Beyond the Glow

By mermika

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Kept in a golden box, able to see everything happening around you, but unable to respond, locked away for the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 7

497 30 2
By mermika

After awhile, my disguise fades back to normal, and the lamp stopped moving, my real feelings coming out. I let the anger heat the lamp until I was sweating, and when someone tried to pick it up again, I made sure they left with a burn. It was my last act of defiance. Len can take me anywhere he wants, but he never wished for me to go willingly. 

I pace the floor in frustration, knocking things over and making a mess. After awhile, finally tired, I collapse on my bed and fall into a deep sleep. 


 I wake when the lamp is not-so-gently slammed down on something. The sound of the copper connecting with a hard surface echoing around my room. The floor is a mess, the covers on the bed twisted around me, half on the mattress, half off. The rugs on the floors are all twisted and no longer lay smooth anymore. 

My heart nearly broke again when I realized why I had caused all the damage. Still enslaved to Cynthia, because she wasn't dead she still held power over me, and now forced to go wherever Len wanted me to follow him for eternity. I could feel her like on the other end of our connection, nothing much, but she's alive. 

"Get out of there!" A very loud, very angry, voice echoed around my lamp, making me clutch my ears in an attempt to protect them. A loud bang on top accompanied the yell. Moments later arguing could be heard outside my walls. Wearily, I stand up, and go over to the hole in my wall; I'm for some good old eavesdropping. 

The voices from outside echoed into the spout of my lamp, and concentrating, I could make out what they were saying. Lens voice echoed down the spout, reverberated into my ear. 

"Be gentle! She really isn't in the best of moods right now!" 

"Well neither am I! The last spy we sent was caught! Obviously we need magical help, and now you've angered the only magical deity in the city!" 

"My orders were clear, set her free, and bring her back."

"And you messed up both of those simple jobs!" I grin, I like this person, whoever it is. The voices drop in volume, and I sigh, sticking my arm through the barrier. I can't hide forever. 

Len stood in a dirt room, his only company a dirty, run-down man. He wore a simple stained old t-shirt, and trousers held up by suspenders that stretched over his slight beer belly. His face has slight dark brown stubble covering his chin and bushy eyebrows hung over bright eyes a strong nose, and puffy lips. His hair was short, cropped close to his head in a choppy fashion similar to Len's.

We must be underground, the only light comes from a lone candle sitting next to my lamp on a small table pushed up against the wall. Wooden beams hold up the dirt above our heads, probably the only things keeping us from being crushed, and a single door seems to be the only exit in the room. 

"You have changed nothing." I say quietly. My anger simmers, and my voice takes on a hidden edge I didn't even know I had. "I still belong to Cynthia, even if I am out of her home. As long as the Crawdove lineage survives, so does my curse."

Len stares at his feet in shame, hiding from my angered gaze. "I couldn't kill her." He looks up, his eyes hurt. "Besides, I was being beat up by that Hangar fellow, and by the time he was unconscious, she was gone." 

"She will do whatever it takes to get me back." I say, grinding my teeth. "Or did you not see that room?"

Len stays silent, anger of his own appearing in his eyes. "I thought this would be different." He mutters, before turning around and leaving the room. The other man stays, watching the show with interest. 

"What do you want?" I glare at him, shoving my confusion at Len's words to the back of my mind. He's staring at me; waiting for me to burn my anger out. I almost laughed, I am far from done.

"I had Len bring you here." He smiles triumphantly, as if that would make me happy. "Now, I have heard that you were stuck in that house for a few generations of Crawdoves, and I understand you may be out of touch with current events. We," He holds his hands in the air, waving to the dirt walls of the room we were in. "Are known as the 'Underground'." 

Seems fitting, I guess. I gaze at the uneven dirt walls disinterestedly. "What does this have to do with me?"

"Ah, but you are what are going to liberate us!" Cried the man. Making me step back a bit in surprise. "The heirs to the throne are all corrupt, and the the current King does no better than his ancestors. The kingdom is in ruins, and the children roam the street begging for food from others who think they are better just because of their upbringing." 

"You are now our secret weapon." Stated the man. And I scoff. Sure I am. Like an unwilling genie could help this train wreck. I can see it already, the wooden beams collapse, killing the rebellion, and leaving me to spend my life going stir crazy in a lamp trapped who knows how deep underground. 

But that doesn't mean it didn't fell good to be needed for once, to be appreciated.

"You, my friend, will go into the castle in disguise as a servant. While you are there, Len will give you instructions when deliveries are made to the castle. You are to gather information for the rebellion." I wrinkle my nose at the mention of Len, but the man only grinned. "Nobody will suspect a thing!" He crows, "This calls for a celebration! Come with me my friend, we are holding a feast in your honor." The man grabbed my lamp off the table and threw open the door before walking into the hall outside. Leaving me no choice to follow.

"Whats your name?" I ask, panting to keep up. The man walked quickly, though his large girth made it impossible to pass him in the dimly-lit skinny hall of dirt. I could smell the earth around us, it was both exhilarating, and frightening. What if it falls? 

"I, am Gregor!" Says the man, and I slowdown a bit at his enthusiasm. So much energy. "Come now, just this way and I will show our newest and most important member to their quarters." Gregor smiles. I guess he means me. It feels kind of good to be wanted, I guess. I smile back, yes, it does feel good. For once in my life, nobody is beating me, or invading my privacy. But instead they need me. 

We stop in front of another door, and with a grunt, Gregor shoves it open to show a small dimly lit room with a small bed in the corner, and a tiny fireplace with a iron tub pulled in front. A thin rug covers the dirt floor, and it seems anything but comfortable. How do they get the smoke out with nobody noticing? I wonder, maybe the hideout is under a forest somewhere remote. 

"Go ahead and clean yourself up, and I'll come ta getcha when the party starts." Gregor smiles widely. 

"Uh," I grab the door, stopping him fro closing it in my face,"I need that..." I say, pointing to the lamp he still holds tightly in his hand. 

Gregor starts, and looks down at it, as if he hadn't even noticed it was there. "Of course!" He holds it out, and I take it gingerly, avoiding the wet sweaty part his hand held; trying to hold back a grimace of disgust. It was difficult, especially after the enthusiastic hug that followed.

"Go ahead and freshen up, it'll take the cooks awhile to prepare the food." He smiled and turned to go, "Also, don't leave this room, if you leave, then I won't be able to find you later." Finally, with a final-sounding click, the door shut, and I was left to my own devices.


I climbed out of the bath, hot water sliding off my toes as I held them above the floor. Only a thought, and a towel appeared to dry me off. The cozy room of my lamp smelled of soap and bubbles from my bath, and the warm atmosphere made me think of happier times. 

I shake my head, what am I thinking? I'm perfectly happy here. I'm needed, and free from Cynthia, to an extent. I tried to shake the thought to the back of my mind. Stupid doubts. What do they know?

With a snap, the tub disappears, and in its place a mirror stands. My hair drapes neatly down my back as I comb it with a plain wooden brush. I grimace as I pull out the knots, why did I never comb it like I should? 

With the knots resolved, I proceeded to go through any and every outfit I had the imagination to conjure up. Colorful jesters outfits, and the puffiest ballgowns I could think of. I was living on a cloud, a feast, in my honor. I couldn't wait. It didn't even matter that I wasn't totally free, Cynthia would die eventually. In the meantime, I could enjoy the benefits of my new life outside her grasp even longer.  

Finally, I get serious. Just any dress would not do for such an occasion. A sari perhaps? No, I never really liked those. Cynthia made me wear them, went with the genie legends I suppose. Finally, I settled on a floor length light blue dress with flowing sleeves. It tightened at the bodice and waist, illuminating invisible curves along the length of the dress. In the middle, it split to show white fabric beneath. 

It was something that Cynthia had made me wear often, so I suppose its a 'current' and 'in style' enough for me to wear to a feast. Carefully, I smoothed it down and with a silent command, my hair curled around my face. 


And right on time too, as I leave the comforts of my lamp, a knock comes from the door. "The feast is ready! Are you done in there?" Came Gregor's voice. In answer, I secure the lamp to my belt, and open the door. Gregor's face splits into a smile as he saw me. "Wonderful! Just follow me, I'll show you where to go." 

I nearly run out in front of him, the hall only went one way, other than the way we came in. How far could it be? Gregor ambles slowly down the hall, his large form in the small tunnel blocking my sight of wherever we're going. I force my steps to slow, and walk placidly behind him. After what seems like forever, I can hear voices. Loud and happy they echo from down the hall. I peer around Gregor, could he be any slower? 

At a small doorway, Gregor steps to the side, "The guest of honor should enter first." Making a smile break across my face. 

"Why don't mind if I do." I curtsy just like I had seen Cynthia do, and Gregor smiles back at me.

"Well mannered too? Why, you truly are the secret weapon we were hoping for." 

A nod of approval from Gregor, and I nearly fly at the door. Pushing it open, I'm faced with a huge room with a soaring ceiling still made of dirt. Tables fill the hall, covered in food, and people. So many people, they crowd the benches, pushing and shoving to get to the food. Almost each person is scarily skinny, and there's a invisible line across the room between the crazy eaters, and the one's acting like normal people, joking and jabbing at each other. Dirty faces hardly payed me any attention as I backed up a step into Gregor. 

"Don't worry, the newer recruits always get a little crazy around food." Gregor apologizes, gesturing to the half of the room that seemed to be made up of have starved wolves."This is the result of the Kings rein, the reason you need to help us. Most of our members were rescued off the streets, they hardly have food, and neither do we. But tonight was a special night." 

Frightened, I nod mutely and let Gregor lead me over to a table in the front of the room. I eat in silence, uncomfortable with certain stares being directed my way. I hold my spoon delicately as I watch children fight over an entire turkey. Me and Gregor sit at the main table alone, and as far as I can tell, we are almost the calmest in the room.

When the stomachs have been satisfied, they begin to calm down, and more people take notice of me. I couldn't even tell if the food was good or terrible. I was used to being stared at from Cynthia's dinner parties, but this was so many more people, and they were not the civilized men and women I knew. I scan the room, looking maybe for Len or even the girl who had taken my lamp, even though she had made it clear she didn't like the place, she didn't seem to be the type to give up a free meal. Anybody I knew at this point would be better than nobody. 

I don't see anyone I know, but in the corner of the room a person catches my eye. He's relatively clean, and his deep green eyes locked on me. Dressed in rags with light brown hair, he looks almost the same as anybody else in the room, but his face isn't covered in the layers of grime that covers everyone else's face. Just a light dusting of dirt is there, like it was put on deliberately though, not built up through months on the streets. He narrows his eyes when he realizes I've noticed him, and I quickly continue my search with a shiver. 

When everyone seems to have calmed down enough, Gregor stands, and I stare at my hardly touched plate. Nerves tumbleing through my stomach. "As you all know, we have a new member eating with us tonight." He starts, and immediately I can feel every curious eye in the room on me. I feel very overdressed compared to them. Perhaps following Cynthia's lead wasn't the best choice.

"This is our savior, the one who will help us take down the king and his horrible hierarchy system, No longer will our bellies go hungry, while the high and mighty look the other way. " Continues Gregor, and cheers erupt throughout the room, making me look up. Are they really cheering for me?

Gregor grabs my hand and pulls me up, standing next to him at the table. Holding my hand in the air, he starts yelling, "No more starvation! No more of the all powerful! We will start a new kingdom from the ashes and remains of this one!"

Overcome with shyness, but happiness, I wave. The crowd cheered for me, and I raised my hand higher. Gaining confidence, I yell out, "The king won't know what hit him!" The crowd roars, both the newer side, and the civilized, and Gregor raises his hand higher. 

"Asra will bring forth a new age, one where the corrupt king and his disciples are gone, we will be the new leaders!"

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