Town Witch

By Tasergirl

219K 6.6K 4.3K

Bonnie Bennett: Daughter, High school student, best friend, and last but definitely not least Town Witch. Aft... More

The Invitation
The Ball
The Unexpected Meeting
Arguments and Broken Furniture
Lines In The Sand
Dreams and Destinations
New Orleans Part 1
New Orleans Part 2
New Orleans Part 3
Best friends
Always And Forever
Catch up
She's Stronger Than Us All
Homecoming Part 1
Homecoming Part 2
Wreak Havoc
She Dreamed Of Paradise
Making Plans
Making It Work
Hanging On
Find Me
Believe Me
Dinner With The King
Draw Your Swords
Maybe More
What To Do
War Zone
Soul Bonds
Never Be Free

The Begining

27.9K 573 382
By Tasergirl

A.N: okay guys I'm gonna start off by saying 1 I've never done a TVD Fic before so be gentle please 2 almost everything is gonna be different because well I don't remember much of what happened anyway all I know is Bonnie Bennett deserved SO much better than what she got n it still pisses me off 3 they lost so much potential with how they did Klaus and Bonnie they're chemistry is undeniable n they have family history like dude it was right there! I'm positive that is why they stopped having so many scenes together but so this fic is really just me being indulgent on my own selfish need to give Bonnie better😂

Bonnie POV:
As I slowly open my eyes, the first thing I realize is I am not in my own bed. The second is that the light hurts like hell. Groaning I slowly try to sit up, willing myself to remember what happened.

"You got it open" I hear. Whipping my head up I look at Stefan, who has a drink in his hand as he leans against the wall. For a moment he just looks like regular Stefan, the sweet and kind Stefan. He looks like my friend, but as I process his words I remember he's not.

This Stefan is cold, he has no humanity. I look around and see I'm in the Salvatore's living room, I realize my estranged mother Abby is on the other couch still out cold. Stefan takes a sip as he looks into the lit fireplace.

Letting out a frustrated sigh I lean my elbows on my knees I place my face in my hands. I will myself to remember what happened. I remember me and Abby we're doing a spell, trying to get the last of Klaus's coffins open. Then nothing.

"What was inside?" I ask the ripper. He shrugs before turning to me. His eyes staring into my own.

"I was hoping you could tell me that" he says and I raise an eyebrow at the vampire in front of me. Is he stupid?

"If I knew I wouldn't be asking" I tell him sarcastically. He smirks at me before sitting on one of the many armchairs. Shaking my head I sit back, hoping Abby would wake up soon so we could leave. As a thought occurs to me I look at Stefan, frustration growing inside of me.

"So now not only do we have an psychotic original hybrid on the loose with all his murdering little siblings with him, but we could've unleashed something much worse and we don't even know what it is?" I ask him incredulously and he just shrugs. My eyes widen and I have to stop myself from giving him a full on aneurism. Luckily for him, Abby chose that moment to waking up.

Getting up and going over to her I sigh. The older woman may not have been the mother I wanted but she is the mother I got, and she is trying now. She gave up a cushy home with a good job and her son to come back and help me. To get right back into the complicated supernatural world. Groaning as she opens her eyes, I give her a small smile.

"Hi Abby" I say softly and she looks around in confusion. Slowly sitting up with my help, she lets out a sigh of her own as she does.

"What happened?" She asks and I shake my head, not wanting to voice that I don't know.

"You failed" Stefan speaks up from his spot on the couch. I whip my head to the abomination and look at him through narrowed eyes.

"Excuse me" I spit out as he shrugs as if it was the most normal thing in the world, taking another sip of his drink.

"You did, you let whatever that was in the coffin get away and you didn't even get a look at it. That is failure Bonnie" he says and by the time he's done speaking I've had enough. Standing up I hold out a hand, making the vampire slam against the wall. Holding him there with my magic I give him an aneurism.

"I failed?!" I ask him. I hear Abby gasp in shock but continue my assault on the monster in front of me. "You have brought nothing but death since you came into this town, you told me that the key to defeating Klaus was in that coffin and let's not forget how many times I've almost died for you" I yell at him. His screams of pain fill the manor and I hear more people walk into the living room. Without even turning I know it's Damon.

"Witchy let my brother go" Damon tells me but I throw him a fierce glare, he must've seen something in my eyes because he doesn't say anything else.

"Bonnie let him go, this isn't you" my mother tells me grabbing my shoulder. I stop the aneurism but keep him against the wall. If looks could kill I would've been dead, the glare the younger Salvatore brother sends me would have sparked fear in my heart, if I didn't know

I could end him with a snap of my fingers. Something deep inside of me knowing it would barely take anything to do it. The power I feel flowing through me at this moment was intoxicating, in a way I don't remember feeling before.

"The only thing you asked me to do was open the coffin, you should've been there to make sure everything was okay, I want you to remember this Stefan" I start as I walk up to the ripper. "If anyone dies because of what was in that coffin, I am coming for you" I tell him putting a finger on his chest. He struggles against the magic but gets nowhere. "And nothing, not even Elena will save you from me" I tell him quietly. He looks me in the eyes until I turn, hitting him in the face with my hair.

Walking past the older Salvatore and out of the house with my mother, I hear a faint
"What the hell did you do?" Come from blue eyed man. I don't let him go until me and my mother are in the car and halfway out of the parking lot. As she drives I feel Abby looking at me from the corner of her eye. I try to ignore it and look out the window. Of course the older witch has other plans.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asks. I look at her slightly before shaking my head and turning back out the window. I don't. In all actuality I don't even know what came over me. I felt so much anger coursing through me, and so much power at the same time. It was almost intoxicating. I don't know what that was but if I was being honest, I didn't hate it.

After Abby drops me off at my house I take a shower. My head running through all the stuff that could happen with the coffin now open. Whatever was in there could be killing people right now and as much as I hate to admit it, it would be partly my fault. I should've been stronger. I'm strong enough to be one of the few people to come close to beating Klaus Mikaelson but not for whatever was in that damn coffin. Sighing I turn off the shower and step out. After I wrap the towel around myself I clear the fog from the mirror.

What the hell happened to me? Long gone was the carefree girl who hung out at the Grill with her best friends. My moss green eyes had lost their spark, my skin lost its glow. It's as if the supernatural world sucked the life out of me. Servant of nature my ass.

I walk out of the bathroom and walk into my room, with my father away on business I could walk around the house in my birthday suit and no one would know. Not like anyone would care. With Elena worried about Stefan, Caroline worried about Tyler and trying to keep Matt far away from danger, it seems as if the people I'd give my life for don't give a damn about me. Well Matt does, Matt always does. Sitting at my vanity I put on a necklace and a pair of hoop earrings my father got me for Christmas. After I brush my curls out, I throw on a random sports bra and sweatpants.

Throwing on some Nike's and a hoodie I grab my phone and walk out of the house. I put in my headphones and start to run to Grill. Luckily the town is small and not too far, I'll make it in about 15 minutes, 20 if I take my time.

Putting on a song I hadn't heard in years I laugh. Deciding to enjoy myself for a minute I take my time to dance as I walk, listening to a classic, Still Not A Player by Big Pun and Joe. Laughing I do a small two step, lifting my hands in the air.

"I don't wanna be a player no more
I'm not a player I just fuck a lot
But Big Punisher, still got what you're lookin for" I point to my chest as I sing out the lyrics to the song, laughing as I feel better than I have in who knows how long. Chuckling as I spin in a circle I relish the feeling of the wind and sun on my face. Being connected with nature means being around it rejuvenate's me. I close my eyes as I moonwalk backwards, waving my arms playfully.

"Hey yo I'm still not a player but you still a hater
Elevator to the top haha, see you later, I'm gone
Penthouse suite, Penthouse freaks
In house beach, french countess, ten thou piece
Rent-out lease, with a option to buy
Coppin a five-oh Benz for when I'm not, far up in the sky" laughing as a car beeps at me while it passes, I wave at it unable to control the burst of happiness inside of me. Not wanting this feeling of joy and freedom to leave I continue to sing as I walk.

"Boricua, morena, boricua, morena
Boricua, morena, boricua, morena
Boricua, morena, boricua, morena
No more rolling with an entourage
Unless it's Pun and the Terror Squad" I point exaggeratedly from side to side, whipping my hair as I go. Looking up I see that I've made it just around the corner from the Grill. Smiling at just making it here without an incident I feel hope start to bloom in my chest that maybe the day won't be too terrible.

A chill up my spine tells me I may have thought that too soon, but as I look around I see no one. I've learned to trust my gut, and if my senses are telling me there's danger I believe them. I turn off my music as I start to pick up the pace a bit, magic on high alert. As I turn the corner I almost expect something to come out and grab me, when nothing does it just makes me more nervous.

"Bonnie!" I hear someone call out. I turn to see Caroline waving at me from across the street. As she makes her way over I can't help but envy her a bit. Throughout everything she's stayed her bubbly self, her humanity never left her. I pray it never does. "I smelled you as soon as you turned the corner, God I missed you" she says hugging me. I give her a disbelieving look.

"You smelled me? Do I smell bad?" I ask her incredulously. She laughs shaking her head as I smile at her.

"No you smell good, like strawberries with a hint of roses it's a good combo" she says laughing as she takes my arm. "What are you wearing Bon?" She asks looking me up and down, I just shrug as we walk inside.

"I just want to grab some takeout and head back home before anything else happens" I tell her shrugging. She looks at me worried.

"Did something happen?"

"Oh not really, nothing bad yet just Stefan getting on my nerves, he'll probably be mad at me for a while" I say as we grab a stool at the bar. Matt looks over at us and smiles as we send a quick wave to him. "I would be on the lookout though" I tell her, she turns to me with a serious face giving me her full attention. "Me and Abby opened the coffin but whatever was in there knocked us out and escaped before we knew what happened" I tell her. She nods and I can see her scanning me for injuries quickly. I smile but wave her off. Same old Caroline. Gotta love her.

"Are you okay?" She asks anyway and I nod, giving her a confused look.

"Yea I feel kind of great actually, when I first woke up it was hell but slowly but surely I'm feeling more rejuvenated, like I dove in a magic pool, I know it's weird but it was a big spell I'm probably just coming down from a magic high" I tell her and she nods smiling slightly, she doesn't understand but I suppose it sounds good enough to placate her.

"What can I get you ladies?" Matt asks walking up to us, we smile at our remaining human friend and give him our order. I get a bacon burger with a side of fries, and some potato chips on the side, while Caroline gets buffalo wings drenched in honey bbq with ranch on the side. We spend the rest of the wait laughing talking about how much of an ass Jared, a kid from school, is after he winks at the both of us. For a minute I almost forget about the danger everyone is in and felt like a regular teenager.
Until Elijah Mikaelson walks in, with his little sister beside him. The 'noble' brothers eyes meet mine and he inclines his head towards me and Caroline. I roll my eyes in his face and turn away just as my food is brought out to me by Matt. He gives me a worried look as he hands me the bag.

"You okay?" He asks and I nod. Caroline nods as well taking a bite of her food, she is eating in waiting for Tyler apparently.

"Yea just the Mikaelson's coming to ruin a good vibe" she says lowly. Matt's eyes wander to the door where he spies the original vampires. Rebekah gives him a smile as he waves and I raise an eyebrow at the exchange.

"She's not so bad" he tell his caramel colored friend, the young vampire beside her rolls her eyes in response.

"Tell that to Tyler" she grumbles. I rub my friends shoulder in comfort before looking at Matt.

"I'll take your word for it" I say before giving them both kisses on the cheek in goodbye. Turning away though I almost collide into another body.

"Miss Bennett" I hear as I look up into the eyes of Elijah. Resisting the urge to roll my eyes again I just sigh.

"Mr. Mikaelson" I say shortly. I can feel my friends defenses go up but continue to look at the original in front of me.

"Please call me Elijah" he says and I narrow my eyes at him wondering what his game is. Shaking my head I just walk past the finely dressed man.

"Good day Mr. Mikaelson" I say as I push past him and the Barbie Klaus. I've been spending too much time with Damon. His damn nicknames are in my head. As I walk out I try to regain the feeling of freedom I felt on the walk over here. It's basically futile. As I walk around the corner I'm suddenly pushed against the wall in an ally with hands at my neck.

"Surprise" I hear Stefan say as he smiles down at me menacingly. I narrow my eyes at the vampire before I push him off, adding a bit of magic to make it more effective.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I ask him in disbelief as he takes a step back towards me.

"You" he says putting a hand on either side of my face, boxing me in. "I don't like this new attitude you've got going on, I don't like that you're not playing nice with me when I ask you to do something and I definitely do not like being threatened" he tells me and I roll my eyes. Of course this is about this morning. I feel the irritation come off of me in waves, fu king vampires.

"Stefan get the hell away from me before I light your ass on fire" I tell him but he just smiles, tutting at me and shaking a finger in my face.

"No, no see I think you're bluffing" he says caressing my cheek. "I think this morning was just a bluff, you won't actually do anything to me. I think I can drain your precious Bennett blood right here and now before you can even scream" he says before his face morphs. The blackened veins under his eyes appear as his fangs descend, but before he can bite down on my neck I make him fly across the ally, he quickly gets up and rushes at me but before he can get to me he's being held up with a hand around his throat.

"Now Stefan that's no way to treat a lady" I hear an accented voice tell the vampire. I look up to see Niklaus Mikaelson, original hybrid is the one holding the vampire by his throat. My eyes widen at the development in front of my face. If I wasn't seeing it for myself I wouldn't believe what I was seeing. Stefans face goes red as his oxygen supply is cut off. "You should leave now Stefan" Klaus says and it takes me a minute to realize he's compelled Stefan.

Stefan gives me a quick menacing look before rushing away at vampire speed. As the hybrid turns to me I see a smirk on his red lips. His face is the face of a true original vampire devilish good looks, pale skin and lips almost as red as blood.

He gives me a smirk as he looks at me. His eyes taking me in, lingering on my exposed stomach. Creep.

"Hello little witch" he says his accent would be music to anyone's ears, if it wasn't coming from a deranged maniac. I raise an eyebrow at the original and lift my chin in defiance.

"Klaus" I say simply as he walks towards me, bending to pick up my dropped,and forgotten, food. He hands it to me gently his smirk growing.

"Seems as if you dropped this" he says and I take it, nodding at the old vampire.

"Thank you" I say tersely, my manners not letting me take the bag without saying it. Grams definitely instilled manners into my head.

"Seems as if you're having a bit of trouble with your friends" he says pointing to where Stefan left. I raise an eyebrow at the hybrid.

"Probably wouldn't be that way if you hadn't compelled him to switch off his humanity" I tell him, the maniac just laughs at me. I bet in his mind he did nothing wrong.

"Probably?" He asks, I roll my eyes at the vampire.

"It's none of your business Klaus" I say as I turn to walk away, knowing the walk back home would be much less enjoyable than the one here had been. A sudden thought strikes me and I turn to look at the hybrid who hasn't stopped watching me with a smirk. "Why the hell did you help me?" I ask and he shrugs his smirk growing wider as if he was expecting me to ask that question. He probably did, he's been around a long time.

"As a thank you, you freed my mother" he says and my eyes widen. The coffin. It was his mother that was in the coffin. "You freed my mother and thus gave her the opportunity to forgive me, making my family once again whole" the fear that grips my heart is near painful. The whole original family, together again. This town would see hell.

"This is my thank you, my debt is paid, do not expect me to do it again" he says this time he's the one to turn away first. Before he turns the corner he looks at me. "Though it is riveting to see you fight back like that" he says with a smirk before finally turning the corner, leaving me there with my mouth hanging open. This walk home would definitely not be as free as the walk home. What have I done.

I own nothing and shall continue to own not a damn thing, if I did I would not be on here....probably😂


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