was get to the stadium! Then I would get my things done and then I would perform!

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