For a Moment at Least (Age Ga...

By GeneralizedBond

2.2M 57.5K 12.8K

BOOK 1 He hovered over me in silence while I gathered my senses. "Why are you here Deacon?" I finally asked... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapted 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 1

158K 2.6K 1.1K
By GeneralizedBond

Ellis Belrose
Innocent but loves adventure and writing. Likes to wear dresses as well as old tee shirts.

Deacon Vidar
Intense workaholic, enjoys nice things. His clothes are always crisp and clean.  

Chapter 1

"Dinner is in five, can you please set the table?" My mom asked over her shoulder. I nodded, slightly shrugging off her request; continuing to type away at the key board.

I was almost done, I couldn't lose my train of thought, this was the first night in a long while that I haven't had to wrestle my brain with finding the precise words to convey.

"Ellis." My mom warned in a pinched tone.

"And done!" I hollered while pressing save.

"Finally got the article done?" She questioned; leaning against my door frame. I nodded while organizing my cluttered desk.

"Yes, and now I can finally get my full eight hours of sleep." I marveled while shutting my laptop.

"Proud of you honey! Maybe we can convince dad to make brownies to celebrate." She smirked, giving me a small nudge as we walked down the hall. I giggled.

"That'll take some real convincing considering the game is on." I pointed out. She chuckled.

"Very true, and I'm sure you won't want to celebrate with burnt brownies. I love him but I swear everything he cooks turns to a crisp." She joked.

"These walls are thin Carly!" Dad shouted from the living room. I let out a giggle, glancing over at my surprised mother.

"Where's Rachel?" I asked while setting the table.

"She's at Samuels again." Piped dad, walking into the dining room. I rolled my eyes and took her plate back to the kitchen.

"Don't start Ellis." Mom warned passing by with a large bowl of salad.

"I just don't understand how you guys are so okay with all of it." I pestered. Dad let out a sigh before taking his seat.

"Charles." My mother pleaded, but he continued anyway.

"Ellis, I understand that you're a woman now, but there's a lot you don't understand. Rachel is with Samuel. He's very good for her." He snapped. I shook my head at his rant.

"The way he is, especially with her... i can't help but feel that their infatuation is toxic." I sassed, earning a consequential scowl from my mother.

Dad shook his head and told me to drop it. We continued to eat in silence, I helped my dad with the dishes; washing while he dried.

"I'm sorry, I just worry about my sister." I broke the silence. Dad set his towel down before placing a small kiss on my head.

"And trust me when I say she is more than okay." He replied before finishing drying the last bowl.

I couldn't help but disagree. She's my sister, I know her better than anyone. Just 6 months ago she was her normal self; carefree, sassy, and full of life. Now she does nothing but follow Sam around like a lost puppy. Obeying his every command. She can't be anywhere without him. Something about Samuel is off, he's brainwashing her...

"Help me make some brownies." My dad pulled me from my thoughts. I nodded, pulling out our brownie pan.

I left my parents to finish the game on the couch, after devouring half the brownies we made.

I couldn't help but smile as I thought about my bed; it's been too long since I've gotten to bed at a decent time. I stripped down and pulled some old loose shirt on before brushing my teeth and washing my face.

As I laid in my fluffy white bed I couldn't help but let my mind wander to Rachel. I missed her. Maybe it was my lack of time with her and my growing jealousy that made my loathing for Samuel so immense.

I fell asleep to memories of how things were before she fell so in love. How we'd stay awake for hours after bedtime, chatting about fairytales and all the nonsense us little girls clung to.

My alarm woke me up at my usual 6:30 am. I laid in bed in and out of sleep before crawling to my feet. Picking out a pair of skinny jeans and a loosely fitted T-shirt. I took a longer shower than usual, enjoying the hot water that enveloped my body.

I let my hair air dry as I threw on some light makeup and brushed my teeth; pulling my thick damp hair into a loose bun while slipping on my chucks.

I sped down the stairs realizing I was running a couple minutes behind. I grabbed my book bag off the railing before hightailing it into the kitchen for an apple.

"Ellis!" I heard a familiar voice yelp. I turned and saw my sister. Her dark brown hair fell past her shoulders and her blue eyes were gleaming with excitement.

"Rachel!" I gasped, wasting no time leaping across the kitchen taking her into my arms. She hugged me back immediately. God I missed her so much. I never wanted to let her go. She chuckled and pulled away. Then I noticed him.

"How are you? How's the internship?" She prodded with a smile. Probably trying to keep me from mean mugging Sam. I smiled.

"It's great, graduating next week. And the internship is amazing. Pacific Northwest living magazine just gave me my own column." I squealed.

"That's incredible Ell! You're not even out of high school yet and you have your dream job. I'm proud of you" She marveled, before pulling me in for another embrace.

"I miss you." I muffled into her neck.

"I miss you too sis." She sighed. Her face held so much sorrow. She had bad news. I knew her too well.

"What are you doing here so early?" I questioned. She glanced at Samuel as if asking permission to tell me something. He nodded before her eyes glanced back to me.

"I'm moving in with Sam." She let out. It was as if the world was ending. My sister wasn't going to be down the hall from me anymore. She was forever going to be with Samuel. And it was too late to convince her otherwise. Six months and she's moving in with him. That's so soon, that's too soon.

"Ellis, it's not like I wont ever see you again. We'll have lots of sister dates. I didn't expect you to be home, you're usually gone by now. I wanted to sit down and talk with you over dinner." She rambled. I nodded. I wasn't gonna fight what she wanted. She was in love. Who am I to come in-between something she's waited her whole life for.

"Do Mom and dad know?" I asked, finally making eye contact with her. She nodded. I hugged her again, quickly leaving before the water works began. I heard her hollering for me to come back, but I kept on towards the door with my bag and an apple in hand.

"I'm running late Rachel, I love you and I'm so happy to hear the good news" I choked before I made my way out the door.

I made it half way down the stairs before a slight breeze tickled my nose. I stopped in my tracks. That smell, that wonderful scent. Everything crammed in my once emotional mind, just evaporated. I closed my eyes and inhaled whatever it was that was so intoxicating, letting the sent fill my lungs.

I finally opened my eyes wanting to know what held such a scent that made my body so weak. I saw a black truck parked across the street, which was odd because Sam drove a jeep, and his jeep was no where in sight. I slowly made my way Down the rest of the porch steps eyeing the shiny black pickup.

I could hear someone opening the front door behind me but I was in a haze about this truck, too dazed to look behind me. the windows were too tinted to see if someone was inside. I felt my sisters hand at my back just as I saw the driver door open. It was a man. My legs felt weak as I finally made eye contact with him.

His hair was dark brown, his eyes were even darker. His brows were furrowed as he stared me down. He was so big. I stood frozen, taking in every detail of him. He was beautiful. A stubbley beard covered his tanned face, his jaw line was strong, along with his whole body. He had intensity in him. Something about him made me feel small.

"Shit." Rachel whispered from beside me.

This strangers gaze was fixed on me and only me. I could here Sam coming down the steps behind Rachel and I, yet this amazing mans eyes never left me.

Rachel pulled me so my eyes would meet hers. "You're gonna be late Ell, you should get going." She pushed, trying to scoot me along. I glanced back at the beautiful man, just to see a glimpse of him getting back into his truck.

A part of me broke to see him turn away from me so easily. I needed him, he took a piece of me with him as he shut the car door behind him. I shook my head at my sister.

"Who is that?" I asked motioning towards the black truck. She avoided my eyes and hesitating answering. "You're hiding something Rachel." I pushed. I knew her too well.

"No im not, it's Sam's good friend. Now get to school. You're late." She smiled. It wasn't a true smile. She was lying. I reluctantly started for school, glancing at that truck once more before walking to school.

I couldn't stop thinking about sams friend. He was beautiful. I only made eye contact with him for less than a minute and I felt so reliant on him. It hurt to think about not seeing him again. I've never wanted anyone so much. He had to be a lot older than me. At least he looked it. He probably just thinks of me as Rachel's kid sister.

Then again he didn't look at me as if I were some kid. He looked like he wanted me just as much, if not more than how I wanted him. How could he have just turned away then? Without even introducing himself? I'm driving myself insane...

"Ell!" Cassidy shouted across the parking lot. I met her gaze as she jogged towards me. Her curly blonde Afro was bouncing everywhere. I was reluctant when she told me about dyeing her beautiful black hair blonde, but I have to admit it looked amazing with her skin tone.

"Hey!" I responded as she linked arms with me walking towards school.

"You were suppose to meet me in the Library this morning, to edit your article. What happened?" She questioned. I chuckled, a lot happened.

"My sisters moving in with Samuel..." I breathed; brushing some stray hairs behind my ears. Cassidy squeezed her arms around me; I smiled at her attempt to cheer me up.

"I'm sorry Ell, I know you two are super close..." she cooed.

"The weird thing is. After she told me, I kind of did my whole emotional runaway breakdown... but there was this man outside; Samuels friend. He was gorgeous, I stopped dead in my tracks just to stare at him. He was different, I didn't want to leave him, and I just want to see him again." I rambled; finally catching my breath.

Cassidy burst into laughter. I gave her my best glare before giving her a shove.

"Oh Ellis! Have you finally had your first crush? I mean finally! After junior year I was beginning to think you were asexual." she burst into another fit of laughter. My glare grew stronger until she sobered from her giggling.

"I'm serious Cass, he took my breath away. My body has felt really weird ever since I laid eyes on him..." I let out, trying to make sense of this bizarre sensation. Cassidy gave me a tilted stare before taking me seriously.

"Is there any way you could see him again?" She asked. "Maybe try and introduce yourself?" She added.

I stopped walking and pondered the thought. Imagining myself in his presence again made my knees weak.

"Well the other problem is that he looked a lot older than me. He was most definitely older than Samuel." I huffed. Cassidy tilted her head more if it were even possible.

"How much older Ell..." she quizzed. I didn't want to answer that question. I couldn't help how I felt. It was all new to me. I reluctantly answered.

"Possibly early thirties?" My answer came out as more of a question. Cassidy was about to respond but shut her mouth in an instant. Her eyes were fixed on something behind me. This girl can't focus to save her life... I turned to see what her gaze was fixed on.

There was nothing there but some parked cars and the busy road. "What are you so enthralled with over there?" I asked a tad bit annoyed.

"Black Ford Explorer. Don't look. But the car has slowly paced us back in parking lot D." She whispered. I immediately looked for our lots sign and saw that we've already made it up to A.

"It must be a coincidence..." I protested. She shook her head.

"Four lots of creepy slow driving isn't a coincidence." She mustered a sarcastic chuckle. I reluctantly looked back to the explorer. I didn't know wether to take her seriously. She grew up in a pretty paranoid family, considering her father and mother are officers. They've drilled it in her head that you're never safe and that being paranoid is being safe. Cassidy was always aware of her surroundings.

"This isn't gonna be like last year when you accused the mail man of stalking you is it?" I poked at her. She slapped my hand away.

"What kind of mail man doesn't wear a uniform and drives a mini van. It was suspicious and you know it!" Her rant ended when the explorer came to a halt as we did.

"I'm going over there." She stated before strutting off in the the direction of the SUV. I groaned before chasing after my overly suspicious friend. We only got 20 feet from the vehicle before it took off in a rush.

Cassidy stopped and turned around with both her hands in the air and an 'I told you so' face.

"Talk some more shit the next time I try an warn you about a pedophile." She sassed before making her way into the building. She walked as if she were on a mission.

"Where are you going?" I shouted as I watched her pass our first period.

"Reporting that vehicle!" She hollered back.

The day went on as usual, with staff on high alert about a mysterious ford lurking around. Cass warned me to be carful as I left after lunch to my internship downtown where I'd spend the rest of my day. I had enough time during our lunch hour to edit the article and now the hard part, getting it accepted...

I was an intern at northwest living magazine, I started as just any basic intern. Sorting files, getting coffees, taking calls... I honestly never thought they'd give an intern a chance at a whole column just based off of an opinion.

It was three months back, the CEO Cornell, was in town. You could say he's quite the intimidating man running his own magazine and what not. It was a board meeting about topics and trends in the outdoorsy thrill seeker section. Which was personally my favorite.

My job is to sit there and get waters or coffees if needed. But I found it extremely difficult when the new topics that were being suggested weren't at all good. And I could tell the CEO was not impressed. So I spoke up in the midst of the silence.

"What about 'the naked truth among the trees'?" I asked. One of my higher ups shushed me. But Cornell looked up amused.

"Elaborate." He spoke with a motioning of his hand. I gained the gazes of everyone in the room that day along with some hatful glares. After pressing my idea, Cornell was very pleased and gave me a chance. Three months to write the first article for the column.

A lot of people hated me after that, no education, no degree, and I'm handed my own column. Let's just say I didn't have many friends at work. Besides Tony, the tech guy...

I hopped on the city bus and headed that way, loosening my tight grip on my binder. It was a bit of a walk when I got off the bus. The building was about 6 blocks down.

I had an odd feeling I was being watched, I know probably being in a busy place like downtown I was being watched. But this was different. Almost like I could feel the gaze that was on me, roaming me. It made me dizzy in a way. I stopped off, leaning against the ledge of one of the many brick buildings. Trying to regain my strength.

That smell, I know that smell. It's him, he's close. My body began to feel fluttery once more, my knees were so shaky. I looked around for him but saw no one. I stepped off the sidewalk to look past one of the many parked cars.

That's when a car zoomed by almost hitting me, i threw myself back letting my papers fall to the dirty ground and my behind hitting the pavement. I chuckled at my idiotic action as I gathered my scattered article. I saw that a man leaned down to help me, before I could thank him I was caught off guard by exactly who it was helping me. CEO Cornell.

"Oh Mr. Cornell! Thank you so much! You really didn't have to help, it was my mistake." I submissively bowed my head down trying not to make too much eye contact with him. Something about him felt very powerful. I always felt extremely intimidated in his presence

"It's okay to look at me." He responded chuckling. I looked up at him, giving him a small smile before accepting my papers from him. I never noticed how handsome Cornell was. He had bright blue eyes and fixed dark hair. He had to have been in his 40's. But still looked very good for his age.

He smiled down at me until he caught sight of something behind me. His warm smile fell, turning his expression dark. It frightened me a bit as I turned to see what he was gazing at, or should I say glaring at. I saw nothing but a street full of cars.

"Mr. Cornell, are you okay?" I asked gaining his attention. He shook his head yes before making his way into our building. I couldn't help but feel odd from that whole encounter with him. I looked behind me once more wanting to catch sight of what had made his mood Change so abruptly. But I couldn't see anything out of the normal.

I made my way into the building, taking the elevator to the seventh floor. This is it. The big day. I was so nervous.

"This is it Ellis! The big day!" Tony shook me from behind. I chuckled. He always made me feel comfortable here. Tony was one of those cliche tech guys. Slightly over weight, wore glasses, and his sense of humor was always over my head. I laughed again as his curly orange hair bounced with excitement.

"I know I'm extremely nervous." I admitted, feeling the nerves rush to my stomach. He gave me a warm smile.

"Well Mr. Cornell is obviously excited to read it. He's in the office today. Which is rare." He added. My heart jumped out of my chest. I was under the impression that the lead editor was going to read it then pass it on if she liked it... what if he hates it. What if this is my last day! he was acting so weird earlier. He probably thinks he made a mistake on a dumb little kid.

"Ellis don't do that. Don't start worrying yourself over the smallest things. Cornell liked you then, and he'll like you now." He reassured. I thanked him for his kind words before I made it to Cornell's assistance desk. She smiled a fake smile.

Tony stayed behind me for moral support. "Hi I have the article for the new column. Mr Cornell wanted to see it today." I said politely. She nodded and before she could respond, Mr. Cornell's office door swung open.

"Ellis, come on in." He spoke motioning me in. My eyes widened a bit before I looked back at tony. He nodded and gave me a little shove towards Mr. Cornell.

I could feel everyone's eyes on me as I walked past the CEO into his office.

His office was very tidy, not a thing out of place. He had a large glass desk with a black leather chair sitting behind it. I took a seat in one of the two wide black chairs closest to me.

Cornell sat down and gave me a warm smile before putting his hand out for my article. I quickly pulled it out of my binder and handed it over.

"Sorry about the dirt, I took a tumble this morning..." I warned. He chuckled and nodded.

"Oh I'm well aware of your fall Ellis." He stated after flipping to the first page. I sat patiently as he read. I didn't realize he was gonna read it in front of me... his constant changing facial expressions put my anxiety through the roof.

I took this time to analyze him. He was a big guy, at least standing at 6'4". His shoulders were abnormally broad. I took in every detail of his face. He had icy blue eyes and clean cut facial hair.

My mind wandered to Samuels friend, the thought of him made my heart flutter. I took a deep breath to slow my heart rate. This infatuation wasn't normal...

Mr. Cornell gently put down the article after he finished. I bit my lip awaiting his opinion of my work. Cornell met my gaze but remained silent; I watched his eyes wander my whole body including every inch of my face. I pushed myself further back into my seat, almost cowering from his stare. Cornells gaze was intense but not at all perverse. It was as if he was genuinely curious about me.

"Your work is impressive. I'm going to have someone check in on your resources of course, but it is exceptional." He nodded, still holding my eyes with his.

"Thank you so much. You have no idea how grateful I am. You taking a chance on me has been The biggest blessing of my life.." I trailed off as Cornell stayed completely silent, with his brows furrowed.

"Ellis. This is very off topic and most likely a tad inappropriate, but do you happen to have a significant other?" He asked; not once letting my gaze go.

My eyes widened a bit at his question. I didn't know what he was getting at but I answered anyway.

"No. I'm pretty busy with school and now this. But that's not really a priority at the moment. Why do you ask?" I prodded.

His eyes narrowed hearing my answer, almost as if he were expecting the opposite.

"No reason. And that's good news! I'm definitely going to be keeping you busy." He smiled and stood, slowly walking me to the door.

I shook his hand and thanked him once more before leaving. His question was prodding my mind the rest of the day. I was definitely gonna tread lightly around him from now on. I wanted my work to show for itself; handouts were not going to be an option what so ever.

"Goodnight tony!" I shouted; pulling my sweater on before grabbing my book bag.

"Night Ell! Congrats again!" He hollard over his shoulder. I thanked him before walking toward the elevator.

I hugged my binder and adjusted my bag on my shoulder before leaving the building. I always dreaded the walk back to the bus; it was dark and the streets weren't as busy.

I sent my mom a text that I'd be home in a half hour just in time for dinner before heading off in the direction of the bus.

For some reason this walk was extra Erie, I made sure to scan my surrounds constantly as I made it closer to the bus stop.

I could hear a car coming from behind me, I clung to my binder walking a bit faster, waiting for this car to pass causing me no harm. But heart began to speed up as it slowed to a stop until it reached me.

I jumped and turned to the vehicle muttering a couple curse words under my breath as I stared at the tinted window of the large black suv.

The window rolled down and I regained my ability to breathe once I realized who it was...

"Miss Bellrose, what on earth are you doing walking downtown in the dark?" Mr. Cornell asked with furrowed brows. I chuckled.

"The bus, life's too short to be afraid of the dark Mr. Cornell." I responded before continuing my walk. A small smile made it way to his lips before pacing me with his vehicle.

"Would you like a ride miss Belrose?" He quizzed before coming to a stop. I paused before responding.

"No thank you, I oddly enjoy the bus ride home." He gave me a puzzled glance before nodding.

"Well I'd insist you let me drive you, but i have a feeling you'll get home safe considering all the eyes he's got on you." Cornell stated. I gave him a questioning look but before I could respond he was already driving away.

What did he mean by "He's got eyes on me."? Who's he and why is he watching me? I couldn't help but pick up the pace to the bus thinking about someone watching me..

The bus ride was fairly quick considering I was in my head the whole ride home. Constantly peering over my shoulder at the other strangers on the bus.

I only had two blocks to walk until I was home and we lived in a pretty safe neighborhood, so I was less on edge. That is until I saw Samuels Jeep parked out front...

"I'm home!" I hollered closing the front door behind me. I didn't realize how tense I was until I made it home, I could feel my anxious muscles finally relaxing.

My mom greeted me with a hug before telling me to wash up for dinner. I ran upstairs putting myself in comfy clothes and letting my hair down before making my way to the dining room.

I instantly saw Rachel clung next to Sam on the far side of the dinning table, I grumbled under my breath before going to the kitchen to wash up.

"How was school?" Sam asked, as I took my seat at the table. I was surprised he was actually talking to me, let alone interested about my day. Maybe he was just trying to score brownie points with the in laws..

"It was okay, I got my column which was nice. But I was a little freaked out walking home." I responded while piling mac and cheese on my plate. I looked up when I felt the room go silent.

Sam was giving me a quizzical look along with the rest of my family.

"What do you mean freaked out?" Sam asked, I couldn't help but notice the rest of my family abnormally interested in my day, watching and waiting for my response. I put the Mac and cheese spoon down.

"Well Mr. Cornell offered me a ride home and when I politely declined he said something that kinda weirded me out." I brushed off while reaching for the green beans. Sam pulled the bowl of greens away from my reach making me meet his gaze.

"Mr. Cornell?" He asked, a little more aggressively than I'd like. I could feel him trying to intimidate me into answers.

"What's your deal Sam?" I asked while staring him directly in his eyes. No way in hell am I letting him disrespect me in my own house.

"Ellis!" My Dad warned. I chuckled under my breath.

"My boss. CEO of northwest living magazine." I responded bitterly before reaching across the table and pulling the green beans back into my reach never once breaking eye contact with Sam.

He looked a little taken back by my behavior towards him. I'm not my sister, I've never been good at submitting especially to an entitled being like Sam.

"What did he say?" My Mom pushed as she was also loading her plate with food. I smiled at her polite tone with me.

"He said he would have insisted on driving me home but that he was sure I'd get home safe considering the eyes that someone has on me." I shivered having to repeat what Cornell said to me.

The whole table went silent again, Sam especially had and interesting look on his face.

"I'm sorry you're going to have to excuse me, I have some business to attend to I hope you understand." Sam spoke standing from the table. I snickered at his usual weird behavior while shoveling food into my mouth.

"Oh we understand honey, you're absolutely excused. Maybe dinner another night?" My Mom asked also standing to give Sam and my sister hugs goodbye.

So typical for Rachel to follow him out in the middle of dinner. Rachel leaned down to give me a hug goodbye, I hugged her back briefly.

"Love you sis." She whispered. "Love you too." I responded before going back to eating while ignoring their exit.

"What's your problem Ellis?" My Dad asked after the power couple left.

"You're just going to sit here and let Sam raise his voice at me, but I'm the asshole?" I retaliated.

"Language!" My mother shouted from the kitchen.

"He's just trying to lookout for you!" My Dad yelled back, picking up his plate to bring to the kitchen.

Look out for me? I don't see Sam caring much for my well being. I silently helped my mom with the dishes before making my way to my bedroom.

I read some chapters out of Sold; our most recent assigned book for English. I was a bit behind, as I've been putting my article first these past couple of weeks.

As I caught up with the reading, my mind couldn't help but wander to him; Sams friend. I wondered what his name was, what his story was, if I roamed his mind as he roamed mine.

While putting my book away I promised myself, that the next time I got Rachel alone, I'd ask about him.

Let me know what you think!
Thank you for reading!

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