Monster or Beast?

By Fire-Inu-Princess

4.7K 132 37

After the barrier shattered, Sans started to display rather strange behaviors and physical changes. No one co... More

Barrier Shattered
Protection and Fear
More Shock and a Party
Pain and Fear
What Happened?
Shopping Trip
Repair and to get Evidence
What Happened to Me?
A What?!
"What was that?" "Nothing Important
The Truth
Out of Blue Confession
End Game


220 6 1
By Fire-Inu-Princess

Sans had to admit, he has no idea what's been going on. He had been avoiding Frisk since the shopping trip. That had been a week ago, and it hadn't been easy for him since then. Rubbing at his shoulder, the skeleton wasn't sure what was with his joint pain lately. It mostly happens in the morning, he would feel it a lot more when he was waking up and rolling out of bed.

Shifting his shoulders, he felt the crack of his bones before he reached forward and grabbed a hold of a shirt that was clean and threw it over his head. He had woken up again with nothing on. It made him curious as to why this kept happening.

It irritated him to have this much pain in his bones when he doesn't even know why that was. It just seemed rather odd that he was having this much trouble, and it started after Frisk's birthday party.


'I can't believe that she agreed to go out on a date with that guy.' Sans thought to himself while covering his face. Of all the things that he had done at the store, it had to be snapping a pen in half due to his own anger. Jealousy? He didn't know, and it just pissed him off all the more. He shouldn't be jealous, he didn't have a right to be jealous and yet he was.

Rubbing at his face, Sans wasn't sure what he was to do. He wanted to check on Frisk, wanting to make sure that she was okay on this 'date' of hers but at the same time he couldn't. Knowing that if he did try to spy on Frisk, she would never forgive him and that was something that he couldn't have right now. Taking a deep breath, the young skeleton made his way over toward the door of his bedroom and walked out.

Maybe he needed some breakfast that would be enough to take his mind off of Frisk right?

Once he made his way to the kitchen, he saw that Papyrus was just setting the table for breakfast. Sans could at least smile at this, it was nice to be able to eat the moment he got down here. Papyrus looked up at his brother as he asked "YOU OKAY BROTHER? YOU WERE ACTING ODD THE LAST FEW NIGHTS OR SO!" That had Sans a little confused, wondering what could have his brother so worried about him while he was asleep.

He was asleep... right?

"I don't know what you mean bro." Sans calmly said, his senses had started to calm down for him, though he would still get a little headache once in a while, so Papyrus had started to switch from his usual tone, to a quitter one.

Papyrus wrung his hands a little as he looked away. It seemed that he was nervous about this topic that he wanted to bring up. Sans could tell that his brother was both worried, and afraid of this and it made Sans want to protect his brother at the same time. Knowing that his brother's worries surrounded him though, made it harder to protect him all the more.

Sans wasn't even sure if his brother was even going to speak, until Papyrus finally spoke, his voice soft from worry. "I keep hearing weird sounds coming from your room at night. I don't go in though, not sure if your sleep walking and I know it isn't right to wake up a sleep walker." At least Papyrus knew that rule but, why would he be sleep walking? He was always exhausted and simple sleep walking wouldn't have his joints hurting him so much every morning.

Though, he would have to assure his brother of something at the very least. He never wants Papyrus to worry about him so much.

Giving his brother a big grin, he calmly said "Don't worry so much bro! I'm just working on something is all!" He chuckled a little, hoping to show that it was enough to ease his brother's worries.

"That isn't all that worries me though brother." Papyrus said with a frown. What else could be worrying Papyrus other than him possibly sleep walking? "Sometimes, I hear growling from your room, do you have some kind of dog in there? Or is that annoying dog back?"

That was... weird. Growling from his room? Okay that was new, there wasn't anything else in his room other than himself. So, what could his brother be hearing in his room other than him possibly walking around in the room at night? Maybe it was related to his sore body every morning. Rubbing at his chin, Sans tried to think of any possibilities. The pacing sounds could be made by something getting in his room, though that wasn't for sure either. Then of course it wouldn't explain the growling as there was nothing else that could get in his room.

Nothing that would growl anyway.

"I can't really answer that Papyrus, I have no idea what it could be. There is nothing in my room, I promise you that." Sans calmly said before looking down his breakfast. His tongue manifested as he licked at his teeth with a grin still in place. He started to dig in while his brother still looked at him in worry.



"BROTHER! WHY DID YOU BREAK THE FORK?!" Papyrus said in shock, not used to his brother's strength. Even Sans wasn't used to such a thing, and it was rather baffling.

"I don't want to talk about it Papyrus." Sans answered sternly, his voice never got that way. Only when he was disciplining his brother when he was little, now though it was rather odd coming out of him with his brother being older now.


"I said I don't want to fucking talk about it! Leave it alone!" Sans yelled, his eyes aglow with his magic flowing as he snarled. Papyrus jumped back a bit in fear, causing Sans to stare at his brother in shock. His eye lights disappearing leaving his sockets hallow and dark. Did he... did he just snap and growl at his brother? What the fuck is wrong with him?!

"I... I have to go." Sans said before snapping his fingers, teleporting out of the living room and out of the house. He just had to get away from here, had to cool off before he lost his temper again. Why did that bother him so much? That Frisk was... in a relationship with someone else? He wanted her happy and yet, he was angry, jealous because someone else found her interesting?

'What is happening to me?'


Sans made it to the park, just wanting to relax after his little explosion at his brother. That was something that he hated more than anything right now. Even more than the jealousy that he was battling within himself. The hurt look on Papyrus' face hurt Sans more than he thought possible. He was supposed to protect his brother, not let his brother be afraid of him.

Rubbing at his face with a shaky hand, the skeleton knew that he would have to apologies later on, but right now? He felt that it was right to stay away from home for a few hours. Enough time to cool himself off before anything else should happen.

Leaning back against the bench, Sans wondered what he should do right now. He had taken some time off of work due to being afraid of himself at the moment. Nearly anything seems to set him off lately when it involves Frisk. Then of course, there was the risk of bumping into her somewhere so he had taken the week off of work. Even though he always changes locations, he couldn't risk it.

Jeez, why was he so jealous in the first place? He should be happy that Frisk found someone that liked her. Even if she was hanging out with a monster at the store. Unless he didn't think Sans and Frisk were there together. It was hard to say, since he had been trying to ignore the little prick while trying to sign his signature for his purchase.

Lifting his hand, he held it out in front of him, the only other thing that frightened him more than Frisk leaving was the thoughts that would go through his head. His fingers were sharpened like claws, something he had taken notice after the shopping trip when he was trying to clean the ink from his bones. For the briefest of seconds, he had thought about ripping that human boy apart with his claws.

That thought alone terrified Sans to the point that he had teleported out of there...

Without Frisk.

Letting out a groan, he slapped his forehead as he tried to think of a way to say sorry to her without her trying to scold him back for doing what he did at the shop. Then of course of her trying to find him, because the moment she would ask, there was a good chance that he would end up telling her or going to her. Why that was, he wasn't sure but it had felt like some kind of push in his system, telling him to go to her and be with her some way or another.

Though that 'some way' would always end up being something other than friends.

His cellphone started to buzz in his pocket. Having had to put it in vibrate lately due to his ring effecting his hearing, giving him a headache no matter how low he put it. Sighing softly, he looked down at the screen and saw that it was Frisk. His cheekbones explode in a shade of blue before he hit ignore. "No." He whispered, he couldn't do it. Just couldn't do it right now, he needed more time.

Just... just needed more time before he could talk to her again. There was no way of knowing what would happen on the phone and it hurt him to know that there was a chance of her shouting at him. Honestly, he would just let her shout at him because he deserved it.

More vibrating, he let out a groan as he looked down at the phone and saw that it was just a text.

Sans, please talk to me I'm worried about you here! Just tell me what's wrong with you please? Papyrus called me and said you shouted at him.

Oh, of course Papyrus would call Frisk. It was something that happened now and again, if there was something going on in his head that he couldn't share with Sans, then the younger skeleton would go to Frisk. He saw Frisk as an older sister-figure and that brought a warmth to Sans' SOUL but at the same time it made him sad to know that there are things that his brother couldn't even tell him.

Sans stared at the text once more before putting his phone back in his pocket. He couldn't do it, he just couldn't talk to her yet. Even in a text he couldn't bring himself to do so. God, why was he allowing himself to wallow in some form of self-pity right now? It was odd, and his SOUL was trying to nudge him to talk to Frisk. That a week was long enough but at the same time he couldn't do so.

Another vibration caused him to groan a little. Pulling out his phone, he saw that Frisk gave another text.

Sans, please... I don't know what I did to have you so upset with me. If you don't talk to me, it hurts to know that my best friend hates me.

Sans felt tears building up in his sockets. Frisk thinks he hates her? She thinks that he's mad at her just because a guy noticed her own beauty? Even though she was called 'pretty' instead of 'beautiful' it made him feel sick to his stomach at such a thing. She didn't know why he was mad, thought that it was directed at her when it was far from the truth.

Tears hitting the screen, Sans let out a soft sigh as he shakily started to reply back to her. Knowing that it was a huge mistake at to even do so but knew that he had to tell her something. Before he lost his nerve once again. Knowing that if didn't do it now that this may end up ruining their friendship and... he may never see her again because she would still think that he hated her when he could never hate her.

I'm not mad at you kid, I'm mad at myself right now. I don't know what's going on with me, and it scares the shit out of me. I'm scared that whatever this is that's happening to me, it would affect you in some way but seems that my efforts are hurting you anyway and I never wanted to do such a thing to you kid. Sans looked over the message once again, hoping that would be enough to get himself to calm down, enough to get his body to stop trembling before he made his thumb hit send.

Closing his sockets he pressed his phone against his forehead, trying to calm himself down. Unsure if he would be able to calm down right now. It just seemed as if it was an impossible task for him to do so. "I'm sorry." He whispered to his phone, knowing that Frisk couldn't hear him but... it made his SOUL feel a tiny bit better knowing that he had finally replied to her.

The glow of his phone shined through his closed sockets. Causing him to open them as he looked down at his phone. Seeing the message icon, saying that he had a text from Frisk. Blinking his tears back, Sans pulled his forehead away from the phone and looked through the message.

Thank god, I was afraid that you hated me. You've been worrying me and Papyrus lately and it had us worried for you. Frisk said, the way she sounded happy through the text made his SOUL flutter within his chest. Then another message was sent to him. Think we could hang out this weekend? It would be nice to be able to hang out again. Maybe we could watch some movies or even just play some video games. I just got a new one that I thought sounded interesting.

She was always so excited about video games, more so when the story plot was good and could still enjoy a good action video game as well here and there. Giving a small smile, Sans used his one hand to wipe away at the tears that streamed down his cheek bones before replying back that it sounds like an awesome plan.

Frisk sent back a smiling face icon and a thumbs up. Sans chuckled a little, at least he could try to get back to hanging out with her without any issues. Though he just hoped that nothing else would break because of him. That was the last thing that he needed right now. He's already broken a pen and a fork, breaking anything else would cause some kind of alarm which was something that he didn't need. More so if it became something expensive.

Taking a deep breath, Sans wiped at his eyes, trying to remove any traces of his tears. Though he just couldn't help but feel a little lost still. It just seemed that no matter what happened, he just couldn't get his emotions under control. He was either angry, because of what happened at the shopping trip, or sad because he didn't want to lose Frisk in some way.

The only thing that he wanted, was to be able to have Frisk in his life but at the same time he still wanted her to be happy. He was rather conflicted and that was another thing that bothered him. Looking around the park once again, made him wonder how long he had been here.

Not long most likely, but knew that he couldn't help but feel like... he's been here.

Frisk now being forced to the back of his mind, Sans pushed himself up onto his feet as he made his way around the park. He felt like he had been in this area before. That was rather puzzling, and it made him curious to keep going further and further into the park.

Tilting his head a little, the skeleton walked through the park, hands dug into his pockets, trying to keep himself calm. A weird feeling started to creep up his spine, as if warning him on what he would find. Shivering slightly, the young skeleton kept walking through the forest. The path was far behind him, whatever it was that was out here was telling him that he had to come here.

Gulping, Sans hadn't expected himself to walk this far.

Pulling out his phone, he saw that he wasn't far from Frisk's house. Odd, was this where he ended up when he had left her house? Frowning, he pushed some bushes aside, in the hopes of trying to get past them so he could get further into the forest.

Though the further he got, the colder the chill became.

Letting out a shudder, Sans managed to get to a small clearing. Odd, what was this place? Looking around, he saw shredded remains of cloth. "What is this?" He asked himself, not really expecting some kind of answer. Kneeling down to the ground, the skeleton picked up a shredded piece of blue cloth and frowned. "Is this my blue jacket?" He asked and held it closer to his eyes trying to see what was going on.

Looking around the clearing, he saw that there were some faint scratches on the ground as well as the trees that surrounded the area. The hell is this?

Frowning, Sans started to walk around the clearing in the hopes of trying to discover anything else. He knew that this was the place that he arrived here on Frisk's birthday. But at the same time, he felt like there was something wrong with this place. Images flashed in his head, causing a headache to form within his skull. Gripping at his head, Sans let out a groan of pain as he tried to get himself to relax.

Images of him in pain, writhing on the ground flashed within his mind. Pain shooting through his body at the mere memory of things. Letting out a gasp of pain, Sans placed a hand over his chest, right over his SOUL as it thudded painfully within. "What the hell?" He asked, not sure what was happening to him. Though the pain wasn't as intense as before but it still didn't tell him what was happening or at the very least what had happened.

Breathing deeply, Sans tried to get the images to stop flowing through his mind. Tightly shutting his eyes, he pulled out his phone as he went to take pictures, only for his sockets to widen. He saw another text from Frisk, letting him know that she was heading out with that guy. Hoping that he would come get her after the 'date'.

Sans felt a snarl escaping him in that moment. Eyes blazing blue from his magic as he started to feel his grip tighten over his phone. "That little prick is going on a date with my Frisk tonight?!"


"Son of a bitch!" Sans cursed as he looked at the snapped in half remains of his cellphone. "I hope Alphys knows how to fix a cellphone."

Author Note

hey everyone, just gonna say that I'm kinda stuck at this point. I feel like this chapter sucked and went a little off course but at the same time still the same path? I dunno, anyway I have no idea what to write next, only other idea I have is to have the big reveal next chapter, (kinda hoping to wait till chapter 11 for that one) but for chapter 10 to do something else before the big reveal. What do you think should happen next before the big reveal?

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