league of villains...

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- last day at the training camp- -night-

Our last day was full of more training. You finaly were able to fight without compleatly passing out, though you still got really dizzy, your vision clouded, and sometimes you paralyzed your body. But now it was night time and the pussycats announced that you would be going on a haunted trail type thing through the woods. There will be other students that will try and scare you as you and a partner Walt through the woods. You walk over to Bakugo and grab his arm. Dragging him over to the entrance of the path, you wait until it was your turn to enter.

You and Bakugo walked through the forest with your arms linked. The other class tried to jump out and scare you but you layed no mind to them. Once you were about halfway through the forest, your sensitive nose smelled something. You stopped dead causing Bakugo to stumble backwards sense your arms were still linked.

"What the fuck?!" He yelled

You held up a hand to silence him and lifted your nose up into the air to smell again.

"Poison." You declared


"A poison gas is coming this way."

It was faint but you could smell it. Suddenly a stronger scent hit you. Smoke. You looked around and saw smoke and, blue flames?



"Go Bakugo! Go tell everyone that something wierd is going on."

He tried to argue with you but eventually turned back the way you came and ran to tell everyone what was happening. You ran towards the source of the fire. On your way there, you were stopped by a thick white for. It reeked of poison. You covered your nose and mouth with your shirt and held your breath. Running as fast as you could, you finaly came to a small clearing. Hiding behind a bush, you looked around and saw a tall man with dark black hair. He had purple burn marks all over his body. The burnt skin seemed to be connected to the regular skin by some sort of staple.

Moving silently, you retreated to go tell the heroes who It was. You ran through the forest that was now filled with poisonous gas. Tripping over something, you turn around and see two of the students from class 1B. You pick them up and carry them to the exit. You drop them on the ground away from the gas and head back in. You meet deku and some others trying to get out. Deku's whole body was broken and he was staying conscious due to the pain and adrenaline pumping through his veins.

Suddenly we heard a message via Mandalay's telepathy. She said that the group attacking was the league of villains and that they were after kachan. We all looked to Bakugo who was against his will, following the group. Suddenly we looked back again and he was gone. Looking around, you saw a man in the trees holding a small blue marble.

"There!" You yelled pointing at the man

You all rushed to get the marble. You assumed that Bakugo was trapped inside it. After a long chase, you entered a large clearing with the scared man you saw before. The one with the marble suddenly held up two marbles. You looked around and saw that tokoyami was gone.

"Damn it!" You cursed

You fought the one with the marbles finaly getting one back but the other one was now in the scared mans hand. He was backing into a purple misty portal thing. You saw deku rush forward but you knew he wasn't going to be fast enough. You jumped up and ran from the side. Getting to the portal at the exact moment the marble turned back, you saw Bakugo. Deku tripped and fell but you jumped up and bit down hard on the man's arm. That caused him to drop Bakugo. You however, were pulled into the portal. The rush caused you to pass out.

Explosion (a Bakugo x reader story)Where stories live. Discover now