Brett Talbot Imagines

Von ChyneAshly

996K 21.6K 2.6K


Part 1: "Cute"
Part 2: Stealing or borrowing?
Part 3: Request 1
Part 4: Request 2
Part 5: Request #3
Part 6: Request #4
Part 7: Request #5
Part 8: Request #5 pt. 2
Part 9: Request #6
Part 10: Request #7
Part 11: Request 8
Part 12: Request #9
Part 13: Request #10
Part 14: Request 11
Part 15: Request #12
Part 16: Request #13
Part 17: Request #14
Part 18: Request #15
Part 19: Request #16
Part 20: Request #17
Part 21: Request #18
Part 22: Request #19
Part 23: Request #20
Part 24: Request #21
Part 25: Request #22
Part 26: Request #23
Part 27: Request #24
Part 28: Request #25
Part 29: Request #26
Part 30: Request #27
Part 31: Request #28
Part 32: Imagine #29
Part 33: Request #30
Part 34: Request 31
Part 35: Request #32
Part 36: Request #33
Part 37: Request #34
Part 38: Request 35
Part 39
Part 40: Request #36
Part 41: Request #37 (PART 1)
Part 42: Request #37 (PART 2)
Part 43: Request #38
Part 44: Request #39
Part 45: Request #40
Part 46: Request #41
Part 47: Request #42
Part 48: Request #43
Part 49: Request# 44
Part 50
Part 51: Request #45
Part 52: Request #46
Part 53: Request #47
Part 54: Request #48
Part 55
Part 56: Request #38 (PART 2)
Part 57: Request #49
Part 58: Request #34 (PART 2)
Part 59: Request #50
Part 60: Request #51
Part 61
Part 62: Request 52 Creature Preference (PART 1)
Part 63: Creature Preference (PART 2)
Part 64: Creature Preference (PART 3)

Part 65: Creature Preference

2.6K 56 15
Von ChyneAshly

okay, first off... Sorry for not updating right away. It's been what, a year?
I hope everyone's doing good and staying at home for your front liners (observe social distancing when going out to buy groceries!)
Warning: It can be graphic? Idk? Y/F/C means your favorite color

Also, not sure if I have to repeat this, but the gifs I use are merely for visual aid - like what is going on/actions being done by the characters and/or what kind of 'creature' they might've looked like and not specifically the people in it are the ones I'm describing - 

As usual, if there are any errors I'm sorry! Not Beta read and I wrote everything at like 3 or 4 AM.


You flew as fast as you could, almost hitting a tree because you glanced behind you for a second to see if they were still following – which they were. You knew for a fact that your friends weren't really up to anything tonight right after the wild party yesterday, yet here you were, being chased by the very same pack you were a part of.

"What the hell was that?!" You heard Stiles exclaim just as he stopped his jeep and got out, the door to the passenger seat slamming close as well as Scott hot out.

Poor Rosco was already making a strange noise from running too fast – as fast as it can go at least – and too long in the dead of the night while a clear outline of another car - a sleeker looking one- followed behind them.

You struggled with your extended limbs as you landed on a thick branch and rested, the sudden exertion of muscles making it ache from not being used for a long time. You were only a few trees from the main road but it was still close enough to see what was going on.

"What was it?" The owner of the sleeker car spoke as he smoothly got out of his ride and walked to where Scott and Stiles were already standing by the jeep, his brows furrowed in confusion.

"That was definitely not some person with special effects, Liam." You can hear Lydia over the phone when she was put on speaker, her tone seemingly annoyed at the joke the youngest member of the pack made about some random person using green screen; adding that he was getting tired and that maybe the whole situation will resolve itself tomorrow.

"Resolve itself?!" Lydia grew more annoyed. "We can't let that thing roam around!"

"That bird flew from my roof, who knows what it might've left here or what it might've taken." The banshee was almost screaming, making Stiles jerk a little at the loudness she was emanating from the phone, it made you smile a bit at his silliness.

"Okay, okay..." Stiles suddenly turned off the speaker before placing the phone to his ear to try and settle the rage his girl was in at the moment, choosing to have the conversation between themselves and not have it broadcasted to the others.

It grew quiet for a while as Scott, Brett and Liam looked around the side of the road – Brett almost close to where you were. You tried not to take this chance to fly away because you knew you were going to cause more noise from fluttering and restarting your own 'engine' of escape so you settled on resting for a while and waited for them to leave. But while you planned your getaway, what Brett said caught your attention.

"Brett, what's wrong?" The Alpha asked, his brows furrowing as he looked at the taller werewolf before him.

"It's Y/N." He answered, suddenly more alert than before with a look of worry and fear etched in the tone of his voice "I can smell her."

Just as Brett mentioned it, both Liam and Scott noticed it too when they walked over to where he was.

"Well don't you and Y/N, y'know..." Stiles spoke from the other side of the jeep after ending the call with Lydia, his arms folded and rested on the hood of his jeep. " Do it in the car?"

Stiles shrugged his shoulders at this while Scott cleared his throat to hide a laugh. "Maybe that's what you're smelling."

Brett only looked at Stiles in disbelief with arms crossed over his chest as he leaned on his car door, all the while Liam looked almost appalled at the information that was being thrown out in the open when he was just with Brett in the car ride going to where they were now.

"I'm serious!" Brett almost growled as he started walking back to his car, opening the door before slamming it closed rather loudly. He took his phone and dialed 1.

"Who are you calling?" Liam asked, he was now walking back from the wet soil to the cemented main road.

"Did Lydia tell you where Y/N is right now?" He asked as he placed his phone to his ear, ignoring Liam's question – too afraid to grasp that you might be the one taken by the humanoid that flew from Lydia's house and to who knows where.

"She said that Y/N actually disappeared right when we heard the thing..." As Stiles answered, his words started to trail off at the sudden realization that there was a big possibility that whatever Brett was thinking was correct. He looked to Liam then to Scott, the same thought registered in his head and everyone seemed to panic even more. But before he could continue, they all turned their heads to the direction of the sudden noise they heard above them.

Shooting up to the sky, you didn't gamble a glance to see the boys and swiftly flew away. Brett and the others immediately went back in their cars and sped up chasing you. The cold wind that was hitting your face made your eyes water but not before hearing a sound that whooshed just past your face making you stop and search where it came from, your heart beating faster from the sudden adrenaline to defend yourself.

"There! Shoot now!" You heard shouting before another sharp-bladed arrow flew past you.

"Shoot to kill!" It reminded.

The order was repeated over the radio as more hunters started to gather from below you, you dove back down in the trees to deter from being out in the open and hopefully blend yourself in the environment. But it didn't take too long before you were spotted again, this time their guns were now being aimed at you.

Perching on a thick branch, you then proceeded to cocoon yourself by having your wings fold around you that also acted as an armor shielding yourself from the rain of bullets that came your way. But what you did not expect was what felt like a grappling hook that managed to lodge itself on your wing before it pulled you down to the cold hard ground.

The hunter with the grappling hook gave a sharp tug that unfortunately, made you hear your extra limb pop.

A cry of pain escaped your throat as you felt your body get dragged a few feet away from where you landed earlier.

Looking up through the few hairs that fell down on your face, you saw several hunters pulling at the slider of the guns while you heard the bowstrings of the archer's crossbows stretch - all aimed at you.

You saw their weapons follow your every move as you stood up and steadied yourself, a face of determination plastered on you that seemed to unsettle with the newer hunters included in tonight's hunting activity. Your wings ruffled as it spread wide to display dominance in hopes that they would frighten or at the very least intimidate them.

It was quiet for a moment as you observed each of the big bulky men that had you trapped in their circle, a mix of bows and arrows and guns in their hands. You deciphered each of their position and eventually spotted the one person who was in training and aimed for him, turning sharply to your side you extended your right wing and let out a few sharp feathers fly towards the person with a whish sound and hit his gun - effectively disarming him.

This triggered a round of gunfire and arrows heading your way, your defense mode activated immediately as you cocooned yourself back with your wings. But before you can fully cover yourself up, a grappling hook managed to grasp your wrist and another on your wing pulling at it painfully.

You felt like you were getting torn in half as the hunters with the hooks started to pull in the opposite directions, your back muscles trying its hardest to retract your wings around yourself.

"Steady her." The ring leader commanded as he slowly neared your struggling form. The tug-of-war to the ground on your body forced you to kneel with both your arms and wings spread wide.

Your eyes were full of tears as it frantically looked for an exit, trying as much as you can to calculate your escape from this hell hole you managed to get yourself in.

"What a beauty," he commented with his hand caressing your cheek, your nose scrunching up as you moved your head to get away from his foul breath that fanned your face when he spoke.

"Couldn't say the same thing to you, though." You replied almost cockily, not really knowing where that little confidence came from.

The smirk on the hunter's face in front of you turned into a scowl at your reply, he clicked his tongue before he revealed to you the sharp sword he held on his side as he took a few steps back.

"Always bring back a body." He said as he raised the weapon up in the air, his voice loud enough for all his minions to hear. "Even if it's just a piece - as a souvenir."

"You're sick." You spat.

"No body, no kill." He spoke again as if it was a motto in their group, ignoring you before he raised the sword in front of your to strike.

You closed your eyes already accepting defeat, tears free-falling down your cheeks and onto the ground.

You waited.

You waited for the sharp swift pain that would cut you in half starting from the top to the bottom.

Waiting for the pain that you would forever lose the ability to feel the air as you glided, and the thrill of free-falling just before you spread your wings.

Waiting for the defeat that you won't get to see those green eyes you keep falling in love with every day.

But it never came.

At the sound of the familiar growl, your eyes snapped back open as you released a breath you weren't aware you were holding.

Looking for your predator, you felt more tears run down your cheek as you watched him take hit after hit of his own sword with the occasional swipe of claws. Brett's back muscles rippled under the shirt he wore as he struck the man to death, the front of his shirt already splattered with blood.

When Brett stumbled upon the scene before him - the sight of you knelt down in front of a sword, the wolf in him did not hesitate to attack the threat his anchor was in. The wolf took full charge of the situation and Brett was not holding it back

The grappling hooks connected to you suddenly lost its grip as you saw Liam and Scott finally take down the people concerned. Taking the claw of the hook off your wrist and wings, you felt relieved despite the lacerations you saw on your limbs and a dislocated wing joint.

"Y/N," Your eyes looked towards the direction of the voice.

"You're okay," you were suddenly being engulfed in an embrace as Brett was finally able to calm down from the rush of adrenaline and anger, his nose taking a deep breath and smelling the scent he drew comfort from.

Your waterworks were nonstop as you dwelled in the feeling of being in the safety and security of Brett Talbot.

You tried to stop the sobs that lingered in your throat as Brett pushed himself away from you but still at arms length to scan you of your injuries, eyes looking, searching and taking notes from head to toe.

He could only sigh when his eyes landed back on yours, one hand cupping your cheek before the other splayed itself on your back and pulling you back against his chest in an embrace.

"So glad we got here in time," Brett could only bury his face further into your neck as his own tears threatened to spill out.

"C'mon," it was Scott who spoke up, breaking the trance the two of you and Brett were in. "We have to get you to Deaton."

"Can you walk?" You heard Brett ask beside you, his face seeming determined to carry you back to his car.

"Yeah, I can." You answered rather softly, the adrenaline in your system already losing its effectiveness making you feel tired. "Don't worry"

"Halloween was yesterday, why are you still wearing your costume?" It was Stiles who cracked a joke when he came with a bloodied bat on his shoulder.

"I'm...not wearing one?" You answered.

This is why Stiles isn't just the ½ of the brains (Lydia being the other half) but he is also a whole portion of a person who had a sense of humor, or rather, sarcasm that always lightened your mood. It looked to you that it was his top priority at the moment to keep your mind distracted from the events that occured, and you let him of course.

"Okay, correct me if I'm wrong but you didn't have wings yesterday."


As you all walked back to the cars at a slow and careful pace with your heavy wings and it's feathers dragging behind you, it was Stiles and Liam who started to converse over what just happened (and of the elephant in the room).

"So I'm back to being the human, then?"

"Yeah, sorry." You gave a light laugh, smiling to him as he gave a sigh of defeat.

"Did you know about this?" Liam asked Brett.

"Nope, not a clue." He answered. "Though I wasn't exactly sure either if you were human or if Y/N's scent is just different because she's my mat-anchor."

You looked at Brett who matched your pace beside you despite having long legs, one brow raised questioningly at him. You weren't sure if the others were able to catch what he almost said, but you were sure as hell caught it.

"So what are you exactly?" Liam asked again.

"Avian humanoid?"

"N-no-" you answered. "-when you put it that way, it sounds like I've been experimented on."

"Were you?" Stiles asked.

"No, I wasn't."

"A Phoenix then?"

"I don't think Y/N does fire-do you?" Liam seemed to be entertained at the thought when we looked at you with the question.

"No." Brett was entertained as well as you answered, the laughs you let out bringing back a smile to his face as he watched you interact with your pack.

"Nephilim." You answered.

A chorus of Oh's came from all three of them.

"But why are your wings Y/F/C?" Stiles asked again.

"Why not? Can't an angel custom fit the color of her wings to her liking?" You asked back with a laugh.


Hope you guys enjoyed that!


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