By SAllen68

163K 7.4K 1.6K

This is my take on episodes 29, 30, etc. and the Fabri, perfume, Can in jail farce. I could not stand Can's... More



3K 200 28
By SAllen68

I am so sorry for any similarities to chapter 13 (taking care of Ceyda). No matter how rich, or entitled they think they are, none of them will ever have the class or smarts of our  beautiful and not so simple Malhalla girl!

Over the next few weeks, Aicha caused all kinds of problems at the Agency, trying to get Can alone.   On the days Sanem was not at the Agency, Deren and CeyCey stayed with her the whole time she was in the office.   When Sanem was there, Aicha was rude in an underhanded way toward Sanem.    Anytime there was a dinner meeting, Can took Sanem with him, Nathanael Bey loved Sanem and her ideas, which drove Aicha crazy.    One day when Sanem had picked the triplets up at preschool, she came back by the office to pick up her computer.

Aicha was in Can's office with Can and CeyCey.   CeyCey heard the children calling his name and took off out the door to meet them.   When Sanem came into the office Aicha pretended to fall, and fell into Can's lap.  Can jumped up like a scalding hot drink had fallen into his lap.   Aicha jumped up saying to Sanem, "I am so sorry you had to see that, but Can and I love each other."   Can looked shocked and Sanem laughed saying, "Really."

Through the open door the three children ran into the office yelling, "Baba, here we are."   As they were running by Aicha, they pushed by her and she fell in the floor.   She started yelling for Can to help, but he had his hands full with little kids, and didn't even look over at her.

Sanem walked over to Aicha laughing and said, "Do you need help?"   She reached down and held Aicha's hand, and helped her to her feet.

As Aicha got off the floor she said, "My Uncle will have something to say about this bad behavior and you will lose this account."

Sanem said quietly as she got closer to Aicha, "Really now, I bet Nathanael Bey will be interested to see the videos, of what you have been doing in my husband's office the last few weeks.   You see we keep cameras all over this office.    We have already dealt with sexual harassment from an account in this office and that lady was arrested and was fired by her Baba.    Also, these videos would ruin your reputation for threatening a married man and his family.   I feel sorry for you, as my husband has not encouraged your outrageous behavior, no matter what you claim.    He has only been professional with you, working on this account, but isn't it a shame that he has to make sure there is a witness with him at all times.    Really, who do you think you are?"

Aicha looked around the office, and saw not only Can and their children, Emre, Leyla, Deren, CeyCey, and numerous office members were still watching.   She was shocked to see her Uncle Nathanael standing at the office door, with his arms crossed across his chest.

He spoke up saying, "What is wrong with you Aicha?   Why are you chasing a married man, who obviously does not want to even work with you?   Look at his children, watching you and hearing what type of person you are, you should feel ashamed.   I am deeply sorry, Can, Sanem, and all of you.   I did not realize how much negative pressure Aicha was putting on all of you.    She will be removed from this account, and if you will continue to work with us, I will put someone else in charge, starting tomorrow.   Thank you Deren for calling me, fortunately we were close by when you called.   Please excuse us, we will take our leave."

Can had his children climb down, and went over to shake Nathanael Bey hand saying, "Sir thank you so much.   We did not want to void our contract, but this was really getting serious.   Please continue working with us, but if Aicha comes around my family or me again I will contact the police and file charges.   My wife especially, has put up with a lot of insults,  from her.   Please keep her away from us."    Aicha hung her head and left with her uncle.

After they left, Sanem started crying, her children and Can ran over to her with hugs.   She said, "I hate all of the drama that we have to put up with, especially from these women.   Can you are not allowed to go out anywhere alone until you are old and gray."

Everyone except the children started laughing, and then the children started laughing just because all the adults were laughing.    Can hugged her and told her he was so proud of her for not dragging Aicha out of the office by her hair.   Sanem told him she thought about it, but didn't want their children to see her be mean.

CeyCey got the kids to come with him for a drink of water, and Can and Sanem were alone.  He told her, "You didn't believe her sitting in my lap did you?"    "Of course I didn't" said Sanem, "I trust you, but you are going to have to be firmer with these women.   You are just too nice, they do not want to be your friend, they want you.    I'm sorry, but I don't share."   Can hugged her and told her she was a lot nicer than he would have been, if some guy chased her like that.   Because he did not share either.

They gathered up their children and went home till time for Dante to get out of school.   Can decided to take the afternoon off and play with his children.

Over the next few months things were pretty quiet in the Agency and Divit household.   True to his word, Nathanael Bey sent someone else to be in charge of the campaign and Aicha never appeared before them again.

  When summer came and the children were out of school; they went camping and hiking, which the children loved.  Can did have to teach Sanem how to cook on a small camp stove and fire pit.   The whole family had a wonderful time, and wanted to go all the time.    Sanem and Can were great parents for Dante, Ates, Yildiz, and Deniz.   Can just loved teaching his children and Sanem about outdoor activities.  He also loved taking photos of his wife and children.

Nonna Cemile, who was doing very well with her cancer being in remission, flew to Italy with Aziz and Mirhiban.   The three of them loved traveling together and in Italy stayed in Cemile's house, for the summer.   She and Dante had blended right in with all of the Divit's and extended family.    Sanem worried that Dante would be upset not to go to Italy with his Nonna, but he was fine and they face-timed everyday.   Of course the triplets had to be on the face time with their Nonna, too.

One weekend Can and Sanem invited Emre and Leyla to bring their twins, over for a camp out in the back yard.   Metin and Yonca had to bring their boys, also.   The boys didn't want to be left out.   So there were eight children and six adults camping out in their backyard.  There was Dante and Baris ages nine and one/half, Taylan age almost five, Ates, Yildiz , Deniz ages four and one/half, Ahu and Altan ages almost three.

The older boys wanted to tell scary stories around the fire pit.  Sanem was concerned about the little ones getting scared.   Emre and Leyla's sweet girl, Ahu yelled "I know scary."    Dante said, "You do, what's scary?" as all the older boys started laughing.   She yelled, "Scary dog poopy on shoes."

All of the children and adults were laughing hysterically, except Leyla.   She said shocked, "Ahu who told you that?"   Ahu said, "Brother told me."   She was so proud of herself, so Can and Sanem's girls, started calling out names, like poopy, booger, spit, and kisses.

The boys started going, "Ooh no no kisses are super scary."   All of the kids were running around saying words they thought were funny and scary.   Dante and Baris being the oldest were laughing the hardest.

All of the adults were having a wonderful time laughing at the children, and very happy that no scary stories were going to be told tonight.   Leyla was the only one embarrassed about some of the things her dainty little girl was yelling.   Sanem told her to 'chill out', and kept laughing till her little Deniz yelled, "jackass."   Then Leyla laughed at Sanem as she ran over telling the kids that she meant 'donkey.'

The men were having a hilarious time, just watching the women and children, especially Leyla and Sanem.   They finally got the children settled down in tents in their sleeping bags.   Finally after lots of giggling the children went to sleep.  The adults sat around the fire for a little while longer and had a nightcap of hot tea. 

 Dante and Baris slept in a small tent together between the large tents.   Can, Metin, and Emre slept in a large tent with the younger boys.   Sanem, Leyla, and Yonca slept in another large tent with the girls.   It was a beautiful night with lots of stars.

Of course all the children were up early, running around barefoot in the wet grass.   Can got them to all come sit down while the men cooked breakfast over the fire pit.   The women cut up fruit, and toast to go with the eggs and bacon being cooked over the fire.   They made tea and coffee for the adults and juice for the children.   After breakfast, the men took the children fishing off of the dock near their backyard.   The women went along to keep any little ones from falling into the water.   All of the children knew how to swim, but it was a good excuse to watch the men deal with the little girl's and fishing.   The men were doing a wonderful job, when Taylan yelled, 'Baba Metin it won't be long before we can bring our new baby sister to fish, when she gets here." 

All of the adults started cheering, and Metin and Yonca were blushing.   Yildiz said, "Finally we get another girl.   When will she be here?"   At that the adults were all laughing again.   Baris said, "Yildiz it won't be long, because Baba Metin said, 'It would be before he was ready.'"   That got the adults to laughing again.   It was a fun group that spent the weekend in Can and Sanem's backyard.

About two weeks later all of their friends and family met at the wedding registrar's office.   Metin and Yonca were married and ask Sanem and Can to be their witnesses.   There was a beautiful reception held in Sanem's garden afterwards.    Baris and Taylan were the happiest ones there.

Baris had told his Anne, how Dante told him to feel his heartbeat when he missed his Baba; and how it helped.   Yonca came to Sanem hugged and thanked her for helping the boys, especially Baris deal with the loss of his Baba.   She told her how one night she and Metin overheard Baris telling his little brother about his heartbeat; and how their Baba would love Baba Metin.   She told her Metin cried when he heard what they said, and they were so happy that Sanem and Can were a part of their family.

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