Town Witch

By Tasergirl

212K 6.5K 4.2K

Bonnie Bennett: Daughter, High school student, best friend, and last but definitely not least Town Witch. Aft... More

The Begining
The Invitation
The Ball
Arguments and Broken Furniture
Lines In The Sand
Dreams and Destinations
New Orleans Part 1
New Orleans Part 2
New Orleans Part 3
Best friends
Always And Forever
Catch up
She's Stronger Than Us All
Homecoming Part 1
Homecoming Part 2
Wreak Havoc
She Dreamed Of Paradise
Making Plans
Making It Work
Hanging On
Find Me
Believe Me
Dinner With The King
Draw Your Swords
Maybe More
What To Do
War Zone
Soul Bonds
Never Be Free

The Unexpected Meeting

13.8K 384 405
By Tasergirl

(Bonnie's room forgot to put it up before)

Bonnie POV:
Waking up the next morning I take a moment to just lay in bed. I look around and sigh. This is my safe place. The place no one can touch me, harm me or make me feel weird in any way and after last night I need to bask in it's safety. The ball had been surreal. The whole way home Stefan asked me about what happened but I was too drunk off champagne to be in the mood to talk about anything. I just said Elena was safe and left it at that. That's all he was really worried about anyway.

Buzz Buzz

I look over and see a message. Picking up my phone I realize it's more than one. Unlocking it I see one from Damon, 2 from Elena, 3 from Rebekah and 6 from Caroline. Biting the bullet I decide to open Damon's first.

Meeting at the boarding house witchy everybody's headed here at noon

Looking over at the clock I see it's 11. Shrugging I sigh, whatever I'll be a little late can't be too important, unless they've got some life altering information, which I doubt. I don't get that feeling as I look at his message. I just assume the witch in me knows things. Things I haven't mastered yet. Reminding me of Esther's offer of teaching me. I wonder how serious she was. Shaking my head from those thoughts I send a quick reply telling him I'll be a little late. Next Elena.

Hey u ran out b4 I could talk to u

Are u okay? I know witches can't be compelled but the way u danced with Klaus makes me question everything lol no but really r u ok?

Yea I'm good just too much champagne I'll see u later Lena

Rolling my eyes at the doppelgänger's antics I can't help but feel affection for her for trying to lookout for me. Next Rebekah.

Bonnie Bennett my brothers have not stopped talking about you since the ball

It seems as if you've bewitched them. Klaus is painting you, Elijah is listening to the Argentine tango and even Kol has begun to ask about you!

Also I'm picking you up tomorrow, we're going to have 'girls night'.

I laugh at the girls descriptions of her brothers but I can't help the blush that rises to my cheeks as I think of Klaus painting me. A part of me wonders if she's just playing with me but she doesn't seem the type to go that far. He's painting me? It's almost too much. Shaking my head I type out a txt to send to the sassy blonde.

I'm sure it's not as serious as ur making it out to be lol but sure just let me know what time and I'll be ready

After sending it I look at Caroline's unopened messages. This is the one I've been dreading. Caroline is a very passionate person and while I love that about her if her anger is directed at me it never ends well. Sighing I just dive in, no point waiting.

Bonnie Bennett we have a lot to discuss

When did u start hanging out with murder Barbie? What the hell was that dance with Klaus?
-CareBear 🐻😍

If I'm being honest it was kinda hot super intense

Why did u not tell me anything?

Why did she help u pick a dress and not me?

I have been trying to get u to do something different to ur hair for years and u don't listen but she says it n u do????

Looking at the messages I smile. Okay at least it seems like she's more angry at me for taking her fashion advice. Well then again that's Caroline's sweet spot. She's going to murder me so bad. I wince as I think of what would happen if Caroline knew not only did I take her advice, I also let her told her I'd let her cut it short some time after the ball. Decided if I hated it I could magically grow it out and tell everyone it was extensions. Deciding it's better she just doesn't know for now I type out a quick reply.

I'll explain everything when I see u later CareBear, love u see u soon

I get up in bed, rubbing my neck. Might as well start getting ready. Looking around I grab a towel and head into the bathroom.
After a long and hot shower I get out and get dressed. The shower melting all my stress away, making me feel much more refreshed than I had since I got home last night. Looking in the mirror I see the dark circles under my eyes had lessened. Must've had a good sleep. I sit down at the vanity and do my makeup, keeping it very simple.

Looking at the clock next to my bed I see it's only 11:45. Shrugging I hop down the stairs, making my way to the kitchen. Once I get inside I connect my phone with the Bluetooth, putting on Jessie Reyez.

As I look through the kitchen, I realize I need to go grocery shopping. Sighing I look for anything I can snack on before facing the rest of the Scooby doo gang. Again shaking my head at the thought, and cursing how much time I've been spending with Damon, I decide on a simple PB&J sandwich. Once I'm done I grab my keys and open the door to go to my car. As I start to head out, I almost step on something.
Looking down, I realize someone left a package in front. Picking it up I flip it around. What the hell is this?

I don't remember ordering anything, maybe Dad did and forgot to tell me. Shrugging I put it on the small table next to the door. I leave, getting in my white Toyota Prius and drive to the boarding house.

Getting there I see I really am the last one here. I open the door and just walk in, hearing people talking over each other. Walking in I see Caroline, Matt and Elena on one side while Alaric, Damon and Stefan are on the other. Tyler is kept out of these little family meetings because of the sire link, but I'm sure Caroline fills him in on certain things. Clearing my throat loudly as I walk in I lean against the wall.

"So what are we all arguing about?" I ask and Damon points a hand towards me. His eyes going wide.

"Ah there she is Princess Bon Bon, get enough beauty rest?" He asks sarcastically. I narrow my eyes at him as I walk further into the room.

"What crawled up your ass?" I ask as I sit on the arm of the couch next to Matt. He gives me a smile in hello as I squeeze his arm lightly.

"You did"he exclaims before pausing, thinking back on his words. I give him a disgusted look before Alaric clears his throat, trying to get our attention.

"What Damon meant was, what happened to you last night?" Alaric asks looking at me. I raise my eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" I ask feigning innocence. The history teacher sighs at me as Damon rolls his eyes turning to me.

"You dancing, being buddy buddy with the enemy" he says and I roll my eyes this time. Guess we're starting with that. I shouldn't be surprised really.

"Well Damon, I'm sure this might have slipped your feeble little mind but we were at a ball last night, the point of a ball is to dance with other people" I say sarcastically trying to evade the question.

Truth is I'm not sure why I danced with them. With Rebekah it's easy, she's a kindred spirit, someone longing to not be lonely anymore. To feel a real love. With the other 2 I can blame it on the drinks but we all know it couldn't have been just that. I didn't even spend that much time dancing with Damon. I especially didn't do it twice.

"Look Bonnie told me she just had a little too much to drink so just leave her alone Damon" Elena says defending me. I smile at the girl feeling another rush of affection for her. She may not be as attentive as before but at least she still cares.

"Doesn't explain why she's best friends with Rebekah though" he shoots back, before turning to me. His eyes going wide really quick, doing that weird thing he always does. I just give him a shrug.

"I understand her" I say simply as he give me an incredulous look. Staring at me as if I grew 2 heads.

"You understand her?" He asks in disbelief. I roll my eyes at him, standing up as I start to feel defensive. I don't owe him any type of explanation.

"Yes Damon I understand her" I tell him annoyance clear in my voice. "And you do not get to tell me who I can be friends with anyway you are not the boss of me, I definitely don't owe you an explanation" I say my voice starting to raise and I suddenly understand why everyone was so worked up when I walked in, Damon is an ass.

"Oh you're friends now? You're friends with a murdering psycho-"

"Takes one to know one you're a literal serial killer-"

"Little mini Klaus is using you and you're acting like you're blind-"

"Look here you pig headed, bloodsucking, scumbag-"

"No you look here you judgey little witch-"

"ENOUGH" Alaric screams with as he hits his fist on the table. If the scream didn't get our attention the slamming of his fist would have. I just realized me and Damon were walking towards each other as we screamed, getting so close I was actually poking him in the chest. The bloodsucker just makes my blood boil.

"Look this is not getting us anywhere" Alaric says as he looks at all of us. The teacher points at me as I walk away from the annoying vampire. "Bonnie you are better than arguing with him over this" he tells me and I make a face shrugging. "And you are over a hundred years old stop acting like a toddler" he tells Damon.

I give the vampire a smug look as I sit next to Matt, before looking back at Alaric as he continues speaking. "Now what do we actually know" he asks us and Elena steps forward.

"Well in our meeting yesterday Esther said she wanted to keep the peace, said family is most important to her and she just wants to have her's back" Elena says. I nod at her explanation.

"What a load of crap" Damon mutters. I shoot him a glare.

"If it's a load of crap then why did she offer to teach me magic" I ask and as soon as I say it all eyes are on me. Suddenly feeling like a small ant I try not to scooch further into the couch and away from all of the eyes.

"What?" Caroline says in surprise. Stefan walks towards me, sitting on the table in front of me. His eyes burning into mine.

"Tell us exactly what she said" he demands and I roll my eyes at the vampire. I'm ready to give him an aneurysm but Alaric hits Stefan on the shoulder gesturing for him to move as he stands in front of me.

"Please?" He says softly and I nod.

"Esther wanted to talk to me, to tell me about the truce like she did with Elena" I say gesturing to my friend who nods. "But to also say that before she turned into a vampire she was a witch, who was friends with my ancestor, Ayanna Bennett" as I tell them this bit of information Caroline's eyes widen and she leans back on the couch in surprise.

Almost everyone in the room is, Damon and Stefan look more like they're plotting though. The thought that they'll use that against them actually makes me uncomfortable for some reason.

"She said she wanted our families to be how they once were, she said before Ayanna was her mentor and she'd love to be mine" I finish. As I do Elena looks at me. For some reason I leave out the part where she gave me Ayanna's grimoire.

"You're not gonna do it right?" She asks and I shrug.

"Well it's kind of an incredible opportunity for her, you know as long as Esther's telling the truth." Caroline says and I nod along with her. Matt just looks at me and smiles reassuringly as he puts a hand on my arm.

"What are you thinking?" He asks and I shrug again, feeling like my arms are gonna fall off. Before I can answer though Stefan speaks up, his voice authoritative.

"Do it" he says simply and I look at him in a mixture of shock and confusion.

"You can be our in, assess the situation snoop and see if you can find something"he says and I look at him in disbelief.

"You want me to spy on them?" I ask and he nods, giving me a 'duh' look as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Yea we can use this, you can find their weakness" he says and I look at him wide eyed. Of course he wouldn't mind putting me in danger. Seems if it's not Elena no one else matters.

"No, what about the truce? I'm not gonna put my town in danger because you want revenge" I say my voice raising a bit. Alaric puts a hand on my shoulder calming me slightly.

"She's right" he says to Stefan as he sits beside me on the arm of the sofa. "It's too much of a risk to have her snooping around a mansion filled with originals"

"But so is Stefan, who knows if they're actually gonna hold up their end of the truce and not kill anyone, including us" Damon speaks up clapping his brother on the shoulder. I get into a staring match with the brothers, daring one of them to try to force me into something else. I won't do it. I'll set them both on fire before they try to make me.

"So a compromise" Alaric says suddenly. I look up at the history teacher confused written all over my face.

"Yea, you're both right" Caroline speaks up obviously trying to keep the peace as well. "If we do something we could get the whole town in trouble for nothing but if we don't we could end up dead" she says as Alaric nods along with her.

"So Bonnie, if you can, go do the lessons with her and keep an eye on things. You don't have to spy or snoop just use your powers to feel around see if anything's wrong, if you feel like they're gonna make a move against us" he says softly. I look at the former hunter and nod. That I can do, I won't be lying per say but I won't be putting all my trust in them either. I look at Matt who nods along with them, I suddenly feel better. Even if it's only by a little bit.

"Doesn't seem too bad" he says shrugging. I give him a nod before looking around the room. "At least we'll know for sure"

"Okay I can do that" I tell them and most of the room is content. The Salvatore brothers still look like they have a stick up their asses. That is not my problem though. I'm done doing everything for them. I am not the fix it witch. Giving hugs and kisses to my friends in goodbye, including Alaric, I walk out of the boarding house.

Getting in the car I start to make my way to town. I go to the flower shop and grab a bouquet of sunflowers, Grams used to call them happy flowers. Putting them in the passenger seat I drive to the cemetery.

Getting out of the car I change my heels to black flats, not wanting them to stick into the grass. Walking passed multiple graves I make my way towards the Bennett area. Kneeling in front of my Grams grave I send a quick prayer to her and put the flowers down.

"Hi Grams" I start softly as I sit more comfortably on the soft ground. The sun shining brightly around me, warming the area. I rest my hand on the tombstone, I sigh.

"I miss you Grams, nothings the same" I say my voice low as I speak aloud. I chuckle quickly. "Well no that's a lie, I still want to set Damon on fire, but now I want to add Stefan too. Oh weirdest thing, I like Rebekah Mikaelson" I raise a hand as I give a look of surprise. "Who would've thought?" Putting my hand down again I give another chuckle. "No but she's cool, seems kind of lonely. I can understand that"

I sit there talking to my Grams tombstone for a while before getting up. I dust myself off before resting my head against the cool tombstone for a moment. As I straighten I hear a twig snap behind me. Whipping around I look into the blue eyes of Niklaus Mikaelson.

"Well love, funny meeting you here" he says walking towards me. I can't help but notice how good he looks.

The hybrid looks at the grave in front of me and gives a soft sigh. My eyebrows knit together in confusion, what the hell is he sighing about.

"She was a good woman" he says and I feel my mouth drop open. He looks at me, giving me a small smirk. "You thought Elijah was the only one who knew her?" He asks and I shrug. Crossing my arms I shake my head.

"I was still trying to wrap my head around the thought of them knowing each other at all" I say honestly as I look at the tombstone, wondering what my grams was doing with the original family. "I can't believe she didn't hate you"

"Oh she did" he tells me with a smirk. I let out a snort before covering my mouth. Of course she did. "But the woman was never one to turn away someone in need" he says and I look at him in confusion. He see's my look and elaborates, shrugging. "I was severely injured one day and I was not healing, it was a magical dagger see, I was suffering profusely. Elijah with no other option brought me to her, took one look at me and helped. Though Elijah did end up owing her a favor" he says and I nod, still wondering what possessed her to save the hybrid beside me. "He never did get to grant her that favor"

I look away, the guilt of the night she died rushing in my stomach. I will never forgive myself for my rash actions. She would still be here if I hadn't begged her to do that spell. Shaking my head from the morbid thoughts I look at the hybrid in confusion.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him he shrugs.

"I smelled you" he says simply and I give him a WTF look. He just chuckles at the face I make. Shaking my head I put a hand to my forehead.

"What the hell, why is that not the first time I heard that" I say and he shrugs.

"Witches have a stronger scent than a regular human" he says and I nod, hand still on my forehead.

"Is there a reason you came here when you smelled me" I ask still feeling weird about vampires being able to smell me. He just looks at me and smiles.

"As a matter of fact" he starts turning to looks at me. I turn to face him as well, confusion coloring my face. "I was wondering if you were going to take my mother up on her offer" he asks and I raise my eyebrows. I was unaware he knew of the offer. Though I suppose it makes sense he would know, the hybrid knows everything.

"Well Klaus, I'm not exactly sure why that would be any of your concern" I say turning to walk away. I hear a chuckle as he starts to walk beside me.

"Well love considering up until last night you hated me, I need to be sure you won't use these new magic lessons to try to destroy me" he says, his tone almost playful. I simply roll my eyes at him.

"Who said I stopped hating you?" I ask sarcastically and he chuckles stopping, I continue walking away until the next words come out of his mouth.

"Well you seemed to like me enough last night"
I stop walking abruptly, turning to look at the hybrid, mouth open in protest.

"Okay lets get one thing straight, just because I am not actively trying to kill you because of this truce we have going on, doesn't mean I like you" I say as I start walking towards him, finger pointed as I do so. He just gives me a smirk, which of course only serves to irritate me further. "Second, I was very drunk last night and that's the only reason I was so nice" I say as we face each other. My finger still on his chest, before I can yank my hand away he grabs my wrist.

"See little witch I don't think that's it at all" I says pulling me by my wrist. I stumble as we end up chest to chest. "I think you liked dancing with me, I think you liked speaking to me" he says as his face gets closer to my own. I lean back but he puts a hand on my back keeping me in place. "You are drawn to me" he says and I roll my eyes at the cocky vampire.

"That's ridiculous"

"Is it?"


"Then why am I not flying away from you at this very moment" he says and I stop. Why isn't he. I could do it, could've been done it, we both know I can. So why the hell haven't I? He gives me a smirk knowing I have nothing to say to that. "You are drawn to me little witch and I'll prove it to you" I yank my hand from his grip and take a couple steps back.

"I'm not, you are a monster Klaus. I will never be drawn to you, you have too much darkness in your cold, dead heart" I say unsure if I'm trying to convince him or myself at this point. I can't let him get in my head.

"Don't underestimate the allure of darkness"he says as he walks towards me. Twisting one of my curls around his finger as he leans close to me. "Even the purest of hearts are drawn to it" before I can reply he's gone.

The only indication that he was ever in front of me is a gust of wind making my hair fly everywhere. Rolling my eyes I get into my car and head to the grill, after a long day of dealing with vampires I am hungry.

Getting inside I smile at Matt, who of course is working behind the bar. I walk up to him and give him a quick kiss on the cheek letting him know where I'll be grabbing a table. As soon as I sit down Matt takes my order of buffalo wings and French fries. I grab my purse and take out my homework. Saving this town does not give a lot of time for school work so I have to make my own time. As Matt brings me my food I smile at him and get to work.

I didn't notice how much time had passed until my stomach growled and I looked up to see the grill practically empty. Well at least compared to how it usually is. Looking at my phone I see it's 8, I've been sitting here for about 4 hours, only getting up to use the bathroom. Rubbing my eyes till I see stars I groan. I'm on my last class but I'm not even halfway done with this history paper.

It was never my best subject, along with math, despite being surrounded by people hundreds of years old. I look towards the bar looking for Matt but look into the eyes of Elijah Mikaelson instead.

My eyes widen as I realize he had already been looking at me. I quickly turn and catch Matt's attention. Waving him over I smile.

"What's up Bon? Need anything?" He asks taking a minute to sit down. I smile at my friend.

"How much time do you have?" I ask and he chuckles as he realizes what class I'm on. Taking my notebook he gives me a rueful smile.

"Not that much" he says giving it back to me. I groan putting my hair in a high, messy ponytail. He gives a look around and smiles at me softly.

"Look I've got 20 mins how about we grab some food and play some pool, get you out of your own head for a minute" he says and I chuckle at him.

"I don't know, you know how I am with history and Alaric won't let me slide now that we have a truce with the Mikaelsons" I say looking at her papers and books with disdain. I hate history. Why the hell do I need to know about a bunch of dead guys anyway?

"Come on Bon, it'll be fun" he says getting up and pulling me out of the booth, leaving my things there. I nod and let my hair down, shaking it out so it falls around my shoulders. He smiles as we begin to play.

After a while he kicks my ass, which is sad considering I used to be the one that kicked his ass at pool. Supernatural life just keeps taking from me, I can't help but think bitterly. He gives me a kiss on the cheek before going back to work, I give him another order before he goes.

Making a face of thought I lean over the pool table, deciding to practice a bit with the remaining balls on the table. As I hit a ball I feel someone behind me. A vampire, a powerful one. Turning around I expect to see Elijah but see Klaus instead. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"What do you want?" I ask and he chuckles, a smirk on his face.

"Last time you asked me that it was so much sweeter" he says playfully. I roll my eyes at him and turn around, leaning over again to hit another ball.

"That doesn't answer my question" I say impatiently. After our conversation earlier I'm not in the mood to talk to the hybrid.

"I was just wondering what you were doing here with the quarterback, seeing as he's been courting my sister" he asks and I roll my eyes. Me and Matt were always teased growing up. Everyone thought we were gonna get together. It was only after he got with Elena everyone saw that we were really just friends. He was like a big brother to me.

"Matt is a friend Klaus, he's like my brother" I say getting up to face him again, putting a hand on my hip. He raises an eyebrow looking at me as if he doesn't believe me. Rolling my eyes I sigh.

"Besides I'd never do that to another girl, least of all one I consider a friend" I tell him turning around and hitting another ball, missing this time. I growl lightly but feel a hand on my waist. I feel him lean over me, putting a hand over mine. I move to get up but he stops me.

"I'm only helping you out love, seems you need the practice" he says chuckling in my ear. I growl and shove him off, turning to look him in the eye.

"I don't need your help" I say shoving the pool stick at him and walking back to my table. I sit down and look at my books again, tying my hair up once more. Matt comes over looking at me in concern.

"You okay?" He asks and I shrug, rolling my eyes.

"Yea I'm fine, just Klaus pissing me off"I say and he lets out a chuckle.

"So nothing out of the ordinary" he says and I give him a light chuckle nodding.

"Not really" I say before looking around and realizing the hybrid left. Good. I was tired of him coming around me all day.

"Sure you can't help" I ask Matt with puppy dog eyes. He gives me a chuckle and ruffles my hair lightly, causing me to smack his hand away.

"You'll be fine, you're the smartest girl I know anything else I can help you with" as he says that my stomach lets out a loud growl. I give him a sheepish smile as he laughs at me.

"Maybe my bbq burger" I say and he smiles giving me a nod.

"It'll be out soon Bon" he says walking away from me and towards the kitchen. Looking down at the paper, I sigh again.

"Maybe I could be of assistance"

Hearing the accented voice I look up to see another original vampire in front of me. Raising an eyebrow at Elijah I sit back in the booth.

"You want to help me with my history paper?" I ask and he gives me a small smile.

"Well I believe I could give a unique perspective" he says I let out a small chuckle and give him a nod.

"Well you're not wrong about that" I say. Looking at him I bite my lip, deep in thought. I mean it couldn't hurt and if I survive this year I'm gonna need to pass. Giving another nod I gesture for him to sit down with my hand. He gives me a small smile as he does so.

"So how much do you know about absolutism vs constitutionalism?" I ask moving to his side of the booth with my books, he gives me a rather large smile.

He apparently knew very much, by the time my burger came, I had about 3 pages worth of information. Looking through my notes I can't help but smile, feeling accomplished.

"I'm probably gonna have to go through it because I'm sure some of this stuff isn't in the any textbook but this is amazing, thank you" I say giving him a large smile, a genuine one. He gives me one in return, inclining his head.

"You are very welcome Miss Bennett" he says and I wave him off as I finish putting my books in my bag.

"No way, you just spent 30 minutes giving me pure gold you can call me Bonnie" I say before taking a big bite of my burger.

"Then please call me Elijah"

I look at him for a minute, my mouth filled with food. I see the amusement in his eyes and make a face at him but nod as I swallow. Wiping my mouth I nod again.

"Okay Elijah" I say as he gives me a small but genuine smile. Realizing we're still sitting on the same side of the bench, and very close at that I nod scooting away a bit, taking another bite of my burger. He smiles at me and takes a sip of his drink.

"Thanks again for the help" I tell him after I'm done with my burger. He waves his hand but I shake my head. "No really, with all this supernatural crap going on I don't really have much time to be a student, so sometimes I don't do as well on assignments as I would like. So I really, really appreciated it" I say and he smiles at me.

"It was a pleasure Miss Bennett" he says giving me an appraising look. "I must say I do admire how you manage to fit it in, education is very important and to find time to pursue it as you fix the mistakes of the Salvatore brothers again and again is truly remarkable" he says and I feel myself blush as I take a sip of my lemon water. I shake off the compliment with a small laugh.

"I just think it's really important, my Grams always told me how important it was and I want to make her proud" I say softly and he nods at me again. I pull out my wallet as I start to get up leaving the money on the table for Matt. "I'll see you around Elijah, thanks again. It was actually nice seeing you" I say looking a bit surprised. He chuckles at me as I pick up my bag, ready to go home.

"Have a drink with me" he says suddenly and I look at him dumbfounded.

"What?" I ask and he smiles getting up to stand in front of me.

"Have a drink with me, I did help you with your paper and drinking alone is a bit depressing" he says and my eyebrows raise. I look at him in surprise before shaking my head and giving him a smirk.

"Are you guilt tripping me Mr. Mikaelson?" I ask playfully and he gives me a smirk.

"Now what happened to calling me Elijah" he asks just as playfully. I raise an eyebrow at the original.

"I'm underage" I say smirk widening.

"I've seen you drink here before"


"So it's obvious they don't care and if I'm not mistaken it's your friend who is making the drinks I doubt he'll ID you" he says and I give a small chuckle. Looking into his brown eyes I find myself nodding.

"Okay" I say before holding up a finger, pointing at him "but only because it's Saturday and I don't have to get up early tomorrow" I say as he nods smiling.

"Of course Bonnie" he says smiling and I nod.
"Let me just put this in my car so I can forget about it" I say and he nods.

"I shall wait at the bar" he says softly and I nod and leave the grill. As I open the door to my Prius I feel a chill go up my spine. When I look around I see no one, but living in mystic falls I know that doesn't mean shit.

Throwing my bag in the car I close it quickly, walking back towards the grill as fast as I can trying not to draw attention, something deep inside telling me to get to Elijah.

"Miss Bennett" I hear turning around I see 3 woman. All completely different. Race, skin, hair, the only similar thing is their clothing.

"Who are you?" I ask them in confusion. The darker toned girl in the middle raises an arched eyebrow at me.

"The conservators of this world" she says simply before they raise their hands in unison. Before I can do anything to defend myself I feel a powerful pain in my head. Screaming out I fall to my knees, holding my hands to my head. I feel someone grab my arm and slice open my hand.

As I scream I hear car alarms and the sound of glass breaking all around me. I feel heat surrounding me and hear someone calling my name. Then suddenly the pain stops, and I'm looking into the concerned brown eyes of Elijah Mikaelson.

Then my world goes black.

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