Bakugo's love

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"I think I do like you bakugo."

"See foxy, I told you." He said as he pushed you down onto the bed. He held both your arms in his one hand and used the other to draw circles on your stomach.

Terror washed over you again.

"B-Bakugo, please..." you said, terror shaking your voice

"Don't worry, I won't do anything" he said laughing a little


□ minor fluff warning □

He leaned down and kissed your neck making you shiver. He let go of your arms and put both his hands on your hips. You couldn't move you were so scared. Images of your mom flashed through your head. Bakugo continued kissing your neck and jawline. This felt different from what you saw with your mom. He was gentle. You calmed down a little and moved your head to the side, exposing more of your neck. Bakugo immediately moved to the new space. You lifted your arms and draped them around his neck and ran your fingers through his hair.

"Bakugo..." you whispered softly

"Finaly relaxed a bit did ya?" He smirked

He kissed your lips. He was soft and controlled himself.

Given his personality, he does what he wants. You're guessing that it is taking massive amounts of self control not to go overboard. He gently bit your bottom lip asking for entrance. But two can play at that game. You didn't let him enter and he moved his hand up the side of your body. He trailed one finger over your middle, searching. Finaly he touched it, right below your rib cage. You laughed and he put his tounge in your mouth.

He explored every inch of your mouth with his tounge finaly playing with yours. You felt his hands traveling around your body, feeling your curves. He pulled on your tail slightly and a soft moan escaped your mouth. You felt him smile slightly as he pulled away from your mouth. A trail of saliva was left between you as he kissed your neck again.

He gently bit the tip of your ear and licked your bare skin. His  hands moved your shirt slightly and you felt his warm hands against your skin. You shivered at his touch. He moved down to your collar bone and you whimpered slightly.

"Awww, already" Bakugo teased

His answer was another whimper as he bit down slightly. He left lovebites all down your neck and small hickies. He leaned back to look at his work and seemed satisfied. He lay down next to you and wraped his arms around your middle. He adjusted his body to perfectly curve around yours, spooning you. He buried his face in the crook of your neck.

"Bakugo, why?"


"Why did you do that?"

"You didn't stop me. You could've, but you didn't."


"Can I call you my girlfriend?"

"Mmm, only if I can call you my boyfriend"

"Mmmmm, deal"

He fell asleep and you could hear his soft snores. You were worried about Bakugo. You've never had a boyfriend before and didn't know if you would like it. Finaly you fell asleep

--time skip to morning--

When you woke up, bakugo's arms were wraped around you holding you tightly. You spun around to face him. He was still sleeping. You kissed his nose and his eyes fluttered open.

Explosion (a Bakugo x reader story)Where stories live. Discover now