The Surgeon. |✔️|

By raezwrites

111K 5.5K 15.1K

Beyoncé Knowles, a prized possession at New York Presbyterian, is one of the best orthopedic surgeons to grac... More



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By raezwrites


I knew I had no business with my legs spread on this balcony chair at 1 in the morning, but I had to - no I needed to drag myself through this heat of ecstasy. As I glanced down, the slickest movement of my g-spot rabbit twirling in & out turned me on even more while the added clit stimulation up'd the ante. Yet what made this situation even better where the feeling of Jay's amorous eyes staring back at me. What started as an exchange of teasing nudes quickly turned into us finding a place to hide and engage in some FaceTime sex play. I made sure to find solace in another part of my home away from Aaliyah, and once I was outside I propped my phone up to give him the best view possible.

"This shit is so sexy .." He spoke as we moaned in harmony, "Turn that speed up."

"Mm whatever you say, baby.." I obliged before tapping the upward buttons to increase the speed. The intensity caused my legs to close just a tad and thrust the wand at a faster pace. To keep myself steady, I reached up and grabbed the pillow above my head then glanced at the camera to see Jay stroking his shaft at the same pace. "I'm gunna- oh my goodness!" I cried out as my well overflowed, sending my sacred toy with it. In the background I heard Jay reach his climax as well and I bit down on my lip to see that he didn't even bother to clean up his mess.

"That was just what I needed, Jay." I spoke softly while trying to catch my breath.

"Wait till you get the real thing; I'm not playing when I said I really miss you." He defend. We both sat up and pulled our phones to our faces.

"I miss you, too. I guess I should stop denying your advances now." I said followed by a small laugh. Once I collected my toy, I stood to my feet and gently pulled his white tee down to shield my butt. "Call me in the morning?" I asked him as I stood outside my bedroom door.

"Of course. I'll cash app you a lil' something for dinner tomorrow so you and Aaliyah can indulge after the game; my treat." Jay replied and right away the notification appeared with the amount of $500. A sneaky smirk spread across his face as we locked eyes.

"I should send it back, but thank you, my love. I'll be sure to tell her about your unwavering support."

"Man I wish I could be there! But I understand you have to talk to her and whatnot before our outing this weekend."

"Indeed. I have a feeling she'll be upset with me but I'm hopeful that she'll somewhat understand." I prayed.

"Just keep me updated, B. I ain't going no where.." He spoke with confidence.

As I felt my body grow more tired, he urged me to get some rest. We ended our call soon after and I headed to my bathroom to quickly washed my bottom before sliding a black thong underneath my tee. I then tiptoed back to bed and slightly nudged Aaliyah to move over just a tab so that I could get comfortable; once she felt my presence, she snaked her arms around my torso. Since I couldn't fall asleep right away, I continued to run my hand across her warm forehead and bask in the moment of what it felt like to have my whole world in my hands. I couldn't deny the possibility of my last revelation causing her to fill with rage, so I could do now was pray that things would turn out in my favor.

Later on in the day around 5pm, Aaliyah and I got ready and left the house for her championship basketball game. En route, we took a small detour to my mother's residence and waited in the driveway until she was ready to go.

"Hi my baby!, .. Beyoncé." She said in her sweet tone. Aaliyah happily responded to her grandmother's love while I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Hey ma, it's so lovely to see you too." I spoke with pure sarcasm. She lightly slapped my shoulder and warned me about my attitude; I swear there was no winning with this lady.

Soon after, we arrived to the gymnasium and managed to find a spot not too far from the entrance. As we got out of the car one by one, a group of girls approached Aaliyah while she grabbed her gym bag from the trunk.

"Hey Lauren and Nia.." She greeted in a calm tone; the girls waved back and waited for her to get situated so that could walk in together.

"Um excuse me, miss?!" I called out to stop her. Aaliyah turned on her heels and came running into my arms. "Good luck out there. I know you're stressed and a bit nervous but you've been working so hard for this. I love you, okay?"

She smiled wide, "Love you too, Mom. Make sure you and gran get a good seat." I nodded my head, understanding her message, then lagged behind her with my mom by my side.

"You're mom is nice .. and beautiful!" I overheard one of her friends say but Aaliyah played it off and kept it moving; this wasn't the first time she's heard a comment of that nature.

While the players bypassed the mass gathering of people in line to get entry tickets, my mom and I sparked conversation as we waited to pay our fee.

"You're still taking me to that seafood place, right?"

"Yes ma.." I said with a laugh. "Do I not give you everything you want?"

"Yes but that's because I deserve it! Putting your behind through med school was not that easy. Now, you make more than enough to treat me good!" She exclaimed while all I could continued to do was laugh.

"I'm going to tell Aaliyah at dinner tonight about Jay." I spoke once my laughter died down.

"And you feel that this is best option?" She questioned.

"Why wouldn't it be? The Knicks game is next weekend. If I don't tell her now, she'll be even more upset that I didn't say something sooner." .. "Which is why I'm also choosing to tell her with you by my side." I added.

My mom let out a sigh, "Beyoncé I-"

"Momma please?! Aaliyah for some reason is more receptive to your teachings than mine!"

"But I'm not the one dating him, Beyoncé!"

"And I understand that, believe me I don't want to share my man, but I also know that you would be able to explain my reasoning to her more clearly. If I do it alone, there's a higher chance of us getting into an argument instead of talking things out; you know we're both hot heads."

"This is true.." My mom mumbled under her breath. "I'll help because you're my daughter and I want you to be happy. But just know that this could all go left very fast." She preached.

"Right, but let's just pray for a good outcome."

Finally, we were next in line to pay for our tickets. I handed the young gentlemen enough cash for two tickets then we walked inside and found our seats reserved for family only. Right away, I spotted Aaliyah warming up on the court. She looked so stylist in her warm up gear and her curly hair done up in two, large space buns. When we briefly locked eyes, she gave me a wave while my mom and I replied back with a thumbs up. At the start of the first quarter, Aaliyah started out slow. I knew right away that this tactic was implemented to reserve her energy for when things started to go crazy, so she seemed satisfied with the small amount of points accumulating right away.

As the clock started to run down toward halftime, Aaliyah had managed to get ahold of the golden ball. She trailed ahead of everyone else down the court in lighting speed with the intention to perform a solid lay up, yet as the ball entered the net, an opposing player got under her and didn't bother to move in the midst of her landing to her feet. The look of shock sat upon her face and she immediately grabbed her ankle before rocking back and forth in agonizing pain.

"Oh hell no!!" I shouted before springing to my feet. Her team's physical therapist along with myself ran to her side. Once she noticed me, she bit down on her lip to try and stop her tears. "Hey, look at me.." I spoke while cupping her flushed cheeks. "Breathe. Stay calm and just breathe, baby."

The halftime buzzer sounded throughout the gym and all of her teammates gathered around her. The two girls from earlier helped her up and since she was able to slightly bear weight on the injured ankle, I let out a sigh of relief to know that nothing was broken.

"I can take it from here, Mrs. Knowles." The therapist halted my steps.

"No, I want her to look at it!" Aaliyah protested. When the therapist glanced her way with an confused expression, I spoke up to clear the air.

"I'm an orthopedic surgeon at NY Presbyterian.."

"Then you're definitely more equipped than I am to examine her. Do you mind?"

"Of course not. Come on, baby." I locked arms with my girl and walked slowly with her to the locker room.

"She's going to be okay to finish the game, right?" The young lady named Lauren asked in a hesitant tone.

"Hopefully," I said with sigh. "Let me do a quick exam and I'll be out soon with the answers." Once I said that, the room emptied out, leaving just Aaliyah and I alone.

"Mom I'm scared!" She said with a slight sniffle. "Please tell me I can finish the game!" She added. I kept quiet and carefully peeled her sock off of the injured ankle. Like I expected, the site was inflamed and already showcasing a bit of bruising. When I touched the area, Aaliyah winced in pain and immediately guarded her ankle from further poking.

"It isn't broken, right?"

"No, you more so have a serious sprain from the way you landed."

"In english mom, please.." She stated.

"I really don't want you to play because the chances of you stressing the sprain even more can lead to you breaking your ankle entirely!" I exclaimed, yet once she looked at me with those sorrowful brown eyes, I blew out a deep breath. "Do you honestly think you'll be able to play?"

"I'm not sure but I want to try. Mom I have to win this game, everyone is counting on me-"

"Yes but will they still be by your side when you're out of the game recovering from a broken ankle? Let's be real here .."

"Just let me try!" She stood by her statement and all I could do was follow along and pray that this didn't end in an complete disaster.

"Here," I spoke before handing her an hefty ice bag. "You better keep this on until the coach calls you back in." Right away, she threw her arms around me and I held her close. Next, I called Lauren and Nia to come on in to escort her to the bench and she limped with no extra help back into the gymnasium floor. Others were still partaking in the halftime entertainment when I appeared, so I made sure that Aaliyah was settled before strutting back to my spot on the bleachers.

"Please tell me my angel is okay?" My mom asked once I sat down.

"She's hardheaded, but staying strong." I said with a sigh. My mom gently patted my thigh to ease my anxiety as the game resumed. I noticed Aaliyah's yearn to get back on the court and I crossed my fingers as she slowly stood to her feet in the last 20 minutes in the game. Her teammates cheered her on as she walked on to the court and she took her starting point position before squatting down just a tad to start defense. Once the ref blew the whistle, she moved like no other. Immediately she captured the ball and did a set of tricks to screw up the opponent before making a smooth 3-point shoot. Her score placed the team ahead by only four points, so the coach along with everyone else cheering for the team shouted out words of encouraging to keep playing harder than before. The clock began to dwindle down to zero and I sat on the edge of my seat to pray that she would win this game, despite the amount of pain she was in. Right away the teams dynamic became stronger and the passed the ball in a effortless manner to one another to drain the clock; with five seconds left on board, Aaliyah made her last 3-pointer and everyone rose to their feet as the ball fell through the next.

"Yes!!" My mom and I screamed. Seeing my daughter lead her team to victory once again was tear-jerking moment. I don't think I would have exhibited the strength she had to keep going with her injury, but I'm also glad that she took it easy and didn't place herself in a danger's way.

"Ooo I'm so happy for you!" I cooed once I had her in my arms. We rocked side to side and I felt her tears on my shoulder. "You did it baby, I'm so so proud of you." I added before making her look into my eyes. She wiped away some of her tears with her jersey then stepped ahead to get the same amount of loving from my mom. When she was done with us, she limped back to her teammates who encapsulated her in a large group hug. After a round of team photos with and without the championship trophy were taking, I walked with Aaliyah back to the locker room to help her carry her sports bag and other freebies from winning then got settled in the car before taking us all to dinner.

Upon arrival, the wait time to be served at The Boil was feasible so we remained seated until our table was ready. The waitress bought over our lovely bibs and seafood utensils to get started then left us alone to throughly look over the menu.

"Is your ankle feeling any better after the medicine, baby?" I asked Aaliyah, who sat alone on the opposite side of the booth.

"It's getting there even though I hate that this had to happen in the first place." She complained.

"I know babe but accidents happen. I'm just so proud that you continued to keep going!" My mother chimed in. Her encouraging words placed a smile on Aaliyah's face and we chatted more about the game until our personal boil bags were ready.

Midway through dinner, my mom nudged my thigh to alert me that the time was now. Quickly, I wiped my face and hands then cleared my throat to get Aaliyah's attention.

"So, there's something we need to talk about," I started off.

"Something positive or negative?" She inquired.

"Uh, ... both?" I said in a soft tone. Aaliyah did the same with cleaning her hands then gave me her undivided attention.

"Okay, what is it?"

"I've set up a nice evening for you two to finally meet.."

"Really!?" Her eyes lit up with excitement, "This is great news! What about it is negative?"

I quickly glanced my mom's way for some type of reassurance but she left my hanging. "Aaliyah remember what you told me in confidence about how you knew- well heard about the person Rue bought her weed from?"

Immediately her faced turned pale; "Yes." She struggled to say, "But you told me I wouldn't get in trouble for that-"

"Which is true but not related to what I'm trying to say." We stared at each other in silence until it finally clicked in her brain.

"You have to be lying..." She mumbled in disbelief.


"So Jay is the guy you've been seeing this whole time!?" She said with her voice slightly raised. "Mom how could you!?"

"Okay first, lower your voice. I understand this is a tough pill to swallow but Aaliyah I never knew he was supplying Rue the way he was!"

"How not?! The man drives the cars those dealers do and-and lives in Marcy where all of them originate!"

"Don't be ignorant, Aaliyah. That's not true and how you met him should not reflect how he truly is."

She scoffed in disgust, "I'm not meeting him. He sold drugs to my best friend causing her to literally overdose and almost die! How can you be okay with that-"

"Alright enough!" My mother stepped in. "Now Aaliyah I know you're mother has raised you better than this for you to be talking to her any kind of way. We both understand that this news is hard to receive, but you need to realize that you're mother is grown and has a right to be with whoever she chooses. Furthermore, she's already told you hunny that she had no clue he was doing this.."

"But how, grandma!? How can you be with someone and not know a thing about them!"

"Baby whether she knew his entire truth or not, she never settled down with him to spite you! I can honestly say that ever since this Jay individual has stepped into your mother's life she's changed for the better; don't you agree?!"

When Aaliyah stayed silent, my heart fell to the pit of my stomach; so much for me hoping that things would be easier than this.

"Please don't be upset with me, Aaliyah. I swear I never wanted to hurt you or make you feel uncomfortable by my actions." I pleaded, but she continued to ignore me and not make a lick of eye contact. Due to this, I let out a sigh and shook my head in defeat. We all continued to sit in silence as I paid the bill, then stood to our feet to walk back to the car.

"She's going to come around, Beyoncé. You acted the same exact way when I tried to date someone knew ... feels like history repeating itself." My mom reassured. I had nothing more to say and instead got comfy in the driver's seat to take us home safely.

After leaving my mother's, I made it home quickly and did not pay much attention to Aaliyah's sour mood. Although I wasn't sure when it would pass, I hoped she would be back to herself before the weekend outing. Once we were inside Aaliyah went straight to her room and said not one word to me for the remainder of the evening, which caused me to sulk in my own internal sadness. I felt that I did the right thing, yet couldn't help but think that maybe if I said nothing things would be better? Who knows at this point, .. I just wish things would for once work in my favor.

To somewhat ease my mind, I played some soft music and went to kitchen to retrieve a bottle of Moscato. I filled my glass to the top and took the bottle with me back to the couch. It didn't take long for me to feel tipsy, and to have my phone ring showcasing Jay's name came right on time.

"Hm?" I answered while titling my glass to my lips.

"Just checking to see if you made it home safe. I ain't hear for you much today." He said with a hint of worry.

"I know and I'm sorry. Even though Aaliyah won the game, she sprained her ankle in the process and flipped out on me at dinner."

"For what?!" He exclaimed.

"I told her who you were.." I lowered my voice and felt the wave of sadness hit me once again.

Jay released a sigh, "I'm assuming she won't be too fond of me then, huh?"

"I really don't know," I answered before throwing my head back against the couch cushion. "I want her to love you like I do, but I know that won't happen overnight." I added.

"And you can't rush her either, B."

I took the rest of my wine to the head then poured another glass while we sat in silence. "I know you thinking hard about something, what is it?" He asked right away.

I pursed my lips to the side before answering, "That I'm afraid if she really doesn't like you then we may have to separate."

When he didn't reply right away, I cursed myself for even speaking that out into the universe, yet being drunk will do that to you.

"Then I'm praying for a miracle. I know I can't compete with her space in your heart."

"Jay, I'm sorry I-I didn't mean for it to come out like that-"

"But it's nothing but the truth. I can't be mad at that." He said in an convincing tone.

"Are you busy?" I managed to say after a moment.

"Why you want to take a ride?" He suggested.

"Amongst other things.." I replied in an flirtatious manner. He agreed to meet me out front very soon, so I ended our call and slowly stood to my feet to decrease the wave of dizziness from my excessive drinking. I made sure to wear nothing but a pair of yoga pants and a light grey tee shirt then I slid on my black fluffy slides before taking a ride down to the lobby. I spotted his Jeep right away and couldn't help but laugh that he chose the vehicle with the most amount of of space. Once I got situated in the passenger seat, I leaned over to kiss his luscious lips. He drove off right away and I made him park in the underground garage because I couldn't wait any longer.

"Push your seat back." I demanded, allowing the mixture of drunk and horny and to overcome me. He did as told and I climbed over to straddle him before we engaged in more aggressive kissing. I moaned right away as his hands cupped my perky breast then I moved my kisses to my favorite spot on his neck.

"Damn B.." He groaned before moving his hands to grip my ass. I knew this sexual side of me was new to him, but I decided to let love & lust guide me. "Let's go to the back." He suggested but I quickly shut it down once I gained easy access to his greatest asset through his grey sweatpants. I didn't have to stroke him long to have it grow hard and he maneuvered my pants down, pleased that I had no panties in the way.

Sliding down on his dick felt so natural and euphoric that I could cry. Our bodies found a nice rhythm and I held on to his neck while we made eye contact. I gasped as he started to thrust deep and allowed my moans to escalate in our small corner. "Mmh yes! Just like that!" I coached as I felt my peak nearing. He thrusted even faster and I bounced up and down as the sound of our skin crashing together grew higher and higher. Jay kept a tight grip on my waist as I tried to escape and when he felt my honey drip down his shaft, he smirked in delight.

"You feel so damn good, momma. I can't believe you kept this shit away from me for so long." He said, followed by a loud groan. He then slowed down our pace and I took the opportunity to swirl my hips around the tip, causing him to throw his head back in ecstasy. Watching him grow weak made me cling to him tighter and before I had a chance to prepare, I felt him release deep inside.

"Fuck!" We shouted out of breath. I collapsed on his chest and he gently stroked my back as we eased each other down from our high.

"Jay?" I called out after a few minutes of silence.

"Yeah baby?"

"I love you.." I officially confessed. He gently lifted my face to make eye contact then gave my lips the softest kiss.

"I love you, too B. Damn it feels weird saying this shit out loud .." We shared a laugh and I continued to hold him close.

"I'll love you forever, despite what our future may be."


I did have plans to include their meeting but of course I wanted to give you an update right away. 😩😊

Aaliyah's reaction was expected, but do you think she took her disrespect too far?

Did having Tina there make the situation better or worst?

Finally she got some sex! Amazing, isn't it?

Please vote + comment!
Is the slow pace getting boring? 🤔

- Rae 💙

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