By Iamkatjarome

418 46 12

I keep screwing things up with Damon,I love him so much,but I was just not the perfect type of girl friend,so... More

Part 1_Birthday
Part 4_Damon's pov:
Part 5_Kat's pov:
Part 6_Breakfast
Part 7_Hospital
Part 8_ Finally
Part 9: Scars
Part 10: Empty
Part 11:(Continuation)
Part 13:Fuck
Part 12:WOW
Part 14:PAIN
Part 15: Broken
Part 16:Relief
Part 17: SUMMER

Part 3_ Meet Harry!

30 6 3
By Iamkatjarome

He was just right at my face and I could feel his mint like breathe,Oh my God.Harry was right here buying me shots of tequila, I mean it's my birthday anybody can spoil me but Harrison brings a whole different sensation to me. It had been like two minutes since he held my hand and I couldn't even realize I had left my friends,we always had a rule to always stick together in clubs no matter what,I hope they will let this one slide because I wasn't letting Harry's company go to waste.
I wasn't even sure if it was the right decision to be drinking with a boy right now, especially not with this indefinable relationship I had with Damon at the moment,we cared for each other yes, we were just not at speaking terms at the moment but we hadn't agreed on anything like breaking up or giving each other space.Fuck it anyway.
The waiter handed me a glass of tequila half way full and for a moment I thought about Damon and I could feel like I was betraying him by being with Harrison at the moment, all I kept asking myself was what if Damon finds out that I hang out with Harry? I didn't want to break his trust and I didn't want to add any more issues than the ones we had.
I have had a history with Harry before,and we still hooked up even after I started dating Damon,but I promised him that it would never happen again and it's my duty to make sure that I don't break that promise.Harry is attractive,he's beautiful,he has a perfect height, perfect colour, perfect body,the cutest eyes and his lips are just so beautiful,he is irresistible to everything that he touches, he is adorable and he is my type of boyfriend from head to toe,it's just that his character doesn't match his physical perfection.He is a user and a player and he has slept with a lot of girls in our school,me being part of them ,but we are just different when with each other,we are toxic and very compatible,that's the greatest reason as to why Harry hasn't dumped me yet even after the multiple times that we have had sex together.
"Sexy,just take a sip ,a little drink brings no harm ,"he interrupted my thoughts with his sexy deep voice.
"How's your puppet anyway,what was his name again,Davvies ,yeah right.."he looked and me straight and I didn't say anything to him so he continued being as annoying as usual,"oooops ,it's David ,how's David ,I bet you have him all circled around your finger...."
It's just been like 5 minutes with Harry and he was already getting in my nerves,"His name is Damon and I love him so much"It's what I wanted to say at first but the alcohol in me directed otherwise,"am here to forget about Damon,dummy,we broke up", I said instead. I knew I wasn't doing right by Damon but I just couldn't control myself before Harrison so I took the whole gulp of remaining tequila so fast. "Another!"I ordered as I banged the table. We continued drinking and having our usual chit chats with Harry,and I can't deny it,I felt amazing, incredible to have made an impact in the eyes of the sexiest boy in the world,Harry brought a lot of different feelings and vibes with me, he just lacked one thing in him,some little sense of humanity and although he was fun to hang out with,I knew for a fact that he didn't love me and he didn't care about me,he just wanted me as his constant sex toy to mess around with. That's why I chose Damon over Harry ,Damon loved me deep down.

"I think I need to go and check up on my friends," I said in a sudden realisation. I was just lying to Harry about checking up on my friends,I just wanted to get away from him,as far as I could before he could tempt me any further tonight.
"It's still early sexy,don't you think,"
Harrison added,this time his lips were too close to mine and I was breathing so fast,my titties yearned for his broad warm chest so bad and I could feel my hands shake a little. My mind kept begging me not to fall into the trap but my vulnerable body couldn't help it so I came closer to him and our lips crushed with a lot of lust,a lot of heavy and deep breathes, everything in me was dropping,my heart,my sanity and I could feel my panties get wetter every second.
Harrison was so good at this,he knew when and how to hold a certain part of my body and that always kept me throwing myself at him several times.
"We should go home,don't you think,"Harry added in between our kiss
"Yes" I just answered even without thinking and turned to get my blazer but Harry reached for it before I could. "I have become a gentleman baby ,am going to get you your blazer first,then we can leave,"he added.
"Fine by me,you better hurry up or I will change my mind." I warned.
And he actually did get the blazer for me,how gentle of a man. Then he leaned on towards me so now my head was resting on his chest,and I could smell his cologne,a lavender_ish kind of smell mixed with something like a strawberry flavour, then he leaned to give me a peck before we left and I could still feel a lot of attraction toward him at the moment.
"Please, let's go home"
"Okey miss,"he drove me into a cossy warm hug and gave me a peck on both my cheeks . This boy will damage my soul one day.

And just when I turned to adjust my dress and leave, I was met by fierce brown eyes,which were all glued to me,holy shit!


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