The Mall

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**recap of weekend**
You were training with Bakugo, Kami, and kiri when you pushed yourself a little to far and paralyzed your body for a couple of hours. Bakugo took care of you and helped you eat. You thought it was really sweet of him but if you told him thatbje would probably just blowup because he is just a spiky haired time-bomb. A time-bomb that you love but you can't bring yourself to break down your walls compleatly and tell him that. Anyway, Bakugo helped you train a little more over the weekend. You ended up texting your mom you couldn't come home for the weekend because you were still recovering from the USJ attack. Classes resumed on Monday and you were really pumped to go back to school.

--time skip to monday--

Your whole class was exited to go back to school. You ate a quick breakfast and ran to the classroom because you couldn't wait any longer. When you walked in, Bakugo was talking to kiri and kami. 'Doesn't he have any other friends? Oh well.' You think to yourself as you walk over. You jump onto the desk interrupting their conversation.

"Do you have to do that?" Kami asked in a shocked voice

"I don't understand how you are shocked by this, I do it almost every day." You reply. And it's true. Even when you weren't in school, you would still jump onto the tables and counters instead of sitting in chairs. You also got a lot of scolding from Iida.

"Anyway, what do you want?" Kiri asked while Bakugo commenced to stroke your tail.

"Nothing, I'm just bored." You reply with a shrug

"Your always bored." Bakugo stated

"Ya well it's boring right now." You whined when suddenly you had an idea. You jumped off the table and ran to Uraraka. "Uraraka! Can you make me float?" You ask excitedly

"Uh, why?"

"Cuz I'm bored" you whine

"Fine. But don't do anything stupid." She said touching your arm and you begin to float off the ground.

You floated around the room, relaxing in the air. You tucked in your legs and did a flip in the air. You floated back over to Bakugo and latched onto his neck.

"Why are you floating?" He asked calmly.

"Cuz now I can do, this!" You say as you do flips in the air.

"Your lucky you wear leggings under your skirt." He says with a light pink dusting on his cheeks as you float around upside down.

"Ha ha" you say sarcastically

You flip right side up and lay back resting your head in your hands.

"Uraraka! We should do this more often." You tell her

She nods and gives you a thumbs up and returns to her conversation. You float back to the middle of kiri and Kami and brush your tail on their noses.

"Ya know, you really can be anoying." Kiri says swatting your tail away

"I know" You say flatly. He sighed "we should do something together."

"Like what?" Kami asks

"Well we could all go to the mall together." You suggest

"Nuh uh! No way am I going to a mall." Bakugo protests

"Aww, c'mon! It'll be fun!" You whine floating over to him. "You guys will come with me right?" You ask glaring at them, daring them to say no

"Uh, ya I'm free." They both say in unison

"See, both your guy friends are going. Now stop being a baby and take me to the mall." You whine at him

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