De SAllen68

163K 7.4K 1.6K

This is my take on episodes 29, 30, etc. and the Fabri, perfume, Can in jail farce. I could not stand Can's... Mais



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De SAllen68

Another month had passed and it was time for the triplets to celebrate their fourth birthday.   As usual Can and Sanem had a garden, patio, and houseful of children and adults.    The children insisted on three different cakes made by their Anne.   This year Sanem had Dante and Nonna Cemile to help with the cake decorating.    Yildiz wanted a yellow princess cake with pink flowers, Deniz wanted a purple cake with butterflies, and Ates wanted his red cake with fire trucks.   Sanem always has so much fun with planning their party, and this year even more fun as Dante was such a proud big brother.

He would be starting school soon and would be in the third grade, he was so excited as Baris was in his class.   They were going to play on the soccer team together.    The triplets did not think it was fair they didn't get to go to school, so Can and Sanem found them a pre-kindergarten class for four year olds.    It was only three half days a week for the first four months, then all day three days a week until they started kindergarten.   Sanem was sad about her babies starting school, but they were so happy, she couldn't stand in their way.   When Taylan found out the triplets were going to school, he insisted until Yonca let him go to pre-kindergarten with them.

She and Metin were very happy together and were planning a wedding in a year.    Metin wants to get married now, but Yonca wanted to wait as they had not known each other very long, and wanted the boys to be more comfortable.    Which would not be a problem, as they were already calling Metin, Baba Metin, he of course loved it.    Can was still astonished that his confirmed bachelor friend, was now a family man.

The first day Sanem and Can took the triplets to school, she cried as they jumped out of the car with just a quick goodbye, and ran into the school.     Can had tears in his eyes but told her it was okay, as they were growing up now.   She told him she didn't think she was ready, but knew it was time.    Can talked Sanem into going into work with him during the hours the kids were in school.   Not to work at the agency, but to sit in the office with him, and write on her book.    Just be together like old times.     She loved the idea, so a new normal was formed for the Divit family.     Nonna Cemile had been going to Mihriban's farm and helping do little things, as her cancer was in remission now.    She, Aziz, and Mihriban had grown very close over the last few months and loved spending time together.  The three friends and Nihat and Mevkibe were always going out to dinner, or eating at each other's home.

One day while Sanem and Can were working quietly in his office, the door opened and in walked Ceyda and an older man.   Can jumped up and said, "Ceyda, why are you here?   You have a restraining order against you coming near us."

Ceyda said, "Its okay Can, I am here to apologize to you and Sanem.    I was afraid if I called ahead, or even knocked on your door, you wouldn't let me come.    I have been out of rehab for about a year, and this is my husband, Elvan.   We went through rehab together, and learned a lot about our problems.    I am not going back to Compass Sports, and we are in the process of moving to America, for a new start.   I am so sorry for the way I acted toward the both of you, and your children.    I just wanted you both to know that I had successful treatment, and ask for forgiveness.   I am ashamed of how I have acted in the past, and especially toward all of you."

Sanem  had stood up and walked over to Can, when they came in.    She squeezed Can's hand, and walked toward Ceyda.   Sanem who is the most forgiving person in the whole world, reached out and gave Ceyda a hug, then shook her husband's hand.    She said, "I am so happy for the both of you, and I wish you many blessings in your new life in America."    Can walked slowly over and shook both of their hands and wished them well.   They left soon after, and Can and Sanem just looked at each other smiled, very relieved, and hugged.

The next few weeks were very busy at the Divit home, with three children age four, a nine year old active in sports, a grandmother with doctor appointments, and work for Sanem and Can.

Sanem was still working in Can's office three mornings a week, when one morning a new client had an appointment.   The lady and her uncle came in for a new cosmetic account.   The tall model like lady in a very brief mini skirt, named Aicha and her Uncle Nathanael came into Can's office to talk with him.   Sanem started gathering up her things to step out, when Can introduced her as his wife, and ask her to stay.    Aicha pulled her chair very close to Can and said, "I have heard a lot about you Can Divit, but not that you were married.    Maybe we can talk more about it over dinner tonight?"

Can replied, "Not tonight thank you, our son has a soccer game and I promised I would be there.    Now here are some of the ideas we have for your account.   Our Creative Director, Deren will be here in just a minute, she is bringing in tea for everyone."

Aicha turned to Sanem and said, "What do you do in this Agency, if you are not his assistant?"    Before Sanem could reply; Can said, "She is part owner, and helps with the creative part of our accounts when needed.

Aicha rudely said, "Well, she could take your son tonight and you could go eat with us, right Uncle Nathanael?    She does not have to be in our meeting, because you are the only one I will work with, I am in charge of this project."

Sanem didn't say anything just sat thinking, here we go again; let's see how Can responds to this now.    Can looks at the uncle saying, "Nathanael Bey, are you okay if my wife stays in here for our discussion?"   He responsed, "Of course, this is just a planning session, and there is nothing secret about our project."

Everyone had a seat, with Aicha shooting dirty looks at Sanem, and rubbing Can's arm and hand.    Deren and CeyCey who had come in for the meeting, were very irritated with Aicha's attitude.   Can acted liked it didn't bother him at all.   Sanem just waited because she knew Aicha's type, and knew she wasn't finished insulting her.

When the meeting was finished, Aicha and Nathanael Bey wanted Can, Sanem, Deren, and CeyCey to go to lunch with them.    Deren had to leave early to take her child for a well-care doctor visit.   Sanem had to go pick up the triplets at preschool, so that left CeyCey and Can to go with them.   Can steps around the desk and hugs Sanem bye, telling her he would see her at home later, before the game.    As they went out the door, Aicha looked back at Sanem, as she held onto Can and smirked.

CeyCey happen to see her, and looked back at Sanem and winked.   Sanem laughed out loud, because she knew CeyCey had her back.   That earned her another dirty look from Aicha.

That afternoon Sanem got a call from Can saying, "I won't be able to make the game, as Aicha and Nathanael Bey really want me to meet a photographer friend of theirs at dinner.  We will be at the local seafood restaurant on the bay.   Please apologize to Dante for me." Sanem said, "That's fine, we will see you at home."

After she hung up, she thought to herself, I know what she is up to and I know how to beat this Aicha at her own game, just wait.   After the game which, the boys were so excited they won by two points.  Then all of the family and friends went out to eat together.   They went to their favorite seafood restaurant, on the bay.

Sanem had phoned in advance and reserved a large group of tables for all of them.   When they got to the restaurant, there was Metin, Yonca, Baris, Taylan, Emre, Leyla, little niece, Ahu, little nephew Altan, Aziz, Mihriban, Mevkibe, Nihat, Nonna Cemile, Bulut, Deren, Nisa, Dante, Deniz, Yildiz, Ates, and Sanem.   Everyone was very excited and noisy.

They were all well known at the restaurant, so nobody minded the noise or the excitement, except a small table in the corner with only two people at it.   Aicha looked at Can and said, "What is all this noise?   I'm calling the manager over to throw them out.  This is uncalled for!"

About that time Ates saw his Baba and started yelling, "Baba what are you doing over there?   Come eat with us."   Then all the kids ran over grabbing Can's hand saying come on.    Yildiz walked up to the table and said to Aicha, "Who are you?   Why are you with my Baba?   He can't sit with you."    Deniz looked up at Aicha and said, "Leave my Baba alone.   Come on Baba, everybody is here to eat with us."

Dante and Baris ran over saying, we won the game, we missed you.   All of the adults in the group were giving Can and Aicha disgusting looks.

Sanem walked over, looked at Can, raised her eyebrows and said to Aicha, "You are welcome to join our four children, family, friends, Can and I for a meal.   The children are so excited to have a celebration meal for winning their game.   It will be a little loud, but this is our four children's favorite restaurant, and the workers are used to us."

By this time the children had pulled Can with them, and Aziz and Emre were talking with Can and giving Aicha disgusted looks.    All of the adult women were just looking at Aicha with frowns on their faces.   Sanem kept smiling at Aicha waiting on her answer.   Aicha got up threw money on the table and said, "You've won this time, but just wait."   

Sanem smiled and said, "Can, will not fall for your tricks again.   Look at him; do you think he even knows you are here?   There will not be a next time."   They both looked over at Can who was laughing, and had children climbing all over him.  There were about eight children all trying to sit with their Baba or Uncle Can, and he didn't even look up.

When Aicha stomped out of the restaurant, Sanem walked over to the others and Leyla ask, "Who was that witch?"   Sanem looked over at Can, who glanced up when she replied, "Oh she is nobody, and she will never bother us again.   But to clarify, she is a client with a big attitude, who needed to be brought down a peg or two."

After that, they all got the children settled, and food brought out, as Sanem had preordered the children's food and appetizers for the adults.    When she sat down by Can, he leaned over and whispered, "It was not what it looked like.    She told me that the others were coming, and then I got here and it was just her."   Sanem kissed his cheek and said, "I knew what she was planning the whole time, don't worry we've all got your back, against these skinny, tall, snobby women.    But no more lunches or dinners alone, or I will send four children with you."   Can and all of the adults just laughed, because they knew she would too.   It was a wonderful celebration of their families and friends after an exciting soccer game.

After they got home and the children and Nonna Cemile were in bed, Can and Sanem got to talk.    Can said, "I am so sorry for how the dinner looked.   I was trying to think of an excuse to leave when I realized it was just us, and all of you came in.   I actually heard the children coming, and worried more about how our girl's would react, then you.   You trust me, but not sure about those little bossy girls." 

 Sanem laughed and said, "I knew I wouldn't have to say anything, as our children are very possessive of their Baba.   Even though I wanted to snatch her bald, I didn't want to get arrested or mess up your account."    Can said, "I had already talked to Deren this afternoon about this account and she is going to be in charge, and always be in meetings.   This will not happen again."

Sanem just patted him on his beard, saying, "I know. Now I will quietly race you to bed."   She took off running with Can right behind her.

Just a personal note:  I have never understood from movies, books, TV shows why the third person, mistress, or whatever you want to call these entitled people, think they are better then the lawfully wedded wife .  The women in the series that chased Can, and he didn't discourage them were the same.  I always felt disgusted at their antics.  Just what gives them the right to try and break up families or couples.  My soapbox opinion for the day.  (I may be watching to many Thai and Korean dramas on YouTube these days.  LOL!)  Everyone stay well and safe.  Thank you for reading.

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