Straight to the Punch (Yang X...

By CruderPlace13

11.8K 226 347

After a successful universe save and an accidental universe hop, C wakes up to see a shattered Moon and he ju... More

Rewrite Announcement
Book 1: Cutting Threads Recap
Chapter 1: Vale
Chapter 2: Beacon
Chapter 3: One of the Drunks
Chapter 4: The Cookie Monster of Remnant
Chapter 5: Caloric Overload
Chapter 7: Night On the Town
Chapter 8: Preparing for the Dance
Chapter 9: First Day on the Job
Chapter 10: The Dance
Chapter 11: First Mission
New thing
Chapter 12: Team RWBY vs C
Chapter 13: The Vytal Festival Begins
Chapter 14: A Dusty Old Qrow
Chapter 15: Team COLR Round 2
Chapter 16: Team RWBY vs. FNKI
Chapter 17: First Round of Finals
Chapter 18: The Fall
Chapter 19: The Loss
Chapter 20: Recovery (Lemon)
Chapter 21: Gifts
Chapter 22: The Return
Chapter 23: Grimm on a Train
Chapter 24: Journey to Argus
Chapter 25: Seeing Red
Chapter 26: Leviathan Stomper
Chapter 27: Death to the Wicked Witch
We now have a Discord server
Extra Chapter: Bloopers

Chapter 6: It's time to D-D-Duel!

436 6 17
By CruderPlace13

POV Change


After we all got cleaned up Ruby decided we should go to the library, so that's where we are. Team RWBY is sitting at a table playing a board game. Arsenic is currently in Yang's lap as I sit beside Ruby.

Ruby: Yang Xiao Long prepare your kingdom for battle!

Yang: Bring it on!

Ruby: I deploy, the Atlesian Air Fleet!!

She stands up for dramatic effect as Yang and Arsenic gasp.

Ruby: Looks like I get to fly over your Ursai and attack your walls directly.

She then makes airplane noises as she moves her hands through the air.

Yang: You fiend!

Ruby: And since Atlas is part of Mantle, my repair time only lasts one turn.

Ruby smiles smugly as Yang laughs.

Yang: Pretty sneaky sis, but you've just activated my trap card!

Ruby: WHAAAA?!

Yang: Giant Nevermore!

Yang gets up for dramatic effect holding Arsenic with one arm. She slams her other fist onto the table.

Yang: If I role a seven or higher, fatal feathers will slice your fleet in two.

Ruby: But, if you role a six or lower, the Nevermore will turn on your own forces.

Yang: That's just a chance I'm willing to take.

They both sit down as Yang grabs two six sided dice.

C: Your next line is "Noooooo, my fearless soldiers!".

Yang rolls a solid twelve.

Yang: Ha.


Yang: Eh, most of them were probably androids.

Ruby: Goodbye my friends you will be avenged.

Yang: Not until I draw my rewards, which are doubled this round, thanks to the Mistral trade route.

Ruby: Bah!

Yang: Oh! And what's this? The smugglers of the wind path?!

Ruby: BAH! BAH, I SAY!

Yang: Looks like I'm taking two cards from your hand.

Ruby: HAVE YOU NO HEART?! Noooooo......

Ruby collapses onto the table with tears in her eyes. I grab her and hug from the side letting her rest her head on me.

C: There there Imoto.

Yang: Well Weiss, it's your turn!

Weiss: I have... absolutely no idea what's going on.

C: Oh thank God I'm not the only one.

Yang and Arsenic slide up to her.

Yang: Look it's easy, you're playing as Vacuo which means all Vacuo-based cards come with a bonus.

Weiss: That's sounds dumb.

Yang: See you've got sandstorm, desert scavenge-

Arsenic points to a card in Weiss's hand.

Yang: Hmm? Oh! Resourceful Raider! See now you can take Ruby's discard air fleet-

Ruby: Noooooo....

Ruby cries even more as she buries her head into my side. I rub her back to comfort her.

Yang: And put it in your hand!

Weiss: Okay?

Yang: And since Vacuo warriors have an endurance boost against natural hazards you can use sandstorm to disable my ground forces and simultaneously infiltrate my kingdom!

Yang and Arsenic's eyes both darken a little as they point at Weiss.

Yang: Just know, I will not forget this declaration of war.

Yang and Arsenic both slide back to their spot at the table.

Weiss: And that means?

Ruby although muffled by my jacket answers her question.

Ruby: Your just three moves away from conquering Remnant!

Weiss perks up so fast it's crazy.

C: I wouldn't do anything she just said.

Weiss: What?! Why not?!

Yang: Yeah, why?!

Arsenic: Yeah!

C: The victor of a battle is decided before any fighting ever takes place. You're throwing away your chance at victory, Weiss cream.

Weiss: You don't even know how to play. So pipe down and watch.

C: Don't say I didn't warn you.

Weiss: Fear the almighty power of my forces. Cower as they pillage your homes and weep as they take your children from your very arms!

C: I need an adult. Wait I am an adult. Well that doesn't bode well for anybody.

Yang: Trap card.

Weiss: Huh?

Yang shows a card to Weiss before rearranging the board.

Yang: Your armies have been destroyed.

C: Told you.

Weiss sits back down in tears.

Weiss: I hate this game of emotions we play!

Ruby, still in tears, throws herself into Weiss's lap and hugs her.

Ruby: Stay strong, Weiss. We'll make it through this together.

Weiss: Shut up! Don't touch me!

Weiss however hugs Ruby back completely contradicting herself. Yang puts her hands behind her head as Arsenic smiles.

Yang: Alright Blake, you're up.

Blake: Huh? Oh sorry. What am I doing?

Literally in less than a second Weiss and Ruby are both perfectly fine and Ruby is back in her seat.

Yang: You're playing as Vale trying to conquer the kingdoms of Remnant.

Blake: Right.

Jaune who's team is at the table right beside ours walks up to us.

Jaune: Hey can I play?

Ruby: Sorry Jaune, we've already got for people.

Weiss: Besides, this game requires a certain level of tactical cunning that I seriously doubt you possess.

Yang: Uh.. you attacked your own navel fleet two turns ago.

C: On a less rude note, I got next.

Jaune: But still Ice queen I'll have you know I've been told I'm a natural born leader.

Weiss: By who your mother?

Jaune: And Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: Hello again!

Arsenic: Hi Pyrrha!

C: Alright, that's nice Slate, but still I've got next you'll have to wait.

Jaune: Aw alright.

Suddenly I feel a presence behind me.

C: Whoever is behind me better speak up or I'm decking you.

Sun: Sup losers.

C: Oh.

I turn and look at Sun.

C: Haven't seen you in a while.

Sun: I was just at the cafeteria during your food fight.

C: Sorry I don't take time to look at bystanders faces in a war. It makes coping with the loss easier.

Everyone looks at me like I just admitted to murder.

C: What?

Sun: Well. One man army, Ruby, Yang, Kid, Blake, Ice Queen.

Weiss: Why does everyone keep calling me that?!

Sun: I never got a chance to formally introduce you to my old friend.

Blue: Uh.. aren't libraries for reading?


Nora: Pancakes!

Nora who abruptly woke up from his shout looks kinda confused.

C: We read. Just not here.

Sun: Yeah so shut up don't be a nerd.

Neptune: Upupup. Intellectual. Okay? Thank you. I'm Neptune.

C: I'm on the fence.

Neptune: About what exactly?

C: Whether or not I despise you. You seem like a douche, but the vibes you give off aren't hostile. Hmm.....

Everyone looks a little afraid. Almost like they expect me to hurt him.

C: Well. You're allowed to hang out with us.

Neptune: You decide who hangs out with you all?

C: No. Me accepting you just means at this moment I don't punch a hole through you. Literally. But like I said you don't seem to be a bad guy just a little egotistical. Who knows maybe it's just your front.

Everyone breathes a sigh of relief.

Weiss: So Neptune, where are you from?

Neptune: Haven. And I don't believe I've caught your name, Snow Angel.

Weiss: Um.. I'm Weiss.

Jaune seems a little surprised as he mumbles under his breath.

Jaune: are you kidding me.

I walk up to him and wrap an arm around his shoulders.

C: Look Slate. Some people have it and some people don't and-

Jaune: I know, I know, I don't.

C: No.

Jaune: No?

C: You're just going up the wrong tree. Some girl out there is most likely dying to meet a guy like you. Just not her. Do yourself a favor, stop. Love is a fickle mistress. It'll come to you when it comes to you.

I pat his back and walk back to my seat.

Jaune: Thanks C.

C: Anytime Slate.

When I sit back down Blake gets up and leaves and Nora gives the best shrug and response possible.

Nora: Women.

C: I know right. But it looks like I'm tagging in.

I take Blake's seat.

Yang: Think you can beat me, Handsome?

C: I say we make this more interesting. A real game always has high stakes.

Yang: Oh I like this idea.

She pulls out her wallet.

Yang: How much we talking?

C: Money's for chumps. You want a truly intense game you wager something money can't buy.

Everyone looks a little confused.

C: Those two are practically out of the game already.

Weiss: Hey!

Ruby: Onii-chan!

Yang: So just me and you?

C: Yep.

Yang: What did you have in mind?

She adds a little wink at the end.

C: If I win, I get to touch your hair and vice versa.

Everything goes silent.

Yang: Sweeten the deal a little bit.

C: What did you have in mind?

Yang: If I win, we have to go on a date and I get to touch your hair.

I smirk at her and hold my hand out as my soul appears. Everyone stares at the red heart floating right in front of my chest.

C: This is how we make sure the deal is true. So Yang I say we got a deal.

She takes my hand and a yellow version of her emblem floats above her chest. A chain interlocks both of our souls as they fade away.

C: So. How do I play?

Everyone's eyes widen.


C: What's wrong with a little thrill seeking? Kid.

Arsenic: Huh?

C: Come here. I'll have you help me.

Arsenic hops off Yang's lap and comes over to me. I out him in my lap. Arsenic explains how to play to me as I pet his head and look into his memories seeing Yang's cards. I play a card and the game of a lifetime begins.

C: I deploy the Vale ground troops.

Yang: Really bad move. Don't you see all my troops?

C: Then by all means call my bluff.

Yang: I use my ursai to fight back against your troops.

C: Trap card. Beacon's students. My troops are rallied by the support of huntsmen and huntresses in training.

Yang: Pretty sneaky, but you didn't account for my own trap card. Grimm ambush. If students are played the effect they have is nullified and reduced making, your troops all the weaker. So it looks like yo-

C: Trap card.

Yang: Huh?

C: Headmaster's knowledge. If students are ever effected by a negative status this card not only negates the effects but also reverses every card on the opponents side if they don't have any student cards in play. Which you don't.

Yang: Yes I do! They're right-!

C: They're in your discard pile.

Yang checks and sure enough they're the second card down. She looks at me in shock.

C: After Weiss attacked you, you used them to destroy her Grimm. I may not be one hundred percent sure as to what I'm doing, but I never get into a fight I can't win. This game is nothing but a little memory, strategy, and  balls to the walls ploys.

I smirk at her as she looks flabbergasted.

C: I had an extremely powerful yet situational card. All I had to do was put out the bait. The second you agreed to my bet you let two things happen. One, you convinced yourself you had to win and two you completely underestimated me the second I said I didn't know how to play. My troops singlehandedly just took out your entire army, Grimm, and defeated you. All in one turn. Which means my other trap card goes into effect. True Might. If in one turn I can take down an entire kingdom then all other kingdoms with less cards in their hands than me have to forfeit. And would you look at that I have four cards, Imoto has two since you took some from her, and Weiss cream has three. Looks like I win.

Everyone is absolutely shocked as I stand up, put the rest of my cards on the table, stretch my back, and look at the three girls who I just completely annihilated.

C: I'll collect on that bet later Sunshine. I'm going for a walk see ya.

With that I left the library. Do I feel bad for cheating? No. No I don't. Yang cheated when she was "helping" Weiss. I just got something out of my cheating like a real gambler does. So screw it. I head back to the dorm room, lay down in Arsenic's bed, because I deserve a nap in a real bed at the very least damnit, and immediately clock out.


Some time later the door to the dorm is kicked open waking me from a dream about scantily clad women fighting, actually thinking about it, it was probably a memory. I sit up with a yawn.

Yang: We should have never let him play!

Ruby: You're just mad because Onii-chan beat you.

C: I'd knew it would piss you off.

Ruby & Arsenic: S-!

C: If you say swear I will shave you both in the middle of the night. Don't think I won't. I draw the line at not being able to say piss. So deal.

Yang walks up and grabs my shoulders. She then starts shaking me.

Yang: You had to have cheated I just

She suddenly stops as I'm still trying to make myself not dizzy. When my vision finally settles I see her drooling and looking down at me. Or rather my body that became exposed when she shook the covers off. I gently pat her face getting her attention.

Yang: Huh?

C: You okay?

Yang: Fantastic actually.

Her eyes wander back down as I roll my eyes. I get up grab my shirt from off the floor and walk into the bathroom. I use it real quick, wash my hands, and put on my shirt before stepping out and seeing Weiss precariously balancing on a chair while pointing at Blake.

C: I was gone for less than two minutes. What happened?

Weiss puts the chair she was standing on back under the desk it was originally at.

Blake: I just... I don't understand how everyone can be so calm.

Ruby: You're still thinking about Torchwick?

Blake: Torchwick, the White Fang, all of it! Something big is happening and no one is doing anything about it.

C: Tearing ourselves apart won't get us anywhere.

Yang: Yeah and Ozpin told us to not worry. Between the police and the huntsmen I'm sure they can handle it.

Blake: Well I'm not! They don't know the White Fang like I do.

We all look at each other.

Weiss: Okay, between blowing up nightclubs, stopping thieves, fighting for freedom, being able to control the earth, and rip apart Grimm with absolutely no problem, I'm sure the five of you think you're all ready to go out and apprehend these ne'er-do-wells..

Ruby: Uh...who?

C: Never change, Imoto.

Weiss: But let me once again be the voice of reason...

C: You say that like you've been it before or something.

I earn a rapier through the foot for my troubles.


Weiss: We're students. We're not ready to handle this sort of situation.

Ruby: Well, yeah, but-

Weiss: We're not ready!

Blake: And we may never be ready! Our enemies aren't just going to sit around and wait for graduation day!

C: I can actively say. That is true.

I pull the rapier out of my foot.

Blake: They are out there planning their next move and none of us know what it is, but it's coming. Whether we're ready or not.

C:...still that isn't a good reason to go throwing yourself into a war. You don't understand, but I do. Once you get into something like this, there is no going back. Trust me.

They all look at me.

C: This isn't a game. Or a fairy tale. Our lives, our families and friends' lives are at stake if we go through with this, there is no situation where this all comes out wrapped in a nice little bow. This is a legit war, it might not be as big as country versus country, but we're talking about taking on not only Roman Torchwick, who is a gangster with more than likely a couple of hired guns, but also the White Fang. A military made of faunus who despise humanity. Misguided morals or not neither of these groups will hesitant to kill us or anyone close to us.

Everyone looks a little freaked out, but I can tell they aren't willing to back down.

C: BUT. That being said, if you're all doing this there is no way I'm sitting on the sidelines.

Ruby: Okay. Now that the real voice of reason had spoken.

Weiss: Hey!

Ruby: All in favor of becoming the youngest huntresses and huntsmen to singlehandedly bring down a corrupt organization conspiring against the kingdom of Vale...say "aye"!

Yang: Yes! I love it when you're feisty.

Weiss: Well, I suppose it could be fun.

C & Arsenic: Aye.

Blake: Alright then we're in this together.

Ruby: Let's hatch a plan.

Yang: Yeah!

Ruby: Ah! I left my board game in the library!

Weiss: We're doomed.

Ruby: I'll be right back!

Ruby rushes out the door to go get it.

Blake: Isn't the library closed at this time of night?

C: I'll go catch up with her.

I take off after her. Once I'm in the hall I see three people walking past her. One is a guy with silver hair, another is a dark skinned girl with red eyes and mint colored hair, and the final one is a girl with shoulder length black hair swept to one side. They give off some serious bad vibes. Every fiber in my being screams for me to either knock them out, kill them, or get as far away as possible. The murderous stench they leave is enough to make me want to vomit. The white girl with the black hair looks at me and for a second I see her eye glow then they walk away.

Ruby: Oh and welcome to Beacon!

They leave the hall and I walk up to Ruby. I wrap an arm around her and we keep going towards the library.

C: Stay away from them.

Ruby: Huh?

C: I'm serious, Imoto. They give off some bad energy, I don't want to see you get hurt.

Ruby: That's a little harsh don't you think? They just got here.

C: The worst kind of enemy is the one that stabs you in the back. Stay. Away. From. Them.

Ruby: I'll try.

We finally make it to the library and Ruby tries the door, but it's locked.

Ruby: Aw it's closed.

I punch the glass out of the door and unlock it.


I whisper yell at her.

C: if you don't shut up you're going get us caught!

Ruby whisper yells back.

Ruby: there are cameras everywhere! we're already going to be caught.

C: go get your game. I'll keep watch.

She runs in and I stand at the door waiting. She finally comes back and holds the game in it's box out triumphantly. We then hear footsteps and a familiar sounding cane coming down the hall.

Ruby: It's Ozpin!

C: Go! I'll take care of this.

She runs off as I turn to the door and use my time powers on it. The glass is fixed like nothing ever happened.

Ozpin: Ah C. What are you doing out at this hour?

C: Oh you know I was coming to get something front the library, but it's closed.

Ozpin: Well you are a professor your scroll can open it just fine.

C: Huh, didn't know that? Oh well see ya around.

I walk off, but he calls out.

Ozpin: C.

I stop, but don't turn around.

Ozpin: We both know the library door was locked.

I chuckle at that.

C: Have a goodnight, Professor Ozpin.

I then teleport right back in front of my dorm as Ruby tiptoes around the corner. She's walking backwards towards me and when she gets about two feet in front of me she sighs and turns around. I smirk to myself already deciding to teach her an important lesson on vigilance. I quickly grab her arm earning me a scream and a slap across the face.

C: OW!




C: Touché.

The dorm room opens and Yang steps out in her usual pajamas, an orange tank-top with her emblem on the front in red and black short shorts.

Yang: You guys alright?

She looks at the red handprint on my face.

Yang: Dang you got him good, sis. Get inside we're heading to bed. We'll make a plan tomorrow.

We all head in and I see the others already asleep.

C: Night girls.

Yang & Ruby: Night.

I lay down on the floor and let sleep overtake me.

Yang POV

I lay down in bed and Ruby goes to change in the bathroom. She comes out and gets in her bed.

Ruby: Night sis.

Yang: Night, Rubes.

I turn over in bed and try to fall asleep, but I just can't. It feels like something is going to happen. A yellow glow envelopes one side of the room. I look over and see C floating. He's practically on the ceiling as he tosses and turns in his sleep.

Yang: C?

He doesn't respond, but then I see his face. Tears are running down his face as he curls up. An orange glow comes from his left shoulder before flames burn away his shirt. He clutches his left shoulder in pain as the glow around him gets worse. Suddenly he cries out and a wave a force goes throughout the room knocking all of us out our beds.

Weiss: What's happening?!

Yang: It's C!

We all look up at him as we try to get up, but suddenly everything feels so heavy. C screams still clutching his shoulder.


Blake: I can't move!

Arsenic: No no no! This always happens!

Weiss: What are you talking about?

Arsenic: This happens whenever he's asleep! Why do you think I give him a pillow before I go to bed?

Blake: This is why you do it?

Arsenic: He doesn't do this if he has something in his arms, but I fell asleep. This is all my fault!

Ruby: How do we stop him before we're crushed by this weight?

Arsenic: We have to pull him down or give him something.

Weiss: Well it would help if we could move! How is he even doing this?

Arsenic: He hasn't told you?

Weiss: Told us what?!

Blake: Let's focus on this first.

Yang: I'm on it!

I slowly get to my feet. The other's try, but can't even lift up. I pull myself onto my bed and reach out to him. He's too high up for me to reach him if I stand on the ground, but he's still out of my reach from where I am now. I reach out to him, but still nothing. I brace myself and launch myself right at him. We fall to the floor and I hold him close. C immediately stops squirming, and the heavy feeling in the air goes away. The others get up and look at Arsenic.

Weiss: What happened?

Arsenic: He should tell you, not me.

Ruby: Look, we'll ask him in the morning, but right now it's late and we have class tomorrow.

Yang: You guys head on to bed. I know a way to make sure this doesn't happen again.

They all look at me.

Weiss: Don't tell me you plan on staying up all night.

Yang: No. My idea is way easier.

They all head to bed as I pick C up and bring him to my bed. I place him in it and get in bed beside him. I go to cover us up when I see something. The orange glow that came from his shoulder is actually coming from a deep burn like scar. It looks awful and fresh. I gently touch it making C shift a little. The skin is boiling hot.
No wonder he was clutching his shoulder. This probably hurts like hell. But why hide it?
I decide not to think about it as I cover us both up. I hug C close to me as I drift off to sleep.

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