Want Me Back [JenLisa]

By mandunini_

945K 29.2K 8.4K

"So you're breaking up with me?" Jennie asked. Lisa slowly nodded her head, seeing with her own eyes how her... More

twenty one
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26.6K 781 212
By mandunini_

I'm sooo sorry for taking too long to update this story. Anyways, here's one :)

-third person's pov-

"About fucking time!" Jisoo exclaimed upon hearing the news that Lisa and Jennie are.. 'kinda together' now, quoting directly using Jennie's words.

"Oh God finally!" Rosé clapped in awe.

The reunited couple stared at each other and smiled as their two friends, who barged in Lisa's unit for the nth time, sat across them.

Honestly, Lisa didn't know why the two kept barging in simultaneously but she felt happy to share the good news to both her and Jennie's bestfriend at once.

Rosé's statement actually was still news for Jennie as the two are still a bit awkward around each other, but she's happy about it nonetheless.

"But we have to keep it lowkey," Lisa sighs.

Jennie rested her hand on top of Lisa's, squeezing it for comfort.

"But why?" Rosé asks worriedly.

"We have to figure out how we'll deal with my parents first," Jennie bows down her head, feeling bad that Lisa has to go through all this because of her family.

"Hey, you okay?" Lisa whispers in her ear while intertwining their fingers.

Jennie nodded slightly, resting her head on Lisa's shoulder while the latter kisses the top of her head.

Rosé and Jisoo watched their friends with a look of admiration, knowing in themselves that they will do everything just so their friends will feel their support.

The exhaled in unison, suddenly making them look at each other awkwardly.

The taller one furrows her brows at Jisoo who suddenly rolled eyes at her.

What did I do now?! Rosé thought to herself.


"Aren't your parents worried that you haven't been home since last night?" Lisa asks while lying on the bed with Jennie resting on top of her, the two of them naked under the sheets.

She missed these moments with her girlfriend, where her hands are just mindlessly exploring Jennie's body and running on the latter's silky hair.

"I told them I'm with Jisoo," Jennie looks up to meet her doe eyes.

The blonde suddenly frowned, realizing the usual brightness of Jennie's feline eyes is nowhere to be found. It's clouded with so many worries that are obviously filling her mind.

"What's with that look?" Lisa couldn't help but ask as she cups Jennie's face, carressing her cheek mildly.

"I'm just thinking about how lucky I am to still have you. You could've chosen someone whose family wouldn't intrude with your life, you know?"

"Yeah, I suppose I could," the blonde nodded, making Jennie's face fall into a pained one, but Lisa was quick to kiss her full on the lips before she even tried to roll away from Lisa's body. Her large hand slid to Jennie's bare back smoothly, keeping her in place as she maintained eye contact with Jennie's confused feline eyes, then whispers in her lips, "But I doubt I'd still have a life for anyone to intrude on if you weren't by my side. You're my every breath and heartbeat, Jennie Kim. I'm fucking in love with you in ways you can never imagine."

Those words made Jennie's heart clench, having that burning feeling in the inside that rises up to her eyes.

"Are you gonna cry?" Jennie wasn't sure if Lisa was just simply asking or teasing, but it definitely ruined her moment, making her frown when she realized that the blonde was holding back a smile.

"No, so stop making me cry!" she whines, burrying her face on the crook of Lisa's neck.

She feels the vibration on Lisa's body as the latter chuckles lowly, and it made her smile. And for Jennie, it felt even great to smile on Lisa's skin once again.



I looked at my reflection one last time before grabbing my car keys.

It feels so long ago since I last felt this excitement going back to school, because now, I finally have her waiting for me again.

When I went down, I was shocked to see my mom still in the house. Usually, both my parents already left to work whenever I'm done preparing for school.

"Mom?" I called, seeing her sitting on the couch.

My eyes widened when I realized that across him is Jaebeom, wearing a full-on business attire while sitting nervously under her stares.

Shit. I haven't told Jaebeom that I've gotten back with Lisa, he probably came to drive me to school.

"Oh honey, you're finally here. You shouldn't really keep a man waiting for long when he exerted effort to fetch you early in the morning, you know?" she beams at me.

Oh, no, no, no.

When Jaebeom lifted his eyes to me, I was met with an apologetic look on his eyes.

Mom looks happy to see him, probably even grateful thinking there's something going on between us and the thought made me angry. Angry at my mom for being happy thinking they really managed to break my relationship with Lisa, and angry at the fact that they had to do it just because they can't accept who I am.

Instead of bursting out to my mom, I tried to hide my emotions and turned to Jaebeom instead of answering her.

"You should've told me you're here already..."

"It's okay, my fault for keeping him busy because I kept asking him about work," Mom voices out again, not even noticing how much I despise her right now. Then she turned to Jaebeom, "And by the way, you're always welcome here in our home so next time don't be afraid to say hi if ever you catch me or my husband at home, okay?"

Jaebeom smiled at her, nodding confidently, "Will do, Ma'am."

"Let's go," I told Jaebeom as I tap Mom's shoulder, kissing her on the cheek before proceeding to the garage.

"You don't have to drive me to school anymore," I told him once we're out, then smiled as I turned to face him, "I really, really appreciate everything you've done to me, Jaebeom."

"Wait, why?" he asks, confused.

I had an internal battle whether I should tell him the truth or not. He's been nothing but a good friend to me these past few days that he even agreed to making Lisa jealous.

...but I don't really want to risk, especially now that he's been connected to my mom.

"I just—it's unfair to you, you know. I feel bad wasting your time," I bit my lip, and it's the truth, I know he was gaining nothing from it, "And all of this," I gestured with my hand, "I don't want to continue being pathetic. I don't want to disappoint my parents, so I decided to just focus on my work and academics."

His lips parted, as if he did not expect me saying those to him. Eventually, his lips curved into a smile while tapping my shoulder, "I'm happy you're moving forward, Jen. You know I'll always be here for you, right?"

I smiled, "Thank you."


"Where is she?!" Irene asks excitedly, glancing around the cafeteria.

"Yeah, I want to smack her in the head for making you go through all that shit!" Nayeon says as eagerly.

"Tone it down girls," Jisoo scolds them, "I told you they'll be keeping it low. I mean they won't really have to act as if they're strangers when in the first place they were already keeping it lowkey with their relationship."

I nodded, agreeing to Jisoo, "Maybe she'll catch up with us later. She said she'll be really busy this week."

Irene frowned, "Guess I'll satisfy myself with Jenlisa crumbs for now."

"Me too," Nayeon pouts at me.

I grinned, feeling the support of my friends.

"I love you three so much," I eyed them sincerely, "I honestly can't imagine what I'd do without you girls. Thanks for always being there."

Irene, who was sitting across Jisoo and I, suddenly moved beside me and hugged me thoroughly. I felt my heart warm up at her gesture so I quickly wrapped my arms on her shoulders, consoling her as she looked up with a frown, "I hate seeing you sad you bitch. I swear if Lisa didn't have a good excuse, I would've beaten up her ass by now."

"I already did, don't worry," Jisoo smirks beside me.

I looked at her in disbelief. Oh God.

"Don't tell me you're the one who bruised Lisa's cheek few weeks ago?" Nayeon asked in amusement.

"Oh my God, Chu!" I'm not sure if I should worry or laugh, but honestly it's more of the latter.

My poor baby. I'll ask it about her later, but right now, I just really feel good hanging out with my friends like this and I'm honestly overwhelmed with their protectiveness and care for me.

"I can't believe you did it out of our watch!" Irene laughed, "I wish you recorded it or something, that would be hilarious."

"We can do it to your ex!" Nayeon suggested, wriggling her brows.

And yes, Irene and Suho broke up already. She caught him making out with some cheerleader, dragged the cheerleader by the hair out to the field, that even Suho couldn't do anything about it. I would've laughed at how they narrated it to me last week, if I wasn't just heartbroken myself.

Irene cried a lot then, but now she's back to her usual self. I really think the scene she caused in the field helped a lot in making her better, because now she just bursts out laughing whenever we talk about it.

"He's not worth our time," she waves her hand dismissively, then grinned, "But I found someone worth my time."

"Already?" Jisoo asked suspiciously, and we all looked at her suspiciously.

Irene grinned, "I've been attracted to her ever since but I guess I was too distracted with stupid boys."

"Do we know her?"

"Yeah, spill!"

"Is she hot?"

"Duh," Irene rolled her eyes then smiled, "She's smoking hot! I'll introduce her to you guys soon."

"I really don't know if I should envy you guys or be thankful there's no one stressing me out," Nayaeon states while munching her food.

Jisoo chuckled, "Let's be thankful we're single."

I scrunched my face at the two who just high fived, "I'm telling you, being with the right person pays off every heart ache."

The three of them looked at me with a disgusted and funny look on their faces.

"That was so cheesy," Nayeon shook her head, laughing.

"Agreed," Irene's lips curls up sexily, "Let's just put it this way... every pleasure is worth the pain."

We all laughed at Irene's bluntness, throwing her things playfully when Nayeon's smile suddenly fell off. Irene, Jisoo and I are seated side by side so we traced Nayeon's line of sight behind us.

I took a sharp breath at the sight before me, feeling my lips fall into a frown when I saw Lisa enter the cafeteria with that woman beside her.

"Looks like Lisa's found a new friend, huh? That's Niki right?" Nayeon subtly comments.

Our sudden shift of eyes on their direction made them notice us, eventually connecting my gaze to Lisa.

"I think they're coming our way," Jisoo said, putting on a friendly smile on her face.

My heartbeat raced when my favorite pair of lips turned into a smile, a smile directed to me, which leaves me helpless as I found myself smiling back.

"Remember Jen, every pleasure is worth the pain," Irene reminded me, lighting up the mood, for which I'm grateful. I know the three of then worries that I might be affected just by seeing Lisa with another girl, but we were really not that kind of couple.

Yeah, we've been through a lot now, but that doesn't change the fact that I trust her.

And the only thing I worry about... is my heart beating faster because once again, I've got her.

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