the past

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⚠️ warning ⚠️ sexual assault ⚠️

You didn't sleep that night. You only thought about him. The one who ruined everything. The one who didn't allow you to have a normal childhood. The one who scared you, mentaly, and emotionally. You wanted him to pay for what he did to you, and your mom........


Y/n's flashback
- you were about 7 years old -

You were sleeping when a sharp bang woke you up. You sat bolt upright in your bed and listened. You heard screaming and then glass shattering. Then silence. You were scared. This wasn't the first time your mom and her boyfriend fought. You silently got out of bed and crept to the stairs. Peeking around, you saw your mom's boyfriend, Dale. You mom was sitting on the floor, breathing hard. She met your eyes and without words, begged you to go back to your room. She must've been staring too long because. Dale turned around and you were staring straight into his vicious, green eyes. Those eyes, you would never forget those eyes.

Dale started to march up the stairs and you got up and ran as fast as your little seven year old legs would carry you. You made it back to your room and was in the process of soaking the door shut when a foot stoped it. You backed away and tripped over your own feet, landing on your butt. You scooted as far away from him as he entered the room, closing and locking the door behind him.

You saw him smirk at you as he got closer. You felt the hot tears pour out of your eyes as you begged him not to do it. He just gave you a smile and picked you up by the front of your shirt. You tried to use your little nails to scratch him but you didn't even break the skin. Your mom had insisted on cutting them after you scratched yourself He laughed at your attempts and threw you into the bed. You tried to scream but his hand clamped itself over your mouth.

His other hand found it's way under your shirt. You cried and cried and tried to beg him not to do this. He laughed at your muffled words. Off came the shirt. At this point, all you could do was cry. Off came your shorts. As you layed there with a bandana around your mouth to muffle your screams, you felt his hands travel around your body. He had taken off his clothes and was only in boxers. You cried even harder and screamed as loud as you could but nothing happened.

After he was done with you (no he didnt rape her), you were thrown against a wall. You hit your head hard and felt the darkness coming. He leaned over to you and you heard him whisper.

"Not a word or you and everyone you care about will die."

Then everything went dark. You woke up the next morning in your bed, fully clothed. You ran downstairs to find your mom cooking breakfast. She had bandages on her arms and around her head. Once she saw you, she ran over and hugged you.

"My baby! Are you alright? What happened?" She panicked

"I'm fine mom." You said even though you really weren't fine.

She smiled and went back yo making breakfast. You ate and went to the children's park. You sat down in one of the tunnels and thought. About everything. Suddenly a little boy crawled into the tunnel and bumped into you. As a reflex, he apologised. You backed away with years in your eyes. He looked at you confused. You ran away from the playground. You ran, and ran, you ran with no purpose.

Finaly you stopped running and sat down against a building. You couldn't live in fear of everyone's touch. You decided to stand up for yourself, to not be weak anymore. That, is when you wall went up.

-- end flashback --

For nine years, no one has been able to get past your wall. That was until you met katsuki Bakugou, the angry, blonde, time-bomb, with a secret soft and caring side.

Explosion (a Bakugo x reader story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें