The Truth

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Bakugo's POV:

I didn't know what I was doing, my body moved without me thinking and I kissed
y/n. What was I thinking?! I looked down in shame and I knew my face was bright red. The fact was, I really liked y/n. I didn't feel the same way towards anyone else but her. I knew she probably didn't feel the same way about me though.

Suddenly, I felt her hands on my face, lifting it up to meet hers. Before I knew it, our lips were once again pressed together. It took me a moment but I melted into the kiss.

Then she pulled away. I stared into her eyes. But what I saw wasn't what I expected. There was fear in her beautiful, sparkly, eyes. She backed away and I could see her building a wall around herself. Brick. by. brick. Did I do something wrong? Her fear grew and then I realized. Her whole personality, it was something other than what's real. She let her walls crumble for a minute when she kissed me back. And now she was building them back up.

"I-I should go." She said running out of the room.

"Wait! Don't go!" I yelled as I chased after her.

She ran up another flight of stairs and went to her room. I heart the click of the lock. I went up to the door about to knock when I heard something. Was that crying? Was she crying. I knock on the door softly and waited.

"Go away. Please" came the soft reply

"Just let me in." I say to her trying to open the door

"No! Just go away!" She yelled

Why did she yell? Was she angry at me? No, there was something else in her voice. Something that made it tremble. She was afraid! What was she afraid of? I decided to leave her alone for now.

Y/n's POV:
-before she left bakugo's room-

When I pulled away from Bakugo, inward him staring into my eyes. Suddenly an immense fear surrounded me. 'Oh shit! What have I done?! No he can't see me like this!' I told myself. I started to bring everything together but that wasn't enough. He's seen the soft side of me, the real me. No! No one can see that! Not even Bakugo.

"I-I should go." I said as I ran out of the room

"Wait! Dont go!" He yelled after me.

I ran up the stairs and shut myself in my room. I locked the door and collapsed onto the floor in a mess. I couldn't hold back any more and the warm, wet, tears started to fall. I then heard a gentle knocking on the door.

"Go away. Please." I begged him

"Just let me in." He says and I hear him trying to open the door.

"No! Just go away!" My voice trembled in fear and I hoped he didn't hear it.

After a while I heard his footsteps walking away. I breathed a sigh of relief. I promised myself that I wasn't going to let that happen again. I sighed as I remembered why I'm doing this.


My mom was screaming as he hit her. Her new boyfriend. I was huddled upstairs in My room, hiding from him in my closet. This was the third time this week that he hit her. Why didn't she just break up with him? Eventually the screaming stopped and I heard the front door slam. Carefully, I made my way downstairs and went to my mom. She was knocked out and I called an ambulance. I was used to the red and blue sirens by now. They took my mom away and I was left alone.

When she came home the next morning, she told me that her new boyfriend was gone. She was trying so hard to find someone nice but they all abuse her. My dad was killed in a car crash and mom was so sad. She thought that I needed a father figure in my life.

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