Better Together

By Wayward_Mikaelson

3.1K 18 3

When a hunt goes wrong with a nest of vampires you are saved by the Winchesters. You've heard of the winchest... More



92 1 0
By Wayward_Mikaelson

Sam woke up early as usual. He looked over at you, still sleeping away the events of the night before. Sam leaned in and gently moved your hair out of your face and kissed you gently. Sam rolled over slowly and noticed the extra bed was still perfectly made. He reached for his phone and saw a text from Dean saying he was coming back in the morning. Sam looked at the time and saw that it almost eight in the morning. Sam sent a quick text to dean asking when hed be at the motel to scope out the house from the last case. Sam felt you stir around and felt your arm wrap around his waist. Sam smiled and set his phone down and rolled over to face you. "Hey," he said kissing your lips. Sam felt you sigh and smile. "Morning," you said. "Last night was fun. Even more when we woke up a few hours later for round two." You pushed Sam on his back and straddled him. Sam had grabbed your waist when you looked at the empty bed beside you guys. "Dean didn't come back?" You asked. "Nope, but I did text him asking when and he hasn't responded." Sam ran his hands up your sides and cupped your breasts. You closed your eyes and sighed then took Sam's hands. Sam rose an eyebrow. He was liking that you took control. "You know Dean, he won't answer." You rolled off Sam and off the bed. Sam sat up on his elbow and watched as you got dressed. Sam took it all in and he couldn't believe that an incredible woman like you could ever give him another chance. "You like it?" You voice made Sam look at your face. "I absolutely love it." You smirked and pulled out your wallet. "Should we get food or wait for Dean? Cause I am starving." Sam rolled out of bed and grabbed his closed. He could feel your eyes on him. Sam did wish that you guys went for round three. Maybe once the case if over. Sam turned around and saw you still staring and biting your lip. Sam knew you were thinking the same thing. He crossed the room and got within a few feet from you. "Shall we get a good breakfast that doesn't involve Dean trying to flirt with the waitress?" You smirked and leaned up to run your lips over Sam's then you walked out the door.

After breakfast you guys walked the ten minutes back to the motel. Talking about books, art, old cases, and more. At a crosswalk waiting to cross, Sam turned to you, "what about your old life do you miss?" You stopped and took a breath. "Too much to list out. But I do miss a local donut shop thats now closed." Sam laughed. "Of course it was food related." The light turned green and you guys continued to walk. As you walked you grabbed Sam's arm. "I also miss my little boy. He and my parents died that night." Sam stopped and looked at you. "You had a kid? How old was he?" You smiled a bit, "Ethan was almost 4. I had him kind young. His dad was never in the picture. He was a good dad when he wanted to be. But his mental illness got in the way and he refused all sorts of help." You looked down at the ground and pictured "The time Ethan and my parents passed Ethans dad, he hadn't been around for weeks so I had no way of finding him." Sam rubbed your arm. "Did you ever find out what happened? You said it was a freak accident." You began walking again. "After I moved, I ran into Garth. He had been following the accident for some time and tracked me down. He told me the truth. He helped me with a few leads. Those leads lead to the truth. That turned into killing the demon that possessed my sons father." Sam took your hand. "I'm sorry," he said softly. "Its okay," you smiled. "I got revenge and like any other person getting that taste and thrill I continued to hunt. You guys came a few years later." Sam pulled you in and kissed the top of your head. "I'm sorry I should have opened up more to you guys." You guys rounded and noticed the impala parked. "Oh thank God." Sam said. You guys make your way towards the motel. "We can finally finish this and go home." You guys get within a few feet of the door when you see it cracked open. Instincts start to take over and you look at Sam. Sam who always carried, pulled his gun out and went ahead of you. Sam pushed open the door and went in, a minute later you followed and found Dean sitting in a chair with a gun pointed to his head. "Dean?" Sam asked. You looked around and everything seemed to still be in place. "I'm fine Sammy." Dean answered. "I see you guys finally slept together." You stared at the woman holding the gun. "You can tease us later." A voice behind you made both you and Sam jump. "Or we can address that now." You turned around and saw Liam standing in the door way. He leaned against the door frame rubbing his hands. "You?" Sam asked and all you could do was stare. You tried to put together the pieces but you just couldn't. "I hid it all to well didn't I?" Liam started towards you. "I tried two years ago but that didn't work. You ended up killing my brother and high tailing it out of town. Then you came back and I scored my shot but needed to reel you in to make you trust me and convince you to breed with me because you played it safe. I also knew that you were still hooked up on someone because you never really gave it your all when we slept together." Liam was inches from your face. Your heart raced and felt your face get hot from the anger you felt. Liam strocked your face and you back up. Liam chuckled. "When I saw you with the Winchesters again, I knew mine and my sisters stunt worked. It brought you back but of course with these boys it would be harder. So my sister," Liam pointed to the woman next to Dean. "She seduced Dean and crossed him this morning. I on the other hand followed you from the bar and listened all night long to you and Sam. Moaning. Screaming. Panting. The whole bit." You slapped Liam across the face and he laughed. Ylu had no words. Sam stood there with his gun read to to shoot. Liam suddenly grabbed your neck and pinned you to the wall. Sam stepped forward but was grabbed buy two others. "I think I'll slowly gut you and eat right here in front of your new lover." Liam rose his hand and out came that stupid wraith needle thing and when he smiled an extra set of teeth came too.

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