Forever and Always (violetine...

By coloradokapers

9.8K 280 348

Clementine starts a new life in a new town. After the trauma in her home town in Macon, Georgia she moves to... More



161 6 2
By coloradokapers

"AJ! Have you seen my dress?" Clem called out from her room. She was getting ready for a day with Violet.

"Does it have flowers on it?" AJ asked, receiving a 'yes' from the brunette.

"It's in the living room closet," AJ told her and Clem fetched it immediately.

The silky fibers feeling soft to the touch as the floral pattern matched the velvet canvas. The same one that she tried out what feels like forever ago so she can look good on her first date. She decided that now might be the day she'd wear it.

She took it back into her room and started to put the dress on. Forgetting how much she struggled to try to wear it the last time. It was a hassle to put on, and even more so to zip up the back zipper that zipped from bottom to top.

Looking back in the mirror on her door, she twirled around and checked herself out. It still gave the same effect as before. It was a pretty dress but didn't match her style.

She decided to keep the dress on, considering how long it took her to put it on in the first place. She then waited on the couch for her date. AJ met her on the couch and turned the TV on to watch his cartoons.

They watched a sci-fi film about androids from the future beginning to feel human feelings. The biggest feeling was from the main android who began to love the main character of the story. It was quite a magnificent story. It was just starting to pick up as androids were starting to protest equality for machines until the door knocked.

Clementine walked over to the door and opened it to reveal the person on the other side. The blonde wore a tux with a striped orange and purple tie. Her hair, which usually isn't brushed or taken seriously, was straight and nicely combed. She looked her up and down and lost her breath for a moment.

"You look amazing," Violet spoke as she checked her girlfriend out.

"You're not so bad yourself," Clementine said. Violet grinned and held out her hand. Clementine took her hand and walked out with her outside. Where the cold nibbles on her legs as they walked down to wherever Vi was taking her.

After a nice walk, Violet let's go of her grip and moved some branches and bushes from the dirt path leading them straight. Behind the bushes was a perfect picnic. Clementine smiled widely after seeing this.

"We never got to finish our picnic. I thought, this would be a good start." Violet told her as Clementine almost started jumping from near excitement. Because this was as big for her as it was Violet.

She smiled so wide for so long that her face began to hurt. And her head began to hurt. Specifically the scar just below her hairline. Making her reach and rub the odd line on her upper forehead.

She then turned back to the interesting story told just last night. How everything happened and what she might just do. It was hard to not think about her problem. What Ava had explained to her and who she really was. It wasn't all nice.

She started to fall down into what horror being cut open was and how she could forget all about it. Why she felt so secluded from the world and why she experienced those advanced lucid dreams.

"Clem? Are you okay?" Violet said, snapping the brunette out of her daze. She merely nodded and formed another smile as she sat down on the blanket in the snowy ground. The blanket wrinkling up into more folds.

Violet opened the basket in the center. Pulling out two sandwiches and a bottle of wine.

"Ugh. I can't believe you brought wine." Clementine stated as Violet frowns.

"It was the only thing Louis let me take. But either way, there's nothing wrong with wine." Violet said which Clem disagreed on her with.

A debate about wine suddenly turning into a debate about how Louis is a good friend to talk to about things. How did they start talking about that? They had no idea.

"You obviously don't know how hard it is for him to keep secrets. When we were in high school, I told him I had a crush on Minnie and he told her. He said he couldn't hold it in. And sure, it led to a nice relationship, but friends don't do that. Louis does." Violet tells the brunette.

"Well he learned from his mistakes because he seemed to keep some of my secrets hidden from all of you," Clementine stated.

"Big mistake. I'm going to peer pressure him into talking and he's going to succumb, just wait and see." Vi said as Clem rolled her eyes.

The sandwiches were finished and they had each taken at least one sip from the wine and Violet had gotten up.

"C'mon. I have more planned for you." Violet said and grabbed Clem's hand. Leading her to another secret area where Clem would have to just shut up and follow. The curiosity blooming in her mind as she watched the blonde tug on her arm to pull her to their next spot.

It didn't take long for something to enter the amber eyes line of sight. Watching couples and families sliding around a rink. Clementine smiled like a child on Christmas day.

"Ice skating?" Clementine asked Vi intriguingly.

"What? It's what couples do all the time here. During winter you get your partner and skate around arm in arm. I think it's very nice." Violet said.

"You are showing a much more fun side to you every day I get to be with you," Clementine said.

"No. I'm just romantic." She joked and grabbed a pair of ice skates from the front desk. Collecting her shoe size, which Clem did also.

"Is now a good time to say that I've never ice skated before?" Clem said nervously as she removed her shoes and slipped on the ice skates.

"It's easy. It's just like roller skating, just on ice." Violet told her, adjusting the straps on the boots.

Clementine put the shoes on and looked back at the ice rink. Everyone laughing and skating around the ice, hand in hand with their partner. She looked back at Violet, her blonde hair covering her face as she adjusted the shoes to fit her.

When Violet was done, she brushed her hair away from her face and looked at the brunette. "Caught'ya." She said, Clementine breaking out of her staring.

A blush creeping in on her face as she looked down in embarrassment. After Clementine took her turn to put her ice skates on her feet they rose from the bench, where they sat.

Violet took Clementine's hand and helped her reach the entrance to the ice rink. She eased the brunette onto the ice and slowly let herself on the ice as well.

"Okay, if you ever remember roller skating, it's the same concept. Just slide your feet on the ground." Violet said and Clementine tried doing just that. But instead of going anywhere, she fell straight onto her butt.

Violet silently laughed as she took her hand and hoisted her back to her feet. Violet held Clem's hand firmly and began gliding on the ice. And to the brunette's surprise, they were moving.

Even though she was just holding her balance to where Violet was going. She felt a small achievement in that fact.

Violet skated one lap around the outer rink with Clem just sliding along. Violet decided to give her sort of a push as she let go of her girlfriend's hand.

Clementine began to shake at the loss of contact with her partner's hand. And as she tried to pick herself up, her legs started to kick. Eventually, Clementine was gliding on ice. It was sloppy and crooked, but she was moving.

"You're doing great!" Violet said joyfully.

"I'm doing it," Clementine whispered to herself. Feeling a sudden jolt of energy as she relished the idea of her learning a new activity. "I'm doing it!" She said aloud. Raising her arms up in the air, making Violet smile widely at the girl.

"Good start. Now, what if we played a little... Tag!" She tapped Clem on the shoulder before turning herself around and began skating backward. Making sure nobody was behind her she looked to Clementine who struggled to gain speed.

"You can surely go faster than that," Violet said as Clementine tried hard to move faster. "A little tip: don't go faster, stride in more power." She told her.

Clementine grasping in the idea as she slowed her legs down and tried what Violet said. She kicked her feet to the ground and started sliding, increased the amount of power her back foot created to kick further and start skating quicker than before.

Clementine smiled at herself once more. A proud grin appearing on Violet's face as she continued to slide around the rink. Clementine increased in her momentum as she began to catch up with the blonde. But she couldn't let that happen.

Violet turned around and began skating faster, just by a little bit. Clementine's hand touched Violets back. Causing the blonde to turn and a shocked expression on Clem.

Clementine desperately tried to turn herself around but instead of doing that, she ran straight into the blonde. They both toppled over each other and were now on the ground, and they began to laugh.

"I was going too fast," Clementine said in between laughs. Violet laughing harder than originally. Clementine couldn't help but be trance by her laugh. She loved it, her smile.

"Okay, you're getting the hang of it," Violet said and pushed Clem from on top of her. Getting up and lending Clem a hand.

"Yeah, this isn't so bad," Clementine told her as she began skating on her own.

They skated for a while. Holding hands as they glided across the ice for a few more laps. Clementine stopped near the exit of the rink and looked at Violet.

"I'm having a lot of fun today." She said, making Violet nearly jump excitingly.

"Well, if you're enjoying it. Then why let it end? We have a whole night planned and I'm not ready to end it here." Violet said and received a kiss on her cheek. The warmth traveling around her face and down to her neck.

"Well, we wouldn't want to keep us from our night now would we," Clementine said before sliding towards the end of the ice and sitting on the bench. She then started to remove the ice skates off.

"Oh, you were done skating already?" Violet said in shock. Watching the brunette put her shoes back on and stand.

"I thought you had a whole night planned?" Clem said as she leaned in close to the blonde.

"I do."

"Well then let's hurry! My legs are really cold, I should've worn warmer clothes." Clementine said and waited for Vi to exchange footwear.

"I can't wait to show you what I have planned Clem. You're going to be mesmerized." Violet said and grabbed her hand. Leading Clementine to the next place she wanted to go.

Clementine couldn't hold back her excitement building up in her as she was led inside of the woods. Clem was confused as she was dodging branches and jumping over logs.

Then something came into view. There was one of the watchtowers that a guard would sit on top with a sniper in a high-security prison. But it sat there solo. And trees surrounded the area, creating almost a perfect circle.

Violet grabbed onto a ladder and climbed up the tower. Clementine followed soon after until they reached the top. They were over the trees and had a clear view of the scenery around them.

Their whole day had been used up by their date. Time flew passed them quicker than Clem had expected. Knowing for sure that tomorrow would be a rough day and that same night will be harder.

The sun was crawling down. Sliding slowly into the horizon as the sky turned a light pink. The clouds turning into a red-orange color as Clem scanned the atmosphere.

"Wow. Beautiful." Clementine said as she felt hypnotized by the warm colors of the sky.

"I wanted to show you this place sooner, but we were always busy planning. It's peaceful to just look at the sky and feel weightless." Violet said, looking at the mesmerizing face from the brunette.

"I used to love the stars. Or at least I think I did, I'm not sure." Clementine said and Violet watched the confusion hit Clementine. Like she truly didn't even know.

"I always found sunsets as romantic. Maybe I just watch too many romance movies but what do you think?" Violet said.

"I'm just glad I get to spend time with you. Before anything starts tomorrow, I just wanted this day with you." Clementine said and Violet smiles wider.

"There's something that I've always wanted to try... with someone I cared about," Violet said, looking embarrassed before Clementine eased her up by grabbing her hand gently. Their eyes locking and their minds connected. The brunette's smile grew as she read the blonde like an open book.

"Me too," Clementine said and kissed her passionately under the falling sun crossing into the horizon. The pink pigment in the sky and clouds disappearing as a more dark color of purple engulfed it. The moon shining down on the world while stars began dotting the sky slowly. One star at a time.

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