Monster or Beast?

By Fire-Inu-Princess

4.9K 132 37

After the barrier shattered, Sans started to display rather strange behaviors and physical changes. No one co... More

Barrier Shattered
Protection and Fear
More Shock and a Party
Pain and Fear
What Happened?
Shopping Trip
What Happened to Me?
A What?!
"What was that?" "Nothing Important
The Truth
Out of Blue Confession
End Game

Repair and to get Evidence

201 7 2
By Fire-Inu-Princess

Sans had to admit, when he came to get his phone fixed by Alphys, it had left him alone to think. Of all the things that Frisk had to ask him, it had to be that she wanted him to pick her up from her date? That was one thing that he hadn't expected, and didn't want to do. There was no way that he wanted to be near that bastard that dare to steal his Frisk from him.

But, at the same time he knew that he had no true claim over her since she was her own person. Rubbing at his skull, Sans let out a soft sigh as he looked over at Alphys as she worked away at his phone. He had done a number on it because of what Frisk had asked him and well, it had set him off, but then again he had broken a few things already.

Such as the pen...

A fork...

Then of course his cell phone, what more could he break?!

Oh, and how the hell is he able to break things in the first place?! He's never had that kind of strength before and all of a sudden he does? What the hell is going on with him lately? First he has zero to little strength, now he is a lot stronger. Then of course there is his weird behavior, such as his anger whenever someone tries to date Frisk. (Even though that one is new) And of course the weird joint pain, slight exhaustion and the pacing that Papyrus said he could hear.

Speaking of...

"Yo, Alphys, do you think you can also get a camera for my room?"

Alphys turned her head as she gazed over at the skeleton. Her one brow raised at him in confusion, her expression spoke that she was almost afraid of the reason for his request.

Rolling his eye lights, Sans calmly said "Look, Paps said that he's heard weird noises coming from my room lately. It sounds like pacing or something so, I want to try to figure it out to see if I'm sleep walking or something else is going on that I'm not aware of." Alphys still didn't seem to like the idea from the way she just kept blandly staring at him.

"I'm only going to use it once in case it's something that I should be concerned with." Sans pointed out.

Alphys sighed softly before saying "A-Alright but promise m-m-m-me that if you find something that you t-t-t-think is important let me know." That seemed reasonable enough. He nodded his head to that one, he leaned back against his seat, waiting for his phone to be fixed. God, this was annoying, the waiting was driving him nuts.

His knee started to bounce a little while he waited. Letting out a soft sigh, the skeleton had his hands folded in front of him and his chin pressing against the back of his hands. The young skeleton let out a soft sigh as he tried to occupy himself while he waited for his phone to be repaired. Though, that was also assuming that it could be repaired in the first place with him having snapped it in half.

Closing his sockets, the skeleton mumbled something under his breath. His thoughts couldn't help but feel worried about what he would find at Frisk's date tonight. He was worried that he would find something that he didn't want to discover, but at the same time he hoped that Frisk had a bad time.

Did that make him a bad guy?

Shaking his head, the skeleton tapped the tips of his skeletal fingers together, hoping that maybe some kind of movement would be enough to distract him from his thoughts.

"Sans, what d-d-d-did you do to your phone? It was snapped in h-h-h-half." Alphys said as she mumbled something under her breath. Sans looked up and tried to think of a way to give an answer to the small yellow lizard monster. What could he say? That he had used his new found strength to snap his cell in half because he was pissed off about Frisk being on a date, more so because it wasn't with him?

What was he to say? What could he say in the first place? Taking a deep breath, lowering his hands as he said "I dropped it."

Lamest excuse ever...

"Sans, truth."

Damn it, he had a feeling that he wouldn't have been able to hide the truth from her. But what wouldn't it have been odd to tell her that he had snapped his cell in half? Frowning, he looked away in guilt and shame before answering her honestly. "I snapped it in half out of anger."

Alphys was silent, making Sans nervous as he slowly looked up at the scientist, seeing that she was staring at him in shock. "You broke your own phone?!" She didn't stutter, that was good though rather surprising. She just stared at him, eyes wide and in shock before she looked over at her own desk once again and saw the remains of his phone that she had been busy working to fix it. "Sans, d-d-d-do you think it has something to do with your magic being... wild?"

"I don't know." Sans answered honestly before letting out a soft sigh. "I just really don't know. I mean, I was out with Frisk at the clothing store once and I swore that my face had changed in the reflection. Or my eyes are playing tricks on me and of course I thought I had a weird memory-"


"Yeah, thought I remembered what happened at the barrier. At least, I think it was a memory." Sans said softly, humming to himself as he tried to recall what had happened at the barrier.

"What did you see?" asked Alphys.

Sans told her of what he saw. The barrier shattering, the light heading toward him and then of course something blocking the light ahead of him. He didn't know what it was, nor what it could have been that had surrounded him in that moment. The only thing he knew was that it was something that he had felt to be familiar to him. The image was still fresh in his mind too.

He had sworn that he could have heard himself screaming in the memory though he wasn't sure if that was true or not about it.

"Was there anything else that you could recall a-a-a-a-at all?" asked Alphys.

"Not really-gah!" Sans cried out as he held onto his head, sockets tightly shut as he tried to stop the vision. It had felt like his skull was going to explode from the pain that was blinding behind his sockets. He swore that he felt someone holding onto him, trying to comfort him from the pain that was building up behind his skull. Breathing deeply and loudly, Sans tried to fight the pain, tried to stop the images that were flashing behind his sockets. It was the same as before, yet he could see his hands held out in front of himself. As if trying to shield himself from the bright light that was heading toward him.

Hands glowed a bright blue as something appeared and surrounded him in complete and utter darkness.

Like that, the image faded from his sockets, causing him to groan a little as he opened his sockets and saw that he was on the floor of Alphys' home. "Uh wha?" Sans mumbled, his voice hurting his head as he tightly shut his sockets trying to ignore the pain that still flashed in his skull. It felt like he had a pounding headache.

"You a-a-a-alright?" asked Alphys.

"Yeah..." He whispered, lifting a shaky hand to his skull and covered his sockets. God what the hell was that? Some kind of memory or just some kind of weird twisted image that was trying to invade his mind. Though he couldn't be sure as to what it was that was causing that in the long run. Taking a deep breath, he pushed himself up as best as he could. His body though trembled from the strain that his head had brought upon him.

Alphys helped Sans to his feet before and toward the couch that resided near her work table. "Just lay h-h-h-here and I'll bring you your new phone." Sans nodded his head as he laid on the couch, watching as Alphys had left, made her way over toward the table before walking back toward him. "I couldn't save the phone s-s-s-sadly." Sans sighed a little at the one. He had a feeling that would be the case when it came down to his phone.

"S-S-S-So I built you a new one. It should be more d-d-d-durable to being broken this time around. Such as with your n-n-n-new found strength." Alphys explained, causing him to nod his head a little. At least he could be a little grateful for that one at least. Though he just hoped that he wouldn't have to deal with anything else when it came to breaking things by his new found strength.

Letting out a soft sigh, the skeleton looked over at his phone. It was a simple white design, but with a blue case. A little charm that that looked like his SOUL, yet it also had another charm on it that reminded him of Frisk's SOUL. It made his SOUL shiver in delight before he looked over at the scientist while he asked "You sure that this will handle my strength?"

"It should. If not, just come back a-a-a-a-and I'll fix it up." Alphys said with a smile, hoping to assure Sans in some way. To be honest, he was at least a little grateful for that one, though at the same time he couldn't help but be a little curious as to what he should expect now. Looking down at his phone, he checked and made sure that it was working perfectly.

He had a message from Frisk.

Sans, just checking up on you. I haven't heard from you since my last message.

Oh, right... he broke it after he got her message. Quickly, he typed back Sorry Frisk, my phone broke so I got Alphys to try to fix it up. Everything's okay, I promise. Sans hoped that would be enough to calm her down. Knowing that she had to have been panicking slightly at his lack of reply. She had most likely had thought that he had disappeared on her again or was mad at her for something stupid.

Thank god, I was worried about you. He just hoped that she didn't mention about her date. That would most likely have him snap his phone again.

Taking a deep breath, Sans calmly replied No worries kiddo, I'm good. I'll see you later tonight alright? Frisk just replied with a smiley face. For that he was thankful, though it still had him a little concerned about her. This guy was someone new in her life, and he wasn't sure if he could trust him yet. Nor did he think that he could ever trust that asshole. No one was good enough for Frisk, he himself was barely even good enough for her.

Taking a deep breath, he was about to put his phone back when he saw Alphys holding something out to him. "Huh?" He looked up at the yellow lizard monster and saw that she was holding out a small device. Small enough to fit in the palm of their hands, it almost looked like a tiny picture frame and the image was just that of a monster soul.


"Uh..." Sans looked up at Alphys with a questioning look on his skull

"This is a camera. It can record at any angel and I have it connected to your phone. So long as your phone stays on, it'll record everything." Sans nodded before accepting the camera and placed it in his pocket along with his phone. Looking back at his friend, he saw that she was still concerned about him. He knew that he had to do something to assure her from everything that was happening to him lately. Though he wasn't sure what more he could say or do at the moment.

Well, other than this...

"I don't know what's happening to me Alphys, but the moment I get information from tonight I'll send it to you if it shows anything interesting." Sans gave her a small smile, hoping that would be enough to assure his friend about his own health, both physical and mental, but he also hoped that he wouldn't have wasted any kind of time in the first place.

"I'm gonna head home to set this up and then I have to pick up Frisk later when she messages me." Sans calmly said, watching as Alphys nodded her head before waving the skeleton off.

Sans walked out of the door and snapped his finger, teleporting himself back at home and into his room. Humming softly, he looked around for a good spot to hang up the camera. It would be rather odd for him to even be able to find anything out of the ordinary but, better to be safe than sorry right? Taking a deep breath, Sans looked over at the corner of his room and set up the camera there.

Pulling out his phone, he checked it over again and saw the app that connected his phone with the camera. "Wow, she thought of everything." He chuckled a little before looking at his phone. Watching as the camera had perfect picture, and great view of his entire room. She really had thought of everything and that just brought a sense of comfort to him.

Chuckling, the skeleton looked around his room once again and wondered what had happened in here at night. He didn't really see anything that was going on. Or anything that seemed out of miss so to speak. Tilting his head a little, the skeleton just shrugged a little and looked over at the clock. It was still a little early, Frisk wouldn't need to be picked up for a little while yet.

Yawning, he set his phone aside, had the volume up to full blast to alert him should Frisk message or call him. After that, he threw his jacket over on his dresser and laid down on his bed and drifted off to sleep.





Sans groaned a little as he reached over and lifted his phone and saw that it was Frisk calling him. Blinking his sockets a little, Sans answered it as he said "Yo, what's up Frisk?" He chuckled a little.

"Sans? Can you come get me please? I... I just wanna go home." A sniffle woke him up quickly, he sat up as he wondered what was wrong. She sounded like she had been crying. Trying to prevent himself from snarling out loud while trying to assure Frisk that he would go and get her.

Taking a deep breath, Sans calmly said "What happened? Talk to me Frisk."

"He... he tried to..."

He didn't need to be told twice. "I'm on my way. Where are you, I'll get you." Frisk told him where she was, and he grabbed his jacket before snapping his fingers. Feeling his magic surround him as he teleported out of his room and found himself standing next to Frisk.

Looking down at her, he saw that her face was stained in tears. Her body shook and trembled as she tried to keep herself calm. Turning her gaze upward, her blue eyes widened as she saw Sans looking over at her. Rushing toward him, Frisk wrapped her arms around Sans and sobbed into his shoulder. Holding her tightly in his arms, he felt his SOUL hurt at seeing her cry like this. It hurt him, knowing that she was in pain, but wasn't sure what he could do.

Holding her close in his arms, he whispered "What happened?"

"He... he was nice at first." Frisk began, causing him to frown in confusion. What had happened that turned him from 'nice' to... whatever this was? "Then, he started to talk about monsters but... about how they shouldn't have been brought back onto the surface." Sans was a little angry at that one, so he was racist.

Looking down at her, he noticed something else from her. The shoulder of her blue dress was torn, made him want to snarl at such a thing. Had he tried to force himself onto her?! "Frisk, did he touch you?" Snarled Sans, trying to control himself.

"He... he grabbed me. Wanting to take me somewhere but I had refused. He didn't seem to like that I hung out with monsters, more so when I had mentioned that the day he asked me out that he had thought I was just waiting in line, and not with a disgusting monster like you." Sans really wanted to kill him right now, though knew that if he did that he would have only upset Frisk.

Taking a deep breath, Sans calmly said "It'll be okay Frisk, don't worry about a thing." He could still smell that disgusting man's scent on Frisk. Pulling back, he gave Frisk his jacket as he said "I'm going to teleport you home. I'll take care of everything else I promise." Frisk was about to object, until Sans placed a hand upon her shoulder and snapped his fingers.

His blue magic surrounded Frisk and teleported her toward her home. Sans knew that it was bad of him to have just teleported Frisk toward her home alone but, this was something that he had to do. A snarl ripped its way through his chest before he started to run forward...

On all fours.

Though it seemed that he wasn't even aware of what he was doing. The only thing that he cared about right now, was to get back at the mam that had dared to harm his Frisk!

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