By tahira_chowdhury

105K 5.4K 835

CHRISTIAN One moment he's being a complete flirt and giving her goosebumps. The next moment he's being a jer... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 6

4.6K 216 39
By tahira_chowdhury

Author's POV

Christian walked out of the lift determined on giving her a piece of mind. But when he was about to walk in he heard something that completely changed his mood.

"Yeah it was great at first but then I don't know..." Camille was on a call with someone so she didn't hear the lift coming up. "Yeah Luke is a great guy, he is a gentleman, he is sweet and funny, or so I thought." The last words intrigued Christian into eavesdropping.

"A man talking science and computers is very hot I tell you, when we are in the office, just flirting. Imagine your date talking about computers on your entire date. Yup girl, now you know how it went. Not so attractive anymore." That brought a satisfying smile on Christian's face. So he doesn't have to give her some shit then.

Christian cleared his throat to make himself known and walked in, as if he wasn't standing there and listening to her conversation.

"Good morning Ms Danvers."

Camille abruptly stood up to greet him. "Good morning sir." Then she almost whispered into her cell. "I gotta go, the boss is here."

Camille quickly made his coffee and walked in with her note pad for her morning briefing.

"What's my schedule for today?"

"You have a company meeting at 11 and then a lunch meeting with Mr Yakashi of the Japanese export company. Then another meeting at 6."

Christian took a sip of his coffee. "Make reservations for 3 in a Japanese cuisine restaurant for 1 pm."

"I already did sir, last week." Christian smiled into his cup satisfied with her work like always.

"Since I have the last meeting at 6, you'll accompany me." He gave his instructions and went back to his paperwork, so Camille excused herself.

At exactly 5 pm Luke came to meet Camille and he took her hand and went into talking. Meanwhile Christian was eyeing them from his room through his one sided glass.

They were talking too comfortably and Christian was getting too irritated by then. He beeped her intercom. Without wasting anymore time Camille waved bye to Luke and walked straight into Christian's office.

"What's with the long face?" Christian asked curiously.

"Luke just asked me for a movie date to a stupid science documentary sorta movie." Then her eyes widened realising she just ranted to her boss, who by the way seemed to be amused by it. He bent his head down and chuckled and it eventually converted to a laughter.

His laugh was so genuine and contagious that Camille ended up smiling lowering her head. Christian just stared at her for a few seconds. How her eyes sparkled when she smiled. How her hair would come on her face when she looked down. His hand was itching to tug the tendrils behind her ears.

Then he cleared his throat and said, "This is going to be a long meeting so I want you to cancel any plans for the evening. You'll be having dinner with me." Camille nodded in understanding. She didn't have any plans anyway, and she was glad she wouldn't have to come up with an excuse to cancel on their 8 pm movie date. She excused herself and went back to the work she had to finish before it was time to leave.

Meanwhile Christian was in deep thought. What was going on with him.  Why was he noticing his assistant when we should've been working. He looked through the glass and watched how she was biting on the pen while thinking about something. She let go of the pen and started to write whatever she came up with into her notebook.

So other than biting her bottom lips when she's nervous and thinking, she also tends to bite onto a pen when in deep thought.

He was shocked at his own observation. A sudden thought came to him, does she find him as attractive as he finds her? Suddenly he felt the need for her validation, even though he knew he was one the most confident people he's ever known.


"Do you find me attractive?" Camille dropped the pen in her mouth. What was that?

"Excuse me?"

"I asked do you think I'm attractive." He repeated his question syllable by syllables.

Camille looked elsewhere and thought, "Yes sir, professionally. You work really hard and made all this by yourself. I'm proud and happy to call myself your employee."

"Hmm." He walked back in with a smile, satisfied with the answer.

As soon as he sat back on his chair he realised he didn't really get his answers. He internally smacked himself for getting played by a compliment so easily. So he thought he'd ask again on the way.

On exactly 15 minutes to 6 they both got into Christian's car on the way to the meeting in the other side of the city.

They both were silent in the car for a while. Then Christian thought he'd ask again, "What about physically?"

"Excuse me?" She took it by surprise.

"Do you find me physically attractive?" He asked looking directly into her eyes.

Camille had to bite her bottom lip to keep herself from laughing. His eyes fell on her lip. She noticed and let go, his eyes moved along. He gulped, Camille looked away for a second feeling heat creep up her neck.

"I didn't really think about it or look at you that way. You see we're always at a formal platform." She ended her answer and look the other way. He felt rejected again.

'What's not to see and like? It's me. This woman will drive me insane.' he thought. There he was, his old cocky self. But it still bothered him that Camille didn't respond the way he wanted her to. They had reached the building so this conversation ended for now.

After the meeting, Camille and Christian went for the dinner that he promised earlier.

He was very pissed her answer because for some reason he was hoping she'd say she was attracted to him. *Male ego*

"You would've known if you had stayed longer." He stated arrogantly while they were both looking at their menu.

"I'm sorry, I'm not following." What's with Christian's sudden irrelevant questions today?

"That day. When you left my room without even informing me. If you had stayed longer maybe you wouldn't have wanted to leave someone like me." He smirked still looking at the menu. "Because I believe you enjoyed the whole night. Round after round. And I know for a fact that I fuck better when both the parties are completely sober." He lowered the menu and leaned forward, and said seductively.

Camille's mouth was open at this sudden change in environment. Her suddenly felt really dry. When she finally came out of her trance she looked around to see if anyone heard.

"Christian!" She whisper screamed at him. His smirk turned into a panty-dropping grin and said, "Yes Camille." Her name felt so good on his lips. His lips, he darted his tongue out to wet his bottom lip. Camille immediately straightened up and drank her glass of wine in one go. Christian chuckled and called the waiter to order.

After dinner Camille wanted to take a cab. "Come, I'll drop you home."

"It's fine Christian, I'll take a cab from here."

"You really need to learn the difference between a statement and suggestion with me." She gave up and walked with him into his car.

"Thank you for the ride. Would you like to come in?" She was hesitant on how to thank him for walking her to her door.

Christian put his hands in his pockets and asked huskily, "For what exactly, may I ask?"

Tints of redness spread on her cheeks. "Umm.. A cup of coffee?"

"Maybe some other time. It's late you should go in and get some rest." She nodded and said good night. Waiting for him to leave.

Christian smiled and walked back to him car. He opened his door, looked at her once more and drove away.

"That was intense." She released a breath and told herself, while searching for her keys in her purse.

"You're telling me." Jenny opened the door and Camille almost screamed in fright.

"Jen! You scared me! What are you doing here this late?" Camille got in.

"Tomorrow is Sunday which means you're staying home. So I thought we could have a girls night." Jenna suggested.

"Of course, that'd be great!"Camille smiled at her best friend.

"Tell me the deeds. Who was that man with that sexy voice you were with? I wanted to jump outside to see his face, but I thought I'd interrupt something." Jen wiggled her brows, walking with Camille to her kitchen.

"That was Mr Reeves. My boss." Camille informed while opening a bottle of wine for herself and Jenna.

"So what's the deal with him? I totally heard him flirt with you." Camille gave that a real thought.

One moment he's being a complete flirt and giving her goosebumps. The next moment he's being a jerk.

One moment he's saying things that remind her of things she doesn't want to think about. The next moment he's back to being the cold Mr. Christian Reeves. As if he wasn't talking about them a while ago.

"Ughhhh he's so frustrating!" Camille scream whispered holding her head with both hands.

"Okay what did I miss?" Jenna asked suspiciously.

"What do you mean?" Camille bit her bottom lip and asked innocently. She knew exactly what Jenna meant.

"Cami darling, I've known you for years now, I know something's up. I can tell from your agitation. So spill it, what was it?" Camille knew she wasn't getting out of this.

"Umm... okay. Christian and I... kind of... might have... had... a-one-night-stand." Camille said carefully measuring all her words carefully at first and then saying the last part at once hoping Jenna wouldn't catch it. Jenna's eyes went as wide as her mouth was right now. Seeing her react that way Camille hastily added. "But wait it isn't recent. It happened like more than a year ago and I didn't know what to do about it so I just slipped out without saying anything, you know like without a note. Or anything. I just left." Jenna was still processing the whole reveal. "In a hotel room."

"Girl you've got to be kidding me right now!" Camille gave her a guilty 'I-wish-I-was' look. "He is one of the hottest most eligible bachelor of California right now and you seriously left him in the hotel room without saying anything what were you thinking?" Jenna finally spoke.

"I didn't know he was Christian and I didn't even know who Christian Reeves was for God's sake. And let's just say it might have bruised his ego."

"You are damn right it did." Jenna laughed her heart out.

"I'm in so much trouble, aren't I?" She covered her face with her hand. And Jenna couldn't stop laughing.

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