Not Slytherin (Drarry)

By Sarswhal

21.8K 1K 158

Everyone in the Great Hall watched; half in confusion, half in astonishment as the heir to the Malfoy family... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 12

796 48 17
By Sarswhal

Draco looked down at the gift that he had put in his bag and then he looked back at his father.

"Yes, it is blank. It is a diary, even the most extraordinary of wizards need to write their thoughts sometimes." Lucius smiled, smiled at him.

Draco hesitated for a moment, "Thank you, father."

"Of course, Draco." And he left, Draco silently thought to himself that something was most definitely off with him, but as long as it didn't kill him or effect Draco, he didn't care. He looked back at Harry, who was looking at the place that Lucius had been standing in suspicion.

"That was really weird."

"I know." Draco wished he had a, it would be the right time to stroke it, like Dumbledore.

"Well, come on, we have to get our books."

"Oh wait, I forgot I wanted to tell you something." Harry walked behind him, Draco turned back to look at him,


"Apparently, a house-elf was stealing my mail." Draco dropped his book, what did Dobby do now, and how did Harry find out about that?

"Yeah? How strange, that elf sound annoying." Draco muttered and Harry groaned.

"Tell me about it, he levitated a cake over our guests and dropped it on her, and then, he made it seem like it was me who did it! I got a warning about underage magic. That's why the Dursley's put bars on my window." Draco listened to Harry rant and got more and more embarrassed on behalf of his house-elf. At the mention of the Dursley's, a question sprung to Draco's mind.

"Harry, those muggles seem right awful, I was wondering, what exactly are they like?" Draco kept his tone gentle, not wanting to scare Harry off or something, he knew how sensitive he was.

Harry looked down and opened and closed his mouth a few times, contemplating what to say, when finally, he looked back up at Draco and opened his mouth, "They think that I'm a freak, they think that magic's abnormal, they didn't tell me that I was a wizard and told me that my parents died in a car crash."

Draco sucked in a breath, he knew that the muggles were bad, but he had never heard of muggles hiding magic from a magic bearer, Draco briefly wondered how it would be without magic and shuddered at the prospect of it.

"That's horrible Harry, but for what it's worth, I don't think you're a freak." Draco slowly wrapped Harry in a hug, he didn't hug people often, let alone hugging Potter, but he felt like he needed one right now, and Draco wasn't cruel (well, maybe just a little bit).

"Oh, Potter's got a boyfriend now?" Draco recoiled at the sound of a new voice, letting go of Harry he looked over at the person who had made that stupid comment and cringed when he saw Nott, smirking.

"Nott." Draco nodded, he knew Nott would feed off of mean comments, all the more reason not to say any. Being nice to someone when they're being mean to you confuses them, it's much harder to be mean to a nice person unless you're a cruel bastard, and Draco knew that Nott wasn't.

"Blood traitor." Nott nodded, but Draco had seen the way Nott's smirk had faltered.

"Pureblood." Draco tilted his head and Nott laughed.

"Is that supposed to be an insult?" He snorted.

"No," Draco said briefly and Nott stopped laughing, looking at Draco with a confused expression, Draco knew what it meant, he knew that Nott was wondering why Draco wasn't being mean to him, and that was exactly what he wanted him to think.

Draco helped Harry get up and faltered a bit when he saw how Harry was glaring at him, he opened his mouth, ready to say something, but Draco shushed him, fighting fire with fire would do no one any good.

Harry looked at him in confusion but Draco just shook his head, asking Harry to trust him and was surprised at how willingly he complied. Draco pushed through the crowd of people who were now buying their own books and made his way over to the Weasleys and the Grangers.

"Harry!" Mr Granger smiled.

"And you must be Draco." Mr Granger stuck out his hand and Draco faltered a bit before touching it, he would have to learn how to get used to muggles and all the other sorts of people, he had only ever consorted with purebloods, and they never stuck out their hand so openly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, do you have your own way of saying hello, do you bow?" Mr Granger did a very sorry excuse for a curtsey.

"No, Mr Granger, actually, we curtsey, the boys normally bow like this-" Draco put his hand over his torso and bowed, "and the girls normally bow like this." Draco put his hands where the normal pureblood lady would hold her gown at her hips and bowed.

"Interesting." Mr Granger looked like he carried the same hunger for knowledge that Draco did, he loved being able to educate people without coming across as snotty or prude.

He felt someone touch his hair and looked behind him to see Mrs Granger admiring it, "You have to tell me how you get your hair so good, it's absolutely wonderful, how do you get it so long at such a young age, is it a magical thing?"

And that was how Draco had started explaining Veela culture and magic shampoos to the Granger's.


"Come on, we're going to be late!" Draco yelled as Harry and Ron struggled to keep up with them, he didn't know how they had been so late, but they had and he was currently zooming across the train station to get to the entrance, he would be dammed if he didn't get on the train.

There it was, Draco stopped for a moment and got ready to run into the entrance, Ron however, did not stop and kept on going forward.

He hit the wall and all his luggage went flying, all the muggles surrounding the station looked towards them, and one of the ticket-takers started walking over to them, "Sorry sir, lost control of the trolley." Draco sent him away with a sheepish smile.

Once the crowd was gone, he looked at Harry and Ron and hissed at them, "What the absolute hell just happened?" Ron and Harry shrugged, Ron looked at the clock,

"It's eleven!" He yelled, his eyes going wide and his mouth dropping open, they had missed the bloody train.

"How are we going to get to Hogwarts?" Harry looked absolutely crushed, no doubt his mind was going into overdrive, and for once, Draco was stumped, how would they get to Hog-


The only thing to do was use the flying car, but who the fuck would drive it, Draco didn't know how to operate a 'car' and these two weren't exactly the brightest of the bunch. There was no other way, however, "The car?" He suggested, and Ron's eyes lit up,

"That's it, mate! You're brilliant!" Ron grabbed Harry and Draco and they took off towards the car.

They all put their things in the back of the car and Ron took the driver's seat, much to Draco's dismay. Draco had to sit in the back with the owl, while Ron and Harry sat in the front, and before he knew it, they were taking off.

"There we go, now, all we need to do, is find the Hogwarts express." Ron was clearly nervous, given how breathy his voice was, and Draco was already doubting his plan.

"Ron, are you sure you know how to fly this?" Before Ron could open his mouth, Draco interrupted him,

"Of course he doesn't! Do you see how wiggle waggle we are right now!" Draco yelled; it seemed like he was always yelling at Weasley and Harry, Merlin, he wished Hermione was here, at least then it would be a balanced amount of stupidity.

Then, Draco remembered,

"Sheild the car! We can't go to Hogwarts if we get expelled for breaking the international statue of secrecy!" Draco smacked Weasley across the head, and despite the circumstances, Harry snickered as Ron frantically jammed a silver button.

Draco looked up, "Look out!" and Weasley narrowly missed the clocktower.

They levelled off when they reached the clouds, and Draco finally had the chance to get his bearings, and the chance to yell at Weasley.

"You idiot! You utter idiot!" Draco started, and Ron groaned, slamming his face against the wheel.

Draco snapped his fingers, "Eyes on the clouds Weasley, and ears on me, I have some words for you!" Ron raised his face and looked at Harry, who was looking back at him in pity.

Good, no one was going to save him right now.

"Now-" Draco was cut off when the car started wiggling and the invisibility shield came off, Ron looked happy and fearful at the same time as he jammed the button again, only for nothing to happen,

"Oh no! The invisibility booster must be faulty!" Ron cried, and Draco retorted,

"What isn't faulty in this piece of junk!" As if to prove his point, the car sputtered once again.

"Come on, let's go lower, we need to find the train," Harry commanded Ron and he nodded as he lowered the car near the train tracks.

"Now all we need to do is catch up with the train!" Harry chirped happily.

"We can't be far behind." Ron shrugged, and Draco flinched as he heard a whistle,

"Did you hear that-"

"We must be getting close!" Ron smiled, but Draco looked behind him and all the colour drained out of his face as he saw the Hogwarts express right behind them.

Draco screamed, Ron screamed, Harry screamed, everybody screamed. Ron spun the wheel the other way and they tumbled out of the train's path, spinning and twisting all the way down.

Draco's head collided with the top of the car and he saw stars, he only briefly caught a glimpse of Harry opening his door,

"Harry!" Ron called out as Harry desperately tried to hang on for dear life, Ron tried to grab him but was stopped when Draco slapped him, "Eyes on the clouds!" Draco moved to the front of the car and reached out for Harry.

"Hold on!" Draco thrust out his hand.

"Take my hand and stop looking down, you dolt!" Draco's eyes were crossing, he most likely had a concussion but he still managed to insult Harry.

Harry struggled but finally grabbed Draco's hand, and Draco pulled him up and closed the door.

Draco was squished between Weasley and Harry and tried to squirm back to his seat, once he did, however, he heard Harry speak.

"I think we found the train."

Draco slapped him across the head.

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