Swasan - Never repeat the Mis...

By SwanSchreibt

151K 7.5K 1.8K

After being betrayed by her step-sister, Swara breaks down completely. She wishes nothing more than correctin... More

Character Sketch
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Teaser 1
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Author note
Chapter 21
Teaser 2

Chapter 5

6K 283 50
By SwanSchreibt

As soon as Kavitha showed Sanskar-Swara's conversation, Sanskar looked towards Swara with unshed tears in his eyes. He could now understand Swara's earlier outburst. He felt guilty for causing so much emotional trauma to her.

Sanskar: I am sorry Swara. I wish I could change that.

Swara, who got emotional seeing Ragini's murder attempt, got startled. She smiled at Sanskar. This was the Sanskar who was always hidden behind his thirst for revenge.

Swara: You now have a chance to change everything all over again.

Sanskar: How?

Swara was about to reply to his question, when Jannat's voice turned their attention to her.

Jannat: Oh my god. He did all that?? (Swara nodded) And you still came all the way here to convince him so that he leaves his revenge. (Swara again nodded) Why?

Swara: Because he is a good man and I don't want him to spoil himself. Also, his revenge would not just affect me, but also my mother. I don't want to spoil any chances for her to live a happy life with the one she loves. She suffered a lot, but not anymore.

Jannat and Vishal looked at her with admiration. They knew how much Swara loved her mother. They always stayed around her because she was too selfless and naive. They didn't want anyone to take advantage of her. But looking at the screen, they realized that they failed in their quest. They couldn't protect their friend. This turned them emotional. Jannat gave her a tight hug followed by Vishal. Once Vishal stepped back, both of them expected Sumedh to do the honours. On not finding him next to them, they looked around to find him and Shravan on the floor. Swara, Jannat and Vishal quickly went to them. Vishal squatted down and patted both of them trying to wake them up.

Vishal: Summu. Shravan. Wake up guys.

On not seeing any movement from them, they started getting tensed. Meanwhile, Sanskar got a glass of water and sprinkled it on both of them. They slowly woke up and looked around as if transported from somewhere. They simultaneously asked the same question.

Shravan and Sumedh: Please tell me I was dreaming

All of them nodded a no simultaneously. Sumedh and Shravan again fainted only to get slapped Swara and Sanskar respectively. Both of them stood up with hands on their cheeks. Both of them question Swara and Sanskar simultaneously.

Shravan and Sumedh: Why did you slap me?

Swara and Sanskar: Because I had to keep you awake. You are such coward. Who faints like this?

Sumedh made a cute crying face. Swara smiled and pulled his cheeks in a friendly way. Sumedh fake glared at Swara, but later hugged her. Jannat and Vishal joined the hug making it a group hug. Sanskar and Shravan admired the friendship of this gang. They cared for each other truly and tried their level best to protect each other. Sanskar looked at Shravan emotionally. Shravan is the only true friend Sanskar has.

When Sanskar left his house, none of his friends were willing to support him. They stated that they cannot help someone who doesn't have money at all. Sanskar was broken. He always considered them his true friends and helped them a lot of times. He never revealed about owning a company to any of his friends. Even Kavitha had no idea about his company. He had decided to surprise them by offering the posts of board members of his company to all of them after he marries Kavitha. But they showed their true faces to Sanskar.

Kavitha had supported him and advised him to come to Mumbai with her to meet her childhood bestie Shravan. Sanskar, who was so broken by his friend's betrayal, didn't want Kavitha to face the same too. But Kavitha remained adamant and informed him that Shravan always considered her his sister and would definitely help them. Sanskar reluctantly agreed to take her to Shravan. When they reached Shravan's house, they were welcomed warmly. Sanskar expected them to be thrown out after they revealed the reason for their arrival. However, Shravan and his parents, Rajnath and Sakshi, happily congratulated them and supported them with the formalities of register marriage. When Kavitha died, Sanskar decided to leave their house. But Rajnath and Sakshi refused to let him go. They started considering Sanskar their son and didn't want to part with him. It took some time for Sanskar to accept them as his own. But they were extremely patient. Sanskar found a brother cum best friend in Shravan. Shravan joined Karma Industries and helped Sanskar in taking it to newer heights. When Sanskar decided to take revenge, it was Shravan who was willing to help him. Sanskar felt thankful to Kavitha for introducing him to Shravan. He knew Shravan will always have his back.

Shravan looked at Sanskar and raised his eyebrows at finding Sanskar giving him an emotional smile. Sanskar shook his head smilingly, but a sudden thought crossed his mind. He looked at the gang. He had only one question in his mind.

Sanskar: Swara can I ask you something?

Sanskar's voice broke their moment.

Swara: Yes Sanskar. You can ask.

Sanskar: Swara how could your friends not stop all this from happening? I mean I feel you guys are pretty close and they would never allow you to be humiliated.

Vishal: Yes Swara. Even I wanted to ask the same. How is it possible that we couldn't save you?

Swara felt bad and didn't want to reveal the reason. But she has no other option.

Swara: You all were very angry with me. I had left our band as Laksh's family didn't want me to work after marriage. None of you spoke to me for a month and had gone to US for a concert. Summu kept sending me pictures so that I get tempted to join you guys. But I couldn't go against my baba.

Her friends were extremely shocked and extremely furious with themselves. They felt it was their mistake because of which Swara suffered this much. Swara consoled her friends slowly.

Swara: Guys its ok. Leave it. I refused to come with you. It was my mistake not yours. But I am happy now. Not everyone gets a chance to correct their mistakes. But I have got a chance to correct it. Will you guys help me?

All of them nodded.

Sumedh: Yes, we will help you. Let's go and take revenge from all those who hurt you.

Sumedh looked so determined that Swara feared he would give a tight slap to Sanskar right now.

Swara: Summu I don't want to take any revenge from anyone.

Vishal: Do you want our help to convince your baba to marry your ma and accept you?

Swara: No. I will ask my ma later if she wants to marry Shekar Gadodia. If she says yes, then I will get her married to him. But I can't accept that man as my father. When he could never stand up for his love in front of parents, how will he be able to stand up for me? He had not come forward to marry ma when he got to know that I am his daughter. If not for me and Ragini, then he would have never accepted ma as his wife or me as his child. When he doesn't want to consider me as his daughter, then why should I beg for a surname? My mother made sure that I don't require a surname. I prefer being called Swara Bose and not Swara Gadodia. I don't want a father who keeps his reputation above my happiness. I am happy with my ma and dida who always keep my happiness first.

All of them felt proud of Swara. They never expected Swara to accept the situation in this way. But they were able to understand her feelings.

Jannat: I am proud of you Swara. But then what help do you need from us?

Swara: I want your help in making Laksh fall for Ragini.

All: What?

Kavitha, who had been silent till then, decided to intervene.

Kavitha: Shut up guys. Why do you have to shout this much? Even I will get deaf.

As all of them had forgotten about Kavitha's presence, they got scared with her sudden intervention.

Swara: It's Ok Kavitha. They are bound to react this way. I will handle them.

Kavitha: Alright Swara. But I will interfere if they react stupidly.

Swara nodded and turned towards the others.

Swara: I can understand your shock. But I want to do this for my own good.

Sumedh: How will Laksh loving Ragini be of any good for you?

Kavitha: Abey chup. (Shut up). If you keep interfering, how will she tell you? Stupid man. I really don't know how you handle him Swara.

Swara and Jannat started giggling while Sumedh shut his mouth with a finger on his lips.

Swara: He is kid at times Kavitha. But he is the sweetest person you can find. (Swara smiled looking at Sumedh before turning towards everyone) I am sure that Laksh's family will bring the proposal of getting Ragini married to Laksh after 4 years. Ragini, being a traditional girl, will accept Laksh as her husband as soon as their marriage is fixed. But Laksh will not be able to accept Ragini as his wife.

Shravan: Why?

Before Swara could reply, Sanskar answers his question.

Sanskar: Laksh always wanted to marry someone who is modern. He has lots of expectations from his wife and has also made a huge list of criteria for the same. He always wanted to marry someone who fulfils all the criteria. As much as I have heard from Swara about Ragini, I don't think Ragini will ever fall in that category. I feel Swara falls in that category.

Swara: Yes Sanskar. You are right. But I don't want to marry him. I want to live my life the way I want. I can't adjust in your family. I hope you understand and don't get offended.

Sanskar nodded a no stating he didn't get offended.

Swara: I want to make sure that Ragini doesn't try to kill me and that is possible only if Laksh falls for her. Will you guys help me?

Vishal: Yes, we will help you. We don't need the help of someone who tried to spoil your life Swara. Come on. Let's go.

Jannat and Sumedh support him. Hearing them, Sanskar gets disheartened. He really wanted to help Swara.

Swara: Stop it guys. That's enough. He corrected himself at the right time unlike Ragini who couldn't understand the difference between right and wrong. You are saying that he tried to spoil my life. But don't you realize that he could not harm his brother directly? That is the love he has for his brother. But Ragini didn't think twice before killing me. That is Ragini's love for me. Now tell me who is at fault? Is it Sanskar or Ragini?

Sumedh: We agree. But had he not instigated Ragini, nothing like this would have happened.

Swara: Ragini is not a child that she will believe anything he says. Ragini always wanted to marry Laksh. Sanskar showed her a way and she followed it happily without even analyzing whether it is right or wrong. Sanskar didn't force her. She did it willingly.

Jannat: Fine. We won't say anything to him. But don't ask us to forgive him. We can't.

Sumedh and Vishal nod to that.

Swara: Alright I won't. Now let's go. Sanskar we will leave now. I will contact you when I need your help.

Sanskar: Ok Swara. Take care. I am sorry guys for hurting your friend. I will definitely earn your forgiveness.

Swara's friends were shocked. This man didn't need to do anything like that. Still he wanted to do it. They decided to forgive him soon, but only after teaching him a very small lesson. Just before they left, Sanskar gave them his private number. Swara and her friends left from there after bidding bye to Sanskar, Shravan and Kavitha.

Sanskar and Shravan turned to Kavitha. They were very emotional to see her like this. But before they could open their mouth, she vanished.


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