Chapter 14

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Sanskar was sitting sadly in his office, thinking about the day-dream of his and Swara's confession. He was almost sure that the confession was not a dream if not for Ria's face and her reaction which clearly indicated otherwise. He had so drowned in his thoughts that he didn't realize that someone or rather some people entered his room. His trance was broken by a voice.

Voice: What happened Bhayu?

Sanskar looked up to find Manusha along with Shravan, Sumedh and Jannat.

Sanskar smiled

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Sanskar smiled.

Sanskar: Hey!!! Come in! Why are you standing there?

They came in. While the other three settled down, Shravan bent his head down dramatically like the way soldiers do in front of their King and spoke.

Shravan: We have been waiting for Our Majesty Sanskar Maheshwari to look at up from 10 minutes. However, we weren't spared that luxury. Hence your sister decided to break your trance.

Sanskar rolled his eyes and turned to his sweet sister.

Sanskar: So, tell me. What brings my sweet sister and her boyfriend here?

Manusha: Bhayu we came to discuss our plan to make Swara realize her feelings for you. But we found you lost in thoughts. What happened Bhayu?

Sanskar: Nothing happened.

But Shravan gave a stern "you better spill everything now" look. Sanskar sighed and told everything that happened including his dream. By the end, Sumedh and Shravan were laughing hardly while Jannat and Manu appeared to be deep in thoughts. Sanskar threw files at both Shravan and Sumedh to shut them up. Finally, they controlled themselves after receiving death glares from their respective girlfriends.

Jannat: Sanskar do you remember what was Swara's reaction after you started flirting with that girl?

Sanskar sadly nodded a no. He was not able to differentiate between his dreams and the reality. He was so frustrated with himself that he was so close to tears. Shravan and Sumedh immediately stood next to Sanskar and patted his back. They were able to understand his frustration. Sanskar turned towards them and smiled gratefully. He was indeed lucky to have such true friends.

Before anyone else could talk, Sumedh's phone rang. He picked it up after noticing that the call was from Vishal.

Sumedh: Hey Buddy!!!

Before he could say something more, Vishal interrupted him. Sumedh heard everything patiently before speaking.

Sumedh: Talk to her and let me know. I am at Sanskar's as planned. I will ask him and let you know. Bye!!!

Sumedh hang up and turned to Sanskar.

Sumedh: Sanskar do you know where Swara went after leaving this place?

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