Town Witch

By Tasergirl

212K 6.5K 4.2K

Bonnie Bennett: Daughter, High school student, best friend, and last but definitely not least Town Witch. Aft... More

The Begining
The Invitation
The Ball
The Unexpected Meeting
Lines In The Sand
Dreams and Destinations
New Orleans Part 1
New Orleans Part 2
New Orleans Part 3
Best friends
Always And Forever
Catch up
She's Stronger Than Us All
Homecoming Part 1
Homecoming Part 2
Wreak Havoc
She Dreamed Of Paradise
Making Plans
Making It Work
Hanging On
Find Me
Believe Me
Dinner With The King
Draw Your Swords
Maybe More
What To Do
War Zone
Soul Bonds
Never Be Free

Arguments and Broken Furniture

13.5K 382 407
By Tasergirl

"God what happened?"
"She was attacked"
"Will kill whoever did this"
"Will she die"
"Not now Rebekah"
"Wake up little witch"

Bonnie POV:
Waking up slowly, I groan as I feel the sun on my eyes. Throwing my arm over my eyes I turn to the side, trying to shield myself from the annoying star. As I shove my face in the silk pillow I sigh contently. Before sitting up abruptly.

I don't have silk pillowcases.

Looking around I put a hand to my pounding head. What the hell happened? As I run my hands through my hair I feel something crusty. Eww. What the hell is that? Looking at my hand I see dried blood. Knitting my eyebrows together I throw my legs over the side of the bed.

Seeing I'm still in my clothes from yesterday, minus the shoes I start to remember. I was outside of the grill when girls attacked me.

I look around, suddenly on the defense. I get up and silently look for my shoes. If those girls kidnapped me who knows what the hell they want. As I try to find my shoes the door slams open. Still on the defensive I send the nearest vase flying at whoever entered.

"Well good morning to you as well sunshine" Rebekah says holding the vase inches from her face. Seeing the blonde vampire I let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh thank God it's you" I breathe out, holding a hand to my rapidly beating heart. She raises a delicate eyebrow at me.

"Well now I know you were attacked last night" she says jokingly, but the concern in her eyes shows she was worried. She puts the vase back where it was and walks towards me.

"What the hell happened?" I ask her and she shrugs as I sit on the edge of the soft bed.

"We were hoping you could tell us, Elijah said by the time he was let outside you were screaming on the floor, bleeding, surrounded by flames, broken glass and blaring cars" she explains and I give her a look of confusion.

"Let outside? Flames?" I ask and she gives me a look.

"Well the flames were because of your magic, apparently it went haywire when you were attacked. There were flames everywhere, the windows to the grill and the cars all shattered, and no one could get near you until just before you went unconscious" she tells me gently and I look at her in shock. I did all that? What the hell. "As for Elijah, someone was keeping him locked inside, seemed like whoever wanted your blood didn't want any interference"

My blood? Looking down I realize my hand is bandaged. How did I miss that? What the hell did they want with my blood? Looking at her I raise an eyebrow.

"Elijah brought me here?" I ask and she nods.

"Couldn't exactly take you home" she says and I sigh before telling her everything that happened. From the chill I felt to what the girls said and finally going unconscious. She just nods at the story.

"I'll see if my mother maybe knows something, are you sure they didn't have any marking? Tattoos or anything?" She asks but I can only shake my head. Everything happened too fast for me to realize.

"I didn't see anything but I do have to get home" I tell her putting my hair up into a high ponytail. She just looks at me giving me an incredulous look.

"You are not going anywhere in your condition, you took a nasty blow to the head you could have a concussion" tells me and I groan at her "besides" she smirks "you owe me a girls night anyway" I nod at her and giving a small smile, not in the mood to fight about it.

"Well I need to shower and change" I tell her but she just gives me a smile.

"Well luckily for you we have just the thing" she says opening the closet and walking in. My eyes widen as I go in after her. She smiles at me as she gestures to the clothes around me.

"I checked your sizes and had the servants get clothes for you, anything you could want to wear including sweatpants since I'm sure you are not feeling up to playing dress up at the moment"she says and I give her a smile. She really is sweet at heart. Just a bit of a bitch but growing up with Klaus who could blame her really. Besides growing up with Caroline, who can be very catty when she wanted, girl was ruthless when she became head cheerleader, I was used to it.

After she left me to get dressed I go into the adjoining bathroom and get in the shower. Basking in the lovely water pressure I take a little longer than I actually should. Getting out I wrap the towel around myself and take my hair out of the silk shower cap. Brushing my still wavy hair out I put it in a ponytail as I leave the bathroom, leaving my bangs out. Still wrapped in a towel I walk to the bed where I left my clothes.

"Well this is a lovely surprise" I hear. Letting out a small shout I turn to see, an admittedly handsome, man in the armchair in a corner.

"Who the hell are you?" I ask him as he tilts his head at me. He does look familiar but I can't place him. Before he can open his mouth again another man barges into the room. Again shockingly handsome, what the hell.

His eyes hold mine for a minute before turning to the other man in the room.

"Kol!" He yells at the other man. Kol? As in the youngest son? So this must be Finn, the oldest. Before I know what's happening Finn has Kol by the back of his neck, dragging him out.

"Oi I'm going!" Kol yells slapping his brothers hand away. I would smile at the family antics but I'm too mortified by them seeing me in only a towel to do anything other than blush a bright red.

Luckily with my complexion they won't be able to see it as well as if I was lighter skinned. As the older brother closes the door his eyes meet mine. I feel my blush deepen as his intense eyes look into mine before lightly closing the door.

Shaking my head, try get rid of his face looking at mine, I get dressed. Quickly this time to make sure no one else barges into the room. I keep it simple with some black tights and a black sports bra, keeping my hair in a ponytail with some of my bangs out. Grabbing my purse and putting on some mascara, lipgloss and a quick touch up to my eyebrows I leave my face alone.

Looking around the room I sigh before throwing my purse over my shoulder and walking out of the room.

Wandering the halls of the mansion I try to find my way to the stairs. As I wander I don't see anyone else, which is creepy as hell. The halls of the mansion are so quiet.

I always imagined a house with siblings would be much louder. Then again, big house. As I continue walking I see an open room, walking in to see if there's anyone I can ask for directions I'm surprised to see Klaus, painting. As I see what it is he's painting, my jaw drops. So I guess Rebekah really wasn't lying. Still strange to actually see it.

"It's considered rude to stare love" I hear him say. As soon as his voice reaches my ears my mouth snaps shut. He turns smirking though so I'm sure he knows how shocked I am. As I look at him I realize while he's looking at me he's also, assessing me? Taking in the damage I suppose. Other than a bruise on my temple I'm physically fine. Just emotionally wrecked but hey, what's new?  Though it is strange to think he could be worried.

"How are you feeling?" He asks standing, walking over to me. As I stand in front of him barefoot I realize how tiny I am compared to the original. Looking up at him I shrug.

"Been worse" I say smirking at him, both of us knowing I was thinking of the night I 'died'. He just gives me a tight smile.

"I assume you're looking for Rebekah" he says and I nod. He gestures towards the door for me to follow him. "This way"

As he leads the way I follow. While we walk I look through my purse trying to find my phone.

"Do you happen to know where my phone is?" I ask him as I continue to look through my purse. The closer I am to it the more I smell smoke. Damn I really was surrounded by fire.

"It burned in the fire love" he says simply and I look at him wide eyed. I stop in the middle of the hallway.

"It what?"

He turns and when he see's the disbelief all over my face, smirks. Walking towards me he takes a a loose piece of my hair and pushes it behind my ear.

"The fire your magic made to protect you, it went a bit wild and burned some things, including your phone." His voice then lowers considerably, as his eyes slowly drop to my mouth. "So much power in you, someone so young. You can barely control it" he whispers as his eyes go back to my own. I'm about to give a retort when someone suddenly interrupts.

"Niklaus" Finn says at the end of the hallway. Klaus rolls his eyes at his older brother but turns to face him, smirk planted on his face but it seem a little tight now. "Rebekah is waiting for her friend" he says walking towards us. I feel a heat up my neck as I remember him seeing me in only my towel.

Trying to will the thought away I take a step back from Klaus, wondering what is going on with the original family. As he stops in front of us he looks at me.

"Miss Bennett, I do hope my brother has not taken away your appetite. Rebekah was worried you would wake rather famished and has prepared something for you" he says and my eyebrows raise at her thoughtfulness, before smiling lightly. Before I can open my mouth to respond my stomach lets out a low growl. Covering my face with a hand I groan, mortified.

"I suppose that answers your question brother" Klaus says and when I look up a see an amused smile on his face. I make a face at him before turning to Finn and smile sheepishly.

"I guess I am a little hungry" I say softly as he gives me a rather soft look. He nods and motions for me to follow. I expect Klaus to leave but instead he follows.

As we go down the stairs I look out the window to see the sun high in the sky. "How long have I been sleeping?" I ask softly. Finn looks back at me from the corner of his eye.

"19 hours" he says calmly. My eyes widen as I look at him incredulously. He makes no move to show he's joking in any way.

"Wait are you serious?" I ask before looking back at Klaus who nods, a pensive look on his face. I groan lowly as I put a hand to my head. What the hell was last night even about?

Before I can ask anything else we wander into the kitchen where a lovely smell is coming from. Before I can find the source of the smell I look around the kitchen wide eyed. It's huge. I almost do a spin as I look around in awe.

"Like it darling?" I hear. I see a smirking Rebekah setting a plate on the counter. I nod at her.

"It's amazing" I say softly. It's beautiful. The baker in me is just itching to use one of the multiple ovens. My excitement must be obvious to see because they all look at me with varying degrees of a smile.

"Well come eat love, I heard your stomach from here" Rebekah says and I stick a tongue out at her, sitting down at the counter in front of the plate. Looking down it's pigs in a blanket, wrapped in bacon. I look at her and she shrugs.

"Thank you" I say smiling as I take a bite. I let out a moan of delight. It's freaking delicious. She smiles at my reaction as I continue to eat.

"I would have made you something more hardy but seeing as you'll be staying for dinner I didn't want to ruin your appetite" she says and I shake my head.

"No thank you this is perfect" I say dipping one into whatever sauce she put on the side. Giving her another soft thank you as she sets a glass of water in front of me.

"I don't think this one will ever truly lose her appetite" Klaus says as he sits trying to take one off of my plate. I slap his hand away at first but he manages to snag one the second time.

"Whatever this is delicious and I'm sure I'll love whatever is for dinner" I tell Rebekah who I notice hasn't stopped watching me. She gives me a blinding smile turning away and washing the dishes she used.

"So you will be staying for dinner?" Klaus asks and I nod, taking another bite.

"Yea, I promised Rebekah a girls night and after what happened last night she's worried about me going home to even change" I say shrugging. He gives me a nod, continuing to take bits of my food. I give him an exasperated look to which he just smiles at me, plopping the food in his mouth.

"This isn't even doing anything for you" I tell him trying to move the plate away.

"On the contrary love" he says vamp speeding to my other side. "I find myself enjoying this very much" he says taking another piece. I roll my eyes at the immature hybrid and pop another one into my mouth. Mmm so good.

"Leave her alone Niklaus" Finn says and I can't believe that for a moment I forgot he was here. He's so quiet. He gives Klaus a look of annoyance. Well I'm sure after a couple hundred years together Niklaus can be more than a little annoying. Especially after being daggered by him for so long. Klaus rolls his eyes at his older brother.

"Don't you have some brooding to do, somewhere else" he asks and I roll my eyes again at him. I swear by the time this evening is done my eyes are going to roll out of my head.

"No I'm quite content with making sure Miss Bennett feels comfortable" he replies with a raised eyebrow. I smile at the vampire before smacking Klaus's hand away from the last one.

"Mine" I tell him before plopping it into my mouth. Getting up I go to where Rebekah finished the dishes ready to wash my plate. She takes it from me though.

"Trust me after a hundred years cleaning dishes is enjoyable" she says starting in on it. I shrug at the other blonde's explanation. If she wants to wash a dish I won't stop her.

"Of course the little witch is comfortable, look she has Rebekah and me" Klaus says wiggling an eyebrow at me. I roll my eyes yet again as I shake my head.

"No, I have Rebekah. I still don't like you" I tell him simply as I shrug. He gives me an affronted look as he holds a hand to his undead heart. I hear Rebekah chuckle beside me and even Finn cracks a quick smile.

"You know you're not a very nice house guest" he says as Rebekah puts the plate away and turns to him.

"Well it's a good thing she's not your guest, she's mine" she tells him grabbing my hand and leading me up the stairs. I duck my head and chuckle as we walk past the vampire and hybrid.

When we make it back to her room I look around. It's definitely as glamorous as she is.

As we walk in she throws herself onto the bed. I lean on the pillar of the bed and just look at her in amusement.

"They'll be fighting for your attention all evening, I won't be surprised if I'll be fighting them for your attention for the rest of your life" she says and while hearing the rest of 'your' life is a little strange I give her a smile.

"Oh whatever I'm sure Klaus will get over whatever it is soon, besides you will always be my favorite Mikaelson" I tell her and she raises her head giving me a look.

"Remember that when he starts trying to seduce you" she says softly I roll my eyes at the original as I sit on the bed. She gets up and goes to the vanity as I lay down.

"Okay so which face mask first" she says pulling out multiple Korean face masks. I laugh as she throws one at me.

After about an hour of face masks and doing each other's hair we decide to start getting dressed for dinner. I widen my eyes as all the things she pulls out are very luxurious. I understand dressing for dinner but this is a bit much.

"Don't look like that darling, we're centuries old. Back in the days you wore some of your finest clothes to dinner" as she leads me further into her walk in closet I can't help but think of the closet in the Princess diaries 2. That closet does not even compare to this one.

"Do you have a whole mall in here" I ask looking around and she raises an eyebrow at me.

"This is much better than a mall" she says simply and I just nod at her, she's not wrong. With my hair styled differently and the clothes I feel like she's trying to make me into a new person.

"Are you turning me into you're own Barbie" I ask as she starts holding clothes up to me. She smirks at me quickly before giving me a raises eyebrow.

"I just want you to feel more comfortable with your own sexuality" she says shrugging and turning around. My eyes widen as I look at her in shock.

"I think I am very comfortable with my sexuality thank you" I say and she laughs lightly looking through clothes.

"Oh please, when was the last time you let some skin show, other than the ball" she adds quickly looking at me and I shrug. Hell even when I go to the beach I wear a one piece.

"Exactly, I am here to help" she says before turning to look at me. For once a serious look across her beautiful features. "Bonnie you are absolutely gorgeous, but you've let yourself be pushed to the side so long that you've forgotten" she says holding up a dress. I give her a dry look.

"I thought you said black was boring" I say looking at her. She smirks shaking her head at me.

"No I said the black dress you picked was boring, this is sexy" she says handing it to me before changing into a dress herself.

My mouth drops open as I see what she's changed into. I point at her as she gives me an innocent smile.

"Why do you get to wear that and I have to wear this?" I ask holding up the dress and she smiles at me while strapping on her shoes, getting up.

"Because I have no problem with my sexuality" she says bopping my nose as she walks passed me. "Now hurry love or do you want Klaus to see you in your underwear?" She asks walking out of the closet and into the actual room. I roll my eyes.

"He wouldn't just barge in here" I mutter.
"Yes I would" I hear a muffled Klaus call from her bedroom. My eyes widen as I start to put on the dress, knowing I lost this battle with the original princess. After I put on the dress I put the heels on, sighing as I stand. Looking in the mirror I smile. She was right it does look good on me, now I just need to fake the confidence to pull it off. Running my hands over the dress I walk out.

As Rebekah's eyes land on me they widen for a moment before smiling dazzlingly at me. Klaus is laying on the bed facing away from me. Hearing me he starts getting up.

"Well finally love, I was getting worried you'd gotten lost in there" he says before turning to face me. As his eyes land on me his eyebrows disappear into his hairline. I take a minute to admire him in a suit as he admires me in my dress.

"What my brother meant to say" Rebekah says pushing him out of the way. "Is that you look gorgeous" she says holding a hand out to me. I grab onto it and smile at her.

"Thank you" I say softly and she nods. Klaus clears his throat and looks at us. Holding out a hand.

"Well come on now, I'll be escorting you both this evening" he says smirking as we both take his arm.

I smile as we walk through the halls, Rebekah talking about how the food would be delicious and she couldn't wait until I tried it. As we get to the dining room I see Elijah is already there, staring into the fire. I want to go up to him but Klaus keeps a hand on mine. When I look up to him in confusion he shakes his head, an actual serious look on his face.

"Mother won't be joining us until later this evening as she seems to be very busy with something, Finn is helping her of course and Kol will be down soon" he says without looking up but taking a sip of what looks like scotch. Rebekah takes a seat as Klaus pushes her chair in. I pull my own chair out but as I sit down I feel myself being pushed in. Looking up into deep brown eyes of the youngest original I raise an eyebrow.

"No lady should seat herself" he says in answer to my silent question.

"That's why I was going to do it" Klaus says as he walks past his brother to the head of the table, next to me. Elijah sits on the other side of him across from me and Kol sits next to him. As soon as the final original sits, servants come out of nowhere serving a plate of food, garlic buttered steak and shrimp, it looks delicious.

"It looks amazing" I say out loud, trying not to eye the deep red liquid in their glasses. Well at least they're not killing anyone.

"Thank you darling" Rebekah says before taking a bite of her steak. I dig in as well, trying to remember my manners in front of the old vampires. It's not very hard, my Grams instilled them in me from a young age. Back straight, elbows off the table and decent sized bites. Not too small though because we're woman we need to eat to have curves, she'd tell me with a smile and a wink. Though it seemed Kol missed the memo, not at all caring how he ate. Though I suppose when you don't need to eat it's not something you think about. Klaus is more elegant but also much more relaxed. Elijah of course looks like the epitome of decorum as usual.

"So to what do we owe the pleasure of your presence this evening" Kol asks me and I shrug a shoulder before swallowing.

"I promised Rebekah girl time, I wouldn't have stayed for dinner but circumstances were in her favor" I say giving her a wink as she smirks at me shrugging not at all regretful that she guilt tripped me into staying the whole day. Honestly it was fun.

"Ah yes the incident last night" he says raising an eyebrow. I nod scrunching my face trying not to ruin the evening by thinking about the 3 women that ambushed me.

"Yea, she was worried about me going home after I woke up but I think we can all know I can take care of myself" I say lightly sending a smirk to Klaus who sends me one back. I take a sip of the wine they set in front of me and have to stop myself from smiling. I am getting way too comfortable in his presence.

"Do we" Elijah says speaking for the first time since we sat down. I give him a confused look, knotting my eyebrows together.

"We do" I say tilting my head to the side in confusion.

"And where was this last night" he says and set my fork down, feeling my defenses rise.

"I was taken by surprise by 3 witches, excuse me if I wasn't able to kick their asses right away" I say defensively.

"Now Elijah we all know Bonnie is a capable witch" Rebekah says slowly as if trying to calm a lion.

"No I do not, last night not only was she taken by surprise but let her magic run wild" he says sitting up even straighter, which until that point seemed impossible. I square my shoulders as I look at him, knowing this conversation could turn ugly.

"Excuse me" I ask giving him a minute to change his attitude. He gives me a hard look.

"You were reckless last night, not only could
you have died if they so wished it, you could have killed someone else" he says his voice almost devoid of emotion reminding me of Stefan in a way. I roll my eyes.

"Klaus didn't kill me, you think those 3 could" I ask. I see Klaus give a shrug, conceding my point as Elijah wipes his mouth.

"I think last night, if they wanted to they could have" he says and I glare at him. "You are lacking in skills and discipline Miss Bennett and of you don't get yourself under control you will kill someone" he says and my glare intensifies.

"I'm not killing you right now" I say coldly and he raises an eyebrow.

"You can't" he says and I shrug taking a sip of wine.

"No but I can make you suffer" I say my voice practically ice. I feel my anger rising as he continues to talk.

"You are a danger to yourself and others Miss Bennett"he says and I feel myself grow even angrier "merely a child trying to keep up with grown ups" he says and I get up.

"I'm a danger? Says the so called noble vampire who can't even keep his word" I retort as he stands as well. I walk out ready to grab my things from upstairs and leave.

"You're a lose canon Miss Bennett, you need to learn and control yourself"

"Oh I'm controlling myself just fine" I say turning to face him. He's only a few feet away from me and I see Rebekah and Klaus stand while Kol looks to be having the time of his life, enjoying the show.

"Is that so?" He asks and I nod.


"Then why is the silverware shaking"

Looking around I realize he's right and reign in my magic. He just nods. "You are dangerous and you need to control it, if you don't want to hurt anyone else" he says and snap my eyes to his.

"Anyone else" I ask "who the hell did I hurt"

"You set that fire at the car wash, you almost killed Damon and you killed all those vampires along with the first Mayor Lockwood" he says and I shake my head.

"That wasn't my fault I had no idea about my powers at the time, I wanted to kill Damon and Tyler's dad was a werewolf he shouldn't have died that night." I say turning around.

"What about Sheila" he asks and I stop.

The room is so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Facing him again I feel all the guilt I felt since her death slam into me. Kol is no longer smiling and has sat up straight, Rebekah looks seconds away from killing someone and Klaus has not moved a muscle, he as still as a statue.

"Sheila died because you did not know what you were doing"


Before I completely register what he says my hand moves on its own accord. Slapping him. Grabbing my skirt I walk out of the house. Too angry to think of anything other than getting the hell away from him. I hear screaming and something crashing behind me but keep walking. Tears filling my eyes.

He's right, I killed my Grams and for what? A vampire who doesn't even care that we were friends once and a best friend who only calls me when she needs a spell done. Wiping my tears I stop as I see someone standing in front of me. I look into the dark eyes of Finn Mikaelson.

"What?" I ask stopping still on defense. He looks at me for a moment before handing me a handkerchief. I look at him in suspicion before taking it and dabbing my eyes with it.

"He was wrong" he says softly but I shake my head ruefully.

"No, that's the part that sucks" I say sniffling softly. "He wasn't" he looks at me for a moment before holding a hand out to me. I shake my head.

"I won't face him again, not like this" I tell him and he nods.

"You won't have to"

I look at him before nodding at taking his hand. Still sniffling I hold onto his hand tightly as we walk. When we get closer to the house I still hear things breaking. Looking at Finn he gives me a reassuring smile.

"Do you mind?" He asks and I give him a confused look.

"Well I guess not but I'm not sure-" I start before squeaking slightly as he picks me up bridal style. He gives me a small smile before running at vampire speed. I hide my face in his chest for a moment until he stops. Looking around I realize we're in an office.

He sets me down and goes to poke at the fireplace. I sit on the couch nearest to it, my legs chilly.

"Why bring me back?" I ask in a voice barely above a whisper. He looks at me for a moment, the intense stare back.

"You were in no condition to walk home, alone, with those people after you" he says and I nod, realizing now it wouldn't have been smart. With the way I am anyone could've gotten the drop on me.

"Thank you" I tell him. He looks at me for a minute before nodding.

"Did you know her?" I ask, he shakes his head.

"I was daggered during Sheila Bennett's time on this earth" he says but I shake my head.

"No" I say and he looks at me. "Ayanna?" I ask and for a moment I see a ghost of a smile. He nods moving to sit on the armchair across from me.

"Yes I did" he says smiling lightly and I smile back.

"What was she like?" I ask. He gives me a soft look, smiling lightly.

"She was strong, much like you, must be a family trait..." and the quiet original begins to go into detail on the amazing woman that was Ayanna Bennett.

It's not until I wake up that I realize I'd fallen asleep. I sit up and see I'm alone in the study, with a quilt draped over me and my heels off. I get up, folding the quilt and holding my heels on one hand. I open the door silently and walk down the stairs, finally starting to find my way around the huge mansion. What I see there makes my mouth drop.

It's like someone had a fight club in here. Broken furniture everywhere and holes in the walls. I quickly put on my heels, fearing I might step on a glass shard or one of the many other things broken on the floor. As I walk deeper into the room, half expecting a body, I hear music instead.

Walking into a dance room I stop as I see Elijah, dancing. His movements are swift, precise and perfected. As if he's had all the time in the world to learn, I suppose he has. Shaking my head I turn to walk out before he sees me.


Too late. Turning to look at him I raise an eyebrow, crossing my arms.

"What happened to Miss Bennett" I ask him, my defenses high. He looks down for a moment before looking back up at me. I see the regret in his eyes but look away. It's like he knew. It's like he took my deepest insecurities and laid them out for the whole world to see.

"I'm sorry" he says and I roll my eyes at him.

"Oh you're sorry?" I ask walking in closer. "You told me I killed my grandmother, the woman who raised me and you're sorry" he looks down ashamed but I just scoff.

"Vampires, you think you can just do and say whatever you want and since you've got all the time in the world that means you've got all this time to try to make it better" I roll my eyes at him "some things you can't take back Elijah and I'm not like you. I don't have all the time in the world" I say getting in his face so he can look me in the eye as I say it. He stays quiet so I walk away.

"It's worse when it's true" I whisper to myself. This must have snapped him out of it, because before I can blink he's standing in front of me.

"It's not true Bonnie" he says his eyes pleading for me to believe him. I shake my head at him vehemently.

"It is, I had no idea what would happen but I begged her to do it to save my friends" shaking my head. I look down as I feel the tears start again and try to hold them at bay.

"She knew" he says softly, his hand coming up to cup my cheek, I move away, not wanting him to touch me. "She knew her limits, she knew she wouldn't live through it but did it anyway because she loved you" he says and I shake my head.

"Look where that got her" I say softly and he shakes his head.

"She came to me you know" he says quietly. I look at him in confusion. "A week before she died, she found me." My eyebrows raise in surprise at the new information. "The spirits told her that her time was coming to an end, that her death would push you to become stronger, and you would need it" he explains and I feel my knees starting to get weak as he explains. So this was all just fate playing a cruel trick on us.

"She wanted me to protect you, said the Salvatore brothers would be the death of you. At the time I had too much to do, my brother needed me." He says and I nod. His brother was always his priority. He'd do anything for Klaus. "And yet fate has brought us together anyway" he whispers, his hand going to my cheek again. This time I let it stay there and look up at him. His eyes melting into mine.

"So why be a dick about it?" I ask him and he looks down.

"When I saw you laying there, I felt fear grip my heart" he says and I shake my head.

"You're hundreds of years old I'm sure you've felt fear before" I say and he nods conceding the point.

"Yes, but not like that" I look up at him in confusion. "When I saw you, screaming on the floor with fire around you I felt one of the most intense fears I had ever felt in my life and then you just stopped and fainted in my arms. After a magical display like the one you put on I was terrified you'd over exerted yourself and you were dying. I brought you here screaming for my mother and only left your side twice once to console Rebekah and again when I realized you were waking up" he says and I look at him in shock.

"I was asleep for 19 hours" I say in disbelief. He nods.

"Longest 19 hours of my life" he says and I realize his hand is still on my cheek. "I tried to push you on purpose, to try and get you to see you need my mothers training so you can protect yourself. I went too far and I am sorry Bonnie" he says. I can only sigh, leaning into his touch without meaning to.

"This doesn't make what you said okay" I tell him and he nods, looking down again. "But we're okay, better at least" I say softly and he smiles at me.

"Can I call you Bonnie again?" He asks a bit cheekily and I smile at him, nodding. "I'm glad I quite missed saying your name"

"Well don't go around saying things like that, Rebekah's already saying how I 'bewitched' you" I say jokingly but he smirks.

"Would that be so bad?" He asks and for a minute I pause before smirking.

"You're a flirt" I say pushing him away. He smiles catching my hand. I look at him with an eyebrow arched.

"You do still owe me a dance" he says softly and I smile at him.

"Fine but after we get some food in me" I say and he smiles.

"As the lady commands"

I nod and walk towards the mirror as he turns on the music. Earned It by The Weeknd comes on and for a moment I'm surprised by the choice. As the beat drops I feel Elijah come behind me. He quickly spins me to face him and as my dress flares out slightly, I let myself feel the flow of the music.

As he leads me back I can't help but notice how comfortable I feel dancing with him. Almost as if I'm dancing with an extension of myself. Our movements flowing together as naturally as a river would.

Smirking at him I slide a leg in between his before we quickly kick out together. He spins me out and when he brings me back he picks me up, putting one leg over his shoulder as we spin. I giggle as I bring my arms down, feeling almost as if I was flying.

As he brings me down, slowly, I feel an intensity. A different kind of intensity. His eyes bore into mine. He unhooks my leg from his shoulder as my other foot touches the floor, keeping it at his waist. He leans back making me go forward and my breath almost hitches at realizing that we're completely pressed against each other.

I can feel his muscles rippling through his shirt, the raw power almost intoxicating. I stop myself from that train of thought before I get completely aroused. I don't need him to smell that. As we stand back up, my hand behind his head and our foreheads presses together, the song ends. I smile at him softly, trying to catch my breath. He's breathing just as heavily as I am.

"Let's uh, lets go get me some food then" I say stepping back from him. He nods as we make our way out of the room. With me trying to get my breathing and blushing under control.

Okay yes I know I made Elijah be a dick but in my defense I wanted to show that Elijah isn't always the noble one he can be an ass too, just like Klaus can be a softy. It also gave them new dimension and a reason to get closer. It shows they can argue and talk and get back on track which I like in a pairing. Also the POV is going to change soon because of the way the story is going I do have to tweak some things in certain drafts so they won't be out right away but there will be more out soon. The plot will get going very soon and if I'm being honest it got a little away from me and took on a life of its own I like how it's turning out though so hopefully you will too☺️❤️

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