The Gray Family: Legacies✔️(W...

By angel48183

122K 6.1K 2K

The Gray Family has dealt with a lot through different generations throughout the years. They encountered som... More

Starting over
The next day
Girl's night
New partner
Sweet dreams
Guess who?
Apple orchard shenanigans
Hanging out with the brothers
Nixon to the rescue
A new normal
It's a college thing
It's all relative
The Gray Brothers and The Gray Sisters
Back at it again
Ice cream
A blast from the past
Crazy doesn't even cover it
Halloween festival
It's a brother thing
Help from the Gray Brothers
A crazy date
Let's talk about sex
Listen, crazy-ass
Dinner with the Chief aka Dad
You have crazy, then there's Kaylee
The quints face-off
It's beginning to look lot likes Christmas
A Gray style Christmas
Returning to school
Revisiting the past
The day after
All hell breaks loose
Meet the new employee
A romantic Valentine's Day
Brother time
Spring break
Spring break fun
Happy anniversary, Patty and Nate
A letter to the readers

Expect the unexpected

2K 131 44
By angel48183


I went back to the station and to find some reports along with reprimands. I wanted to find out information before I talked to Dad. I didn't even care if I overstepped my boundaries. What Dad was doing to Presley was wrong.

I entered the station and saw a rig gone. I went to Dad's office and entered, closing and locking the door. I turned on the light, opened a file cabinet, and pulled files with Gray's name listed on them. When I found Eliza's last name, I pulled the reports and compared them. Then I saw it. The different handwriting and it looked like someone whited out the information before changing the information.

Then I pulled Martinez's file. I opened it to find a lot of complaints about his inappropriate behavior. I looked for Lindsey's record and removed it, finding a statement about catching Martinez and Eliza misbehaving. I stood there, shaking my head. I can't believe Dad would cover this up.

I heard the door handle; then the door opened as Dad saw me looking at the files.

"Kaylee? What are you doing?" Dad questioned, confused.

I turned and looked at Dad. "I looked at reports that Gray filled out along with Eliza. The writing doesn't match," I told Dad.

He walked over and closed the files. "Your, my daughter, but it doesn't give you access to employee reports," Dad informed me.

"No, because then you would have to explain the coverup that you're committing," I accused my dad.

"Careful, you're treading on thin ice," Dad warned.

"David told me that when something wasn't right to take a stand. When you stand back, it's equally bad, if not worse. Gray is a great paramedic. He covered for the wrong person. One who didn't deserve his help," I told my dad.

Dad looked at me.

"You taught us that lying could hurt others. If you expect to lie, then this station isn't the right fit for me," I informed my dad.

"You would sacrifice your career for someone you barely know?" My dad questioned with a tone I knew too well.

I remember what David told me, growing up. Kaylee, you don't allow someone to force you to make a decision that isn't right. It's better to stand for what's right then agree, even if that means standing alone.

"Yes," I answered, turning and leaving Dad's office. I know the others told me not to tell Presley what I found out, but it wasn't right to stay quiet.

When I looked at Presley's files, I saw his address. I made my way to the house and walked up onto the porch, then knocked. I waited as someone walked up.

"Can we help you?" Someone asked.

I turned to see two guys that looked similar. I walked down the steps towards them. "I'm looking for Presley," I mentioned.

"Hey, you're that chick he was dancing with at the pub," one guy said, snapping his fingers and pointing at me.

"Kaylee," I introduced myself.

"I'm Pat, and that's Pax," Pat introduced each of them.

Pax waved at me with his arms crossed and smiling.

"Presley isn't here. He went to meet Nora," Pat mentioned.

"I needed to talk to Presley about work. There's an issue," I explained.

"Do you mean it's about Presley's suspension for hitting some douche?" Pax asked with a look.

"That would be it, but there's another issue and involves his girlfriend, my dad, and said douche," I replied, sighing.

"Oh, this is good," Pat said, looking at Pax.

"Isn't it always?" Pax asked.

"So, what is it?" Pat questioned.

"Presley covered for Eliza when she made mistakes on the job," I said.

Pat and Pax looked at me strangely.

"My dad ignored it," I added.

The two guys looked at me with confusion.

"And the douche that got Presley suspended slept with Eliza," I finished.

Pat and Pax did a double-take. "What?" Both exclaimed.

"Yeah, what?" We heard someone say.

We turned to see another guy standing there. The guy walked towards us. "Did I hear you correctly?" The guy asked me.

"Yeah," I said with hesitation.

Pat and Pax put their palms on their faces. The guy walked towards me as we faced each other.

"So, let me get this straight. This chick that our brother grieved over cheated on him and your dad said nothing?" The guy asked me.

"Yes," I answered.

The guy turned and walked away.

Pat looked at Pax. "You better call Payton before we have to call and explain to Pops why Park's in jail," Pat told Pax.

"You do realize Payton's temper is worse than Parker's temper?" Pax asked.

"Well, it screws those douches," Pat said, shrugging.

I watched Pax pull out his phone and call someone. I didn't have time for this. I needed to talk to Presley and left to find him.


Nora and I hung out, and I told her about what happened. Her response was less than favorable.

"He's an asshole," Nora said incredulously.

"I love my job, but it's getting worse," I said, sipping my coffee.

"Can't you find another station?" Nora asked me.

"Without a letter of recommendation, it will be tough," I answered.

As Nora and I talked, I saw Kaylee come into the coffee shop. Why was she here? She saw me and walked towards our table.

"I need to talk to you," Kaylee told me.

I looked at Kaylee, and Nora said, "I have to get ready for work." Nora got up and left the coffee shop.

"What did you need to talk to me about, Kaylee?" I asked.

Kaylee sat down in Nora's seat. "Why did you cover for Eliza?" Kaylee asked me.

I thought that question was odd.

"I saw the reports and the different handwriting. Why would you risk your job for someone's carelessness?" Kaylee asked me.

"Because Eliza was insecure. She wanted to work with me, hoping it would keep us close," I explained.

"When does it get to where it endangers your life? Presley, I saw the report from the fire. The Captain told Eliza not to go after you," Kaylee mentioned.

I looked at Kaylee.

"Look, there are some things you need to know," Kaylee mentioned.

"Presley!" Kaxon interrupted us.

I turned and looked at Kaxon.

"Your brothers are on their way to your station," Kaxon told me.

I got up, and Kaylee followed me as we went to the fire station. If my brothers were on their way there, it wasn't right.


Payton met up with me as I made my way to the fire station. We arrived to see some guy next to an ambulance. I walked towards the guy.

"Are you Martinez?" I asked.

The guy looked and turned to face me. "Yeah, who wants to know?" The guy asked.

"That's all I need to know," I said as I hauled off and hit him. The guy went flying backward onto the cement floor. I walked over and picked up the guy's head, hitting him again.

Another guy came out of an office. "What the hell is going on here?" The guy barked.

Payton walked over to the guy. "We came to correct an issue. You like to take sides," Payton mentioned.

I stood up and gave the guy a swift kick in the ribs.

"I suggest that you leave before I call the cops," the guy told us.

I walked towards the guy. "Go ahead, and we'll make a few calls of our own. I'm sure other stations would enjoy hearing how you covered up for an asswipe while hiding the fact that he slept with our brother's girl," I said, not realizing people showed up at the station.

"What?" We heard someone ask.

We looked to see the devil twins, Kaxon, that chick that came to see Presley, and Presley standing there. Pat and Pax tried to keep Presley from moving. It didn't work. Presley walked towards us.

"What did you mean, Park? Who slept with our brother's girl?" Presley asked me.

I looked at Presley, saying nothing. He looked at Payton.

"What did Park mean? Whose girl?" Presley asked.

"That douche over there slept with Eliza when they worked together one night," Payton told me, pointing at the guy I beat the hell out of.

Presley looked at Payton, then at me and the others. Then some guy walked into the station, stopped, and turned, attempting to leave.

"Lindsey? I wouldn't leave," Presley said calmly.

The guy turned around and looked at Presley. Presley looked at the guy. "Is it true?" Presley asked.

The guy sighed and nodded. Presley looked at Payton and me.

"I protected and mourned for someone who didn't deserve it," Presley told us.

"Pres," Payton said.

Presley shook his head and left the station. I looked at Payton, who put his hands on his hips. I turned to face Chief Hayes. "The problem with covering up issues is it affects everyone. You may not give a damn about our brother, but we do," I said, then left.

Now we had a bigger mess to clean up, thanks to some tool who couldn't run his station correctly.


I walked until I reached a creek of water. I stood there, wondering what I did wrong? I would have given Eliza the world. Why wasn't it enough for her?

I felt someone touch my shoulder and turned to see Aunt Luna. I looked at her with glassy eyes.

"I heard you had a rough few days," Luna mentioned.

I hugged her and buried my head into her as I cried. She wrapped her arms around me, comforting me.

"Why, Aunt Luna?" I cried.

"Sometimes, we need the right person to love us the way we need it," Luna reasoned, rubbing my back.

Luna, who's one of my favorite people, was here. I held onto Luna as I cried. I lifted my head and looked at Luna. She reached up and wiped my face, offering a smile.

"It was a good thing I visited Mason," Luna said, smiling.

I laid my head down as I cried. My heart hurt so much.


Piper and I arrived at the house after a three-hour car ride. We got out of the car as Uncle Nolan pulled behind us. He got out of the vehicle and went into the house.

We found the boys together with Luna and Presley. Presley looked at us with tear-streak cheeks as he stood, and we walked towards him.

"Ma. Pops," Presley said, his voice breaking.

"Come here, baby," Piper said, holding out her arms. Presley hugged her as she held him. I listen to our boy to cry.

"Ma, it hurts," Presley cried.

"I know, honey," Piper comforted Presley.

Presley pulled away from Piper, wiping his eyes. He looked at me. I pulled him into a hug as he gripped the back of my shirt. Sometimes our children need us, and that's when we come without question.

You want to protect your children from hurt, but it's not always possible. All we can hope is that one day, we move past the pain and find happiness. Sometimes we have to expect the unexpected.

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