Explosion (a Bakugo x reader...

By D3adRacc00n

17.3K 352 445

you start your first day at UA and don't make many friends because of your personality. somehow you manage to... More

author's note
first day of school
training with the explody-boy
training and going out with friends
The Truth
Bakugo's love
another training session
The Mall
πŸ‹in the morningπŸ‹
study session
πŸ‹study groupπŸ‹
written exam
combat exam
training camp
training begins
league of villains...
the past
rescue and the whole truth

Sumer vacation

399 8 11
By D3adRacc00n

"Everyone will be going to the summer training camp." Aizawa announced the next day in class.

Everyone's jaws dropped, especially the kids who failed. Everyone was so exited. Aizawa had said that anyone who failed the exam wouldn't be able to go to the camp and everyone was supper sad. Now the class radiated with excitement. Aizawa put the test scores on the board and you scored third in the written exam with a score of 97. Bakugo got 100, of course, and t odoroki got a 98. You were proud of yourself. In the combat exam, you scored a 98.5.

Aizawa let you all go and enjoy your summer vacation. You had one week until the camp. Once you were outside, you found Bakugo pushing deku out of his way. You ran over to him.

"Hey blasty! Whatcha wanna do?"

"You." He said Cooly and you felt your face heat up.

"Umm, well you can help me. We are going shoping!"

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are. You are gonna help me find a new bathing suit." You grabbed his wrist and dragged him to the nearest bus station.

Once you pushed him onto the bus and dragged him into the mall, you browsed the racks for bathing suits. You weren't seeing anything that sought your eye. Then Bakugo came up to you and shoved a pile of stuff into your arms and pushed you into the changing rooms. You put one on. It was a pink bikini top with pineapples and white bottoms. You opened the door and Bakugo was standing there. He looked at you and nodded his head.


You put another on on. It was a teal top with black bottoms with ties on the side. You showed Bakugo and he did the same as before. You tried on two more bikinis. One was a pale yellow top with light purple poka-dots and inverted bottoms, and the other was a purple top with little frills and black bottoms that were shorts with frills.

"I like that one." He said when you came out with the purple top and black shorts.

"Then this is the one I'm getting." You said and bought the bathing suit.

You and Bakugo left the mall after getting some food. He bought you a sweet roll with sugar on top and a spicy curry bun for himself. You enjoyed your sweet bun but smelling the spicy curry made your mouth water.

"Hey what's that?!" You said pointing in the opposite direction

When he looked, you quickly stole a bite of his curry bun.

"What's wrong with you? There's nothing -" he saw the curry dripping down your chin. He gave a small laugh. "You could have just asked." He said while whipping the extra fury off your mouth.

You swallowed your food and smiled at him. ...... when you got back to your house, you unlocked the door. Your mom didn't run out of the house to greet you. Confused you told bakugo to follow you. You went into the kitchen and saw a note on the table.

Y/n I will be back later tonight, had to go run some errands.

♡ mom

You groaned and threw the note in the trash. You walked upstairs and threw the shopping bag in your bed. Bakugo followed you. You felt his hands on your waist. He moved your hips in time with his own. He leaned his head down and kissed your neck.

"I can think of a few things we could do while your mom's not home." He said seductively

You leaned your head back to lay on his shoulder with a soft groan. His mouth trailed kisses and bites all along your neck and throat. You allowed your body to sway with his and you closed your eyes. Bakugo's hands wrapped around your waist and pulled you closer. You nibbled at his ear and a low groan escaped his lips. He moved from your neck to your lips. He pressed his lips against yours. It was soft and slow, as if he was really tired. You licked his bottom lip and he granted you entrance. Your tounges wrapped around each others and you kissed in slow, rithmec motions. One of bakugo's arms moved up to rest on your chest and the other was around your waist. He pulled you as close to his body as he could and rested his chin on top of your head. You continued to sway back and forth.

"Mmm, you can be really sweet at times." You said with your eyes still closed.

"Mmmm." He responded

You turned around in his arms to face him. You kissed his lips and layed your head on his chest. You glanced at the clock and it was already getting late. You yawned into bakugo's chest and closed your eyes.

"You should get some rest." Bakugo said untangling himself from your arms.

"Stay here tonight." You yawned

"Oh, uh," Bakugo blushed. He wasn't nervous about sleeping with you, he was nervous about your mom.

"Don't worry about my mom, what she doesn't know won't hurt her." You said to his nervous face

He nodded his head and you changed into some comfy clothes. Bakugo was wearing sweatpants so he said he was going to sleep in those. You turned on the tv and put a movie on. Bakugo propped himself up on some pillows on your bed and you layed down beside him with your head on his chest. You wraped your arms around his upper body and he held you close to him. You didn't watch much of the movie and fell asleep on Bakugo. He soon fell asleep holding you.

3rd person POV:

Y/n's mom got home around 11:00 pm. She hadn't even gotten to the kitchen when her phone rang. She looked down at it and answered the unknown number.


"Hi, is this y/n's mother?"

"Yes this is, may I ask who is calling?"

"I'm mitsuki, katsuki bakugo's mother. He hasn't come home and I was wondering if he was with your doughter."

"I haven't been home but I'll check if they're here."

She went upstairs and mocked on y/n's door. When no one answered she opened it to see two bodies lying on the bed in each others arms, peacefully sleeping. The glow from the tv gave just enough light to recognise her own copper haired daughter and a blonde spiky haired katsuki.

"Ya, there here." She told mitsuki

"What are they doing?"

"There sleeping."

"Like together?"

"Don't worry, they don't look like they've done anything. They're just laying there in each others arms. If it's alright with you, katsuki can stay the night."

"Oh, that's fine."

"I'll check on them periodically."

"Thank you. Have a good night."

"You too. Have a good night."

She hung up the phone and went to make some tea before going to bed.

Y/n POV:

You woke to Bakugo playing with your hair and ears.


"Morning foxy." He smiled

You got up out of bed and put some clothes on. You decided to where an off the shoulder white shirt with roses on the front paired with high waisted black shorts and your combat boots. (Don't worry about how you where things with your tail, it just works ok.)

When you opened your door, there was a purple sticky note on the front. You peeled it off and read it.

You and katsuki can come down for breakfast. I made some pancakes. They are in the oven to keep them warm. I won't be back until later tonight so have fun. But not too much fun ;)

♡ mom

You smiled to yourself after reading the note. You led katsuki downstairs and found pancakes in the oven.

"My mom's not gonna be home today." You said while getting pancakes.

"Oh ya?" He smirked

"Stop it. Het those dirty little ideas out of your head." You handed him a plate of pancakes and you sat down with your own.

"Then what do you wanna do?"

"I though we could go to the pool, and maybe invite kiri and denki."

"Mmm, that sounds fun."

"Good cuz I told them to meet us at the pool at 10."

"You were gonna drag me along even if I didn't agree. Weren't you?"

"I knew you would agree because you get so jealous that you wouldn't let me be alone with your boys and in a bikini."

"I am not jealous!"

You laughed and finished your food.


You put your new bathing suit on under your clothes, grabbed a towel, and left. You and Bakugo walked to his house first so he could change.

"Oh, hello dear." Mitsuki treated you.


She turned to Bakugo. "You little shit! Why didn't you call to say you wasn't coming home?!"

She turned back to you. "I hope he wasn't a nusaince."

"Oh, no. He's fine, my mom says he's welcome any time."

"Oh that's wonderful!" She turned to Bakugo again. "At least call me next time!"

"You old hag."

"Watch your mouth."

"Whatever. I'll he right back." He said and ran upstairs to change.

Mitsuki looked to you. "I really don't know what you see in him." She shook her head

"I know he doesn't really show it, but he does have a heart, and he can be really sweet when he wants to be."

"Ever sense he got his quirk, he been a little dick to everyone."

"Heh, I'm working on it." You laugh

"Hey! I know your talking about me!" Katsuki said running down the stairs.

He had on a pair of swim suit shorts and a black tank-top.

"I was just telling y/n about how you're a dick." Mitsuki said calmly

"I am not You old hag!" He yelled

We both looked at him until we saw the realisation on his face.

"Well, you two can go have fun now." She said and walked us to the door.

You and Bakugo walked to the pool and saw denki, kiri, mina, deku, todoroki, and sero there.

"Why are those extras here?" Bakugo asked angrily

"Aww, c'mon man, just be happy!" Denki said jumping into the pool

"I invited them to come along." Kiri said. His usually spiky hair was wet and flat against his face.

"Tch! Whatever." He said and pulled off his shirt.

You took off the clothes over your bathing suit and jumped into the pool. Instantly, all your fluffy copper hair was flat and pressed against itself. Your bushy tail was flat and skinny. Bakugo got into the water.

"We should all play chicken fight!" Mina yelled

"Yeah!" Kiri and denki yelled

"C'mon Bakugo play with us." Mina said.

You went over and dragged Bakugo over to the others. Mina got on top of sero's shoulders, denki got un top of kiri, deku sat in top of todoroki, and you climbed on top of bakugo's shoulders. Bakugo's hands held onto your thighs and you all started trying to knock each other down. The first to fall was denki, then mina, and finaly deku. Bakugo held on so tight that even when you fell back, you could get back up. You were the champion chicken fighter.

You played some other games like Marco polo, you hit each other with pool noodles, and had contests to see who could dive better, make the biggest cannon ball, and who could swim fastest.

"Who can hold their breath longest?" Mina said

Every one agreed except deku who was tired. He was the ref. We all went under water. You opened your eyes. Sense your eyes could see better, the shapes of your friends went as blurry as it should have been. Denki was first to go, then mina. Kiri, who had been sitting on the bottom of the pool, swam up for air. Todoroki lifted his head. Finaly, you saw Bakugo staring at you. His face was really red from the lack of oxygen. Finaly he swam up and gasped for breath. After a couple more seconds, you swam up to the surface. You didn't gasp for air like the others did.

"Wow, she's not even red." Denki observed.

You looked around and everyone was red faced and breathing heavily. You, however,were now calmly floating on your back.

"I can hold my breath for about 5 minutes." You explained

"What?!" Denki yelled

"Its one of my fox like features,I have a bigger lung capacity so when I'm running, I don't tire out as fast. So I can hold my breath for a long time." You explained

"Well that's not fair." He pouted

You laughed at him. "Tough luck pickachu."

After you were all tired out and the pool was closing, you all went your separate ways. Bakugo's phone pinged and you looked at the text message he received.

Old hag: bring your girl over for dinner, I'm making spicy curry. She likes spicy foods right?

He looked at you and you nodded your head in agreement.

Bakugo: ya she likes spice. We'll be there around 6.

He turned his phone off and wraped his arm around your waist. You welcomed the closeness and walked next to him, matching him step for step. When you got to bakugo's house, his mom opened the door for you. You both took your shoes off and left them by the door.

"Dinner will be done in about half an hour, you two can go upstairs." Mitsuki said

You nodded your head and followed Bakugo upstairs to his room.

"Ugh, I need a shower. Fucking pool chlorine." Bakugo complained

"Ya, I need a shower too." You said running your hand through your messy and tangled hair.

Bakugo smirked. "Shower with me?"

"You'd like that wouldn't you?" You smirked back

"C'mon. I'll give you a new pair of clothes." He said pointing to your wet clothes. Your bathing suit hadn't compleatly dried and was making your shorts and shirt wet.

"Fine." You said and followed him to the bathroom connected to his room.

He turned on the water to let it get warm and started to strip down. You did the same, discarding your wet clothes in a pile on the floor. Bakugo looked you up and down and smiled to himself.

"Stop it!" You said trying to cover yourself

"Oh get over it. You are all mine." He smiled

You frowned and pushed him against the wall. You put your hand on his throat and choked him until hebgasped for breath. Looking into his eyes, you stood on your tiptoes to whisper into his ear,

"I belong to nobody. And you'd do best not to forget that." You hissed Menacingly

You looked into his eyes again and saw the smalest hint of fear. You pulled your hand away from his throat and hopped back, all signes of seriousness gone. You stepped into the shower and Bakugo followed soon.

"Sit." Bakugo instructed



You obeyed and sat down in the shower. Bakugo got some shampoo and put it in his hand. He kneeled down behind you and started to wash your hair. It felt really nice. He carefully washed your ears so soap didn't get inside. He leaned your head back so it hit the water from the shower. You closed your eyes as the water ran down your face. You both finished washing up and got out, the cold air learning your skin.

Bakugo handed you a towel and he got one for himself. You both dried off and you rubbed the towel over your now clean hair. Bakugo wraped his towel around his waist and you wrapped yours around your chest. You followed him back out into his room and he went over to his dresser. He threw a pair of grey sweat pants and a black t-shirt at you. He gave you a pair of his boxer shorts to where too. The shirt had a white skull on it. You were pretty small (sorry of ur big) so you weren't worried about stretching it out. You put the clothes on and Bakugo wore grey sweat pants and a plain black tank-top.

He went over to his dresser again and got a comb. He sat you down in the edge of his bed and he sat sat behind you. He combed your hair, carefull of your ears. He started from the bottom and worked his way up so he wouldn't pull on the tangles. You wondered how he knew how to brush hair so it wouldn't tangle, his hair wasn't long enough.

"How do-" you started but he interrupted you

"Shitty hair wears his hear down and it gets tangled all the time." He guessed what you were going to ask.

He finished brushing your hair and then you heard mitsuki calling from downstairs. You both went down and went into the kitchen. You sat down next to Bakugo and mitsuki placed two played of curry in front of both of you. She went back to get herself a plate and sat down across from you. Bakugo's dad wasn't home yet so you all started to eat. The curry was really spicy but it was really good. Bakugo was eating the spicy dish with no problem but you could see tiny hints of sweat forming on his forehead. Mitsuki looked the same. You were the only one not sweating at all. You finished and looked up. Mitsuki was staring at you.

"You are really different." She said


"I mean, not many people can eat my food without breaking a sweat but You look compleatly fine."

"Oh ya, I really like spicy food. I haven't eaten anything that causes me to sweat yet."

Bakugo got up and went into the kitchen. He came back a moment later with a small bottle and a spoon. He handed you the bottle and the spoon and sat down. You read the label on the bottle.

Death spice: ghost pepper jalapeno chilli

"That is the spicyest thing you can buy at the store." He said

"Katsuki! Don't give her that!" Mitsuki yelled at him

You were already unscrewing the cap and poured a little into the spoon. Bakugo eyed you as you put the spicy red liquid into your mouth. You felt it run down your throat, setting it on fire. You considered it for a moment before putting more on the spoon and tasting it again. It was the spicyest thing you've ever tasted but the burning sensation felt good. Bakugo and mitsuki stared at you wide eyed as you put the small bottle back on the table. You licked the remaining sauce off the spoon and placed it on your plate.

"How?" Mitsuki wondered aloud. "No one has ever been able to eat that.

Suddenly you felt bakugo's hand on your forehead. "There's no sweat." He concluded

You smiled triumphantly and showed your fangs. Mitsuki was cleaning up with a look of utter disbelief and question on her face. Bakugo took you back upstairs and into his room. You played video games for the rest of the night. When it got late out, bakugo walked you home.

"Goodnight blasty." You told him when you reached your door.

"Night foxy." He smiled

You waited for him to leave before you opened your door and went inside. You were still wearing his clothes and had your wet ones in a shopping bag. You put them in the wash and went up to your room. You collapsed on your bed and fell asleep.

Oof! That's was a long chapter but I haven't updated in a while so it all evens out right? Also HAPPY EASTER! (if you celebrate EASTER idk)

Me tho 🤣

Here have some stuffs. I'm so bored right now with the coronavirus quarantine but bye-bye now imma gonna go die...💀

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