My Invisible Wounds | ✔

By alina_ashh

1.3M 56.6K 4K

At the end - 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒔 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒊𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒔 ! Being married to only son of billiona... More

1| Marriage proposal..
Accepting the proposal..
Zayden agreeing..
Meeting Alex
Restaurant meet
7 | Marriage.
8 | First conversation
Zayden's attraction.
Trying to act cool
11 | Ramp walk pairing.
12 | Scared
13 | Power couple
14 | Heartbreak
15 | Jannet Confession
16 | Zayden's truth
17 | Spoke my heart out
18 | Unknown comfort.
19 | Dressed up for DJ
20 | Taking her home.
21 | Knowing the reason
22 | Closer for the first time..
23 | Alex Confession
25 | Secret Admirer
26 | Closer.
27 | Car Race
28 | My wife ordered
29 | My angel
30 | Jealousy.
31 |My son's angel
family trip l
family trip ll
family trip lll
truth games
accident confession
I will change for us
stay away from him
That felt good
sleeping beauty
My world
Cute talks
Lover boy
cat fight
She is pregnant
Part 2🖤
Rose left alone
Special moment
Games time
Azra in the same college
Visit to Rose
Azra - the joker.
Rose likes noah.
Evil plans.
Plan backfired.
Wont let her go.
Who is she!
She said yes !
sweet moments
photo shoot
Author note!
Choose one.
Evil plans
Time for payback.
my family.
Rose and Alex.
Epilogue 🌸
New novels.

24 | Butterflies in stomach

21.4K 775 35
By alina_ashh

It always seems impossible until it is done..!

I was dusting the windows when someone knocked the door. Halting my work I strolled towards the door and opened it only to find Jannet standing in front of me.

“What are you doing here?” I questioned with half opened door.

Rolling her eyes she pushed me aside and entered, “Zayden is coming back today and I am here to welcome him.”

“He is coming after two days.” I remember Zayden telling me that he was going for fifteen days and today was thirteenth day.

“I know but he called Alex morning and informed that he will coming back today.”

A nervous feeling creeped my stomach. I was going to see Zayden after so many days. I prepared all of his favourite food and when I was placing it on dinner table the front door opened.

It was Alex followed by the only man who was capable of taking my breath away every time I see him — Zayden.

He looked more handsome than before. His hair had grown a little bit with cute baby hair strands falling on his forehead almost reaching his eyebrows. He used to fingers to push them away only for them to fall back on his forehead making him look so provocative.

What sent cold chills down my spine was the fact that Zayden hadn’t moved his eyes off me since the time he stepped inside.

Jannet shrieked Zayden's name besides me breaking my revere of thoughts. She strolled towards his and wrapped her hand around his waist and then pecked his cheek while Zayden kept peering at me.

I turned around unable to see Jannet clinging onto Zayden like that.

“I missed you so much.” Jannet exclaimed.

“I am tired” Zayden replied jerking himself away from her.

“What are you thinking girlfriend?” Alex whispered in my ear startling me.

“Huh nothing. You didn’t tell me Zayden was coming today.” I ask

“He informed me today morning.” Alex answered winking at me.

I shake my head whilst placing plates on the table. I don’t know what Alex will tell Zayden about our yesterday’s conversation. Like Alex said I want to give myself a chance to be happy. I want to know how it feels to be liked by someone, how it feels to be someone’s priority.

I am not sure how Zayden was going to react to this or maybe he won’t react at all.

“So how did your business trip go? You came earlier than planned.” Alex asked

“I wrapped it up early.” Zayden replied, his voice was quivering indicating he was really tired.

I was alone in kitchen when I felt someone’s presence behind me. I turned around and almost jumped at the sight of the person I wasn’t expecting.

“What – what are you doing here?” I question Zayden with my face laced with bafflement.

“Isn’t it still my home?” he questioned back with a raised brow.

“I meant what are you doing here in kitchen? Do you need anything?”


I handed him a glass of water. He was sipping water as if it was some juice, all the while he kept peering at me making me very conscious and nervous.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” I mutter

“You look sad. Is it because I am back?” he asked

“Uh – what ? No…”

Just then Alex entered the kitchen making both of us look at him.
“Zayden I need to tell you something, meet me at study room.” Alex said first looking at Zayden and then at me. Giving me a soft smile he walked out leaving Zayden and I.

I very well knew what Alex wanted to tell Zayden.

I turn to face Zayden. After placing the empty glass on the counter Zayden took a step towards me.
My heart beat accelerated the moment he stepped closer to me. Leaning in he placed his lips on my forehead. He gave me a long lingering kiss on my forehead.

My eyes automatically closed shut while I felt electric signals passing all over my body. Thousands of butterflies took flight in my stomach.

The sensation I felt when his lips touched my forehead was strange and nameless. I have never felt something like that before. It was a wonderful feeling which made my heart gleam with contentment.

He moved away a little bit and for the first I saw calmness in Zayden’s eyes, his eyes carried a warm look which filled my heart with more feelings for him. His eyes were a maze I couldn’t help but get lost in…

“Alex must be waiting.” He said breaking our eye contact.

“Yeah” I whisper tucking a rogue strand of her behind my ear.

He turned around to leave by I stopped him by blurting the only question which lingered in my mind.
“What was this for?”

“What?” he asked looking at me.

“What you just did… what was it for?” I blabber without thinking.
I bite my tongue and mentally scold myself for not keeping my mouth shut.

Trailing his eyes all over my face Zayden raised his hand and caressed my hair making my heart stop for a second. My breath caught in my throat looking at Zayden.

He looked serene.

“I sorted my feelings…” He answered with softest voice making my inside giddy.

His eyes were sparkling with heartsease, it was a rare sight. I had never seen Zayden openly displaying emotions on his face like this before.

When he walked out of kitchen, I felt my world crumbling into pieces. I shouldn’t have agreed with Alex. I should have waited for Zayden.

I kept fidgeting with my fingers whilst walking to and fro. Zayden and Alex didn’t come out of room for a long time.

After a minute or so Alex walked into hall grinning ear to ear.

Zayden followed Alex but not once did he look in my direction. His face was again hard, devoid of any emotions. He strolled towards couch and sat next to Jannet.

“You told him about our conversation yesterday?” I asked Alex when he came and stood next to me.

My heart was beating erratically. I didn’t want to ruin whatever progress Zayden had made in our relationship.

“Yes,” Alex answered and my heart dropped in my stomach.
“What did he tell?” I ask gulping down the pain.

“Nothing. He just said if this is what you guys want then I respect your decision.” Alex said snaking his hand around my shoulder.

Zayden actually didn’t say anything?

What about forehead kiss then? He did say he sorted his feelings, what does that mean?


“Jannet I will drop you back.” Alex stood up.

“Um, okay” she replied grabbing her purse.

“Alex wait, I will drop Jannet…” Zayden interrupted making all the heads snap in his direction.

“Alright then. I will also take my leave now cutie.” Alex placed a kiss on my cheek.

“Aww, you sure you guys are only friends?” Jannet asked with a pout.

Can I just kill her already?

Things are already complicated between us and she is bent upon making things worse.

Zayden looked away frustrated.

“No we are not. She is my girlfriend.” Alex answered smiling.

I couldn’t understand if he actually meant it or he was just joking. Before Jannet could interrogate more about Alex confession Zayden voice boomed in the Hall. He had already strolled towards the door. “Are you coming Jannet?”

“Yes,” she answered him and turned to face me, “I am going bye. And yeah you both look good together” She gushed.

Everything was messed up and with this incident one thing was sure, Zayden and I's relationship was back to where it was in the beginning.


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