playlist (leaked) : alejandro...


200K 7.4K 13K

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happy late one year anniversary
playlist (in between) : mattia polibio

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6.3K 225 880

"i can't see you with nobody else,
don't want you with nobody else"

i love you
layton greene
↺͏͏ ◁◁͏͏ ll ▷▷ ⋮≡

today 8:23am

mattia 🦖
what are u doing

mattia 🦖
are u awake

mattia 🦖

mattia 🦖
wake up nati

nati 🧸
boy do you not know that
i value my sleep

mattia 🦖
i know better than anyone
you value your sleep

mattia 🦖
anyways, i'm on my way.

nati 🧸
for what

mattia 🦖
to hangout

mattia 🦖
and talk

nati 🧸
erm, okay

natalia shot up from bed and jumped in the shower to wash up. she wasn't going to wash her hair since she showered the previous night, just her face and body.

as soon as she was done, she changed into a hoodie and shorts. she didn't have plans on going anywhere today so she figured a hoodie and shorts would do. she straightened up her room and walked downstairs to wait for mattia.

"hey momma." natalia greeted her mom, kissing her cheek as she grabbed an orange from the counter. the orange was cold and natalia looked at her mom. "was this in the fridge?"

"yes, i was gonna eat it but go ahead and take it." natalias mom sighed, grabbing her purse from the counter and then her keys. "tell les or kai that the baby's food is in the pantry. i'll be home later tonight."

"okay." natalia nodded, watching her mom walk towards the door. when she opened the door, mattia was standing at it. his arm was out like he was about to open the door.

"hi mom." mattia kissed natalias moms cheek.

"hi, mattia." she smiled, rushing passed him and to her car. mattia looked at natalia and then back at her mom.

"she in a rush?" he asked. natalia shrugged her shoulders and began peeling her orange. she sat on the counter and threw the peelings in the trash as mattia shut the door and walked to the kitchen. he searched through her fridge, natalia scoffing and shaking her head at the boy.

"you eat everyone's food but your own." natalia commented. mattia rolled his eyes and sat next to natalia, peeling an orange as well.

"bro it is way too early for this." natalia mumbled, shaking her head and eating her orange. mattia shrugged his shoulders and softly shoved her. she looked at him and let a small smile fall upon her face.

"what brings you here? aside from just wanting to hangout and talk." natalia quietly laughed. mattia shrugged his shoulders for what seemed like the hundredth time today and hopped off the counter, pulling natalia off the counter as well.

"let's watch a movie or somethin. like the old times." mattia suggested. "except with just me and you, no alejandro or anyone." mattia laughed.

natalias stomach began to hurt at the sound of his name. this happened whenever someone would bring him up, whenever she would see him, whenever he would post, or whenever she thought of him.

she felt sick to her stomach when it came to anything that revolved around alejandro. she didn't understand why, but maybe one day she would.

"alright, but can we watch the movie in my room? kinda wanna lie down." natalia began walking upstairs, not even giving mattia a chance to reply. he followed her and shook his head at the girl in front of him.

alejandro decided he would pay natalia a visit today. he wanted to talk to her about the playlist and he felt like they both needed to get the closure they both deserved. it was too early in the morning and he didn't know if she would be awake, but he didn't mind having to wake her up.

before alejandro went to natalias house, he gave himself time to figure out what he was going to say. he didn't know if he should apologize for anything, he didn't think he did anything wrong. he just wanted his friend back, but he knew things would never be the same between him and natalia. natalia told him there wasn't a friendship in their future if they weren't together, and so far she's kept her word about that.

alejandro quickly got ready and walked to the kitchen, seeing his mom cleaning up. "good morning mom." he kissed her cheek. she smiled and greeted her son.

"i need advice." he told his mom, grabbing her full attention. alejandro hardly went to his mom for advice, he hardly went to any of his parents for advice. but his mom was someone who was there for him when him and natalia broke up. his mom knew even though he's the one who broke up with her, it hurt him just as much as it would hurt anyone whose feelings are actually genuine.

"break up with the girl alejandro." his mom cut to the point. even his mom knew he was no where near as happy with katie as he was with natalia. alejandro was taken by surprise at his moms words.

"no, mama. that's not what i wanted to hear or even talk to you about. i'm not breaking up with her." alejandro shook his head. his moms mouth formed in the 'o' shape and a small smile formed on her face. alejandro couldn't help but laugh at his moms expression.

"okay then what?" his mom asked, placing the broom against the counter and folding her arms.

"natalias back in los angeles, as you know, and every time i'm around she don't even acknowledge me." alejandro frowned. "so you know how i told you about how natalia would send me a song everyday? she stopped after we broke up and i guess she made this playlist for me of songs that reminded her of me, or i don't know but it was for me and someone sent it to me when they weren't suppose to and i want to talk to her about it but what if she just kicks me out her house?" alejandro ranted to his mom. his mom looked at her son and shook her head at the boy. it would all be so simple if alejandro wasn't so hard headed.

"the only thing you can do is try." his mom told him. "even if she does kick you out, you made the effort to talk to her." his mom tilted her head.

alejandro took that little advice and ran with it. even if he does get kicked out, he did make the effort. what more could he do?

natalia and mattia were watching step up three, both messing with each other and pretending like they were the ones who were in a dance crew. mattia was so playful with her, she loved being able to see this side of him. sierra was definitely a lucky girl when it came to a fun personality in a boyfriend. even though most of the time mattia wasn't shit, he was a fun and cool guy.

this was honestly natalias favorite movie from the entire step up series. to her, the third one was always the best. it was also the one where moose reached his prime, in her opinion.

the scene where luke took natalie to the air vent came on and natalia stopped what she was doing to watch.

"this has always been my favorite scene." natalia told mattia. mattia chuckled and watched. as natalia watched, she groaned and mattia stared at her.

"what is your problem?" he laughed.

"imagine being able to have fun with your significant other like that? you're so lucky you're in a relationship, mattia." natalia sat up from her bed, sitting criss cross apple sauce on her bed. natalia nervously laughed and shook his head.

"me and sierra broke up last night, that's why i came over." mattia informed natalia. natalia looked up at mattia and shook her head.

"you'll be back together by tomorrow." natalia told mattia, suddenly feeling like she should keep her distance from him. mattia laughed at natalias comment and nodded.

"eventually we will, but as of right now i am a free man." mattia laughed. the room filled with tension as natalia began to remember the last time him and sierra broke up. it was about two months after her and alejandro broke up.

"a free man indeed." natalia laughed. she lied back down to watch the movie and mattia stared at her.

"natalia?" mattia called out.

"hm?" she hummed.

"look at me." he told her. natalia turned her head to look at him and mattia crashed his lips into hers. natalias heart rate increased and their lips moved in sync well with each other. mattia tugged on her lip, but when natalia realized what could happen, she pulled away from him.

"not again, mattia." natalia told him, placing her hands on his chest so she could push him away. mattia looked at her and nodded.

"come on, natalia. what's different this time?"

"we were both hurting, we used each other to feel the feelings we lacked and we did things that we shouldn't have done, that we can't do again." natalia explained. "can't do this every time you and sierra break up, it isn't right. especially because i'm her friend."

alejandro was looking through the window when he saw natalia and mattia making out. he couldn't believe his eyes. his best friend and his ex. he climbed down the tree and left, feeling way more angry than he should.

"no, i understand." mattia nodded. "i'm sorry, won't happen again."

when mattia and sierra broke up the first time, he needed a shoulder to cry on and went to natalia. natalia was still trying to heal, but she was longing for the feeling of being loved too.

mattia and natalia hung out the whole day. but when night came and she was staying the night at his house, one thing led to another and they slept with each other. natalia felt guilty almost immediately, but whenever him and sierra broke up again, the same thing happened again. now that she's been hanging out with sierra, it feels so much more wrong than it did the first time and natalia couldn't do it anymore.

alejandro was angry, he was furious at what he had just seen. he didn't expect to ever see mattia and natalia together, but he should've known. they've been super close and they even spent time with each other during the school year. he felt betrayed.

lyss' personal

i have nothing to say. happy easter to those
who celebrate it and i hope you guys enjoy
your day with your immediate families <3

don't forget to vote + comment !

word count: 1790

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