Untangling the Web

By nickym96

24.3K 763 48

After their terrible split over the summer following the cheating scandal, Reyhan and Emir have finally gott... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 22

694 21 2
By nickym96

By the weekend, Reyhan feels like she has gotten settled in at the ranch. She loves this place so much more than the mansion. So much more than Istanbul. She has to wonder if it's the lack of Cavidan and Cemre making her feel so at home. Or if it's because it reminds her a little of her home village. There's a sense of family and cooperation amongst the locals that's missing in the city. She's not sure she wants to go back.

Especially when she's treated daily with the sight she has before her of her oh so sexy husband in rancher mode. Ranch Emir is just as sexy, if not sexier, than Business Emir. But seeing him in this environment keeps her stomach constantly fluttering. She looks across the expansive fields over to the horse yard where Emir is giving Zeynep horseback riding lessons. Masal waits patiently in Kemal's arms for her turn on the horse. The rest of the family had arrived the night before. The decision to leave Zeynep in town with Kemal and Narin had been a hard one, but they wanted the girl to be able to continue with school until her break. With it being the weekend, Kemal and Narin packed up the girls and brought them out to the ranch. And Reyhan couldn't be happier to have all her family around her. She feels incredibly lucky.

"Zeynep is like a mini version of Emir," Reyhan says to Narin, smiling at her husband and their soon to be daughter. "She's a natural with the horses, just like he is."

"She loves it here," Narin adds. "I've never seen her this happy in all the time I've known you two. Poor thing was so sad when we all first met. You both were."

Reyhan sighs. That was her mistake. Leaving Emir the way she did, taking Zeynep away from him for those months .... it caused nothing but heartache.

"I should never have separated them," she admits. "That wasn't fair. And it was all for nothing. It was all because I didn't listen to him. Didn't believe him. He swore he didn't have anything to do with that girl. Why didn't I listen, Narin?"

That time had been so terrible. It was confusing and she was hurt. She didn't know what to believe. Sadly, she didn't believe Emir and she allowed a cruel trick by Cemre to separate them. Just like so many times before. Her whole marriage has been one big game to Cavidan and Cemre. And while Reyhan and Emir have overcome it all, there's just so much they fell victim to along the way that communication and trust would have defeated.

"Hey you," Narin calls to her, coming over to pat her on the back. "Don't cry now. Emir is going to think I'm doing something to you."

Reyhan sniffs and wipes at her cheek, not realizing the tears were there.

"I'm fine," she smiles at her friend. "And he's used to the tears. Hormones."

Nevertheless, she sees the crew heading her way from the horses. A look of concern is on Emir's face. It's like he sensed her sadness.

"What a sweet man I have," she thinks to herself, her heart filling with love for him.

She looks at Kemal and sees a similar look of concern on his face, his attention focused solely on Narin. That makes her heart grow even more. Looks like her friend has a sweet, wonderful man of her own. A thought comes to her. She'll have to talk to Cookie about setting up another dinner at the gazebo. This time for Kemal and Narin. Her friend can use a little magic and romance too.

Emir is visibly relieved when he gets to her.

"You're fine now," he says, framing her face with his hands and giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. It's not a question and Reyhan smiles at how attuned to her he is now. He really can sense her moods, even a mile away.

He sits next to her and puts an arm around her shoulder.

"Where are the girls?" Narin asks, looking for Masal.

"Cookie grabbed them to "help" her in the kitchen," Kemal explains with a smile. "But knowing Cookie, I'm sure the only thing they're going to be helping her with is eating the cake she's making."

"That's right," Reyhan realizes. "This ranch belonged to Emir's grandfather. So you also grew up here, Kemal abi."

"And this is the first time I've been back in awhile. So thank you for having us come. Masal loves it."

"Unfortunately we'll have to make this a working vacation," Emir interrupts. "We have to figure out what to do about my mother."

Reyhan grabs onto Emir's hand. The topic of Cavidan stresses her. But he's right. She needs to be stopped once and for all.

"My detective has been keeping an eye on Cavidan, as well as Cemre and Talaz. So far, they haven't made any moves," Kemal says.

"But we know what she has planned," Emir reminds him. "We just don't know the when and the how."

"What if we come up with the "when" ourselves?" Narin suggests. "Give her the opportunity to implement her plan at a time and place of our choosing. That way, we'd be ready for her."

"Absolutely not," Emir barks. "Reyhan is not bait."

"Emir," Reyhan says, putting a hand on his chest to soothe him. "Narin has a point. I'm already bait. We know she's going to come after me with that crazy plan to frame me for her shooting. Wouldn't it be better if we were prepared and waiting for it? Then we can catch her in her own trap."

"Don't ask this of me," Emir pleads, squeezing her tighter to him. "This scares me."

"The not knowing is what scares me," she says. "You know this is the only way."

He takes her hand and brings it up to his lips for a quick kiss. He can't keep his hands off of her. A shoulder rub. A hand kiss. Caressing her belly. Running his fingers through her hair. The contact calms and reassures him. Reyhan allows it because she knows he needs it.

"Okay," Emir agrees. "We come up with a way for her to think she's getting to you. But she won't get close. Promise me."

Reyhan nods.

"I trust you to keep me safe," Reyhan tells him.

With that settled, they just have to come up with a viable plan.

"Anyone have any ideas?" Reyhan asks.

"I have something."

The group turns to the door of the main house and sees Suna standing there.

"I have an idea that knowing my mother, she won't stand a chance of resisting. She'll finally get what she deserves and we'll end this reign of terror she's had over all of our lives."

She thoroughly explains her idea of hosting a fundraising gala. Reyhan appreciates the idea of helping people as a by-product of what they're doing. It seems to balance the scales a bit. All her life has been about helping others. It would have felt too selfish to go about this plan if she alone got the only benefit. But this is serious. The course of Cavidan's life will be changed forever. Does Reyhan have the right to sentence her to the kind of punishment they have in mind?

"You still feel guilty," Emir guesses, noting the conflicting look on her face. "Even though I can tell you time and time again that my mother has to be stopped because she won't stop on her own."

"Reyhan," Suna chimes in. "I've spent my whole life being ignored by this woman. And when she wasn't ignoring me, she was making me feel less than worthy. Standing in front of her at this gala, looking her in the eyes and making her see me as a person is what I need more than anything right now. I've waited my whole life for her to change, for her to love me the way I deserved to be loved. I see now that's never going to happen. And I don't want that anymore. Any woman who can do to you and my brother what she's done isn't a woman fit to be a mother.

"So if you don't want to do this for yourself, for your marriage, for your children ... then do it for me," Suna pleads. "Don't let her hurt any more people."

Reyhan pulls Suna into a hug, wiping away the tears flowing down her cheeks. Everything in her is saying that this makes sense. She's even the one who convinced Emir to even consider something of this nature. But deep down, in a small part of her heart, she feels this isn't going to turn out how any of them planned. And that terrifies her.

"Okay, so we know the what and the when," Narin says. "How are we going to set the trap for Cavidan hanim? Who's going to let her know about the gala?"

Emir and Kemal look at each other as the perfect person comes to mind.

"Just leave that to us," Emir says. "I know exactly who can make sure my mother gets this information."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Cavidan savors every bite of the omelette on her plate. This hotel in Istanbul is famous for them. When Cemre called and invited her to breakfast, Cavidan suggested this place in hopes Cemre would take the hint and book a room here for her. She has to get out of that slum Emir stuck her in. She can't take another day there.

"You seem happy today," Cavidan notes. She takes a good look at the girl and realizes she's right. She really does seem happy. A little too happy. Cavidan can't help but wonder what's going on in her crazy brain. "Did something happen I should know about?"

"All in good time, Cavidan teyze."

Cemre gives her a sly grin that both excites and frightens Cavidan. If Cavidan is completely honest, Cemre has become more and more unhinged in recent days. Cavidan has been spending a lot of time with the girl, unwilling to stay in what's supposed to be her new home. She welcomed any excuse to get out of that slum. Unfortunately, Cemre was her only ticket out. Spending that much time with Cemre has been revealing. The girl will clearly go crazy if she doesn't get Emir soon. But Cavidan knows her son. He's never looked at Cemre in that way and he never will. Cemre is too obsessed to realize his indifference. Cavidan has been able to use that obsession in the past. But the girl may become a problem in the future.

Nevertheless, Cemre is her only resource right now. So she has to stick with her. For now.

"Ah, here we are. Talaz is here," Cemre announces.

Cavidan looks up from her meal to see the man stroll across the room to reach their table. He's disguised a bit, on account of him being wanted by the police. But somehow the man always manages to go unnoticed. Perfect skill for someone in his line of work. Cavidan can't help but appreciate his professionalism.

"Speak fast, Girl. I can't stay long," Talaz barks out, glancing around furtively before holding up a menu over his face. "What do you want?"

"I have news," Cemre says.

Again, the unnatural gleam in her eyes sends chills down Cavidan's spine.

"According to Yonca, Emir and your precious daughter in law will be putting on a charity gala," Cemre tells them. "If we're looking for the perfect opportunity to enact our plan, then this is it. I can't think of anything more perfect, actually."

"It could work," Talaz admits after giving it several long moments of consideration. "It would be public and hectic with lots of people around. The shooter can get in and do what he needs to do. Once he's "caught" by the police, he can throw the blame on your daughter in law. We can even say she put on the gala just to set up the shooting. She'll be in jail for a long time."

"Yes," Cavidan grins. "This is a perfect plan. I'd rather not get shot again, but if it gets that stupid girl out of my life forever, then I'll endure."

"Then it's settled," Cemre says, giving a little clap of her hands. "The gala is in 2 weeks, so we don't have long to plan."

"I'll get started on finding the shooter and setting up the money trail. However," Talaz adds in a warning tone. "You have until the end of the day to pay me or I do nothing."

Looking around once more, he rises and leaves.

"Cemre, dear ..." Cavidan starts.

"I'll pay him," Cemre interrupts. "No worries. I've got this."

That chill again, Cavidan notes. Cemre is really starting to creep her out. She prays this plan works. It's time to get her money back and get Cemre out of her life. For good.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Reyhan is just sliding into bed when Emir walks into the room.

"Did you tell Yonca everything we need her to know?" she asks him, squeezing a bit of cream on her hands and rubbing it in.

"Yes. And we're pretty sure she's already told Cemre," Emir explains. "It's only a matter of time before my mother finds out."

He goes into the bathroom to prepare for bed.

"By the way, I stopped into Zeynep's room to stay good night, but she wasn't in there," he calls from the bathroom.

"Suna took the girls," Reyhan tells him. "She, Zeynep, and Masal are having a sleepover. So we have the place all to ourselves."

Everything in the bathroom goes silent and a second later, Emir is popping his head out the door.


He has an adorably eager little grin on his face.

"Maybe we can have another late night dinner in the gazebo?"

"Um ... not tonight," she says, turning red. "Narin decided to surprise Kemal abi with dinner out there tonight. It's one reason why Suna has Masal."

"Really?" he repeats, his grin growing wider.

"If I recall, Suna also has Zeynep. Is my sweet little wife trying to tell me something?"

He climbs on the bed and crawls over her.

"Maybe," she giggles, her cheeks still red. But they feel like they turn to flames when he leans over to kiss her.

"Emir," she gasps dreamily when he finally lets her get some air. She grabs frantically at his shirt to keep him close, confused when he leaves the bed. "Where are you going?"

"Locking the door," he says with a wink. "Don't want to be disturbed tonight."

Oh yeah. She definitely loves it here at the ranch.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Cemre waits in the darkness for the sign she's looking for. A car ahead flashes the headlights twice and she realizes he's the one. She gets out of her own car, making sure her hat is pulled down low to cover her face, and heads over to the other vehicle. Once inside, she slides a thick envelope into the man's waiting hand.

He doesn't bother to count it.

"The pictures of your targets are inside," Cemre explains. "Along with the time and place of where you are to do it. Do you understand?"

"Perfectly," the man grumbles. "Consider it done."

She gives him a nod and leaves his car just as quickly as she entered it.

The man watches her walk back to her, start it up and drive away. After she's gone, he pulls out the pictures, flipping them over to see the names.

"Cavidan Tarhun. Reyhan Tarhun. Enjoy your last two weeks alive."

He puts everything back inside the envelope and drives away. He has plans to make.

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