Freedom ( Eren x Reader )

By MiraculouslyWrites

300 11 4

Inside inner Wall Maria, Shiganshina district you lived peacefully with your older brother, Armin Arlert. Des... More

Special #1


19 1 0
By MiraculouslyWrites

Everyone was working and cleaning the canons and some were bringing more supplies. Eren was looking into the distance with a confident smile, you couldn't help but stand up and went over to him and asked what he was thinking about. He only smiled and continued blanking out, as the more responsible cadet you were about to instruct him to continue working when you all heard a loud "BANG" from behind you.

The aura from 5 years ago suddenly appeared.. you didn't know what it was but, judging from the loud bang it was definitely bigger than you, the wall you were on even. Slowly you and Eren looked back and was met with a pair of unsettling eyes.

The gigantic Titan was staring at you as if mocking you. Sweat started forming on your forehead. Before any of you can react.. the Colossal Titan blew you and everything down the wall. You were quick and was able to catch yourself with the 3D maneuver gear. Everyone had the same face and nervousness as you. No one was brave enough to even talk.

Never did you expect today, would be the day you met your worst nightmare. The muscular titan moved back and swung its hand back and propelled said hand to the gate of the wall breaking it. 'N-No.. the gate is broken.. AGAIN' you thought with a scoff.

'Some cadet and hero I was.. I can't even move to prevent that from happening' you looked at your feet and gritted your teeth in annoyance. When you were breaking down, Eren jumped to the wall and went face to face with the gigantic monster.

Sasha went to save Samuel who was falling, Everyone was trying to think of a plan, Eren was trying to stop the Colossal, and you were breaking down in tears. 'I'm useless.. all those years of training is gonna be for nothing, some 2nd ranked cadet I was. I can't even help'

When you calmed down a bit, you shot yourself up and wanted to make sure Eren wasn't dead or hurt. You were shocked, the gigantic titan was gone. "I'm sorry, I let it get away" he said which only made you chuckle in anger.

"Are you kidding? I couldn't even move" Eren noticed you had tears in your eyes  and asked you about it, which you avoided said question. A junior cadet said to come back to HQ immediately. You only followed his command, "HAI!" everyone said in sync.

- - -

"You recruits have completed training and graduated into proper soldiers, I expect you to actively participate in this operation too!" A junior commanded. You were looking for Eren, Armin, and Mikasa. All the cadets were panicking, some were cursing, some were getting sick. Guilt was all you felt at that moment, the scene that unfolded when you and your group seen while doing duty was too terrifying.

The gas station was empty and only 3 people were there. You immediately recognized the blonde. "But, were still in trouble we've got an eight-meter hole in the wall, and no way to fix it quickly. We couldn't even dig out that giant rock near Zemo. If we can't close the hole, this city will be abandoned. Then its only a matter of time when they break through wall Rose. If the felt like it, they could wipe out mankind at any time-" You snapped him from his worrying trance by putting an arm on his.

You gave your brother a reassuring smile, he eased a little bit. "This time it's different, Mankind won't lose to the Titans" Eren started. "Calm down because your not the only one" you mumbled the last part, he apologized for his uneasiness. Tears and a smile crept up onto your face, you were happy and worried at the same time.

'I know you could do it, Armin, Eren, Mikasa, Everyone. I know we can win' wiping the tears off your face you stayed with Armin and helped him with preparing his gear just in case.

- - -

"Just like in training, split up into your individual squads. You will be under Garisson command. Your duties are to assist in providing supplies, communications, and sweeping up the Titans. The first line of defense will be the frontline unit of the Garisson, the second line will be the  cadet squad under our command. The rearguard will be the Garisson's elite units. We've already received word that the vanguard has been annihilated" You gasped while imagining the nightmare that you and your team are gonna experience.

Everyone wasn't expecting this to be the day they meet their doom or if their lucky they will survive and escape into the Millitary Police Brigade. At this point, your not judging them for wanting to go to the Military Police than you and Eren. The commander himself looked terrified after saying the vanguard had been annihilated.

"The outer gate was destroyed, and Titans have encroached upon the city. This means the Armored Titan might show up in any moment to breach the inner gate" People in the back started whispering, giving up on hope for a future in these walls.

The commander silenced us and continued the explanation. "The frontline guards are already in combat. There is but, one goal in this defensive operation. DEFEND WALL ROSE UNTIL EVERY CITIZEN HAS EVACUATED. Also in case you forgot, let me remind you that desertion is a capital offense, vow on your hearts to devote your lives.. DISMISSED!" Everyone responded the commander with the salute and "HAI!"

No one was still and calm. Rather the opposite, you would be lying if you said your hands weren't sweating. People were depressed, puking, and even thought on running away. Luckily you were in a team with Eren and Armin, atleast you can protect the one person you know is gonna be eaten first, not to underestimate his abilities.

Over in the distance you saw something you thought was fake, Eren and Jean were fighting. You were mad of course, 'You gotta be fucking with me! Their fighting at a time like this? are they not looking at how other people are reacting at this situation? they are so immature!' you thought as you walked over to the problematic duo.

As you were about to discipline them, Eren said something that made you more confident in a way. "We've been on the verge of death many times during those three years. Some actually died. Some ran away, and some ran away. But, we survived! Didn't we?! We're gonna survive today too!" It was like the motivation you were looking for this whole time.

Eren was confident and yet you were not even though your more responsible, more athletic, more discipline, and more stronger than he is. 'Thank you.. Eren, you might be fighting at a bad time but you managed to lighten mine and everyone else's mood' You smiled and felt confident about the coming fight.

If you look at your problems on a different angle, you could overcome it. "Eren if the battle becomes to chaotic, come find me!" Mikasa exclaimed with a worried tone. Eren huffed and asked why he should do it. "In the midst of fray, nothing goes according to plan. I'll protect you"

You walked over and tried to convince Eren to calm down a bit, "Trainee Ackermann! You were especially assigned to the rear guard. Come with me" One of the seniors said, apparently the evacuation was going slow and they needed as much Elite guards as possible to protect the citizens. Mikasa was about to object when Eren headbutt her and started lecturing her.

This was the first time you saw, Eren being mature and reasonable, Mikasa panicking. "Get real Mikasa, it's so unlike you to panic. Mankind is on the brink of extinction. No one gives a fuck about what you want!" Mikasa apologized to her brother while looking down in shame.

"Sorry to uhmm.. interrupt but, Eren our squad is gonna go next" you informed. Eren went ahead of you and when you were about to follow, you felt a wrist grab your hand pulling back. Mikasa was still worried, so she wanted you to do something. "Can you protect Eren? Your close to him and he trusts you alot. I'm just worried that his recklessness is gonna be problematic" She exclaimed with a sad tone in her voice.

Worried about your friend, you agreed and went to catch up with Eren and your squad. Even the remnants of our historical literature offer no hints about the origins of the Titans. We know next to nothing about them. All the information that we know about the Titan's bodies are from the Recon Corps' most recent reports.

The Titan's show no signs of human-like intellect and therefore there are no known instances of successful communication with them. Their Body structure is fundamentally different from that of all other creature. They have no sexual organs, and their method of reproduction is still unknown.

Most of them have a physique resembling human males. Their bodies exhibit extremely high temperature. To our confusion and dismay, they show no interest in any creatures except humans. They are seemingly driven exclusively by the desire to consume humans, yet from the fact that they survived in an environment devoid of humans for over a century, We can safely conjecture that they have no need to eat.

Thus, their likely purpose is not predation, but annihilation. The main factor behind the human race being driven into such a corner is the Titan's astounding ability to survive. Since long ago, mankind has fought using the technology of cannons, but even such firepower couldn't stop the Titans. Even if a Titan's head gets blown off, it will regenerate in one or two minutes, though individual differences do exist

Though Titans are not invulnerable. There is one way to defeat a Titan. If significant damage is inflicted on the Titan's nape area, the Titan will die without regenerating. To cut through their flesh, The Survey Corps soldiers fight with double blades. If the attack reaches their weak point, the Titan won't have time to regenerate, and die soon.

- - -

"Hey Y/N, Armin" You both looked at Eren who was looking over the distance awaiting for the mission to begin. The brunette was shedding a positive and confident aura off of him  "Don't you think this is a great chance? If we prove ourselves here in this first battle, before entering the Recon Corps. Surely they'll promote us up the ladder" He smiled at the both of you and you couldn't help but, feel heat come to your cheeks.

"Yeah, without a doubt!." Armin replied and you hummed in response while covering your flustered cheeks. You never were the type to blush around guys or anyone in general, I guess this was your first time. 'What am I doing? IDIOT IDIOT IDIOT' you thought to yourself, not wanting anyone to hear. "Sorry to burst your bubble but, quite a few of us are aiming for the Recon Corps this year" Mina said with her hands on her hips.

The squad you were assigned to was so friendly and amazing. They lagged behind you but, they had hope, maybe you were the odd one out? You couldn't help but, feel jealous. 'STOP THIS! be confident, be confident, be confident' your trance was cut short by a fellow senior signalling your squad, Squad 34 to assist the frontline guard.

- - -

That's a wrap. I was gonna put in more scenes but, I need to have dinner right now. Also can anyone explain to me what in the bloody hell the difference between Recon Corps, Survey Corps, Scout League, and Scouting Regiment is? Like all of these mean the same thing but, why the heck do you have to change it like 4 times?

Thats beside the point, anyway I hope your day is not covered in Titan blood (whatever that means) so yeah. CLEAN YOUR HANDS, LIKE CLEANING, THINK CLEANING, SLEEP CLEANING, EAT CLEANING- wait you'll probably die. Nevermind.

So yeah baii~

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