Swasan - Never repeat the Mis...

By SwanSchreibt

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After being betrayed by her step-sister, Swara breaks down completely. She wishes nothing more than correctin... More

Character Sketch
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Teaser 1
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Author note
Chapter 21
Teaser 2

Chapter 6

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By SwanSchreibt

Swara felt light after sharing everything with her friends. Initially she was sceptical about telling them the truth. But the way her friends reacted made her happy as she knows she has someone who will support her no matter what. She made up her mind that no matter what she will never leave her gang and continue working with them forever.

Swara had earlier called Sanskar to inform him that they have started their trip back to Kolkata. Sanskar had also mentioned that he is planning to meet his family in a few days. He had promised to call her and let her know when he reaches Kolkata. Swara felt happy for Sujatha as this time she is getting her son back sooner than expected and prayed for his happiness.

Swara was confused about whether she should talk to Sharmishta as soon as she reaches home about Mr Gadodia or not. She decided to ask her friends for suggestion.

Swara: Guys!! I am planning to ask mom about Mr Gadodia as soon as I reach home. What do you guys think about it?

Jannat: Swara I think it is best if you talk now. You will be relieved of the burden too.

Vishal: But if you ask as soon as you reach Kolkata, won't she ask why you want to know it suddenly?

Swara: I was planning to tell her about my time travel.

Sumedh: Swara I can understand your concern and urgency. But I don't think it is a good idea to tell her about your apparent time travel. Firstly, she might not believe you. Secondly, she might directly take you to the Psychiatrist.

Jannat: He is right Swara. Moreover, if you tell her everything, then there are chances that she might say she doesn't want to go to him as he had not trusted you in your time travel story. If you want her to decide for herself, then she shouldn't know about his short-comings as only then she will be able to decide for herself.

Swara: You are right. But how long can I wait? Definitely not 4 years. I don't want my mom to get insulted again.

Sumedh: I have an idea. Do you remember your mom's first husband?

Swara: Yes. I have heard about Sudhansh Roy. Though I have seen his picture, I haven't met him personally. Why are you asking?

Sumedh: Do you have any idea of where does he stay?

Swara: I am not sure. But I heard he married someone very rich.

Sumedh immediately opened his phone and started searching for something. After reading something, his face brightened.

Sumedh: Swara I found him on google. Check if it is him. (Swara was about to reject) Please Swara for me.

Swara checked the photo and confirmed that it is Sudhansh Roy.

Swara: Why are you asking? I don't understand anything at all.

Sumedh: Listen to my full plan before reacting. According to google, Sudhansh stays in Mumbai with his new family. Once you get back home, you have to create a lot of drama. In that drama, you have to mention that you met Sudhansh and asked him why he did he leave his wife and child. You will then tell them that he said you are not his daughter. You got angry listening to it. But later you will state that he proposed for a DNA test and you agreed. You have also given your DNA sample. Since your mom hasn't confessed about Mr Gadodia being your dad, she will start panicking. Then she has to tell you the truth. If she doesn't confess immediately, then we will create a fake DNA following which she will be bound to say truth. Swara you don't even have to say about your time travel too and your mom might even accept Mr Gadodia as her husband.

Swara thought for some time. She was not sure. She looks up to see Vishal and Jannat happy with this decision.

Swara: OK. I will go with this plan.

Swara's POV

Hey durga ma. I am going to lie to my mom. Please forgive me. I hope my mom doesn't get hurt.

*Swara's POV ends*

They reach Kolkata and go in their separate ways to their respective houses. Swara reaches her house in a very bad mood. As Sharmishta was in the book store, she was about to leave her drama but saw dida looking at as if wanting to know about her mood. Swara immediately goes to her room and dida follows her to ask the reason behind her anger.

Dida: Shoru!! ki hoyache? Tummi keno eta ranganbita? (What happened? Why are you so angry?)

Swara composed herself for some time and started with her acting.

Swara: Dida do you know whom I met in Mumbai? (dida nods no) I met Mr Roy.

Dida: Who?

Swara: Arey Dida Mr Sudhansh Roy. He was so happy with his new family. Do you know how bad I felt? I was so furious and went to ask him how can he leave ma. Do you know what he said dida? He said that he didn't marry ma because he liked her. He said he married her for her reputation as she got pregnant before marriage. I was so furious dida. How can he insult ma dida? Such a liar. He then said he will prove it by a DNA test. I was about to refuse, but then thought to teach him a lesson. I gave my DNA sample. He will receive the DNA report in a day or two and then mail it to me. Stupid man. Let him realize he left his wife and daughter. It will be a good lesson for him. What does he think of myself? Why will ma lie about my dad?

Swara kept looking at dida from the corner of her eye and was relieved seeing the panic on dida's face. She got to know that her plan worked. Swara decided to end her drama for the day as it would be too much for dida.

Swara: Leave it dida. Don't tell ma. She will be broken. Let me take a bath and come down. I will be able to compose myself too.

Dida immediately nodded and left Swara's room. Swara stealthily followed dida to find her calling her mother and asking her to come home early. Swara went back to her room and took a long and refreshing bath. She then dressed properly and came down immediately. She decided to stay with her mom from the moment she enters so that dida doesn't get a chance to tell her the story.

As soon as she saw Sharmishta, she ran to her and hugged her.

Swara: Ma!!!! The show was a huge success ma. I am so happy. Get freshened up fast. I will tell everything.

Sharmishta freshened up and came to Swara. Swara started talking about her trip in lengthy detail not letting dida talk to her at all. After dinner, Swara retired to her room early stating that she is tired. Once she was out of the room, dida pulled Sharmishta to her room. Swara stood next to the door stealthily to hear their plan so that if they do something out of their plan, then Swara will be able to handle the issue efficiently.

Dida: Shomi Shoru met Sudhansh and had a fight with him.

Sharmishta: What? When did she meet him and why did she fight with him?

Dida: Shomi she met him in Mumbai. She got furious to see him happy with his new family. So, she fought with him. He ended up telling her that she is not his daughter and also convinced her to give a DNA test.

Sharmishta: What? Apani ke bolche? (what you are talking?)

Dida: Yes Shomi. Shoru has also given her DNA sample. I think it is high time we tell her the truth about her father. (Sharmishta was about to reject) No Shomi. It is better she knows it from us rather than from a DNA report.

Sharmishta finally agrees.

Sharmishta: Thik ache ma. (Alright ma). I will tell her the truth tomorrow itself.

As soon as Swara sees Sharmishta getting up, Swara rushes to her room and pretends to sleep. Sharmishta comes to her room and kisses her forehead and leaves. After some time, Swara calls her friends and tells them the happy news. Her friends advise her to react carefully as her ma and dida shouldn't feel she already knows the truth. Sumedh even asked her to wait till an hour or so before asking her ma whether she wants to get married to Mr. Gadodia. Swara accepted their suggestions and slept.

The next day, Swara woke up early and came down to help her ma.

Swara: Good morning ma. Where is dida?

Sharmishta: Good morning Shona.

Dida: I am right behind you shoru.

Swara: Good morning dida. I didn't see you. Where had you been?

Dida: I had been to the temple shoru. You have your breakfast first. We have to tell you something important.

Swara: What is it dida?

Sharmishta: Shona she said to eat first. We will talk after your breakfast.

Swara tried to protest but Shramishta's glare silenced her. Swara had her breakfast and sat between her ma and her dida.

Swara: Tell me dida. What did you want to say?

Dida signalled Shomi to say it. Swara turned towards her mother.

Sharmishta: Shona you didn't tell me about your meeting with Sudhansh.

Swara looked at dida with accusing eyes and looked at her ma again.

Swara: Ma I am sorry. I didn't want to hurt you. I know you never wanted me to talk about him. So, I kept my mouth shut.

Sharmishta: No beta. It is not your mistake. I have to say something very important to you. I shouldn't have kept it from you. I am sorry too.

Swara: Ma don't say sorry. Now tell me what is it.

Sharmishta takes a deep breath.

Sharmishta: 20 years back, I fell in love with someone. He was a pure marwadi. But the cultural differences never bothered us. I was so much in love with him that I didn't think twice before giving myself to him. When one day I realized that I was pregnant, I told ma about my affair. Ma, though angry with me, went to talk to his family about our affair. But they refused to accept me and that boy never spoke a word in my favour. Ma then got me married to Sudhansh for saving my respect. After 8 months I gave birth to my daughter. She became my life. (Sharmishta has tears in her eyes. She controls herself before continuing) I wanted to tell you this long back, but didn't have the courage for doing the same. I am sorry beta.

Sharmishta started crying and dida had tears in her eyes. Swara stood silently for some time before reacting. She hugged Sharmishta and consoled her.

Swara: Ma It was not your fault. I am sorry ma. I shouldn't have spoken to Mr Roy.

Sharmishta; No beta. I am happy that I could confess this to you at least now. Don't be sad.

Swara: I want to ask something ma. Don't answer if you don't want to.

Sharmishta: Beta ask what you want to ask.

Swara: Ma did your ex-boyfriend know that you were pregnant with me?

Sharmishta: Yes beta. He knew.

Swara: Then why didn't he tell his parents and marry you? Why did he leave you?

Sharmishta: Swara even my ex-boyfriend's parents knew I was pregnant with his child. But instead of getting me married to their son, they said they will sponsor my abortion. When I looked at him, he refused to look at me. After a week, he stated he is getting married to someone of his caste. I was broken beyond repair. I met Sudhansh at my store. He was willing to marry me and give his name for my child, but wanted 10,000 every month till he stays with me. I wanted to refuse but then looking at ma I agreed. That is how I got married. When he realized that he can get more money, he left me. I have no regrets beta. He never promised me anything. He even informed me before leaving. He had the courtesy to not cheat me. That is something I will always respect him for.

Swara acted as if she is shocked.

Swara: Ma who is he? (when Sharmishta looked clueless, Swara continued) my biological father ma?

Sharmishta was reluctant to answer, but then decided to tell her.

Sharmishta: It is Shekar Gadodia.

Swara: You mean Ragini's dad?

Sharmishta nodded. Swara kept quiet for some time and decided to give a break before talking to her mother about her remarriage.

Swara: Ma I need some time to digest all this. Please.

Swara ran to her room leaving Sharmishta and dida worried. Swara didn't want to do that. But then this was necessary. After an hour or so, Swara controlled herself and went to talk to Sharmishta. She found her ma talking to her dida and went to sit with them. Sharmishta and Shoba looked at her and sighed. They felt a relief that Swara was willing to talk to them at least.

Swara: Ma I am sorry. I shouldn't have left like that. But I just needed some time for myself. I didn't want to hurt you. I am sorry.

Sharmishta: Na Shona. I understand. I am sorry too for hiding for this long.

Swara smiled and hugged her ma.

Swara: Ma I wanted to tell you something. From the time I was born, I and dida have been your world. You never wanted anything for yourself. I am sorry that I never asked you this earlier. Don't misunderstand me. If you want to marry Mr Gadodia now, you can. I have no issues with it. I only want your happiness ma. But I am sorry ma. I can't accept him as my dad. He didn't stand up for me then. I don't think he will be able to do it now.

Sharmishta smiled at Swara. Her daughter has grown into a mature woman.

Sharmishta: Beta I loved him, but not anymore. He was not there with me when I needed him the most. I would prefer living alone than living with Shekar.

Swara: Ma are you saying this because of me?

Sharmishta: No beta. I am not. I don't want to live with him. He or his parents didn't think twice before asking me to abort you. How can you expect me to stay in such a place? Beta I won't be able to forgive them for the pain they caused.

Swara nods and then starts talking about random stuff to them. Later that night, she informed her friends about her mother's decision. She was relieved that her mother didn't want to marry him. She was content with her life.


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