An Alien In Alola

By cookiemuncher4

212K 3.8K 1.7K

The story is about a young person who was once a hero and a human in his dimension, but was stabbed to death... More

Alien Voice
The story begins
Alien VS Alien
Melemele Island
Pokemon VS Alien
A new day
Another day
Under the sea
A new alien
New friends
Pokemon School
Pikachu VS Scorpiblow
Tapu Guardians
A haunted Pokemon school
First Z-Crystal
Water Crystal
A day at the city
Alola, Alola!
Heart of Fire, Heart of Stone
A Wild Yungoos Chase Part 1
A Wild Yungoos Chase Part 2
A Wild Yungoos Chase Part 3
A Wild Yungoos Chase part 4 finale
Memories in the Mist!
Secrets out
Tapu Fini VS Alien
A grand debut
Floors on lava
A game of golf
Show me the metal!
Got Meltan?
UB-02 Beauty
The dealer of destruction!
Fist punch part 1
Fist punch part 2
Fist punch part 3 final
Drawn with the wind!
Aiming for the top floor!
The nightmare challenge
Run while you still can
Survive the night
In a nightmare
Tapu Bulu VS Alien
🎄A Christmas Special🎄
The one that didn't get away!
Alien VS Pokemon friends
Living on the cutting edge!
Pokemon Battle Royale
Finding out the truth
Save me
Underground city
Drill battle
Night at the club
Cuban Pete
In control
Dragon battle
I'm here, I'm there, I'm everywhere
Sled race battle
Bug fight
Fly racing
Hard as steel
Fashion competition part 1
Fashion competition part 2
Fashion competition part 3 final
Important News
Tapu Lele VS Alien
Beach fun
🦇💀Tales of the Pokecrypt💀🦇
Freaky Thursday
Freaky fight
Who was I?
The truth
I wanna party
Mating Season part 1
Mating Season part 2
🍋Mating Season part 3 final🍋
Christmas video and pictures
❄🎄Christmas Tales🎄❄
Ice, ice, baby's
10,000 In Alola part 1
10,00 In Alola part 2
10,000 In Alola part 3 (short)
10,000 In Alola part 4 final
Electric cat and Electric mouse
Surfs up
The ice pack
Pancake time
The mall
Kids day out
Under the rag
In the shadows
Running with the Lycanroc's
🍋Hot night~🍋
Evil Shiny arrived at Alola
Brother vs Brother
Friends with benefits
More friends with benefits [WARNING]
Final stand
A heart
Shiny (short)
Full alien house

Meeting the parents

4.3K 72 67
By cookiemuncher4

ChamAlien P.O.V

The next day me and my Pokemons friends are heading to school and it's my first day as we started to go in, but not before turning into Nanomeck.

And once I did we got in we went up stairs and went into the classroom and I turned back into ChamAlien.

ChamAlien: Alola, everybody!

All: Alola!

ChamAlien: so what are we going to do?

Ash: well we have to wait for P.Kukui to start class. Oh and where did you go when we all woke up you we're gone?

ChamAlien: oh that ummm, I woke up early before you guys and I was laughing what that Jigglypuff drew on your face and left.

Kiawe: that Jigglypuff wrote kick me on the my back to took hours to wash it off and reach it on my back.

Kukui: Alola class.

We all took a seat and getting ready for the day.

Kukui: ChamAlien, good to see you're  here.

ChamAlien: well why not I trust you guys now.

Kukui: that's good because today we are going to to something special for you.

ChamAlien: really what?

Kukui: Mallow would you please.

Mallow: you're going to meet our parents.

ChamAlien: wait, WHAT!?

Mallow: well didn't you say Nina and nurse joy now about you?

ChamAlien: yes and they don't see me as a Pokemon I told them I'm an alien.

Mallow: if you meet our parents then they will not see you as a Pokemon. And also we all told our parents about you.

ChamAlien: and they believed you?

Sophocles: we show the pictures of you and your aliens forms... and the video just, only a little.

ChamAlien: oh, well ok I guess but I don't know if this is a good idea.

Kiawe: c'mon you'll be fine they won't be scared of you... as long as you don't turned anything scary.

ChamAlien: ok then but who's parents am I going to meet?

Sophocles: how about me my parents are awesome.

ChamAlien: Well ok then let's go!

A few minutes later

Sophocles: we're here

Me and my Pokemons arrived at Sophocles outside of his house and he rang the doorbell.

Sophocles: are you ready?

ChamAlien: yeah but I feel nervous or scared and nervous and whenever that happen I... I-

I then turned into a fish alien that walks on two legs call Walkatrout.

And started shaking.

Sophocles: what was that?

Walkatrout: it happens sometimes when I'm nervous *sigh* even when I go on dates.

Sophocles: well can you turned into something else?

Walkatrout: I'll try

I turned into a alien that make gas call Gutrot.

Gutrot: I hope this works?

Then the door started opening and I'm starting to have gas and then Sophocles parents opened the door. I was so nervous I spray knocked out gas and they all fainted by the gas even my Pokemon.

Gutrot: f*ck

Time skip

So that didn't go so well and I decided to not meet his parents after what happened and it's Lana turned for me to meet her family and this time I'm not nervous... well a little right now we're walking to her house.

Lana: ok ChamAlien you're ready?

Chamalien: yes I'm ready and this time I'm not scared.

Lana: good...oh and I forgot to tell you something about my twin little sister's

Chamalien: what is it?

Lana: my sister's are very curious and excited.

Popplio: and often carried away in what there doing.

ChamAlien: well they can't be that bad what's the worst thing that can happen?

???: Lana!!!

Out of the house can her sister's and they looked like mini version of Lana also out of the house came her mom and dad.

Lana mom: hi, you must be the um the alien my daughter keeps talking about?

ChamAlien: yes I am, the names ChamAlien. And these are my Pokemon friends. Pop, Froakie, Fennekin, Pichu and Eevee.

Lana's mom: I see you have a Popplio that's nice but what happened to her back? She got three scratch mark's.

ChamAlien: a Salazzle gave her those three scratch marks.

Harper/Sarah: woooow!

Lana sister's got closer to me and took a closer look me.

Harper: what are you?

Sarah: are you a rare Pokemon?

Lana's mom: girl's please! So sorry about this.

ChamAlien: it's ok as long as they-

Sarah: what is this green hour glass you got?

ChamAlien: this is called the Omnitrix and-

Then they started touching the Omnitrix turning left and right and then...

Omnitrix: New DNA Alien Unlocked

Lana's dad: new DNA?

ChamAlien: It means a new alien has been unlocked. Wonder what alien is this going to be?

I then pressed the Omnitrix and after a bright green flash now I'm somekind of bone alien with black skin, and I can't feel my legs but I seem to be riding on a big horse with dark skin and boned armored too and saw I have two Omnitrix. The first one is located on my stomach, and the second one is located on this horse amd it's located on his chest. I made a nightmare shrieking roar.

And I stared right back at them while breathing heavily.

(Note: he doesn'thave those weapons on his back.)

???: what am I?

I said sounding like I'm having trouble breathing in a scary way.

Eevee: I don't know but you looks like a kind of creature that will destroy a village and killed someone's parents.

Then, Lanas sister's scream in fear and hugged each other.


They ran inside the screaming in fear even their mom and dad got scared they also ran inside.

???: I think I should go?

Then I left while thinking what to name this alien and what does it do?

???: what should I name this new alien?

???: you mean what name should we name ourselves?

The horse alien just talked.

???: you can talk?!

???: yes I can talk, we shared the same body we literally are attached. How else do you explained you're not feeling the walking.

???: oh, right.

???: now let's start brainstorming names. Anyone got a name?

Pop: shadow?

???: no

Pichu: creep?

???: no

???: hmmm... I got something I think we should be name Nuck-Elavee.

???: that's good but maby we should cut the name in half.

Nuck: how about I have the name Nuck? And you my horse alien friend will have the name Elavee.

Elavee: Elavee? Hmmm. I love it!

After that we head next to meet Mallow dad after we got there it seems her dad runs a restaurant we waited outside till she came out and luckily there was no one around.

Mallow: oh there you are you... made... it.

Yeah she's completely suprice or shocked or scared of my new appearance.

Nuck: yes I know your scared this is my new alien I called it Nuck-

Elavee: Elavee!

Mallow: did that thing just talked?

Elavee: hey! I'm a he and yes I can talk.

After that Mallow dad came out and he has the same reaction as her.

Abe: ummm, are you-

Nuck: yes I'm the alien Mallow was talking about. This is a new alien I'm trying out and-

???: yo there it is!

We turned around to see five teenagers wearing a face mask a hat with two holes and a sleeveless shirt.

Mallow: what do you skull grunts want!?

Skull grunt4: for that Pokemon yo!

Nuck: I'm not a Pokemon!

Skull grunt2: doesn't matter your still a Pokemon!

Then they threw their Pokeball out and came five of those lizards Pokemon.

And with that they started running towards me but something unexpected happened. My arms got longer and hit one of them.

Pop: what was that?

Nuck: I don't know but it was pretty cool.

Then the saladit bite Elavee left leg he
screamed in pain. I grabbed one of Pokemon but my arm was cut by him I screamed in pain too but it grew back in a snap.

Salandit1: what kind of Pokemon are you?

Nuck: I told you I'm... not... a... POKEMON!!!

I screamed causing my mouth to opened wide and my back bone spin grew longer. As I was screaming so loud it caused everyone to covered their ears and the windows broke. Then I started spinning in a wide circle, while I'm spinning I managed to hit all five of those lizards and once I did they we're all knocked out and the skull grunts ran away with there Pokemons. After that I looked around and I caused windows damage and many people were coming due to the sounds I made.

Nuck: I think I have enough being Nuck-Elavee.

I turned into Chamalien and ran.

Chamalien: this is terrible I'm bad at meeting there parent's.

Pop: hey don't be sad, you still got one more family to meet I'm sure nothing bad will happened.

A few minutes later

Eevee: you we're saying?

Kiawe house has been ruined in the inside, see long story short Kiawe lives at Akala Island and I managed to get their by flying. One's I made it there I met his family everything was going fine until his sister want to see what I can do so I turned into different kinds of aliens and with a green flash it startled a bunch of tauros Pokemons by the green ligh as they started a stamped I try stopping them with Heartbeats with fire by blocking their path and it worked but they ran inside his house trashing it. I tried helping them by using Clockwork but his parents do not want my help, they think I'll make it worse.

Marowak: I think you should leave. Now!

Turtonator: hey calmed down it was an accident I'm sure he didn't do this on purpose he's trying to help.

And with that I turned into the flying alien turtle call Terraspin.

And got on my belly and my Pokemon friends got on my back and I fly back to the island. After a few hours it was sunset and I was sitting on the ground sad.

Terraspin: I knew it was bad idea.

Pop: hey don't be sad.

Eevee: yeah even though you knocked out Sophocles and his parents with a gas, scared Lanas family, destroyed some windows and scared other people's and destroyed Kiawe house.

Fennekin: Eevee!

Eevee: sorry not sorry.

Froakie: but you still got us and we see you as what you are and not a Pokemon.

Pichu: yeah and you help us with our problems.

Fennekin: well not everyone's problem.

She glared at Eevee.

Eevee: (if I have a a couple of more fingers I would flip her off.)

Pop: and you're the best trainer/friend we ever have.

Then they all hugged me and I hugged them back.

Mallow: hey I found him! 

We turned around to see my fellow class mate's.

Lana: there you are we been looking for you.

Terraspin: for what? Me messing everything up?

Mallow: no to say we're sorry.

Terraspin: sorry for what? I knocked Sophocles parents out, scared Lanas family broke windows and destroyed Kiawe house.

Sophocles: we know and we realised that it was to early for that and you're we're probably not ready.

Terraspin: you think?

Lana: yeah we know we we're exited for you to meet new people but you're ready.

Terraspin: yeah I always hide in the shadow. Maby will try again next time.

Kiawe: yeah sounds like a good idea.

Terraspin: yeah. Welp see you guys tomorrow.

Lana: wait where do you sleep?

Terraspin: I sleep outside and before you asked I'll find a house someday. Ok bye.

Then we started walking far a few hours later it was night time and we seem to be on the other side of the island, far from everyone.

Eevee: you know I'm getting tired of sleeping outside.

Fennekin: we're wild Pokemons what do expect? A house that will magically appear?

Meanwhile up in the sky are two pilots about to crash.

Pilot2: dude we're going down! We gotta realised the house!

The pilot pressed the button that realised the house that already has a furniture and everything for except food.

Fennekin: seriously what a chance a house randomly fall's out of the sk-


We heard a loud thud we turned around to see a house.

Eevee: look at that a house.

Fennekin: w-what!? How!?

Terraspin: I don't know but let's check it out.

I turn into ChamAlien and we ran twords the house we got inside and it was nice it has furniture a T.V. cup bowls and plats and rooms with bed expect there no power and food. Not only that but it was far from town and school and other people's and we have a nice front lawn and a beach on the back yard.

ChamAlien: Well what do you guys think?

Pop: it's perfect

Pichu: we should live here.

Eevee: it's nice but, there's no f*cking power or food!

ChamAlien: don't worry, I'll see what I can do tomorrow. But right now, let's go to sleep.

And with that we all went to sleep we decided to sleep on the couch for tonight to see which room we're gonna get at our new home.

To Be Continued...

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