š’š„š‹š„šš„. ( š˜µš˜¦š˜¦š˜Æ š˜øš˜°...

By secretinigma

131K 3.4K 2.1K

( šˆš’š€š€š‚ š‹š€š‡š„š˜ ) ā€• š˜“š˜©š˜¦ š˜Æš˜¦š˜¦š˜„š˜¦š˜„ š˜¢ š˜øš˜¢š˜ŗ š˜µš˜° š˜£š˜¦ š˜©š˜¶š˜®š˜¢š˜Æ, š˜øš˜©š˜Ŗš˜¤š˜© š˜øš˜°š˜¶š˜­š˜„š˜Æ'... More

š’š„š‹š„šš„. introduction
act one


4.2K 146 49
By secretinigma




selene had decided that after not being able to find derek she would stay with isaac, boyd and erica not wanting to leave the three struggling teenagers alone on the night of a full moon. the girl was freezing as she walked around the train depot without a jacket or shoes on, her bare feet occasionally stepping on a sharp rock or piece of small glass.

she hadn't gone back in to talk to isaac or to check on the others, but as long as it was quiet and no blood was being shed she decided it was okay to wait outside. she was sort of scared to talk to the boy again, being quite hurt that he had only saved her because she was going to die. it was stupid of her, she was expecting a big answer like he loved her or something.

although she knew she couldn't expect that considering she didn't love him and she didn't even know if they considered eachother friends. only being able to start tolerating each other day at the rave. it was stupid to even think that something like a romance could blossom between them.

she was cut out of her vigorous thought progress as her phone began ringing on the crate she left it, the girl quickly checking the caller id seeing it was stiles.

"hey selene, can you come to the sheriffs station?" the boy asked as his voice came out slightly shaky considering matt held a gun to his head.

"stiles, are you okay? what's wrong?" the girl asked considering she found it weird that he said her name at the start of the sentence.

"yeah, just get here quick. please" the boy said as his voice had become a whisper, the girl nodded before remembering he couldn't see her.

"i'm on my way" she said before hanging up and walking back to the cart that the werewolves were restrained.

"isaac!" she called out before the boys head snapped up to her figure "i have to go to the sheriffs station, i'll be back" she said not giving him time to reply before she was off to her car.


after finding out matt was the person controlling the kanima, scott stiles and sheriff stilinski were in the sheriffs station calling witnesses over. one being scott's mom. trying to get a warrant to arrest the boy. although matt had shown up with a gun holding them at gun point after he had killed every cop in the building.

"deleted. and we're done. all right? so, matt, since all the people you brutally murdered deserved it because they killed you first-- whatever that means-- i think we're good here, right? so, I'll just get my dad, and we'll go, you know? you continue on the whole vengeance thing. enjoy the kanima" stiles said irritably as he gestured between him and his dad.

the sound of car parking outside caused all of the heads in the room to snap outside. "looks like selene or your mom is here, mccall" matt said smirking as he waved his gun around.

"matt, don't do this. when they comes to the door, i'll just tell them to leave. i'll tell them we didn't find anything. please, matt--" scott said pleadingly before they heard the door open.

"if you don't move, now, i'm gonna kill stiles first, and then your mom" matt said threateningly as he stayed seated in his chair.

the boy stood up walking behind scott then stiles as he held the gun to stiles' back, scott walked to the door in the office before stopping himself. praying neither girl was on the other side.

"open it" matt ordered him as he had tears coating his eyes.

"please-" scott said not moving an inch.

"open the door" matt said slower as scott reached out and slowly opened it coming face to face with derek.

"oh, thank god" scott breathed out before derek fell forward and jackson showed up behind him. derek's body hitting the floor hard as he landed on his back. jacksons face changing so half was human and half was kanima.

"this is the one controlling him? this kid?" derek asked as matt leaned down to derek's paralysed body

"well, derek, not everyone's lucky enough to be a big, bad werewolf" matt said tauntingly "that's-that's right. i've learned a few things lately. werewolves, hunters, kanimas ... It's like a frickin' halloween party every full moon. even witches..." he said as he noticed how derek's expression changed.

"except for you, stiles. what do you turn into?" he asked as stiles suddenly lifted his head.

"abominable snowman. but, uh, it's more of, like, a wintertime thing, you know, seasonal" the boy said being sarcastic before mat nudged his head. jackson showing up behind the boy paralysing him to.

"hey!" scott said going to grab stiles' body before matt held the gun up. stiles' body ending up on top of derek's.

"you bitch!" the lanky boy said as derek grunted and the kanima shook its finger in front of scott's face.

"get him off of me" derek said as he kept his eyes facing the ceiling.

"oh, i don't know, derek. i think you two make a pretty good pair" matt said as he crouched down again his eyes looking amused. "it must kinda suck, though, to have all the power taken away from you with just a little cut to the back of the neck. i bet you're not used to feeling this helpless"

"still got some teeth. why don't you get down here a little closer, huh? we'll see how helpless i am." derek threatened before two cars could be heard outside.

"is that them?" matt said acting dumb as scott kept his head facing the window. "do what i tell you to do and i won't hurt her. i won't even let jackson near ." matt ordered scott.

"scott don't trust him!" stiles said, his voice coming out mumbled. before matt pulled the boys body of derek as he placed his foot on stiles throat choking the boy.

"this work better for you?" matt asked as stiles' face became red .

"hey, just stop, stop!" scott yelled out as he held himself back from attacking matt

"then do what i tell you to" matt said gesturing to the door behind them

"okay" scott breathed out despite matt leaving his foot there. "all right" scott finally agreed "stop!" he yelled as matt finally took his foot off stiles' throat. the boy coughing and gasping as he took in as much air as possible

"you, take him in there" matt said gesturing to jackson and stiles "you.." matt said turning to scott" with me" he said before turning the gun to scott's back walking the boy through the doors.

selene and melissa had just entered the station, the woman telling the young girl why she had been called. selene was confused as stiles had just told her to show up. the younger girl still walked bare footed as she stupidly forgot to put her shoes back on, the worry taking over her.

"mom?" scott said as he showed up in front of the two women, melissa sighed as she walked towards him. selene still being confused walked behind the woman.

"you scared me, where is every-" the woman stopped walking and talking causing selene to bump into her back.

when the girl moved to the side of the  woman and looked up she was met with the sight of matt holding a gun to scott's head. "just do what he says. he promised he wouldn't hurt you " scott said trying to calm his mother.

"he's right" matt nodded before putting lowering his gun, selene sighed as she saw matt move the gun from scott to selene's stomach before pulling the trigger causing melissa to scream and scott to try and move towards the girl before matt moved the gun towards his mother.

"scott! stiles!" sheriff stilinski called out from the cells after hearing the gunshot, selene grabbed her stomach in agony as she held onto the gunshot wound. "what happened?" the man called.

selene moved to the bench in front of her before falling down and leaning her back against it, the girl let tears escape her eyes as she groaned loudly. derek and stiles being able to hear from the room behind.

"but i didn't say i wouldn't hurt her" he said looking down at the girl before looking at scott, the boy masking an angry expression.

"wait, wait" melissa whispered as she tried to move over to selene to help the girl.

"back, back!" matt yelled out as he rushed over to the woman, causing her to back up.

"mom! mom, stop, mom!" scott yelled out knowing if she tried to help selene, it wouldn't end well for anyone.

selene groaned out as the blood began to seep through her dress, her hands becoming stained by the red liquid. "i said get back" matt threatened as his voice became darker.

"melissa, please do it" selene begged the woman as she held back the harsh curse words that wanted to leave her throat, the woman listening and stepping back a bit.

"get up" matt ordered the bleeding girl on the floor.

"matt! matt, listen to me" sheriff stilinski tried arguing from the locked up room he was in, making the boy angrier.

"shut up! shut- shut up! everybody just shut the hell up!" the boy screamed as he began panting.

"now, get up, or i shoot her next!" matt said pointing the gun at melissa, selene didn't have healing properties like the others. and she knew if she didn't sort out her bullet wound soon she'd die. the girl begrudgingly got up as she held onto  the wound and let matt grab her arm before dragging her to the cells.

"please, she needs to see a doctor" melissa begged the boy as he locked her up in the cell.

"you think so?" matt asked, obviously thinking that selene would heal like the others.

"hey, hey, you listen to me!" the sheriff shouted as he got up from the seat he was chained to

"it's alright, i'm okay" selene panted out as she felt her vision begin to spot as she swayed on her feet near the wall. scott wasn't allowed near her to even give her support or take the pain away.

"no, honey, you're not okay" melissa cried as she stared at the teenage girl. she didn't know her well, but she knew her well enough to know she didn't deserve this.

"it doesn't hurt that much, trust me" selene said before she let out a small scream, feeling the blood continue to pour.

"selene?" derek called out as he could hear the girls scream from the other room. if he wasn't going to kill matt before, he definitely was going to now.

"it's the adrenaline, okay?" please, let me.. let me just take a look at her, okay?" melissa begged the boy as she continued to cry "i mean, i can help the bleeding" she continued

"they have no idea, do they?" matt asked as he looked between scott and selene.

"she doesn't heal like us!" scott yelled out to the boy, as matts eyes widened for just a second before going back to normal.

"what do you mean heal?" sheriff stilinski asked as he kept his eyes trained on the girls bullet wound.

"please, just let me take a quick look" melissa cried before matt began walking side to side repeatedly telling her to 'shut up'

"lady, if you keep talking, i'm gonna put the next bullet through one of their heads" matt threatened as he pointed the gun at scott and selene.

"back to the front, mccall. selene, follow " matt ordered before he grabbed the girls arm, her slouching over as she tried to stop the bleeding.

the girl was quickly thrown into the locked room as she stepped over derek and stiles' paralysed body. the boys eyes following her, well also hearing the small droplets of blood hit the marble floor. the girl sat on one of the chairs as she quickly grabbed reached for a coat on the hanger holding the object against it. she noticed her feet were now stained with drops of her own blood, and it made her want to throw up.

"the evidence is gone, why don't you just go?" scott asked matt as he stood in the middle of the room. 

"you think the evidence mattered that much, huh?" matt asked as seat beaded his forehead.

"no, no, i want the book" matt said as he moved closer to scott.

"what? what book?" scott asked confused, as selene figured it out.

"the bestiary" she said before throwing her head back the pain becoming too much. the girl knew she wouldn't be able to stay awake much longer.

"not just a few pages. i want the entire thing" matt ordered as stiles and derek turned their eyes to look at eachother.

"i don't have it. it's gerard's" scott tried arguing as he looked matt dead in the eye "what do you want it for, anyway?" scott asked confused.

"i need answers" the boy said as he became agitated 

"answers to what?" scott asked needing more information from the boy

the boy lifted the side of his shirt revealing a part of his skin beginning to change the same as the kanima when it's shifted "to this" as scott and stiles' eyes widened.

selene had guessed it was because he was breaking the rules, and he would have to pay the price. before he dropped his shirt after seeing the skin begin to glow and move as if it was growing.


selene was barely conscious as she had stopped holding onto the coat, and let the blood pour a bit freely. it being too much effort to hold it in her condition.

"selene, you alright up there?" stiles asked from the floor as he kept his voice down considering jackson was guarding the door.

"i don't think i can do this much longer" she said as her eyes had become permanently green considering the pain she was in.

"use my belt" derek said as he kept his eyes trained on the creature in front of him. the girl understood what he meant ass tiles stared between the two weirdly.

"now is not the time for you two to sort through your problems" stiles was shut up as he saw selene begin to undo derek's bet and sliding it off the man

 the girl wrapping it around her stomach before tightening it against the wound. the blood not coming out in as large amounts as it did before. it didn't mean it would stop the bleeding fully, but it would decrease the amount.

"you know whats happening to matt?" stiles asked turning to derek as the older man kept his eyes trained on the girl.

"you know, the book's not gonna help him. you can't just break the rules. not like this" derek said as he finally turned his eyes to stiles

"what do you mean?" stiles asked confused, selene was honestly dumbfounded on how he didn't understand yet.

"the universe is balancing things out. always does" selene whispered harshly as she moved her hair away from her front, it becoming too hot.

"is it because he's using jackson to kill people who don't deserve it?" stiles asked as he looked at jackson.

"killing people himself" derek explained as he flicked his claws out beginning to push them into his thigh.

"so, if matt breaks the rules of the kanima, he becomes the kanima?" stiles asked as derek kept his eyes focused on the ceiling. "will he believe us if we tell him that?"

"not likely" selene whispered as she began to search through the sheriffs desk quietly for a phone

"okay, he's gonna kill all of us when he gets the book, isn't he?" stiles said making selene scoff before moaning in pain.

"he's already basically killed me" the girl said as tears began pooling out of her eyes, the clip from derek's belt pushing into her skin

"selene, can you do a spell to knock jackson out?" derek asked as he tried thinking of a solution.

"i'm too weak" she explained as she stared at jackson. maybe she could try and snap him out of his trance and turn him back to normal for even a second.

"do we just sit here and wait to die?" stiles asked annoyed that they couldn't do anything.

"unless i can figure out a way to push the toxin out of my body faster. like, triggering the healing process" derek said as the sound o his blood pouring out of his leg hit the teenagers ears, their eyes turning to the floor.

"what? oh, what are you doing?" stiles asked disgusted as he saw derek clawing into his own leg. "oh, gross" the boy said turning his eyes away, selene doing the same.


"so, is that hypothetical situation we talked about, getting any less hypothetical?" stiles asked as derek continued letting the toxin out.

"i think so" the man said as he could feel a little movement in his body "i can move my toes" the man realised.

"dude, i can move my toes" stiles complained as they realised derek's plan wasn't working.

the lights in the room cut out, selene also seeing that the rooms outside had cut out. the girl slowly stood up well also keeping a firm grip on her stomach before she couldn't see jackson anymore

"what is this?" she could hear matt yell as they heard the alarm sounding around the building "whats, going on?" matt screamed before all the glass in the windows was blasted everywhere and rapid gunfire could be heard.

the girl quickly shot to the floor she could see the flicker's going through main office, praying to god scott would still be alive. she found it funny how in the end she was always hoping for scott to come out alive.

 the sudden smoke going through the room scared her as she quickly knelt down before hearing a bang outside and seeing scott's figure enter the room.

"take them, go!" derek yelled to the boy as he rolled onto his side, feeling the movement back in his body.

scott throwing an arm around stiles shoulder and another around selene's as he rushed the two teenagers out as quick as he could. jackson seeing them before following after, scott pushed them though sets of doors locking each before jackson knocked them down. the process repeating until they were left in an interrogation room with no escape.

allison and chris began walking through the building hearing the sheriffs screams as the man tried pulling the chain off the wall. derek had gotten up fully and was in his werewolf phase as his eyes had glowed red and his fangs had come out. jackson had left the boys in the room and fully transformed into the kanima.

scott quickly places selene and stiles' on chairs before deciding he had to go and help derek and get rid of matt "don't move" he instructed the two as stiles rolled his eyes " you know what i mean" he said.

the boy running out down the hall before being met with allison with a crossbow in his face "allison" he sighed.

"where's derek?" she asked with a dark look in her eyes.

"what are you doing?" he asked confused seeing the girls attire and the harsh look on her face.

"if you're not going to tell me, then get out of my way" allison threatened seeing the sad look on scott's face.

"allison" the boy tried talking to her.

"where is he?" allison yelled getting fed up.

"what happened?" scott asked trying to move forward seeing the tears in her eyes.

"scott.." she panted as she walked closer "scott, you need to stay away from me right now" she said aiming the crossbow to his chest before he moved back.

"you need to go, just stay out of my way" she said before pushing past him. the boy staring after her before realising selene was bleeding out "allison! selene!" the boy called as she halted.

"what about her?" she asked irritated not knowing why he brought her up. even her best friend wouldn't be able to convince her to not kill derek.

"she's bleeding out in that room" the boy said before running away to help derek. the girl stopped her actions before groaning loudly and stopping her plan, before running to where selene and stiles were.

"allison?" selene asked as she panted, the blood had turned her pretty blue dress into an ugly brown as it seeped down her side.

"promise me, you won't hate me" was all allison said leaning down to her best friends level, selene being confused squinted her eyes.

"promise me!" allison shouted out not having time to explain. selene nodded none the less before allison kissed her cheek before running out the room to meet her dad.

"stiles, if i die-" selene was cut off from her speech by stiles rapidly turning his head as far as he could to her.

"you're not dying selene. i did not wait this long to be your friend for you to die" the boy argued as he didn't want to think about the girl he had grown close to dying.

"if i do" she stated sternly "tell lydia and nicholas, i'm sorry for leaving" she barely got out as she shut her eyes the migraine spilling through her head causing the pain she was already in to double. her eyes staying shutting, letting her rest.

both teenagers being unaware that in the room right next to them, that scott had just revealed the whole supernatural world to melissa mccall, and that matt had escaped. derek being knocked out in the process.

"selene?" stiles called out as he couldn't hear the girls shallow breathing anymore, "selene!" he yelled before muttering curse words. the boy tried feeling for movement in his body so he could check on the girl. 


scott had run round the corner bumping into gerard, the boy grabbing the mans arm as he stared him in the eye. "what are you doing here? it wasn't supposed to happen like this!" scott yelled.

"trust me, i'm aware of that" gerard replied in a terse voice. both males not knowing that derek was round the corner listening to the whole thing.

"i've done everything that you've asked of me. i'm part of derek's pack, i've given you all the information that you wanted, i told you matt was controlling jackson..." scott complained to the man.

"then leave him to us. help your friends. leave matt and jackson to me. deal with selene." gerard threatened the boy, scott hesitant on leaving before gerard yelled "go!" scott began to walk away before a small clatter hit the floor.

gerard's pill case, scott picked it up before turning to the man "you dropped this" the boy said handing it to him. before gerard nodded as a thanks. and scott was gone straight back to selene and stiles. hopefully to get selene to a hospital.

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