Romanogers One-Shots 2

Da TheCaptainsSwan

154K 5.3K 5.5K

I reached the max amount of one shots on my last book so they are continued here. I accept request😁 Altro

Making Him Jealous
A Push in the Right Direction
Rejection Hurts
I Can't Stop Losing You
Struggling to Pop the Question
Taken and Tortured
I Trust You
Not Even a Little Bit?
Sickly and Skinny
Topic of Discussion
Motel Milestones are Hard to Forget
Beach Day
Split Second
It Reminds Me of You
Civil War at Home
Seeing Double
Please Shut The Hell Up
Scare Tactics
Pushing You Away
Paint War
Teases and Truths
The Ultimate Sacrifice
He Looks Hot Chopping Down a Christmas Tree
Babysitting on Christmas
Christmas Traditions and Shit
A Little More Time
A Perfect Life
It's Natasha.
Valentine's Day
Under the Stars
Theme Park
Out Of His Element and Into Hers

Code Thirteen

3.5K 120 197
Da TheCaptainsSwan

So apparently Natasha was originally going to be the nurse when Steve woke up so this is how I like to imagine that would've gone. Beware that this devolves into just pure Nat and Steve fluff moments. 

Steve woke up the the sound a a baseball game playing on a small radio in his hospital room. 

His eyes scanned his surroundings quickly, trying to gather hit wits and understand where he was and if he was in the hands of enemies or allies. 

There were no restraints on him or any guards that he could see, so he let his guard down for a moment, tuning into the baseball game on the radio. 

His eyebrows furrowed. The Dodgers had the bases loaded against the Philly's. He had been to a game between the two of them with the exact same situation. 

He continued to listen as all three of the Dodger's players scored. 

This wasn't a coincidence. It was the exact game he had been at. 

Before he had time to do anything else, the door opened and a nurse walked in. Steve felt his jaw drop slightly at the sight of her bright red hair and painted lips but he quickly regained his composure. 

"Good afternoon Captain," She said in a quiet voice. 

Steve frowned, "Where am I?" 

The nurse handed him a glass of water, "A recovery room in New York City." 

Steve put the water she had given him on the counter and stood up, "Where am I really?" 

The woman frowned, "I'm afraid I don't understand. You're in a hospital in New York." 

Steve shook his head, "That game is from May. I was there. So I'm gonna ask you one more time, where am I?" 

The nurse's face remained stoic but she stood up a little straighter now, "Captain Rogers please sit back down. You aren't in any danger and I didn't lie about where you are." 

Steve looked around the room and before he could do anything, three guards entered the room. 

"God damn it," The nurse mumbled as Steve darted towards the wall, finding himself shocked when he was able to break right through it. 

"The situation was under control!" She yelled before running after him and bringing her wrist up to her mouth.

"We've got a code thirteen. I'm in pursuit," She said, sprinting down the halls after Steve. 

Steve sprinted out of the building and didn't stop until he was in the middle of a world he had never seen before. He was surronded by lights and vehicles that looked like something straight out of a Stark Expo. 

Nothing looked like the world he knew. 

Before he could even breathe, a dozen cars surronded him and the nurse from the room he had been in jumped out of one followed by a man with an eye patch and a long black coat. 

"We had wanted to break it to you gently," The man said, motioning for everyone to put the guns away. 

Steve stood up straighter, his mind spinning, "Break what to me?" 

"You've been asleep for seventy years Captain. The year is 2011."

Steve frowned, that wasn't possible. It was 1948. He had a date with Peggy. He needed to talk to Peggy. And Stark. Surely Stark could help with all of this.

"Captain if you follow us back to our offices we can explain this better. Right here is not the place," The man said again. 

Steve could hardly breathe. He simply nodded and followed the man and the woman into a black car. 

"My name is Nicholas Fury, I'm the director of SHIELD. Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division. Some of the people you knew from your time helped form us."  

Steve couldn't look away from the window. The only thing this New York had in common with where he had grown up was the street names. And Steve was pretty sure even some of those had changed, "Like who?" 

"Peggy Carter, Howard Stark, and a few others." 

Steve didn't react at the mention of his old friends. Apparently seventy years had gone by. They were probably all dead by now. 

He was silent the rest of the way to the headquarters and when they finally arrived, the red-haired woman who had yet to introduce herself to Steve said something to Fury and walked away. 

"Come on in Captain. We'll get you filled in," Nicholas said, leading Steve inside. 


Steve had never felt so lost in his own city. Growing up, he had known the streets of New York like the back of his hand. Sure having a photographic memory helped, but part of it was the fact that he had loved his city and wanted to know every little nook and cranny within it. 

Now he was a stranger to the place he called home and there was nothing he could do about it. 

SHIELD had given him an apartment in Brooklyn and made him come in a few times a week for a therapy session that helped probably about as much as the phone they gave him that he didn't know how to use. 

One morning Steve walked into his therapy session and was greeted by Nick Fury and the red-haired woman from the day he woke up. 

"Morning Captain. Have a seat." 

Steve frowned, "What's going on?" 

Fury sighed, "Your therapy sessions don't seem to be helping so I've decided to try a new approach and just be completely honest with you. We want to offer you a job at SHIELD. You'd be running missions, training recruits, and if all goes to plan we would eventually become a leader of a group we are trying to assemble called the Avengers. But we can't do anything until you've at least begun to adapt to the 21st century. So we're giving you a guide." 

Steve raised an eyebrow, "A guide?" 

Fury nodded and gestured to the red head, "Cap, meet Agent Romanoff. She's going to basically show you the workings of the 21st century and if you decide to take a job here and get clearance, she'll also be your field partner and is a candidate for the Avengers program." 

Steve looked over at her and nodded, "Nice to finally meet you ma'am." 

She nodded back and Fury continued, "I've got to get to a meeting but Agent Romanoff has arranged to show you around the city today. Your therapist said you haven't seen any of the new sights." 

Both Fury and Agent Romanoff stood up. She looked down at Steve and nodded towards the door, "Let's get going Captain. We don't have all day." 

Steve followed behind her, staying quiet partially because he didn't know what to say and partially because she didn't seem to be the type to like small talk. 

They arrived at what Steve assumed was Agent Romanoff's car and he looked at it with a strange face. 

Apparently noticing, she unlocked the car and got into the driver's seat, "I take it they didn't have cars like this back in your day?" 

Steve almost smiled, "Not exactly. Then again, there's a lot more new about this century then just the cars." 

"That's where I come in. Now get in. The car doesn't bite." 

Steve nodded and got into the passenger seat. 

She took off and Steve swore he almost had a heart attack at how quickly the small black car turned out of the garage. 

"Does everyone drive this fast now?" He asked.

She smirked, "Only people with places to be." 

"Where do we have to be?" Steve asked. 

"Fury thinks that I'm taking you to Times Square but I think that's a stupid idea so I'm taking you to a place in Brooklyn that might actually be familiar to you." 

Steve raised an eyebrow but didn't argue. Instead he asked the question he'd been wanting to know the answer to since he first saw her, "What's your name? Or am I supposed to just call you Agent Romanoff?" 

"It's Natasha. Natasha Romanoff. It's probably best if you don't call me Agent in public. People will already be confused enough if they recognize me or you." 

Steve nodded and looked around as his surroundings became somewhat familiar. 

"Where are we?" 

"Brooklyn. I read your file and figured the best way to introduce you to the 21st century would be to show you what's changed where you grew up." 

Steve frowned as he looked out the window. It all looked so different, "I hardly recognize it anymore." 

"Not everything has changed," Natasha said, taking a turn onto the street that Steve had grown up on.

Steve was confused for a moment before he saw his old apartment come into view. Unlike the rest of the buildings surrounding it, nothing had changed. It looked exactly like it had seventy years ago.

Natasha pulled into a parking lot across the street, "After you went into the ice, they preserved this place and turned it into a walkthrough museum type place. Wanna check it out?" 

Steve nodded, eager to see the place he had once thought of as home.

Natasha handed him a hat, "Here. Put this on if you don't want people recognizing you right away." 

"Thanks," Steve said, putting the hat on and following her out of the car and across the street. 

Natasha bought both of them tickets and when Steve objected, offering to pay for his own, she just shook her head, "Don't worry about it. SHIELD gave me a credit card that I can use for anything relating to your acclimation to the 21st century. Which really just means that if you wanna stop at the gift shop on the way out of here, SHIELD is paying." 

Steve laughed, probably for the first time since he had woken up, "There's a gift shop?" 

Natasha nodded, "American's love their Captain America merchandise. Even Coulson has a lunchbox with your face on it." 

Steve turned a little red, taking the ticket from her hand as they walked towards the entrance to the building. 

They walked towards the door to the apartment he and his mom had lived in and Steve slowed down slightly. 

"Everything okay?" Natasha asked, slowing down with him. 

Steve nodded, "Yeah. Just haven't been here in a while." 

Natasha didn't say anything in response, simply opening the door and following behind Steve as he entered into the small living room. 

Inside there were a few other groups of people, all taking photos of the place where the great Captain America had lived before he was Captain America. Little kids in shirts with his face on it pointed at all the furniture and technology from the 1940s while their parents read little plaques that explained different things about Steve's life before he was Captain America. 

He looked around the room, taking in everything. 

It was all exactly the same. His mother's old quilt was still laying on the coach neatly and there was still a mug on the kitchen counter that he had probably forgotten to wash. His old sketch book was laying open on the desk with a bunch of worn down pencils beside it. Steve wondered if he could get away with taking that, after all, it was his. 

He decided against it, not wanting to draw attention to himself and risk people recognizing him and kept walking through the apartment. 

Steve didn't notice Natasha's absence until he was in his old bedroom. He peeked out of the room and saw her looking at an old family photo. The only one he and his mother had ever been able to afford to get. 

"It's a nice picture," She said, turning away from it without another glance. 

She followed Steve into his old bedroom and stood by the door quietly while he walked around mindlessly, just looking at his old things and wondering when things had gotten so complicated. 

When he had seen enough of his old life, he turned back to the door and offered Natasha a weak smile, "I think I'm ready to hit the giftshop if you are." 

Natasha smirked and walked out of the small apartment, leading him into a much more modern room filled with t-shirts, backpacks, signs, and even shoes covered in Steve's face. 

He blushed slightly at the ridiculousness of some of it but continued to follow behind Natasha as she skimmed the racks with a grin. 

"See anything you like Rogers?" 

Steve shook his head, "I think I can go without a shirt with my face on it." 

Natasha shrugged, "Not even this one?" 

She held up a shirt that had a photo of him shirtless on it. Steve's cheeks turned a deep red and he nearly choked, "Where- I don't even know where that picture came from."

Natasha smirked, "Who knows. But now it's preserved on a shirt forever." 

Steve cringed, "Oh god put it back." 

Natasha laughed and put the shirt back on the rack before following him out to her car. 

Once they were in it, Natasha reached into her purse and pulled out the sketch book from inside his old home, "I think this belongs to you." 

Steve took the sketchbook and suppressed a smile, "You stole it?" 

Natasha grinned as she put her car in reverse, "I didn't steal it. It's yours. Technically, it's your property and if you had asked for it, they couldn't say no. I just skipped the asking part." 

Steve laughed, "Thank you." 

"Mhm," Natasha said, speeding out of his old neighborhood. 

Steve looked out the window and watched again as they drove away. It was late, so he wasn't surprised when Natasha drove him to his apartment to drop him off. 

He was however, surprised when she told him to be ready by nine the next morning. He had expected to see her often but not everyday. 

He certainly wasn't upset about it. Of all the people he had met since waking up, she was the most pleasant to be around. She didn't treat him like an idiot but she also didn't assume that because he was Captain America, he would be totally fine adjusting to the new world he had woken up in. 

She treated him like a person.

So for the next few weeks, Steve spent most, getting caught up on what he had missed. Natasha showed him movies, television shows, games, places, food, and music. 

He had become attached to her and considered her his closest friend. 

Another month passed and Steve realized that somewhere along the way, he had fallen for Natasha. 

She was the smartest woman he had ever met and never failed to make him smile. Plus, she was gorgeous and incredibly strong. 

To say he had fallen hard would have been an understatement. 

But that didn't mean he had the guts to actually tell her. 

Instead he let things go on as normal, training with her and spending time with her in hopes that maybe one day he would work up the courage to actually do something about it. 


"You should really consider getting a better security system," Natasha said from Steve's bed when he walked by without noticing her. 

Steve jumped and cursed, "Jesus Christ Nat. You scared the shit out of me." 

Natasha grinned, hoping off the bed, "Language Rogers, and it's not my fault you let your guard down when you're here." 

Steve shook his head, "Well I'm not normally expecting to find a super spy in my bed when it's nearly midnight." 

Natasha smirked and walked passed him, into his kitchen, "You might be the first man ever to be scared of finding me in their bed." 

Steve turned a deep shade of red, "That's not wha-" 

Natasha cut him off with a laugh as she rummaged through his pantry, "Relax. I'm kidding. And I know you're like a hundred years old but the amount of oatmeal you have is ridiculous."

She grabbed a pack and began going through his cabinets to find a bowl and spoon before perching herself on the counter as the oatmeal cooked in the microwave.

"There's nothing wrong with oatmeal," Steve argued.

Natasha shrugged, "No, but there's something a little concerning about having 4 huge boxes full of it." 

Steve shrugged, "There was a sale and Tony gave me a coupon." 

Natasha just smirked at that, getting the bowl out of his microwave and making herself at home on his couch.

"Not that I'm complaining, but is there a reason you're here aside from to eat all my oatmeal?" 

Natasha grabbed the remote, "I was bored and remembered that you are severely behind in American reality TV." 

Steve chuckled and sat besides her on the couch, "Okay. What are we watching tonight then?" 

"We're finishing Dance Moms." 

Steve frowned, "I hate that one." 

Natasha raised an eyebrow, "You're full of shit. You hate that you like it." 

Steve paused with a small sigh, "Okay maybe." 

She smirked and pressed play on the episode they were on. Steve tried to focus on the show but found that he really couldn't care less about whatever fight was going on in the dance studio on the screen. Instead, he looked over at Natasha and took in her appearance. 

Even in leggings and a hoodie she looked breathtaking. It was unfair really. 

Natasha glanced over at Steve, and despite what he expected, she simply smirked and looked back at the screen. 

Steve looked down with a blush and tried to continue watching the show with little success. 

When it finally ended, Natasha grabbed the remote from him and turned the tv off. 

"Is that the end of the season?" Steve asked. 

Natasha shook her head, "No. But it's late and you seem to be losing interest," she said with a slight smirk. 

Steve blushed and looked down while Natasha stood up. 

"I should probably get going anyways. We've got work tomorrow." 

Steve nodded, it was nearing two a.m now, "If you want, you can stay in the guest bedroom. The clothes you left there last time are in the closet."

Natasha nodded, "Okay. Thanks." 

"Sure. Just let me know if you need anything." 

"Will do," She said with a smirk, "Goodnight Rogers." 

"Night Nat." 

Steve watched as she walked into his guest room and got up a few minutes later to go to his own room. 

Steve had trouble falling asleep. Earlier he had been exhausted but now his mind was racing so quickly that he could hardly even imagine sleeping. 

He was terrified with how quickly he had fallen for Natasha. At first, she had just been a really good friend. Sure, a friend who was also incredibly attractive, but still just a friend. 

Then he had developed a small crush on her that he blamed on the fact that she was the only woman who he actually talked too. 

But now...well, now he was way too far gone. He thought about her constantly and was slowly coming to terms with the fact that he was already in love with her. 

The only issue he had with that was the fact that Natasha didn't seem to feel the same towards him, or at least he didn't think she did. 

Around four that morning, Steve heard quietly mumbling coming from the guest bedroom. His brows furrowed and he stood up from the bed, worried that something was wrong. 

When he got closer he could tell that it was Natasha. She was mumbling something in Russian and while Steve could normally pick up on the language, now it sounded completely foreign. The only thing he recognized was his name. 

Her voice was still quiet and if Steve didn't had been asleep or hadn't had enhanced hearing, he wouldn't have heard her. 

He walked closer to her door and knocked, "Nat? Are you alright?" 

There was no response to his question, just more jumbled Russian mumbling. 

He tried again, knocking louder. 

"Nat?" He yelled. 

She still didn't respond.

Frowning, Steve twisted the door handle and stepped inside her room. 

Natasha was covered in a thin layer of sweat and her face was more flushed than he had ever seen it. 

Slightly panicking, Steve hurried over to the side of her bed and placed a hand on her shoulder, "Nat? You okay?" 

Natasha stirred slightly, but still didn't wake up. 

"Natasha!" Steve said louder. 

Her eyes shot open and she quickly flipped over on top of Steve, pinning him down with her forearm pressed to his neck and her legs holding his arms by his side. 

Steve's eyes widened in shock, "It's just me." 

Natasha blinked a few times and then slowly got off of him, "Steve? What the fuck are you doing?" 

"I uh- it sounded like you were having a nightmare and you called my name a few times. I just wanted to make sure everything was alright." 

He could have sworn Natasha blushed, which he had never seen before. She smirked slightly and shook her head, "Not a nightmare Steve. But you were definitely in my dream."

Steve frowned, "I don't understand. You were speaking in Russian and sounded...distressed." 

Natasha shook her head with a grin, "I guess distressed is one way to describe it." 

Steve tilted his head slightly, still confused.

"Steve. Do I seriously need to spell this out for you?" 

Steve didn't answer, trying to put the pieces together in his head. She had been calling his name, mumbling in Russian, and looked flushed when he walked in. He scratched the back of his head, "Maybe. I really don't get it." 

Natasha sighed, "What if I just show you?" 

Steve frowned but nodded, "Okay..."

Natasha rolled her eyes and cupped Steve's cheek with her hand before leaning forward and kissing him. 

Steve's eyes shot open in surprise but he quickly responded to the kiss, forgetting all about why he ended up in Natasha's room. 

She flipped them over again and pulled him down on top of her, running her fingers through Steve's hair as he continued to kiss her. 

"Oh!" Steve said, pulling away when he finally understood, "You were dreaming about- oh. I'm sorry I - woke you up from that." 

Natasha smirked, "It's alright. Keep doing this and I'll forgive you in no time. I love when the things I dream about actually happen." 

Steve blushed, "This isn't going to be a one time thing though is it? I really care for you Natasha." 

Natasha leaned up to kiss him softly, "I know. I love you too and we can talk about that tomorrow morning but right now I want you to show me what I missed in my dream. Okay?" 

Steve smiled ear to ear, "Yes ma'am." 

Hey guys. This is another long and very wordy chapter that I have spent a ridiculous amount of time on. I hope you all enjoyed it though, and it you did please comment and vote!

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